OpenJUMP 1.8.0 released

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Dec 1, 2014, 8:40:59 AM12/1/14
to OpenJump develop and use,
Dear OpenJUMPers,

the not superpowered but none-the-less kangtastic jump-pilot team just released OpenJUMP 1.8.0 . Find it on

Hope you're hopping comfortably with the Kangaroo under the Desktop-GIS. ..ede

Changes since 1.7.1 are:

New Features
* Add DissolvePlugIn able to dissolve according to several attributes
* MapToolTipPlugIn can now interpret jpg/gif/png images from url or
filesystem paths (both relative or absolute).
* Small improvements in the AttributeQueryPlugIn
+ add isEmpty, dimension and numHoles attributes
+ add matches operator (using regex)
+ add case insensitive option
* even more small improvements in the AttributeQueryPlugIn
namely icon, added endsWith condition, cleaned up case insensitivity
* FR #210 adds option "update source layer" for the buffer plugin
* add Proxy configuration (courtesy of Kosmo)
* added shortcuts
Alt+S - save selected datasets
Alt+Shift+S - save selected dataset as

Work in progress
* Add 3 plugins for macro recording (needs adaptation in each plugin
to work effectively).
* Make the following plugins recordable within a macro
- BufferPlugIn
- DisposeSelectedPlugIn
- RemoveSelectedPlugIn
- ViewSchemaPlugIn
- DataSourceFileLayerLoader

* Add lineWidth option to ColorThemingPanel
* Add "display vertex" in ColorThemingPanel (vertexStyleEnabled attribute)
* Improve copy/paste style behaviour while copying from/to
* AttributeTable sorting is now Locale sensitive for String attributes
* Add an option in SaveToPostGIS driver and WritableDataStoreDataSource
framework to write normalized lower case column names (see FR #206)
* Display date/times with a default 24h format, instead of 12h
* improve the way to guess AttributeType in JoinTableDataSourceCSV
* DeleteDuplicateGeometries now works also with empty geometries
* DeleteDuplicateGeometries save deleted features in another layer
* PostGISWriter : improve error handling
* Add an option to save to postgis driver to convert NaN Z values to
valid Z (requested by mail from Uwe on 2014-10-01/06)
* Patch RasterImageLayer according to Alberto de Luca patch sent by
mail on 2014-10-06
* replaced error dialog in PasteItemPlugin's EnableCheck with warning in
statusbar, the dialog disrupted the activation of the context menu
containing the plugin
* Improve LineStringSegmentStyles readability by removing symbols from
very small features and from segments very close to each others
* update Xerces as used by GML and WMS to latest stable 2.11
* iconified SaveDatasetAsPlugIn with dots
* iconified SaveLayersWithoutDataSourcePlugIn
* place attribute/info-windows initially on the left bottom
* start OJ maximized on the very first start, later restore latest state
* two new save as icons for single and multiple saving
* added missing save layer/dataset entries to Main->File
* oj_windows.bat: add java arch native path support for windows
* iconified DeleteAllFeaturesPlugIn, CombineSelectedLayersPlugIn
* moved CombineSelectedLayersPlugIn up within layerpopup menu
* reworked native lib support, read lib/native/readme.txt
* streamlined start script outputs on all 3 platforms
* beautified attribtab edit geom buttons, icons visualize (partly) empty
geometries now with grayed out icons and pink background
* attribtab keeps selection order now
* add union/merge/geomconv to attribute table popup
* geometry converter converts empty geoms now
* disable wildcard extensions for image filelayerloaders

Bug Fixes
* Fix a bug in PostGISDataStoreDataSource thanks to Francisco avalos
(tables in non public schema could not be read)
* Fix bug #371 on WritablePostgisDataStoreDataSource : null schema
* Fix bug #372 can't write a table with an old gid if "Create a primary
key column" is unchecked
* fix fail to startup on ubuntu 12.04 with openjdk java version "1.6.0_31";
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.13.3)
(6b31-1.13.3-1ubuntu1~; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build
23.25-b01, mixed mode); error was
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class java.awt.
GraphicsDevice$WindowTranslucency from class com.vividsolutions.
* limit 32bit jre xmx to 2GiB for compatibility reasons, osgeo's lubuntu
32bit kernel with pae and openjdk 7 couldnt start OJ
* Fix #374 : PasteItemsPlugIn did not set target SRIDStyle to pasted items
* Fix bug #373 : image format chooser was not available in the
* Fix PasteItems : now set externalPK to null if it exists
* Fix a bug in DataStoreTransactionManager : LayerListener could be added
several times for the same Task in some circumstances
* Fix #374 : NormalizedColumnName is set to false if it is not defined
(ex. old jmp file)
* fix JML (GML/FME etc.) reader/writer did not properly read/write UTF-8
* Fix a problem in BeanShellAttributeCalculator with date attribute type
* Fix a regression introduced in buffer plugin (buffer selection -> NPE)
* Fix #380 FillPolygonTool did not always write into the correct project
* Fix #363 Shapefile charset chooser was not always updated in
* Fix #360 SkyPrinter can now print a single layerable
* fix #339 Map Canvas & Attributes Window re-sizing
to fit/match Application window
* fixpart #379 in PostGIS Driver (new) : delete was not working
for a table with special characters.
* JML/GML reader: fixed support for (empty) multigeometries and linearrings
* JML/GML write: fix writing empty point geoms

PLUS edition
* graph-toolbox and csv-driver have been updated in PLUS distribution
* fix #376, #377 : kml driver is working again (plus edition)
* PLUS: update JumpDBQuery to 1.1.0 including new 3.8.6 SQLite JDBC driver
* PLUS: added Concave Hull plugin by Eric Grosso

Giuseppe Aruta

Dec 2, 2014, 11:53:58 AM12/2/14
to OpenJump develop and use,
Thanks Ede and everybody for this new efforts. I am very interested about the new improvements. And there will be not enough time to discuss about all of them.

Right now I want to do few observations about Styling a project:

* Add lineWidth option to ColorThemingPanel
* Add "display vertex" in ColorThemingPanel (vertexStyleEnabled attribute)
* Improve LineStringSegmentStyles readability by removing symbols from
    very small features and from segments very close to each others

These ones extend OJ capability to style feature according to attributes. In particular, inthe first case, not only line width but also vertex symbols can be  modified according to table of attributes: this is an important  news for OJpers. As we didn't have something similar right now.
In the next days I will write more about these improvement, after some tests.

Thanks again for your job!


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