Using MOSES to learn the parameters of a neural network

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Cosmo Harrigan

Nov 10, 2015, 9:10:05 PM11/10/15

How well should MOSES work for learning the parameters of a neural network (neuroevolution)? For instance, at AGI 2015, Schmidhuber talked about their work at IDSIA using genetic algorithms for choosing the parameters of a convolutional neural network which is used to process images from a simulated environment, where the agent then uses the output of that network as input to a controller which learns how to act to maximize reward:

Evolving Deep Unsupervised Convolutional Networks for Vision-Based Reinforcement Learning

I found this page from 2009 that discusses a similar application of MOSES:

but I am curious what a more current assessment would be?


Ben Goertzel

Nov 10, 2015, 9:25:52 PM11/10/15
to opencog

Historically, MOSES has not extremely good at optimizing floating-point values...

However, in his GSoC project in 2015, Arley Ristar implemented PSO as an alternative algorithm for intra-deme search in MOSES for the floating point case

And I note that PSO is a viable approach to training NNs, perhaps better than backprop:

Also, MOSES clearly *is* a good approach for learning the *structure* of neural nets (apart from the issue of optimizing the float parameters on the links)

So I would say that: getting the "MOSES w/ PSO inside" to work effectively as an algorithm for learning NNs "structures plus parameters" is a viable research project, but would likely require a fair bit of tweaking and tuning...

-- Ben

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Ben Goertzel, PhD

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw

Cosmo Harrigan

Nov 10, 2015, 10:16:49 PM11/10/15
On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Ben Goertzel <> wrote:

Historically, MOSES has not extremely good at optimizing floating-point values...

However, in his GSoC project in 2015, Arley Ristar implemented PSO as an alternative algorithm for intra-deme search in MOSES for the floating point case

And I note that PSO is a viable approach to training NNs, perhaps better than backprop:

Thanks, that's an interesting direction to read more about.
Also, MOSES clearly *is* a good approach for learning the *structure* of neural nets (apart from the issue of optimizing the float parameters on the links)

So I would say that: getting the "MOSES w/ PSO inside" to work effectively as an algorithm for learning NNs "structures plus parameters" is a viable research project, but would likely require a fair bit of tweaking and tuning...

Maybe one possible step in that direction could be to modify the Pole Balancing code that Joel Lehman wrote to use the PSO algorithm?


Ben Goertzel

Nov 10, 2015, 10:34:47 PM11/10/15
to opencog

So I would say that: getting the "MOSES w/ PSO inside" to work effectively as an algorithm for learning NNs "structures plus parameters" is a viable research project, but would likely require a fair bit of tweaking and tuning...

Maybe one possible step in that direction could be to modify the Pole Balancing code that Joel Lehman wrote to use the PSO algorithm?


Linas Vepstas

Nov 11, 2015, 10:04:19 AM11/11/15
to opencog

But we probably need some simpler PSO examples, as well.  e.g. learning a single linear classifying hyperplane (which is what vector machines do extremely efficiently; its also what single-layer feed-forward neurons do.)

A more impressive demo would be one where moses learns two or three hyperplanes ( to carve up some space into quadrants or octants)  or even some kind of space with holes in it, or some alternating quadrants/octants (e.g. upper-left + bottom-right are accepted, but lower-left plus upper right are rejected.) The linear kernels can't learn these at all, and most other algos kind-of suck at this, although NN's can do this well.  However, moses +PSO should be able to learn these quickly, without using/being/emulating a neural net.  Or at least,  that is the theory: no one has analyzed this, studied the bottlenecks, optimized moses to work well for this.

(I'm not sure where we would use this in practice ...)


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Ben Goertzel

Nov 15, 2015, 4:55:50 AM11/15/15
to opencog


Regarding the pole balancing example, if you haven't seen it please read

which explains the many interesting complexities here...

-- Ben

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Ben Goertzel

Nov 15, 2015, 4:56:13 AM11/15/15
to opencog

Oh, never mind, I see you already found that page...

Ben Goertzel

Nov 15, 2015, 4:57:31 AM11/15/15
to opencog

Pretty much, where he left off, we were unsure if the crappy results were due to a bad optimizer or some subtler phenomenon.  Trying with PSO would help resolve that...
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