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How to determine who owns a phone number (telemarketer-related question)

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Some Guy

Dec 29, 2005, 6:24:43 PM12/29/05
Just got a call.

Answered it after the second ring. "hello"

No response. I kept the line open - just silence. After about a
minute, the line went dead (some sort of tone came on).

I know this is typically what happens when a telemarketer's system has
dialed your number but has no-one on their end to "man" the call once
you pick up.

So I hit *69. The number is: (519) 858-1931. I do a quick internet
search for the number, reverse phone lookup, etc - nothing.

I dial the number. ring - beep - "we're sorry, the number you have
reached is not in service...".

Hmm. Maybe I got the number wrong.

Hit *69 again. "The last number that called your line was
5198581931. To dial that number, press 1"

Press 1. ring - "we're sorry - that number can't be reached by this


I don't even know which telemarketer called.

How can I take this up with Bell?

Any web sites devoted to battling these turds in Canada?


Dec 29, 2005, 6:45:41 PM12/29/05

Did they wake you up at 3:00am?

Dec 29, 2005, 7:19:44 PM12/29/05
It's a London Ontario number assigned to Bell. It's part of a hunt
group which is why you can't dial it back.

Dave Morrison

Dec 29, 2005, 10:52:31 PM12/29/05

webref> The phone number "(519) 858-1931" is a London, ON based phone number
webref> and the registered carrier is Bell Canada. However, due to number
webref> portability, some numbers have been transferred to a new service
webref> provider other than the registered carrier.

Chances are that if it is a business number, it is still a Bell

Report this to Bell and to the CRTC.

The do-not-call list can't come online quickly enough.

Dick Butterworth

Dec 29, 2005, 11:17:21 PM12/29/05
WHy should he report this to anyone

its not illegal to call someone on the phone, he doesnt even know what the
intentions of the caller were..

could have been an old friend from highschool giving him a call out of the

could have been a telemarketer with a broken dialer

guy spent 1$ on *69 and an angry post here for nothing.

I bet he emails in his zonelarm attack logs to the abuse department at his
isp on an hourly basis.

"Dave Morrison" <usene...@no.real.address> wrote in message


Dec 30, 2005, 2:57:08 AM12/30/05
In another lifetime I actually took a job as a telemarketer. The system
worked on an automatic dialer, where the recipients information would appear
on your screen once someone at the other end had picked up. Sometimes it
messed up and there was a delay. Sometimes there'd be nothing but dead air.

Unfortunately, most of the time there was an actual person at the other end,
and then you'd have to talk to them about whatever the particular campaign
was. It was pretty straight forward, you did the pitch, sometimes they'd
listen, sometimes not. But sometimes you'd come across some absolute piece
of shit who would take that moment to unload whatever crap he/she felt like
saying, because their phone had rung and they had answered it. You basically
wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves, and maybe make a mental note of
all their information in front of you, so you could go over to their house
and see if they had the balls to say it to your face, but you didn't. You
let them vent. You stayed professional, only because the call was being
recorded, and if there was an opening in the tirade you apologized and just
got out of the call.

So for all the assholes out there who think it's a good idea to tee off on a
telemarketer. Just know that the telemarketer has muted his phone and is
telling you to go fuck yourself. But you'll never hear it. And in fact,
while you're going off on him, chances are pretty good he's rescheduling
your number for multiple call-backs. And on a multiple call-back you'll just
get the dialer dialing your number. There won't be anybody on the other end.

And just FYI, he doesn't give a flying fuck if you're interested in what
he's talking about. He doesn't give a shit if you save money, don't save
money, spend less or buy whatever the fuck he's supposed to sell you. He
doesn't care one iota about anything to do with you. He's just doing it
because he's getting paid.


P.S. Oh and one other thing, if you do happen to be one of those assholes
who has a tendency to go off on people for ridiculously minor reasons. Never
do it with a waiter/waitress BEFORE they bring you your food. However,
should you decide to do it AFTER they bring you your food, don't go back in
that restaurant again. Believe me, they remember you.

"Some Guy" <> wrote in message

City Guy

Dec 30, 2005, 10:11:27 AM12/30/05
A while back, Dick Butterworth top-posted in can.internet.highspeed:

> WHy should he report this to anyone
> its not illegal to call someone on the phone, he doesnt even know what
> the intentions of the caller were..
> could have been an old friend from highschool giving him a call out of
> the blue.
> could have been a telemarketer with a broken dialer
> guy spent 1$ on *69 and an angry post here for nothing.

The intentions of the 'phone-bot' are clear - some telemarketing company
is trying to figure out if there is a real live person behind that phone
number. Then they can call later with their pitch-man.

I used to get these kinds of calls all the time, typically from 7:00 pm
to 10:00 pm. I spent years trying to get off the telemarketing lists to
no avail - very frustrating!

About 8 months ago I was finally successful and haven't received a single
telemarketing call since. I cancelled my Bell land-line and went cell-
phone only. Best thing I ever did and saved money in the bargain.

-- [replace _NO_SPAM_ with @] --- Toronto Canada
"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Some Guy

Dec 30, 2005, 10:19:27 AM12/30/05
mgp wrote:

> In another lifetime I actually took a job as a telemarketer.

> But sometimes you'd come across some absolute piece of shit who

> would take that moment to unload whatever crap he/she felt like
> saying, because their phone had rung and they had answered it.

And the fact that you called them to unload some crap-shit on them
makes you an angel?

You think that people pay to have a phone in their house so that they
can receive calls from telemarketers?

Get real buddy.

Nobody, I mean NOBODY, will have any sympathy for a telemarketer who
gets an ear-full of abuse from someone their machines call.

If you have any iota of respect or value the telemarking industry, why
don't you/they make it easier for people like that to get off your
god-damn lists?

Why do you use phone numbers that can't be called back?

Why do you never identify the name of the telemarketing company and
give the recipient of the call information as to how to get off your

You deserve as much verbal abuse as is humanly possible to deliver
over a phone.

> You basically wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves,

You called them you shit. You interrupted them. They put down
what-ever they were doing and answered the phone. They deserve better
than to be called by the likes of you.

> so you could go over to their house and see if they had the
> balls to say it to your face, but you didn't.

Do you own the telemarketing company? Do you have a personal stake in
that business? If not, then why take it so personally? IT's a shit
job, you put yourself in front of that abuse, the person doesn't know
you from shinola.

> You let them vent. You stayed professional,

You call being a telemarketer - "professional" -? That's a laugh.

> And in fact, while you're going off on him, chances are
> pretty good he's rescheduling your number for multiple
> call-backs.

Ok, so now we know just how "professional" you and your buddies and
the whole god-damn industry is. You just proved it.

> He doesn't care one iota about anything to do with you. He's
> just doing it because he's getting paid.

Another example of the "professionalism" of the industry.

Richard Curzon

Dec 30, 2005, 11:30:41 AM12/30/05

> The do-not-call list can't come online quickly enough.

What "do-not-call list"? There is such a thing in the US, nothing planned
in Canada is there?

I've had telemarket calls where I asked "what is the name of this
telemarketer" (not the client), and please take me off your list. Once they
said, ok fine. Another time, they said, no, we "can't do that".


Sid Knee

Dec 30, 2005, 12:16:29 PM12/30/05
Richard Curzon wrote:
>>The do-not-call list can't come online quickly enough.
> What "do-not-call list"? There is such a thing in the US, nothing planned
> in Canada is there?

Yes, there is something planned in Canada - the newspapers had a piece a
month or two ago and there was something on Slashdot too. The proposed
list of exceptions to the legislation was as long as your arm, to the
extent that virtually anyone could claim to fall under one of them.

Don't hold your breath. There is no political will in this country to do
anything to constrain telemarketing (and other excesses of the marketing
industry). Any effort there is along these lines is almost wholly
directed to the *appearance* of action rather than actually doing
anything effective.

Richard Curzon

Dec 30, 2005, 12:35:20 PM12/30/05
It seems strange to me though...

Spam is cheap, sure.

But even with automated connections telemarketing must be several orders
more expensive.

The world is 90% made up of idiots who will never ask to be put on the list.

Why not focus on them and skip the 10% who want to never be called... we
will never by a thing, why waste all that money phoning us over and over?
Seems like a great way to increase ROI fast.


Live without dead time - Raoul Vaneigem

"Sid Knee" <> wrote in message


Dec 30, 2005, 1:54:40 PM12/30/05
The overwhelming vast majority of people who are called are quite civil. If
they're not interested they simply say so. And that's it, end of call.
They're not so fucking high-strung that answering a phone call from a
telemarketer triggers a psychotic episode for them. But once in awhile
assholes like you are on the other end. Complete idiots with a stick so far
up their ass they aren't worth the breath it takes to even tell them so. And
by professional I mean utilizing enough restraint to not tell them how much
of a fucking dipshit they are.

So yeah, go right ahead asshole. Go off and verbally abuse them. Just get
used to the auto dialer. You're obviously on multiple call-back. And did you
notice, there isn't anybody on the other end now? Nobody to tee off on. And
there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

If you're that fucking psychotic about marketing techniques then throw a
brick through your TV the next time a commercial comes on. After all, it's
the TV's fault isn't it? Smash your computer the next time you get an
unsolicited email. Obviously that piece of shit computer is just trying to
harass you. Get yourself some cans of spray paint and go nuts on all the
billboards you see. Besides, those damn billboards are put there
specifically to drive you into a psychotic rage aren't they? And don't
forget to scream at the mailman for all the junkmail in your mailbox. He
sure as hell deserves it doesn't he? After all, that bastard is responsible
for the unbelievable outrage of making you reach into your mailbox and lift
all that junkmail out of it isn't he? By God you better get right out there
and shovel as much abuse on him as is humanly possible ASAP.

These are all equally effective methods for demonstrating your mental


"Some Guy" <> wrote in message

Richard Curzon

Dec 30, 2005, 2:39:52 PM12/30/05
I just got through your message without finding what I was looking for.

I.e. The slightest hint that you understand that you might be imposing on
the person you are calling. That it's not all about you, and the pittance
you got paid to interrupt all those people you interrupted.

YES, they DO KNOW you are only doing it because you are getting paid.

On the other hand, you don't seem to have a clue that they have any right to

Would you shoot people if you got paid too??


Live without dead time - Raoul Vaneigem

"mgp" <> wrote in message


Dec 30, 2005, 4:39:59 PM12/30/05

"mgp" <> wrote in message

> The overwhelming vast majority of people who are called are quite civil.
> If they're not interested they simply say so. And that's it, end of call.
> They're not so fucking high-strung that answering a

<quite a bit of vitriol clipped>

I think you just demonstrated why the telemarketing industry is so reviled,
they hire people like you.

Chris F.A. Johnson

Dec 30, 2005, 5:54:20 PM12/30/05

My first reaction to the OP's original post was to tell him that
the reaction was not directed towards him personally, but towards
an obnoxious industry. However, after seeing more from him, I

Chris F.A. Johnson <>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)


Dec 30, 2005, 6:40:37 PM12/30/05
mgp wrote:
> The overwhelming vast majority of people who are called are quite civil. If
> they're not interested they simply say so. And that's it, end of call.

If only that were true...

Most telemarketers have scripts these days that try to keep you talking
and they most definitely do not take no for an answer. The only way to
get rid of them is to hang up.


Dec 30, 2005, 11:11:41 PM12/30/05
Check this out:
As of October 1st, 2004, the telemarketer must give you a unique
registration number which you should write down as proof that your "do
not call" request was made.

I have asked for this number a million times and every time they said
"uhh we don't know what your talking about, you will be taken off
within 6 months however you probably will recieve a call from us in the


Dec 30, 2005, 11:05:25 PM12/30/05

No, the only way to get rid of them is to disconnect your phone.


Dec 31, 2005, 12:39:53 AM12/31/05

Telemarketers and former telemarketers can get down on their little
rubber knees with their little rubber knee pads and take a big sip
from my lanky muscle.
Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server
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Dave Morrison

Dec 31, 2005, 12:49:09 AM12/31/05
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 04:11:41 GMT, wrote in

The CRTC gave in to pressure from the CMA and suspended the decision.

Dec 31, 2005, 12:58:08 AM12/31/05
thats bullshit, talk about giving guns to the criminals!

Alan Illeman

Dec 31, 2005, 7:34:10 AM12/31/05

"Jono" <> wrote in message

I just say "no thank you" and put down the phone, not even waiting for
a response.

Any scripts that they have, have to be committed to memory to be effective.

I once had such a job, calling Sybase clients in the US but we didn't need
scripts as people were so delighted that Sybase was even calling them!

Warren Oates

Dec 31, 2005, 7:40:32 AM12/31/05
In article <Xnftf.6681$>,
"mgp" <> wrote:

> So yeah, go right ahead asshole. Go off and verbally abuse them. Just get
> used to the auto dialer. You're obviously on multiple call-back. And did you
> notice, there isn't anybody on the other end now? Nobody to tee off on. And
> there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

It's a shame your education isn't such that you can find a real
meaningful interesting job. You'll spend your whole short sad life
fetching and carrying and doffing your cap and selling people
substandard products that they don't need and you'll raise two boring
and stupid children in a bland Ontario suburb where the social life
revolves around Tim Horton's and the United Church.

[turns away and vomits]

I can't go on ...
W. Oates
"I thought I was the last son of Krypton,
but you people keep popping up." -- Clark Kent


Dec 31, 2005, 9:55:44 AM12/31/05
If you'd read and understood my original post you would have seen the words
"in another lifetime", which means it is no longer an occupation which I am
involved in. However, that would require the skill of comprehension. In
fact, I'm well into 6 figures now. However, it felt good to clarify a few
things for those assholes who figure it's ok to tee off on a telemarketer
simply because their phone rang. Fortunately, as I mentioned in a previous
post, the overwhelmingly vast majority of people who are contacted by a
telemarketer are civil, even if they have no interest in the product or
service proffered.

However, I find the dichotomy of attitudes that exist towards telemarketers,
and in some cases the sales and marketing profession in general, to be a
constant source of fascination. The fact of the matter is, there are very
few occupations that exist out there that don't owe their very existence to
the actions of a sales person. Whether you be in administration, service,
management or production. The point of entry where a person purchases the
product or service that your company or organization produces is created by
the actions of a sales person. Without that person actively pursuing
previously untapped sources of sales and revenues for the employer, whatever
the service or product may be, the company or organization would cease to
exist. And by it's very nature, when you are seeking to acquire previously
untapped sources of sales and revenue, you are inevitably speaking to a
stranger. Otherwise every single company and organization would only be
selling its product or service to friends and family. And in the vast
majority of cases, in the pursuit of that market, the first action of that
sales person is to pick up a phone and call someone. There may be a letter
that goes out initially, but eventually there is a phone call.

For better or worse, the telemarketer is the modern day evolution of the
Fuller Brush Salesman, The Hoover Man, The Mary Kay Girl and the Avon Lady.
For those who are too young to know the meaning of that, these were people
that would market their particular product by actually walking up to the
door of a complete stranger, knocking on it, and then attempt to perform a
sales presentation in order to get that stranger to purchase their product.
The basic marketing technique was that if you knocked on enough doors, a
certain percentage of the people would purchase your product. They worked
the numbers. These men and women literally walked thousands of km/miles
going door to door. They walked through whatever the weather, whatever the
temperature, 8 to 12 hours a day, carrying huge cases of their product
knocking on doors "bothering" strangers. And they did it with a smile on
their face. I'm sure each one of those SALES PROFESSIONALS also ran the full
gamut of human behaviour in the pursuit of their chosen profession. I'm sure
in a good many cases they were greeted with civility when they knocked on
those doors. They obviously did, the average income of the Fuller Brush Man
was $75,000.00 a year in the mid-60's. Transversely, in a small percentage
of cases, they would have been met by idiots who believed that because this
stranger knocked on their door, and made them walk to it and open it, they
therefore deserved as much vile abuse as was humanly possible. In short,
they were met by assholes. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your
point of view, due to changing times the door-to-door sales professionals no
longer exist. But the basic sales technique, working the numbers, still
exists and is the basis of the telemarketing industry. However, instead of
using their feet, they're using the telephone to contact potential sources
of new sales and revenue. Unfortunately, the assholes also still exist.


"Warren Oates" <> wrote in message

Yo Ho Ho

Dec 31, 2005, 10:49:05 AM12/31/05

> Check this out:

New legislation was (re-re-re):) introduced in the last session of
parliament to control telemarketing with a do-not-call list. There was a
cop out however. They decided that it would not start to take effect
till 2007. I don't know if it was ever passed for sure.

I heard in some election talk someone mentioning about it being passed
which surprised me because I never heard about it happening. Maybe they
snuck it through because of the changes.

- Bill C-520, An Act to establish and maintain a national Do-Not-Call

- Bill C-301 was introduced to purpose amendments to it.


Dec 31, 2005, 11:05:35 AM12/31/05
Richard Curzon wrote:
> It seems strange to me though...
> Spam is cheap, sure.
> But even with automated connections telemarketing must be several orders
> more expensive.
> The world is 90% made up of idiots who will never ask to be put on the list.
> Why not focus on them and skip the 10% who want to never be called... we
> will never by a thing, why waste all that money phoning us over and over?
> Seems like a great way to increase ROI fast.

First of all it's not that clearcut.

Second, if it's easy to get on the list, more people will migrate eventually.

Marketing tries to make our lives as difficult as possible if we try to not
follow the path to consumption they've made for us. Notice the customer
service phone line wait times, contract cancellation fees, misleading information,
lies, commission-driven sales rep, etc.

Sid Knee

Dec 31, 2005, 10:58:22 AM12/31/05
mgp wrote:
> However, I find the dichotomy of attitudes that exist towards telemarketers ....

Dichotomy? Did I miss something?


Dec 31, 2005, 11:19:09 AM12/31/05
Alan Illeman wrote:
> "Jono" <> wrote in message
>> mgp wrote:
>>> The overwhelming vast majority of people who are called are quite civil. If
>>> they're not interested they simply say so. And that's it, end of call.
>> If only that were true...
>> Most telemarketers have scripts these days that try to keep you talking
>> and they most definitely do not take no for an answer. The only way to
>> get rid of them is to hang up.
> I just say "no thank you" and put down the phone, not even waiting for
> a response.

I believe a better answer is "please take me off your list" + hangup.
That _might_ prevent future calls.


Dec 31, 2005, 11:38:59 AM12/31/05

Telemarketing phone calls is more for the 80's. Nowadays marketers use email.
Spam is good for society. Of course a lot of people need Penis Enlargement
and Viagra, but they just don't know it yet. What a wonderful service to
society it is to remind them 12 times each day about that fact. If it were'nt
for sales 'professionals' like that people might actually spend a little time
with the kids, our hobbies, and enjoy life a little bit more instead of
pressing the delete key. Some assholes are opposed to that, after all
we're trying to HELP them, it's really charity on our part to remind them
they need to increase their manhood.

Of course sales rep are the center of the world. Can you imagine what Future
Shop would be without those sales people reminding you to buy that 40$ USB cable
and that 30$ extended warranty for that 30$ printer. How come people manage
to shop at COSTCO and buy the same crap for much less, and get the USB cable at
the local computer shop for 1/3 the price? Now what a disservice to society
those people aren't paying commissions to Future Shop's sales people, it's
their fault the unemployment rate is so high.

>>> And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Hmmm, and you *still* wonder why people are so frustrated?

> "Warren Oates" <> wrote in message

>> It's a shame your education isn't such that you can find a real
>> meaningful interesting job. You'll spend your whole short sad life
>> fetching and carrying and doffing your cap and selling people
>> substandard products that they don't need and you'll raise two boring
>> and stupid children in a bland Ontario suburb where the social life
>> revolves around Tim Horton's and the United Church.



Dec 31, 2005, 11:44:06 AM12/31/05
Interesting 'view from the other side'.

mgp wrote:
> So for all the assholes out there who think it's a good idea to tee off on a
> telemarketer. Just know that the telemarketer has muted his phone and is
> telling you to go fuck yourself. But you'll never hear it. And in fact,
> while you're going off on him, chances are pretty good he's rescheduling
> your number for multiple call-backs. And on a multiple call-back you'll just
> get the dialer dialing your number. There won't be anybody on the other end.

> P.S. Oh and one other thing, if you do happen to be one of those assholes
> who has a tendency to go off on people for ridiculously minor reasons. Never
> do it with a waiter/waitress BEFORE they bring you your food. However,
> should you decide to do it AFTER they bring you your food, don't go back in
> that restaurant again. Believe me, they remember you.

Thanks for the advice.

Walter Dnes (delete the 'z' to get my real address)

Dec 31, 2005, 1:24:00 PM12/31/05
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 16:39:59 -0500, Tauty, <> wrote:

> <quite a bit of vitriol clipped>
> I think you just demonstrated why the telemarketing industry is so
> reviled, they hire people like you.

There's no other choice. Moral people, with a conscience, who
respect other people's time and privacy, won't participate in

Walter Dnes; my email address is *ALMOST* like
Delete the "z" to get my real address. If that gets blocked, follow
the instructions at the end of the 550 message.

Walter Dnes (delete the 'z' to get my real address)

Dec 31, 2005, 1:24:00 PM12/31/05
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 02:57:08 -0500, mgp, <> wrote:

> Unfortunately, most of the time there was an actual person at the
> other end, and then you'd have to talk to them about whatever the
> particular campaign was. It was pretty straight forward, you did the
> pitch, sometimes they'd listen, sometimes not.

I used to not have an answering machine. I used to answer phone
calls the old fashioned way. It was pretty straight forward. Relatives,
friends, or acquaitances would call, and you would actually want to talk
with them.

> But sometimes you'd come across some absolute piece of shit who
> would take that moment to unload whatever crap he/she felt like
> saying, because their phone had rung and they had answered it.
> You basically wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves,

But nowadays you often come across some absolute piece of shit who
would waste your time to try to sell you whatever crap he/she felt like,
because your phone had rung and you had answered it. You basically
wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves.

> So for all the assholes out there

Pot, kettle, black. Someone who participates in the organized
harassment of the general population has no right calling other people

> He doesn't care one iota about anything to do with you. He's just
> doing it because he's getting paid.

This description also applies to mafia hitmen (contract killers).

> P.S. Oh and one other thing, if you do happen to be one of those
> assholes who has a tendency to go off on people for ridiculously
> minor reasons. Never do it with a waiter/waitress BEFORE they bring
> you your food. However, should you decide to do it AFTER they bring
> you your food, don't go back in that restaurant again. Believe me,
> they remember you.

I don't get mad at people who provide me with service I'm paying for,
even if they make minor mistakes. But if somebody gratuitously harasses
me, they shouldn't whine about getting a negative reaction. There were
a few incidents in my life that "radicalized" me about this issue.

- Years ago, I was temporarily working shifts. First morning I came
in and crashed into bed at 8:30 AM, so I could be ready for the
next night's shift. I got awoken by 3 phone calls in the next 2
hours, before I unplugged the phone.

- I had been up late one Friday evening, doing some computing. I
figured I'd simply sleep in Saturday morning. No way. I got hit

- Just before the outlawing of totally automated sales pitches, some
idiots went absolutely berserk with "100 drivers needed" and some
"quick loan over the phone" garbage. They didn't merely phone
with robot messages, they did the phone equivalant of mailbombing.
I was getting 5 to 10 calls *PER DAY* from these same two scams.

I now have an answering machine that doesn't ring, but the speaker
does play the voice. If I'm in the room, and I recognize the voice, I
may pick up the handset and answer the call. Otherwise, forget it.
This greatly calms down my nerves. It's assholes like you who did to
the phone service what spammers have done to email, and forced many
people to use answering machines to filter their phone calls like
spammers have forced many people to use spamfilters to filter their
email. I've also turned off the fax function on my phone machine. I
only turn it on when expecting a fax from somebody.

And remember that the assholes in charge of telemarketing firms
consider their "productivity" so much more important than people's
privacy, that they'll blast the auto-dialler at half-a-dozen numbers to
ensure that there's at least 1 live person answering the phone
somewhere. Generally, 2 or 3 other people answer the phone, and hear
nothing but dead air. I believe that's what started this thread in the
first place.

And outfits that use telemarketing seem to have the same ethics (or
lack thereof) as spammers. I was getting boiler-room operations calling
trying to promote penny stocks long before spammers existed. Every
month or so, I get a message on the phone about having "been selected to
receive a free weekend" at some resort out in the boonies. I've never
replied. I assume that the weekend stay at the resort includes some
high-pressure sales tactics pushing timeshare condos, or whatever. And
let's not forget the professional phone fundraisers who take 75%+ off
the top when calling on behalf of charities.

Tell me, are you proud of yourself?

Walter Dnes (delete the 'z' to get my real address)

Dec 31, 2005, 1:24:00 PM12/31/05
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 13:54:40 -0500, mgp, <> wrote:

> They're not so fucking high-strung that answering a phone call from a
> telemarketer triggers a psychotic episode for them.

Answering *A* phone call is no problem. 10 or 20 per day is what
gets people annoyed.

> If you're that fucking psychotic about marketing techniques then
> throw a brick through your TV the next time a commercial comes
> on. After all, it's the TV's fault isn't it? Smash your computer
> the next time you get an unsolicited email. Obviously that piece of
> shit computer is just trying to harass you. Get yourself some cans
> of spray paint and go nuts on all the billboards you see. Besides,
> those damn billboards are put there specifically to drive you
> into a psychotic rage aren't they? And don't forget to scream at
> the mailman for all the junkmail in your mailbox. He sure as hell
> deserves it doesn't he? After all, that bastard is responsible
> for the unbelievable outrage of making you reach into your mailbox
> and lift all that junkmail out of it isn't he? By God you better
> get right out there and shovel as much abuse on him as is humanly
> possible ASAP.

TV commercials and email don't wake up shift-workers trying to sleep
during the day or somebody who wants to sleep in on Saturday morning.
Telemarketing assholes do.

Homer Simpson

Dec 31, 2005, 6:58:00 PM12/31/05
Richard Curzon wrote:

> Would you shoot people if you got paid too??


Where do I submit my resume/cv/cq?


Dec 31, 2005, 8:31:51 PM12/31/05


Jan 1, 2006, 4:59:33 AM1/1/06

Buy the $5 USB cable at the dollar store. Printers dont need gold plated
USB cables. I listened in on a Futureshop sales rep's pitch and it was
weak at best, went something along the lines of "yes your old computer
can play DVDs, but this one will play them at a higher resolution and
Also I love the telemarketers who call, and the first thing I say before
they say who they are is "are you selling something", their reply "No
were offering you an amazing deal on blah blah blah", "so your selling
something, you just lied to me" "No sir we're not selling you anyhting
were saving you money!!".

Homer Simpson

Jan 1, 2006, 10:02:46 AM1/1/06

Thanks, but I'm Canadian and a documented & proved UEL
<> so <> is
probably more appropriate.

Sadly, years of Liberal neglect have all but destroyed whatever "force"
was in the Canadian Forces. Our helicopters don't hover, both our
submarines leak or spontaneously burst into flames, and new recruits are
issued 1 bullet for their rifle but are only allowed to polish it and
actually putting it in the rifle is strictly forbidden due to the risk
of accidental discharge. Our previous Prime Minister bought his own
*new* jet so he didn't have to use CF-supplied transportation. Truly
sad. It's no wonder the Americans think we're odd.

I'm thinking of forming an elite counter-telemarketing hit-squad,
though. Assholes like mgp would be at the top of the list.

Happy New Year everybody!

Walter Dnes (delete the 'z' to get my real address)

Jan 1, 2006, 1:06:56 PM1/1/06
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 09:55:44 -0500, mgp, <> wrote:

> However, I find the dichotomy of attitudes that exist towards
> telemarketers, and in some cases the sales and marketing profession
> in general, to be a constant source of fascination.

Telemarketers consider themselves oh so wonderful. Their victims
consider telemarketers to be arrogant, intrusive, assholes. Is that the
dichotomy you're talking about?

> There may be a letter that goes out initially, but eventually there
> is a phone call.

So how, pray tell, did human civilization manage to progress from the
stone age to the 1960's without telemarketers?

> For better or worse, the telemarketer is the modern day evolution
> of the Fuller Brush Salesman, The Hoover Man, The Mary Kay Girl
> and the Avon Lady.

Similar, arrogant, invasive attitude. One of the original
attractions of living in condos was that sales droids were barred. The
only ones who can get in are politicians, because they write the laws,
and they wrote a law saying that they *MUST* be allowed into buildings
and allowed to knock on doors.

> They obviously did, the average income of the Fuller Brush Man was
> $75,000.00 a year in the mid-60's.

Because they preyed on naive, weak-willed housewives, subject to
impulse buying, and sold them unnecessary garbage at prices grossly
inflated over what they would've cost at the local department store.
That was in a "kinder-and-gentler" era, when it wasn't automatically
assumed that a stranger knocking at your door was after your money.

> But the basic sales technique, working the numbers, still exists
> and is the basis of the telemarketing industry.

In plain English, annoy the 99 and 44/100% who don't want your
garbage, in order to make sales to the 1/2 of 1% who do want your
garbage. Just like spammers.

> However, instead of using their feet, they're using the telephone
> to contact potential sources of new sales and revenue.

The average phone-script readers are not making anywhere near $75,000
in year-2005 dollars, let alone in year-1965 dollars. They usually draw
Canadian minimum wage, or less if they're calling from Mumbai.


Jan 1, 2006, 1:14:25 PM1/1/06
Mike wrote:

> Buy the $5 USB cable at the dollar store. Printers dont need gold plated
> USB cables. I listened in on a Futureshop sales rep's pitch and it was

I just saw one that a friend picked up, not only gold plated but
"optimized for photo printing".


Geoffrey Welsh

Jan 2, 2006, 4:54:46 PM1/2/06
mgp wrote:
> He's just doing it because he's getting paid.

There are many jobs which require a special kind of person who will do them
just to get paid.

Geoffrey Welsh <Geoffrey [dot] Welsh [at] bigfoot [dot] com>
Never leave until tomorrow what can wait until next week.

Geoffrey Welsh

Jan 2, 2006, 5:01:18 PM1/2/06
Some Guy wrote:
> Why do you use phone numbers that can't be called back?
> Why do you never identify the name of the telemarketing company and
> give the recipient of the call information as to how to get off your
> list?

Because marketing is itself the art (and science) of getting people to do
things without thinking about them, and telemarketing is the ultimate
opportunity to indulge in all the sleaze while avoiding the accountability.
What is merely withholding information to an industry that is based on

Geoffrey Welsh

Jan 2, 2006, 5:33:01 PM1/2/06
Madonna wrote:
> Spam is good for society. Of course a lot of people need Penis
> Enlargement and Viagra, but they just don't know it yet.

... and they need to be reminded hourly, just in case they changed their
mind in the last 59 minutes.

Jan 2, 2006, 7:20:58 PM1/2/06
Ofcourse since photo printers are bandwidth hungry mission critical
Its all a gimic, honestly. A dollar store USB cable is just as good for
printers as the gold plated photo printer ones. The sales people need
to be shot.


Jan 3, 2006, 1:39:17 AM1/3/06
Mike wrote:
> Buy the $5 USB cable at the dollar store. Printers dont need gold plated
> USB cables. I listened in on a Futureshop sales rep's pitch and it was
> weak at best, went something along the lines of "yes your old computer
> can play DVDs, but this one will play them at a higher resolution and
> faster".

I only we could find DVI cables at the dollar store too...


Jan 3, 2006, 12:35:23 PM1/3/06
I bought some from Tigerdirect for $20. Not very cheap but not too expensive
either. Certainly not like the Monster super-ultra-extra-digital DVI cables
Futureshop sells for $99.99.

"Madonna" <> wrote in message

Spam Hater

Jan 3, 2006, 2:27:42 PM1/3/06
In article <vL5tf.6244$>,
"mgp" <> wrote:
> In another lifetime I actually took a job as a telemarketer. The system
> worked on an automatic dialer, where the recipients information would appear
> on your screen once someone at the other end had picked up. Sometimes it
> messed up and there was a delay. Sometimes there'd be nothing but dead air.

> So for all the assholes out there who think it's a good idea to tee off on a
> telemarketer. Just know that the telemarketer has muted his phone and is
> telling you to go fuck yourself. But you'll never hear it. And in fact,
> while you're going off on him, chances are pretty good he's rescheduling
> your number for multiple call-backs. And on a multiple call-back you'll just
> get the dialer dialing your number. There won't be anybody on the other end.

> And just FYI, he doesn't give a flying fuck if you're interested in what
> he's talking about. He doesn't give a shit if you save money, don't save
> money, spend less or buy whatever the fuck he's supposed to sell you. He
> doesn't care one iota about anything to do with you. He's just doing it

> because he's getting paid.

With your attitude I'm not surprised you no longer spam people's phones.

Geoffrey Welsh

Jan 3, 2006, 3:15:31 PM1/3/06
mgp wrote:
> If you'd read and understood my original post [...]

> However, that would require the skill of comprehension.

We read and understood the post all too well and it is you that does not
comprehend that the attitude that you project today, as much as the job you
did once upon a time, is offensive.

Message has been deleted


Jan 21, 2006, 1:40:01 PM1/21/06
On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 18:24:43 -0500, Some Guy <> wrote:

>Just got a call.
>Answered it after the second ring. "hello"
>No response. I kept the line open - just silence. After about a
>minute, the line went dead (some sort of tone came on).
>I know this is typically what happens when a telemarketer's system has
>dialed your number but has no-one on their end to "man" the call once
>you pick up.
>So I hit *69. The number is: (519) 858-1931. I do a quick internet
>search for the number, reverse phone lookup, etc - nothing.
>I dial the number. ring - beep - "we're sorry, the number you have
>reached is not in service...".
>Hmm. Maybe I got the number wrong.
>Hit *69 again. "The last number that called your line was
>5198581931. To dial that number, press 1"
>Press 1. ring - "we're sorry - that number can't be reached by this
>So WTF?
>I don't even know which telemarketer called.
>How can I take this up with Bell?

You can't. But, even though Bell didn't provide you with any service,
i.e. they DID NOT connect you with the last number that dialled your
line, you will still BE CHARGED on your bill for your *69 Calls!
Kinda like going to a restaurant, ordering a menu item, being told
that item is not avaialble, and then being presented with a bill as if
you had been presented with, and eaten the menu item!
I bet even the mafia is envious of what Bell Canada can get away with!

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