Error in Veins 2.0 tutorials

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Apr 9, 2012, 4:12:35 AM4/9/12
Hello All,
I would like to draw our attention to an error in the updated version of the tutorials which corresponds with veins2.0. The in the fourth step in think the file that should be run is                         -c erlangen.sumo.cfg and not -c sumo.sumo.cfg. as stated by the tutorial. 
I have the following questions and i would appreciate if you can help me solve them
1. I also have a slight problem i have been able to get my veins running but the last stage did not produce any GUI or TKenv interface. What could be the reason and how do i resolve it.
2. I have gone through both sumo and omnet++ and i would want to have a summary of the steps involved in creating a vehicular simulation using veins

Thank you
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