Meetup this Wednesday (Tomorrow, October 28th)

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Michael Prendergast

Oct 27, 2015, 1:36:58 PM10/27/15
to Ottawa Ruby

Hi everyone,

(A quick note: We're back after a break for the latter half of the summer! Sorry for not emailing everyone on this... I realized that I actually only told the people who attended the July meetup; sorry about that. We took a break because things were kind of slow in the summer, and figured it'd make more sense to resume when people are spending less time outdoors. ;)

We hope you had a great summer and are enjoying the lovely fall colours!

1. Hey, it's called Ruby Wednesday now... for now. ;)

Just a head's up that Ruby Tuesday has been renamed to Ruby Wednesday for the next two months.

Oh, and Ruby Wednesday is this Wednesday (not Tuesday ;), on October 28th at 6:30pm.

2. So, what's on the Docket?

We have two great talks scheduled this month, and we're looking for one more (see below):

  1. Main Talk: Elaine Cooper will be showing us "5 Quick Switches ...Improve Your Life One Easy Change at a Time."

    You can see the synopsis on the meetup page.

    This talk won't have any Ruby in it… well, at least I don't think it will.. but, these kind of changes can help you improve in your daily work, and the life you're living 24/7.

    Believe it or not, your brain and body will perform differently depending on what you eat, how often you exercise, and how much sleep you get.

    Don't believe me? Have you every felt super pumped and ready-to-attack-the-day after eating a bowl of Poutine?

    How about after a bag of Doritos? Did you feel as though you were at your best afterwards?

    Probably not... 

    But, here's the upside: You can make simple changes and reap the benefits every hour of every day of your life.

    You can have more energy, think more clearly, focus easier, and just feel better all around by making a few different decisions during your day, by scheduling a time to exercise in the morning, and by favouring healthier choices.

    So, it's not Ruby, but it's related to your Ruby. Come and listen. If you implement some of these changes, your brain and body will likely thank you later.

    Oh, and Elaine will also be sponsoring some snacks! :)

  2. Lightning Talk: Craig Lehmann will be giving us a Lightning Talk titled "Ruby under the hood - taking a look at the Ruby VM source and explaining how it executes your code."

We're looking for one more Beginner or Intermediate Level talk. Feel free to send an email to if you have something you'd like to share.

Plan on attending? Please RVSP here to let us know.

2. Call For Speakers

We're switching things up a bit. :) Each night, we're looking to have the following talks:

  1. One Beginner Talk
  2. One Intermediate Talk
  3. One Advanced Talk

The goals here are to (1) help ensure that everyone hopefully learns something new each night, and (2) make it easier to come up with topics to discuss.

So, do you have a beginner/intermediate/advanced topic you'd like to share? Please let us know by either:

  1. Replying back to this email

  2. Sending an email to (yes, there's a number "2" in the email),

  3. By filling in this short form.

3. Thanks all!

We hope to see you all there!

The Ottawa Ruby Team

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