Anyone Else Just Plain Worn Out?

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Cindy S-C

Oct 26, 2009, 12:18:26 PM10/26/09
to ODSP Fireside
okay, is it simply me (who came here in august or so all positive) or
is anyone else simply feeling worn out to the point of no return?
i saw my family doctor on friday. i was supposed to have been
referred to camh a year ago september for cognitive behaviour
therapy. in march, i was forced to go to a cya appointment with a
psychiatrist so the family doctor could keep prescribing one
medication i have been taking for 24 years. she recommended i be
referred to camh for the therapy in march in her report. i asked him
on friday if i had been referred yet and i haven't been! and
apparently, there is quite a long waiting list to get in. did he
finally refer me on friday? who knows? i don't see him for myself
again until december 22nd. do i find out then that he still hasn't
filled out the piece of paper to refer me? what is *wrong* with
why do i call my worker and get someone that is a combo of snippy and
why do i rejoice this month that i must have done something *wrong*
that my money actually lasted for the month?
and all of this just before the start of the massive holiday
advertising campaign. do i feel like celebrating christmas this
year? for me, it's just a money grab from my kids and nothing else.
last year, they wouldn't even help me put up the christmas tree so i
just said forget about it and we had no tree up. they just wanted
their $.
how do any of us manage to put one foot in front of the other on a
daily basis. my feet have almost stopped moving again.
i find out great information here over the week-end that yes, i can
see a dentist and have my teeth cleaned for the first time in 15
years, but all the other set backs i have had over the week-end i just
feel like crawling into bed.
i have signed up for an 8 week relaxation course through my local
community center. again, i'm really fortunate that i have a great
community center that offers these things for free. and i will go
ahead and do that.
but when you keep getting hit left, right and center with anything and
everything and have no one but yourself to sort it out, how do you do
i've had it with my life. where is the joy? all days blur into one
except for the week-ends when the kids are around and i have to be
around simply to supervise them running here there and everywhere.
how does everyone manage? i am sincerely looking for stories here.
how do you do it?


Oct 26, 2009, 10:12:01 PM10/26/09
You asked if anybody else was worn out.  I am.  Where I
live, I have zero support.  Anything I have accomplished
with my business I have done on my own.  My costs are
much higher than average because there are no supports
for people with disabilities here other than those that
require wheelchairs and other mobility devices.  Our mental
health services are way below par.  If you don't drive and
DO try to get around like "normal people" it costs you $3.25
per km of travel compared to approx 35 - 40 cents per km
for those that drive. 

Community centres such as those you describe in your
area do not exist at all where I live.  There are no protests,
demonstrations, even a letter writing campaign apart from
what is and is not in the Bible.  Despite being the second
highest unemployment rate and the highest risk (as most
of the jobs we lost are not coming back -- period, and only
being partially replaced by minimum wage jobs), people
don't care.  We are the only region without transit, and we
are also a region that underfunds everything, e.g. no actual
benefits under discretionary fund, for example.

I have clients that live in their cars, or in abandoned buildings,
and there are many slumlords taking advantage of vulnerable
people ... two human rights related landlord and tenant cases
so far in just ONE month.  Am I worn out?  Definitely.

Things would definitely look up if my income did not come off
my husband's, and that I can operate my business like Joe
Schmoe does (e.g. hire employees, grow, etc.).  Also, if I did
not have to fight for everything all the time ... yes, it wears me
out.  I also try to fight the hatred of the public against low-
income people trying very hard not to wish the same on them,
but then again, their hatred is so real and painful ... they don't
realize by ganging up like this, they ARE making politicians
think this is what the "public" wants ...

We have a war on our hands now ... The Minister of Finance just
told all Ministries to cut 5% of their budgets for the next budget
to help reduce the deficit.  Hudak plans deep cuts to all programs
if he ever got in, and yet we have that dreaded HST coming up.
Sometimes, all I see coming down the lighted tunnel is a train.
I need to reach out too, though I don't come on as often as I
once did.

From: Cindy S-C <>
To: ODSP Fireside <>
Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 12:18:26 PM
Subject: [odspfireside: 24940 ] Anyone Else Just Plain Worn Out?

okay, is it simply me (who came here in august or so all positive) or
is anyone else simply feeling worn out to the point of no return?

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benjer weigl

Oct 27, 2009, 9:22:25 AM10/27/09
to odsp fireside

How does everyone manage good question.
 For me I am fortunate to live in RGI housing ,that in itself took the worry off my  family a bit. And it took part of stress of me feeling like a burden to my family off as well.

I am also fortunate enough to have a somewhat emotionally supportive family and friends

I try to use the rule if i go today what will I miss tomorrow. be it a favorite show, hobby or the people i love.

I also try to use my own sense of humour a lot. 

I have pet fish so I cant really leave them

I have my own computer so I research a lot. especially ODSP

Right now my Mother is in the Hospital so I have to be there for her as well.

I also was in a ward in 1995 but only for a week(so i can relate somewhat)

I went through 4 doctors before I finally got the one that  helped me the most. But then he retired. I have copies of his report etc.

Other than that if it wasn't for everything I have said I think I would be back in that ward.

Dont know if this helps you any, but thats how I manage


Oct 27, 2009, 10:34:03 AM10/27/09
benjer weigl wrote:

How does everyone manage good question.
I have to say that I manage very well.  I also have subsidized housing and great parents who wouldn't let me go without.  I only have to mention something and they're there to help me get it.  I think my Dad feels guilty and will open his wallet any time.  ( that's a whole over story and the reason why I'm so sick..)  Back to how I manage.....
I too have my computer, without which I really would be lost, I love gaming. I know I know, too old for that.. but it keeps me somewhat alert.  On the days I can't talk the computer does it for me. ( have aphasia)
My mother is very sick at the moment so that keeps me up and worried.  My Dad isn't all that healthy either.
I too try and use humour when I can.  I have a friend that comes to visit every day, we cook dinner together allot...
I was also in a ward way back, and still take psych meds...
But all and all my life is comfortable.

Bonnie Briggs

Oct 28, 2009, 3:04:39 AM10/28/09
Hi guys,
I manage with my busy scehdule. (SP?) I have my activism, my samba band, my e-mail, (I have the internet at home), Kerre, and Tinker, my cat. We're under rent control, so that helps. We have our cable to keep us occupied at night. I also have my work with my riding executive as well as the homeless memorial, my writing, going to meetings and meal programs. I go to the occasional free screening at The Revue Cinema on Roncy. Soon, I will have to rebuild all my websites, so that's going to keep me busy for quite a while. I even get to go on a short trip once in a while. This year, I've been to Halifax, Hamilton and Brampton. That gets me out of the city for a while. I also like to cook and, bake sometimes. We're close to transit and stores, some of which are 24-hour stores. We're also walking distance from the lake and very close to the EX. I'm not saying we have it easy because even for us, it's a struggle come the middle of the month, but we manage to
pull through every time. That's how we get by. Hope this helps.

> How does everyone manage? good question. For me I

> am fortunate to live in RGI housing ,that in itself took the
> worry off my family a bit. And it took part of stress
> of me feeling like a burden to my family off as well.
> I am also fortunate enough to have a
> somewhat emotionally supportive family and
> friends
> I try to use the rule if i go today what will I

> miss tomorrow? be it a favorite show, hobby or the people i

> love.
> I also try to use my own sense of humour a
> lot. 

> I have pet fish so I can't really leave

> them
> I have my own computer so I research a

> lot, especially ODSP

> Right now my Mother is in the Hospital so I have
> to be there for her as well.
> I also was in a ward in 1995 but only for a
> week(so i can relate somewhat)
> I went through 4 doctors before I finally got
> the one that  helped me the most. But then he retired.
> I have copies of his report etc.
> Other than that if
> it wasn't for everything I have said
> I think I would be back in that ward.

> Don't know if this helps you any, but that's how I
> manage

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Juliette H.

Oct 28, 2009, 2:26:43 PM10/28/09
I can say that I'm struggling like everybody else. I have children and money is never enough, but I try to look at the flyers and see what's on sale in the supermarkets, I have two very near my house.
I go to foodbanks and Salvation Army gives me gift certificates for the supermarket sometimes, specially around Thanksgiving or Christmas. And I also have neighbours that I ask for help if I needed badly. I don't have any pride in this sense and I thank for these opportunities because if they are there I should take it as my children deserve to eat everyday.
I live in a complex and I spend in rent for the house more of what I'm allowed and I'm always in trouble with utilities, my credit is none existant, but there isn't anything cheaper for all of us. I don't have a phone as it's a luxury for me, nor I have tv. I just have internet and this summer I didn't have this one either, yet I needed for the winter because of the school and because I need a communication venue otherwise I go crazy without being able to read or communicate.
I'm always looking out for free stuff in Craigslist and if I'm able I send one of my kids to pick it up. Some of my kids work and that helps with their needs. I have been looking into alternative therapies long time ago when I got tired of operations (I have physical dissabilities) to control pain, depression, moods, etc.
It helps me a lot with my kids also because essential oils keep them healthy or help them with virus and bacterias so they don't have to take antibiotics, and I'm able to control the pain better so I don't depend on pain killers. Whenever there is a birthday or an ocassion to receive gifts, I ask for oils and my mom in the summer always buys me a good supply for the winter.
I can leave the house when there is no snow out, so I try to be in contact with nature as much as I can to survive the winter months.
I have a mother that comes in the summer to visit and she helps me to take my boys  camping so they have somehow vacations. I'm a single parent and I was always scared of what would happen to them if I'm not there so I try to do everything I can to avoid hospitals as my heart sometimes goes wierd, but doctors don't know what that could be, yet relaxing therapies help a lot, and thinking in operations is out of the question.
Still, I raised them to be independant so I don't worry as much and can take time off when I'm in pain or depressed (their ages range from 14 up to 24 but this last lives in Edmonton now). 
We don't have rules in the house, we have "steps" so they can fullfill their goals for their future and the house can be runned with the less problems as possible. Rules sometimes are impossible to follow, especially for kids, so they understand steps and they try to follow. If they can't then I always tell them that tomorrow is a new day and that they will be able to do better. That we are human beings and we all make mistakes but as long as they do their best, that's good enough, even if they have bad marks.
I always pay attention to them and try to understand their needs as much as I can, even if sometimes it's difficult. I have some in Big Brothers and Big Sisters and that helps a lot as they needed a male figure.
I had to learn to communicate effectively with them so my mood swings and stress levels are as low as possible, and for that two books helped me a lot: "The Four Agreements" and "The Mastery of Love" from Miguel Ruiz, as they allowed me to understood a little bit better the world around me. (I have them in the computer if any of you are interested in reading them). Plus learning to let go, as fears are our worst enemy.
All of them have chores in the house so I just take care of what's around me. I like to cook and I try to do everything from scratch so they can eat better.
I have a dog, a pitbull and these past years have been a pain because she was raised free as she is a very good dog, yet with the new laws she is mostly at home and it took a long time for her to understand and for me to keep her home as she was always my companion everywhere I went.
I try to read as much as I can to teach myself new things and I do homework with my kids so I'm also learning with them.
I don't feel lonely because everyday brings new things as kids are always resourceful in that sense.
I like going to the movies and from time to time I'm able to grab free passes.
At Christmas time I ask for help everywhere and every year I'm able to have gifts for all of them plus food, and yes, I don't pay anything that month except the rent, even if January comes hard, but the little I have I use it for Christmas. Maybe I'm wrong but this is a special time for kids and they deserve to have something at least.
I only get $180 per month extra for special diet so there isn't much I can do towards feeding all of us properly. My kids have a gene that makes them need extra iron, and they are allergic to milk and eggs.
I suffer from incontinence and I need an operation for that, but I refuse to have it so I have extra money to buy supplies, yet they are expensive.
I have a son that I rescued from an abusive home but by law I'm not his legal guardian so it's an extra mouth to feed, yet he has lots of friends and they help with clothes or tickets for the bus sometimes, or food if they go out, so he has a good life all in all.
I have music in my computer that helps me with my days and at night if I can't sleep as I have a big problem in that department.
Stress is my companion every month, but I try to find every way possible to relax so I don't get sicker, with my kids I don't have that luxury.
I need a dentist right now, and I had needed one for months but no one takes ODSP so with essential oils I'm being able to be without pain as I need a root canal and the nerve is just out there, so I hope that one day I will be able to take care of it. I live in Markham and doctors that get ODSP in Toronto don't want to take me, and the dentist I had before ODSP always wants to charge me extra and I can't afford it so I stopped going.
I could say that I live day by day as if I think in "tomorrow" I worry too much.
All in all I feel happy because I'm alive even if my life is not perfect, so I make sure I give thanks to God everyday for it.
I think that I'm waiting for all my kids to grow up and have their own lives, so I'm holding my breath to make it work. Once they are all gone and happy I will be able to let go and maybe live in a tent all year if possible so I don't have to worry so much about house, utilities, etc. I will be happy surrounded by nature, and if my health doesn't allow me to do that, then I will pray to leave this Earth as soon as I can as my job are my kids and once that's over I can leave without regrets. I don't think that by then I will feel that I didn't do certain things, as I had lived many lives already with tons of experiences and I had helped as much as I can and I'm still doing so, therefore I won't regret leaving this world.
I enjoy reading letters everyday in this list and that also keeps me informed so I thank everybody for taking their times to do so.
Hope this helps...:). Have all a wonderful day. Juliette.

Keep your friends updated— even when you’re not signed in.

Cindy S-C

Oct 29, 2009, 9:55:59 AM10/29/09
to ODSP Fireside

thank-you everyone for adding your stories. maybe we could keep this
as a general thread where people just come to talk when they're having
things go well or go poorly.
since i posted this monday morning, i was hit with another migraine
around 4 on monday night. tuesday, i had to take my daughter downtown
to the eye doctor. yesterday, we had family counseling.
i don't know how i'm feeling to-day. just kinda here. and that's
okay, for to-day.

sean mcd

Oct 30, 2009, 12:02:33 AM10/30/09
glad your okay for today we all take it just as one day I think never knowing what comes next.  I remember in an assessment they asked if my condition gets better on paper.  I put what I always put no I have a brain tumor and it gets worse not better (congenital) they think its going to disapear.  The government of Ontario is in debt up to its ears so expect more surprises from the corrupt ones.
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 06:55:59 -0700
> Subject: [odspfireside: 24958 ] Re: Anyone Else Just Plain Worn Out?
> From:
> To:


Oct 30, 2009, 9:22:27 AM10/30/09
Yeah, McGuinty is planning something awful for us perhaps,
he stated last week that the other shoe is going to fall......
"You're waiting for the other shoe to drop? It will, in due course"
I think we are not getting any raise next year, which, coupled with
rising food prices near 30% and fuel, rent etc, will put us back to
the buying power we had in 1995 before we got any raises... all
this to bail out the auto sector. We are in trouble. You sure don’t
see them cut back those 30,000 dollar wage increases though...

Cindy S-C

Nov 12, 2009, 12:57:52 PM11/12/09
to ODSP Fireside

i still am just plain worn out. that's why i haven't posted. i am
very thankful to whoever posted about dental because i did not know we
had a dental plan. my one friend on odsp said "didn't you receive any
information about it when you got your odsp package?". no, i did
not. so, i had booked an appointment for a cleaning and check-up next
week when i had a tooth that is crumbling flare up on me this week.
not the way i wanted to meet this new dentist for the first time, but
i went in yesterday. i have never been treated better with a
government dental plan than i was there. you would have thought i had
walked in with the ultimate of dental plans. i felt wonderful. so,
i'm thankful for that.
we had a meeting last night hosted by foodshare about getting the good
food box in our neighbourhood. i still cannot understand the sheer
apathy of people, but we did get a good enough turn-out (we needed 10
to sign up for the box) that we will get the program. so pleased
about that.
ongoing difficulties with one of my children and knowing that i'm
doing the *right* thing as far as counseling and yet i'm just worn
right out.
so, some positive stuff happening, for sure, but feeling really bogged
down lately by an assortment of things and i just don't know how to
keep dealing without falling back.  
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