Deploying on Windows

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May 3, 2015, 12:54:31 PM5/3/15

I have a short question: I read some posts from 2-3 years ago that it is not possible to build or deploy cappuccino apps on windows+cygwin using jake deploy.

But how is the state today? Is it still not possible? If not, will it be possible in the future?


May 5, 2015, 1:57:41 PM5/5/15
A mac is recommended if you want to develop Cappuccino apps. Otherwise you can't use XcodeCapp , Cibs , Interface builder or any of the other features that make cappuccino compelling.

You COULD write your whole app using the starter kit , pull it down on your Ubuntu server and flatten it there , if you really want to develop on windows. But you'd definitely need Ubuntu / OS X running somewhere. It would be dependency hell trying to make it work on windows. Even on OS X we keep running into trouble.


May 6, 2015, 5:21:43 AM5/6/15
you only need a web server to deploy your cappuccino app.
you don't even need to have cygwin installed for this.
best greetings,


May 6, 2015, 6:59:56 AM5/6/15
Thanks for your response!

First of all, we don't need XcodeCapp, Interface Builder, etc. We just developed an own JSON based UI layout-manager. So we just write JSON files to build UI forms, dialogs, etc. Then we also don't use a server and it is not completely sure if we publish the app as a web-app(But maybe we will do that in addition) but as an offline desktop application using Cappuccino in combination with node-webkit. Then it becomes a great framework to develop cross-plattform offline desktop applications with web-capabilities.

The only problem with cappucino is: You need a MAC to deploy. I mean we just want to build and deploy it, just a way to flatten/compress all .j files together to the Application.js on windows.

But sadly it seems it is not possible, you should REALLY think about to change that in the feature since Cappuccino can used in many different ways to develop web or desktop class applications. We have to deploy after every bug-fix because we don't want to handover the source-code(j. files) to our testers even if they are under NDA. Or maybe we should just start to develop our own build-system haha... but I think that would take to much time.

If you also have problems on Mac OS X why you are not thinking about to change the build system? I remember I read something about Node.js and Cappuccino in the past, are you still working on it or is it canceled?

Oh and you cannot say the only thing needed is a web-server. Because even if you developed a regular web-app with cappuccino, if you have large customers who like to do self-hosting then that would mean to handover the clear source-code to them. (If I don't understand it wrong).

So it seems we have only two options right now:

- Using Mac or a Linux-VM for our developers which is not comfortable.
- Changing our source-code server in a way that the server builds the app after every check in....but that would produce some effort on our side.

However, thanks for you response! We have to see if we can find a solution. But please can you just tell me if something is planned for the future to just build/deploy cappuccino apps on windows?

Thanks for your time!

May 6, 2015, 11:33:53 AM5/6/15

The only problem with cappucino is: You need a MAC to deploy. I mean we just want to build and deploy it, just a way to flatten/compress all .j files together to the Application.js on windows.
But sadly it seems it is not possible

Jake, the core of the tool chain, requires a Javascript execution environment.
On OS X, it will use JavascriptCore if desired, but defaults to Rhino - which depends on Java and is thus cross-platform.

Deployment is just the process of copying compiler file output to a production location.
MAC means Media Access Control, the unique identification layer of a network interface.

At what step of the build process are you having problems on Windows? 


May 6, 2015, 11:41:13 AM5/6/15

On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 3:59:56 AM UTC-7, Kajinor wrote:
Thanks for your response!

First of all, we don't need XcodeCapp, Interface Builder, etc. We just developed an own JSON based UI layout-manager. So we just write JSON files to build UI forms, dialogs, etc. Then we also don't use a server and it is not completely sure if we publish the app as a web-app(But maybe we will do that in addition) but as an offline desktop application using Cappuccino in combination with node-webkit. Then it becomes a great framework to develop cross-plattform offline desktop applications with web-capabilities.

I'm interested by this point, does it mean you change the way to load a cib. Did you write a decoding system for the JSON ?  

The only problem with cappucino is: You need a MAC to deploy. I mean we just want to build and deploy it, just a way to flatten/compress all .j files together to the Application.js on windows.

But sadly it seems it is not possible, you should REALLY think about to change that in the feature since Cappuccino can used in many different ways to develop web or desktop class applications. We have to deploy after every bug-fix because we don't want to handover the source-code(j. files) to our testers even if they are under NDA. Or maybe we should just start to develop our own build-system haha... but I think that would take to much time.

If you also have problems on Mac OS X why you are not thinking about to change the build system? I remember I read something about Node.js and Cappuccino in the past, are you still working on it or is it canceled?

Apajarita is still working to port Cappuccino on NodeJS (so we can get rid of Narwhal ;)). When this thing will be done, you should not have any problem with compiling and deploying.
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