Using Google's SMTP server using service account

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Malthe Borch

Feb 27, 2013, 10:05:02 AM2/27/13
I'm having trouble authenticating through OAuth2 to Google's SMTP service.

I obtain an `access_token` using `SignedJwtAssertionCredentials`, passing a user and a certificate from a service account:

However, I get the error response:


This is a paste of my SMTP session:

It's basically "Username and Password not accepted" without much other information.

Google's examples assume that you have an "installed app" and thus a `client_secret` with which you obtain an authorization code through a web-based verification step – or that you've already got an `access_token`. Is there a limitation in Google's SMTP service that you can't use an authorization from a service account?

Here's the example code in Python that I have used as a reference:

Help much appreciated.


Breno de Medeiros

Feb 27, 2013, 1:40:54 PM2/27/13
If you are not yest familiar with these sites: and I recommend them as probably this is a case where just checking a reference against your code will flush out the problem.

If you have continuing questions, I recommend you repost this question in stackoverflow using tag #google-oauth since there's a larger community in that forum and it's more likely you will get your question answered quickly.

Breno (Google).


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Malthe Borch

Feb 27, 2013, 2:25:30 PM2/27/13
On 27 February 2013 19:40, Breno de Medeiros <> wrote:
> If you are not yest familiar with these sites:
> and
> I recommend
> them as probably this is a case where just checking a reference against your
> code will flush out the problem.

I am familiar and I've checked and double-checked. I also saw this
post on Stackoverflow:

But to no avail.

If only there was an example in the Google API docs on how to use the
service with a principal, i.e. a service account, and not just a
`client_id` + `client_secret` ("installed app").

I'll repost to Stackoverflow if nothing comes through on this channel.
Thanks for the tip.

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