Invalid GTalk scope for device

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23 wrz 2012, 11:05:0823.09.2012

I want my app to be able to log to gtalk and gmail with OAuth2 authentication.
My app runs on futures phones so it can't access to the internal browser
So i use the "device" OAuth flow as described at:
Post to
returns a invalid_scope error (400 HTTP error) with the scope setted to GTalk
If i set scope to gmail ( , it returns the same error
but if i set scope to youtube ( , all is working fine.
Is there a "white list" describing  source(web, installed app or devices) accessiblity to different scopes
Is OAuth2 authentication not permitted to Gtalk and GMail from a device ?

If this is the case, J2ME apps running on feature phones will not be abble to login anymore to GTalk/Gmail services when oAUTH2 will be
the only way to log to these services.

All phones are not smart phones running Android or IOS !

Any idea ? 
Thanks in advance

Bradley Stone

30 lis 2012, 16:37:1330.11.2012
I realized I just asked pretty much the same question.  I hope we get an answer.
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