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Nyi Nyi

Apr 11, 2017, 10:52:41 PM4/11/17
to NyiNyi

>> Gorsuch Confirmed to Supreme Court Just in Time

>> Trump is Done After This – Can He Stop Liberals

>> Liberals Hysterical Over Trump's Climate Change Policies

>> White House: Obama to Blame for Syria Chemical Attack

The Crazy Thing Americans are Saying About Obama after
Wiretapping Scandal

Dear Fellow American,

This year's election was one of the most polarizing in our lifetime.

Donald Trump won, but what if there had been another choice?

Recently a large scale polling group asked Americans a very interesting

Would you allow an Obama 3rd term?

Check out the results… I think you'll be surprised.


Alan Hollman


Breaking News:

North Korea: We "Strongly Condemn" Trump's Syria Strike

Terror Hits Stockholm: Truck Plows Into Department Store

Devin Nunes Steps Aside, Rewarding Democrat Noisemakers

Student Writes "#BlackLivesMatter," Gets Into Stanford

Yours in freedom,

Unfiltered Patriot.


Breaking News from Liberty Headlines
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Liberty Headlines
Dear Reader: 

As crazy as it sounds... 

...we are on the cusp of a boom that could revive America's golden years... 

Just like the 1950s, 60s and 70s—only a whole lot better. 

A $5-trillion new wave of wealth could once again make the American Dream a reality. 

And not just restore hope for a better U.S.A.... 

But restore hope for financially free and independent retirement for millions of Americans. 

You see, a new device is emerging whose "fuel" should be in "every home in America." 

One that promises to... 

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This development has already started to unfold... 

And it's moving faster than you could imagine. 

Last year, it created jobs 20-times faster than the U.S. economy did. 

In two years, it could double that. Then again and again. 

These are "breadwinner" jobs. High-paying jobs with great benefits. 

The kind that could support whole families on a single salary—just like the 1950s. 

A small group of farsighted individuals could potentially see the lion's share of the new wealth being created—$5 trillion by some counts. 

Much like buying into Ford in the early 1900s, before the Model T could be seen in every driveway. 

Before it paved the way for the American Dream... 

And before it turned small, ordinary shareholders into new millionaires. 

To get the full story on the device that could soon power every American household—almost for FREE—while making some people very, very rich, I urge you to watch this video when you click here now

Yours truly, 

George Leong, B.Comm.,
Senior Analyst
Lombardi Publishing Corporation
30 Years of News, Information & Analysis
Over One Million Customers in 141 Countries 


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Trump’s Tax Plan Could Affect Your Social Security

The Trump administration, at work on a new plan for tax reform, is reportedly considering a plan to cross into one of the most dangerous territories in American politics: fiddling with the Social Security system. According to multiple reports, the administration is entertaining the possibility of eliminating the 12.4...  
Read more...  Like Trump’s Tax Plan Could Affect Your Social Security on Facebook  share on Twitter  Google Plus One Button

Why It’s Too Soon to Count Steve Bannon Out

The MSM (mainstream media), as right-wing coo-coo clocks like Ann Coulter like to call America’s press corps, are delirious with glee over infighting within the White House and practically...  
Read more...  Like Why It’s Too Soon to Count Steve Bannon Out on Facebook  share on Twitter  Google Plus One Button

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For the past 82 years, you've likely missed out on some of the biggest winners in the history of investing. Businesses like GoPro, which would have turned a $100 stake into about $133,000... Airbnb, where a $100 stake from 2009 is now worth $797,000... and Uber, which turned $100 into $1.25 million over the past 7 years. But you don't have to miss out anymore! Click here to see why.

Nyi Nyi

Apr 11, 2017, 10:54:16 PM4/11/17
to NyiNyi

Nyi Nyi

Apr 11, 2017, 11:29:42 PM4/11/17
to NyiNyi

What Washington's Talking About

A man in San Bernardino, Californiaopened fire inside his wife’s classroom, killing her and an 8-year-old boy before shooting himself dead. — Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley resigned on Monday after being arrested over a sex and finance scandal. — A man was dragged off a United Airlines plane after the flight was overbooked, prompting massive outrage and a federal investigation. — The state of New York is set to make tuition free at public colleges and universities for middle-class students.

[IS] Opinions    Finance
Why Seemingly Irrelevant News Matters
By Anna Scherbina

In our age of computerized trading, linguistic algorithms are designed to focus on companies that are making news, analyze the actual news, and then proceed to trade accordingly.


News    Politics
Georgia Is on Washington’s Mind
By Leo Doran

Dunwoody, Georgia—The adage is that all politics is local, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at Jon Ossoff’s campaign finance disclosures, at least according to his special election opponents.


News    Energy
Why Coal Is Still Strong in the Southwest
By Erin Mundahl

With the rapid growth of shale oil production in the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota and in small fields elsewhere in the country, a new supply of cheap natural gas has also flooded the energy market, leaving some concerned about coal’s viability. This is why some observers are pleased by a recent study.


[IS] Opinions    Energy
Energy Infrastructure for a Secure America
By Donald P. Loren

President Trump’s recent approval of both the Keystone XL and the Dakota Access pipelines was an impressive start in his plan to rebuild American infrastructure, boost our economy and invigorate job growth.


News    Education
Social Emotional Learning Gets Results, Researchers Argue
By Leo Doran

When schools focus on their students’ social and emotional well being, students are better behaved and they score higher on tests, according to a recently released research brief. The report, “Social Emotional Learning in Elementary School,” is part of a series on social emotional learning that Pennsylvania State University is releasing with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


News    Technology
Net Neutrality Supporters Critical of Pai’s Plan for Open Internet Rules
By Giuseppe Macri

Net neutrality supporters are going on the offensive over the new Republican chairman of the Federal Communications Commission’s reported plan for dismantling open internet rules passed under the Obama administration.


Task & Purpose Today

This MOH Recipient Crashed His Plane On Purpose So He Could Get To His Downed Wingman


Police Intensify Manhunt For Fugitive Who Robbed Gun Store, Mailed Manifesto To White House


SEAL’s Book On Bin Laden Killing Reveals Why Photos Of The Body Were Never Released


SOCOM Is Looking For A New Multi-Caliber Sniper Rifle


Somebody Teach These Cops How Not To Look Like ISIS In Their Anti-Drug Video


This Navy Diver’s Story Of Disorientation 190 Feet Down Is Full Of Nope


American Troops Helped Repel Brazen ISIS Assault On Joint Base In Syria


Here’s What H R McMaster Really Thinks Of Russia’s Stance On Syria


Army Reserve General Dies After Collapsing At Fort Bragg


On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 9:52:41 AM UTC+7, Nyi Nyi wrote:
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