How to avoid callback hell?

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Matthew Hazlett

Apr 8, 2012, 8:42:14 PM4/8/12
I'm trying to write a simple app that preforms a db query when a user
connects to a tcp port.

I can get the query working if I do everything as callbacks: fn() {
db.collection(.... fn() {
db.query(...... fn() {

But as you can see this creates callback hell.

What I would like to do is have a class, but being as everything is
async it makes it incredibly difficult to ensure all your variables are

var client;
db.connect(connect, fn(){
client = connect;

Will cause an error because client hasn't been set yet. Another thing I
thought of doing was chaining it all together:

db.connect(connect, fn(){
process.nextTick(fn(){ doNext(); });

this gets very messy and hard to manage, how can I deal with callback hell?

Alexey Petrushin

Apr 8, 2012, 8:57:33 PM4/8/12

It seems this is the most popular type of question in the Node community :)

There are tons of libraries to fight it, async.js (allow to write state machine instead of callbacks), iced coffee script (code manipulation, really cool thing), fibers (node extension to create pseudo - syncronous code).

I personally prefer fibers, You may take a look at this spec/test as a sample of how to use fibers with DB calls , more details here

Alexey Petrushin

Apr 8, 2012, 9:05:54 PM4/8/12
There's also another way to ease it 

- Express.js has some capabilities in form of middleware to eliminate some callbacks (like connecting to db) , 
- some DB drivers use sort-of deferred API, it eliminates some callbacks (connec -> get collection -> query callbacks will be merged into one)

I believe best results when You use this approaches & some sort of async helper.

Mark Hahn

Apr 8, 2012, 9:06:57 PM4/8/12
But as you can see this creates callback hell. 

It doesn't look that bad to me.

Matt Patenaude

Apr 8, 2012, 9:14:17 PM4/8/12
I agree, it seems entirely manageable.

One low-overhead option would be just to split that out into a function, if it's used frequently:

function dbQuery(query, callback){ fn() {
       db.collection(.... fn() {
            db.query(query, callback);

dbQuery("SELET * FROM blah", fn() {
    // stuff you would have done in the inner-most part here


On Apr 8, 2012, at 9:06 PM, Mark Hahn wrote:

But as you can see this creates callback hell. 

It doesn't look that bad to me.

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Matthew Hazlett

Apr 8, 2012, 9:17:39 PM4/8/12
Thats how I originally did it, but when you need to do multiple queries to the database you shoud open the connection once and reuse it instead of opening it multiple times a session.

Matt Patenaude

Apr 8, 2012, 9:24:09 PM4/8/12
In that case, you might consider doing something like this:

function obtainConnection(callback){
    var c = null;
    if (c == null){
        var conn = fn() {
            c = conn;

            // set some close timeout here

function dbQuery(query, callback){
    obtainConnection(fn() {
        db.collection(... fn() {
            db.query(query, callback);

Voila! Connection reuse. :)


Matt Patenaude

Apr 8, 2012, 9:25:06 PM4/8/12
Sorry, put that "var c = null;" outside the function, and maybe give it a less likely to be messed with name like var __persistentDBConnection = null;


Marak Squires

Apr 8, 2012, 9:26:30 PM4/8/12
Create a connection in the initialize phase of your application, then refer to that open connection later. There is no reason your .collection / .query methods needs to be nested immediately under the .open call.

JavaScript is a mostly functionality programming language. You start at the top and it's turtles all the way down to the last closure. Learn to figure out what needs to be defined at what scope and how to refer to that later.

Marak Squires
Co-founder and Chief Evangelist
Nodejitsu, Inc.

Matthew Hazlett

Apr 8, 2012, 9:43:39 PM4/8/12
Thanks, I would much rather do things the proper async way then rely on a  3rd party library that may not always be around.  I will give this a try.

Bryan Donovan

Apr 8, 2012, 10:45:15 PM4/8/12
The EasyMySQL npm eliminates these callbacks and uses a connection pool, so it only opens a new connection when needed.

Sent from an iPhone.

Matthew Hazlett

Apr 8, 2012, 10:57:37 PM4/8/12
It works but its still calllback hell :-(  The db connection gets reused tho.

    getApp: function(appid) {
        this.useConnection( function(db, client) {
            this.useCollection(db, 'authors', function(collection) {
                this.useQuery(collection, {'':appid}, function(data) {


Apr 8, 2012, 11:16:56 PM4/8/12
to nodejs
On Apr 8, 10:57 pm, Matthew Hazlett <> wrote:
> It works but its still calllback hell :-(  The db connection gets reused
> tho.

FWIW I do two things in my apps when it comes to deeply nested

1. Pull out some or most of the anonymous functions/callbacks, change
them to named functions, place them outside of the current function
scope (I usually put them in the global/module-level scope), and use
those named functions instead.

2. Use async.js for anything that can't be easily handled/abstracted
by #1: `npm install async` or: It
doesn't use fibers, coroutines, threads, etc, just plain helper
functions to perform asynchronous tasks in a more organized fashion.

Marak Squires

Apr 8, 2012, 11:22:57 PM4/8/12
+1 to this.

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Apr 8, 2012, 11:40:09 PM4/8/12
Can't you pull up the "this.useConnection( function(db, client)" part to a middleware? How about patching the request object with the db connection in an express middleware? Then you can simply refer to "req.db" for the db connection. This will remove one level of nesting.

I can usually tolerate 2 levels of nesting. On the third level, I either split the closure to a named function, or use async.js. Async is well tested and a lot of people use it on production.


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Mark Hahn

Apr 9, 2012, 12:20:45 AM4/9/12
Nesting is a lot less painful in coffeescript.  It is just sequential code that happens to get more and more indented. 

getApp: (appid) =>
   @useConnection (db, client) =>
    @useCollection db, 'authors', (collection) =>
      @useQuery collection, '':appid, (data) ->
         console.log data

Glenn Block

Apr 9, 2012, 1:28:01 AM4/9/12
+1, there's a ton of other libraries like Step as well. For really hairy conditional things Streamlinejs works really nicely.

On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 8:16 PM, mscdex <> wrote:

Mark Hahn

Apr 9, 2012, 1:48:21 AM4/9/12
In coffeescript it is only nesting heck.

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 9, 2012, 2:08:17 AM4/9/12
Try streamline.js. It is not a library but a language tool. Problem is solved and people should start to use real solutions instead of whining and re-inventing the wheel.

Roly Fentanes

Apr 9, 2012, 2:11:53 AM4/9/12
Why are you reconnecting to the db every time a user connects? If that is necessary, as in if the db connection depends on the user connecting, then define a function which given a query, connects to the db if not already connected, then executes the query after it connects. Then it disconnects from the db when the user disconnects.

Javascript isn't forcing you to nest your callbacks so much. It's flexible enough to let you define the ways you use asynchronous functions.

Matthew Hazlett

Apr 9, 2012, 2:38:55 AM4/9/12
Done that way for consistency.

if the connection already exists it doesn't recreate it,  It passes the existing one to the callback.

Martin Wawrusch

Apr 9, 2012, 2:47:53 AM4/9/12
+1 to mscdex and Mark Hahn. It's up to the developer if he wants to make his live easy or hard. That's true for node.js and every other platform too. 

Cheers Martin

Tim Caswell

Apr 9, 2012, 9:08:12 AM4/9/12

First of all, three levels deep is not that bad at all.  My personal threshold is around 5 levels.  Also, despite being the author of half a dozen control flow libraries, I never use any of them anymore.  I don't like the extra dependency on my library or app, and most importantly, I don't like all the inserted frames in my stack traces.

My favorite techniques are:

- Function composition.  Take common steps that involve two or more a sync layers and write common functions for then.  Pass in all the needed state as arguments so they don't need to be nested.  Or if there is a lot of needed state, next it in one or more layers, and pass in just some state.  The trick is to find places where your business logic naturally form narrow points and cross there.

- Serial actions I just nest.  This is true especially if each step depends on state from a previous step.  If it didn't depend on the outcome of a previous step, then why not do them in parallel?  The natural closures that nesting provides gives you access to all the state you need.

- For parallel work I just create a descriptive counter variable and call a common named `check` function that decrements the counter and checks if it should move on to the next named step function.

The take away is less is more.  90% of the time you don't need a library at all.  Just be aware of how closures and named functions work and take advantage of the tools the language already provides.

- Tim Caswell

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Mark Hahn

Apr 9, 2012, 1:32:33 PM4/9/12
despite being the author of half a dozen control flow libraries, I never use any of them anymore.  

I have only written one and I don't use it anymore either.  If nesting is a problem get a wider screen. 

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 9, 2012, 4:14:31 PM4/9/12
Opposite experience with streamline. We use the tool everyday and we'll never go back to callbacks. It probably has to do with the fact that libraries only solve a small part of the problem while a language tool can do a lot more: restore chaining, composition, operators, this, exception handling, etc. It lets you write things like:
If (f1(_).p1 < f2(_).p2) return f3(_).f4();
Libraries don't help much with that kind of simple logic.

jan zimmek

Apr 9, 2012, 5:28:36 PM4/9/12
to nodejs
streamline looks really promising, since we have lots of business-
rules which are implemented in dozens of nested callbacks. we use
coffeescript and most code have already been encapsulated in functions
to lessen the complexity.

but i would be more than happy to get rid of most of the (unnecessary)
callbacks and being able to use condition/loops/etc. again.

also it looks like a wonderful solution i am still a bit worried about
using streamline. is it mature enough to be used in production, are
there any projects already using it ?


Joe Ferner

Apr 9, 2012, 5:51:24 PM4/9/12
to nodejs
Many streamline like APIs use node-fibers (
node-fibers) under the covers and fibers requires isolates which is
now deprecated and is going to be removed if it hasn't already. I also
think that the way it works under the covers also incurs performance
impacts because it ends up implementing threading which is slow. If
you like non-callback APIs I just wouldn't use node if I were you.

I like using the async library when things get complicated.

Marco Rogers

Apr 9, 2012, 6:08:34 PM4/9/12
I'm confused about this. Isolates is being removed from node, not from v8. node-fibers should still be able to use them right?

Joe Ferner

Apr 9, 2012, 6:40:31 PM4/9/12
to nodejs
Sorry, you're right V8 should still have isolates so it may still

On Apr 9, 6:08 pm, Marco Rogers <> wrote:
> I'm confused about this. Isolates is being removed from node, not from v8.
> node-fibers should still be able to use them right?
> On Monday, April 9, 2012 2:51:24 PM UTC-7, Joe Ferner wrote:
> > Many streamline like APIs use node-fibers (
> > node-fibers <>) under the covers

Rehan Iftikhar

Apr 9, 2012, 8:52:27 PM4/9/12
I understand that technically you're querying against a database, but what is the behavior that you are trying to implement? Can you give a clear, simple explanation of the feature of your application? 

If you want to abstract things into a class, I find that its best to understand the "role(s)" of what the class(es) are supposed to do.

Ryan Schmidt

Apr 9, 2012, 11:37:14 PM4/9/12

On Apr 9, 2012, at 16:28, jan zimmek wrote:


> i am still a bit worried about
> using streamline. is it mature enough to be used in production, are
> there any projects already using it ?

The claim I've seen made on this list several times is that streamline is robust enough to use in production. I don't know any specific sites using it.

There's another solution, TameJS, by the creators of OkCupid:

They used it to build their large dating site, so it's demonstrably ready for production.

Message has been deleted


Apr 10, 2012, 12:20:31 AM4/10/12
Callbacks are silly. Callbacks are bad! Just play it cool, there's fun to be had!
If your code is private, if it's no API, use promises my friend! You'll soon see why!
Tired of error passing? Tired of nests? With deferred functions, you will have no stress!

    var q = require('q');

    q.ncall(, db)
        .then(function() {
            // What we are doing here is WHEN the statement is finished
            // we return a NEW promise saying that hey, we want to wait for
            // db.collection to finish.
            return q.ncall(db.collection, db, 'collection name')
        }).then(function(collection) {
            // Now we know our db.colleciton statement is done. What if
            // there is no collection!?

            // Example for what to do if you need conditional logic
            if(!collection) {
                return q.ncall(db.createCollection, db, 'colllection name');
        }).then(function(collection) {
            return q.ncall(db.query, db, collection, 'query');
        }).then(function (queryResults) {
            // I have query results! yay!!
        }).fail(function(err) {
            console.log('one of the above steps went irreversibly wrong!', err);

But what, you ask, about external libs? Ones that need to use your code? Won't with q they quib?
It's simple you see. For them you say:
I can use q all I want. But when I'm done, I'll send a callback your way!

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 2:29:56 AM4/10/12
Total piece of disinformation!

Streamline does not rely on any c++ or threads.. It is a pure JS solution and it runs in browsers (someone is using it with iPhone safari).

There is an option to use fibers but it is just an option.

Fibers does not use isolates. It uses threads.

In short you got it all wrong!

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 2:40:15 AM4/10/12
Small correction: fibers uses a coroutine library. It may use threads under the hood too but I'm not sure

Nuno Job

Apr 10, 2012, 2:40:41 AM4/10/12
Wondering how many times in my life I will read this email and subsequent answers. 

I think it is clear what the core team is doing with node, diverging attentions to your projects on fibers/threads of any kind/etc is really not a good thing to do with beginners imho, and I would refrain from answering like that. If you think I'm wrong at least explain why you think answering in such fashion to a beginner in node is a good thing? 

What can I deal about callback hell?

tldr: Deal with it; learn node.
paragraph: First, don't call it callback hell if you are willing to use nodejs. Second, maybe try "stream hell" if such thing exists. Streams are a first class citizen in node. Third, write a control flow library, now use one (someone did a better job than you and its in Now you understand node, if you wish to use fibers go ahead and do so. Please put it in the readme of your project so I know not to use it.


Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 2:54:31 AM4/10/12
to was built with streamline and coffeescript. It's been in production for several months now.

I cannot disclose what we are doing with it yet. But Sage is a well established company and our team has been using it for more than a year.

Matthew Hazlett

Apr 10, 2012, 2:58:47 AM4/10/12
Thanks everyone for your input on this matter.
I will say that, I opted not to use any sort of Async library, but
instead opted to build my application the way the framework was
designed. Thanks again.


Richard Marr

Apr 10, 2012, 4:47:20 AM4/10/12


Mariusz Nowak

Apr 10, 2012, 5:02:57 AM4/10/12
I'm not sure whether it has been proposed here, but for such API, promises are good solution. In short with promises you encapsulate async state in object, so you just work with objects, no callbacks hell.
Your example when using promises may look like:

db = promisify(, ...);
fooCollection = db.invokeAsync('collection', ....);
fooItems = fooCollection.invokeAsync('query', ..);

That's the way I work with mongodb driver for Node.js, if you find this attractive check

Mariusz Nowak

Marcel Laverdet

Apr 10, 2012, 5:09:28 AM4/10/12
Yeah this is like completely wrong. You just made all this up, man.

Fibers doesn't use Isolates anymore than Node does. Fibers also work on Node 0.4.x (and probably lower), long before Isolates were even introduced into v8.

node-fibers doesn't "implement threading" it uses libcoro, the actual method under the hood is either setjmp/longjmp or ucontext depending on your platform. These are primitives used as pieces of threading in larger systems so they are vaguely similar, but node-fibers doesn't invoke any scheduler, nor does it need locking. Performance is fine.

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Alexey Petrushin

Apr 10, 2012, 5:20:16 AM4/10/12
I saw a couple of times these phrase "learn callbacks first" - sorry, but what should be learned there? It's not something unique to Node.js it's just an usual and standard programming concept.

The interesting question about node is not what callbacks are (You should already know about it if You have any programming expirience before), but how to eliminate it.


Apr 10, 2012, 6:09:32 AM4/10/12
On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Joe Ferner wrote:

> Many streamline like APIs use node-fibers <> under the covers and fibers requires isolates which is now deprecated and is going to be removed if it hasn't already.

Isolates are *not* a feature of node, Isolates are a part of v8 and aren't deprecated nor going to be removed.

> I also think that the way it works under the covers also incurs performance impacts because it ends up implementing threading which is slow.

That's funny because every process in your machine *is* a thread (at least one thread), and nearly 100% of them have more than a thread, e.g. FYI a node process normally uses 3 (and up to 5) threads itself. Right now in my Mac as I write this, there are 64 processes and 270 threads running, simply because threads are the essential building block to achieve concurrency and parallelism:


Oliver Leics

Apr 10, 2012, 6:33:02 AM4/10/12
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Jorge <> wrote:
>> If
>> you like non-callback APIs I just wouldn't use node if I were you.
> And you'd only be fine until the program grows, then you'd begin to have difficulties in understanding/following your own program's logic.

Over the years I have seen uncountable pieces of code and grownup
software with 'hard-to-follow' logic, the majority being quite
synchronous code.


Apr 10, 2012, 8:15:30 AM4/10/12
On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:40 AM, Nuno Job wrote:

> (...)

> if you wish to use fibers go ahead and do so. Please put it in the readme of your project so I know not to use it.

"so I know not to use it"

What a fine example of fundamentalism. Couldn't you simply express gratitude to Marcel for his (awesome) contribution instead? Or are we going to start throwing stones at each other? If so, Houston, there's a problem.

Yi Tan

Apr 10, 2012, 9:37:08 AM4/10/12

you really should spend a few hours learning coffee script if the js callback syntax make you uncomfortable

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Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 9:46:41 AM4/10/12

It's like you have to follow the dogma and the last thing you should do is try things out and make up your own mind.

Come on guys, I don't care if you'll end up using streamline or not but please BE CURIOUS AND TRY THINGS OUT.

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 9:51:22 AM4/10/12
to nodejs
On Apr 10, 6:09 am, Jorge <> wrote:
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Joe Ferner wrote:
> > Many streamline like APIs use node-fibers <> under the covers and fibers requires isolates which is now deprecated and is going to be removed if it hasn't already.
> Isolates are *not* a feature of node, Isolates are a part of v8 and aren't deprecated nor going to be removed.

That is true, I stand corrected. I also assumed, incorrectly, that
streamline was using fibers exclusively since it showed up in the
fibers wiki and I couldn't find the source on github because there
wasn't a link in npm. After glancing at the code it looks to be
overriding the require statement and modifying the Javascript.

> > I also think that the way it works under the covers also incurs performance impacts because it ends up implementing threading which is slow.
> That's funny because every process in your machine *is* a thread (at least one thread), and nearly 100% of them have more than a thread, e.g. FYI a node process normally uses 3 (and up to 5) threads itself. Right now in my Mac as I write this, there are 64 processes and 270 threads running, simply because threads are the essential building block to achieve concurrency and parallelism:

One of node's fundamental is not to have many threads which avoids
thread switching, locks, etc. Sure node has 3 threads but that is very
small compared to say a Java server or a Ruby server which could have
100s. I should have said thread "like" because it is doing a type of
threading (coroutines) as your code gets called it is swapping out the
execution stack from a previously saved state which does have
performance implications.

>  PastedGraphic-2.png
> 41KViewDownload
> > If
> > you like non-callback APIs I just wouldn't use node if I were you.
> And you'd only be fine until the program grows, then you'd begin to have difficulties in understanding/following your own program's logic.
> > I like using the async library when things get complicated.
> Right, the hello world http server in front page doesn't need it.

My main point is that if you don't like callbacks then node might not
be the language for you. Adding layers just slows the performance and
defeats some of the benefits to using node. You would have probably
been better off just writing your app in Ruby, Java, or Dart for that
matter. I would love to see real world benchmarks to prove me wrong
because the idea of not having many nestings of callbacks would be

> --
> Jorge.

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 10:12:33 AM4/10/12

You are just such a concentrate of preconceived ideas.

Take a realistic bench case, implement it with streamline and fibers and then come back to us with figures. From my experience there are code patterns where fibers beats callbacks 10 to 1.

Si please stop your bs and get real.

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 10:55:48 AM4/10/12
to nodejs
On Apr 10, 10:12 am, Bruno Jouhier <> wrote:
> @joeferner
> You are just such a concentrate of preconceived ideas.
> Take a realistic bench case, implement it with streamline and fibers and then come back to us with figures. From my experience there are code patterns where fibers beats callbacks 10 to 1.

beats 10 to 1 how? in code readability?

> Si please stop your bs and get real.

This example is a bit contrived and by no mean a realistic example but
I think it demonstrates the calling overhead quite well.

On my machine I get 75ms for the streamline example and 3ms for the
pure node example. That's 25 times slower. I will agree that for many
real world cases this is a tiny piece of the overall time, but it does
exist, and for me I'm not willing to take that on.

Now that I've used streamline, I'm also not excited about having to
run _node or precompiling my javascript using "node -c". Running my
unit tests and deploying to my servers just got one step harder and
added to the overall complexity.

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 11:12:04 AM4/10/12
Your bench does not make sense. There is no async call at all. So there is no reason to have an _ in the streamline source.

Streamline does not transform sync fonctions. So the Streamline version of this bench should take 3 ms.

Callback != asynchronous

Try again with an async call

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 11:32:45 AM4/10/12
to nodejs
I was trying to demonstrate the call overhead but here is an example
with some async code again a bit
contrived because I really didn't want to spend much time on this.

streamline did close the gap a bit which is what I suspected when I
said "I will agree that for many real world cases this is a tiny piece
of the overall time". But it was still twice as slow. (node 565ms and
streamline 1049ms)

Axel Kittenberger

Apr 10, 2012, 2:14:22 PM4/10/12
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Yi Tan <> wrote:
> you really should spend a few hours learning coffee script if the js
> callback syntax make you uncomfortable

Unless coffee script fixes its "implicit local variable is global if
the names match and just dont take care to not accidently name it
equally" I will not touch it with a long stick.

Anyway, I find this node.js and callback arguments popping up again
and again very similar to what happens when asking the PHP guys and
gals why func()[1] is not a valid language construct? They get all
miffed usual arguments follow, and it happens all the time again. I
suppose simply because deeply within they know there is some
fundamental problem, but convince themselves with far fetched
arguments like "just get a larger screen" etc. at least as much as the
repeated questions. Only long after the lifecycle of software solution
people come, well yes that sucked didn't it? We kinda knew it all the
way, but we just decided to ignore it.

Maybe you have other good examples?
Ask GNOME 3 why the panel is no longer customizeable.
Ask TCL what the they where thinking when they handled every integer
variable as string.
Ask Java why multiple inheritence was that bad after all, and all the
workarounds they later needed for it. You got an Inputstream object
and Outputstream object, but how to get an InputOutputStream?
Ask Javascript, about 'this'.
Ask terminal guys, about why terminal emulations are that complicated
and never compitabitle to anything else.
Ask Windows why \r\n, ask why they never ever managed to abolish drive letters.
Ask Apple why \n\r
Ask Linux why inotify and fanotify while both being non-satisfactory
for any usecase but the single one they were designed for.

So now that I annoyed every tech group there is, I better get logged
of for a while :-)))

Marcel Laverdet

Apr 10, 2012, 3:03:01 PM4/10/12
func()[1] not being allowed in PHP is just a silly deficiency in the language grammar and runtime. I "fixed" it in 2009 with a rewrite rule (right before APC in the compile chain). func()[1] -> _helper(func(), 1). I have a habit of not accepting languages the way they're given to me I guess.

Anyway I don't think that's a very good comparison. Or maybe it is because they're both easily fixable problems.

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Axel Kittenberger

Apr 10, 2012, 3:13:27 PM4/10/12
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Marcel Laverdet <> wrote:
> func()[1] not being allowed in PHP is just a silly deficiency in the
> language grammar and runtime. I "fixed" it in 2009 with a rewrite rule
> (right before APC in the compile chain). func()[1] -> _helper(func(), 1). I
> have a habit of not accepting languages the way they're given to me I guess.

You are right, the problems don't compare well, but I compared the
community reactions when yet another time someone new mentions it, yet
another time, and everybody goes "oh no, not again. stop trolling us.
you can work around this or that or thut way." but in the core its a
silly deficiency.

I suppose when generators come to V8 we might see a new generation of
workarounds 'ehhh I mean solutions.

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 3:24:22 PM4/10/12
Still, your bench is wrong because the two programs do different things:

* The streamline program calls socket.write from the callback of the previous socket.write. So it does proper flow control and it won't overflow output buffers.
* The callback program calls socket.write in a loop, without chaining them through the callbacks. No flow control here!

So please, go back to the drawing board and come back with a fair bench.

Hint: the callback version should not run the bench with a for loop, it should transform the loop into a recursion (which is what streamline does).

Alexey Petrushin

Apr 10, 2012, 3:48:34 PM4/10/12
When a question rises again and again it's a good sign of problem.

To make clear I'm not in any way blame the node on it, it has tons of advantages and it's ok to have problem. 
Every advanced machinery have some sort of problems or limitations - it's ok.
But what's not ok - is to have false delusion, to believe that a problem is a feature, or even worse - call it "The Rails/Node way". 

Because if You call the problem as it deserves - the problem - there's always room for progress and improvement. And maybe someday it will be completely fixed and become not a problem but another advantage.

But when You ignore it or believe that it's a "feature" or "the right way" - the problem always will be there, it's a way to stagnation. 

Yes You can become tolerable to ugly code and buy wider screen to fit all those callbacks, but it doesn't matter. 
Perceptions doesn't change the objective reality, no matter how much people believe that false is true, false still and always will be the false.

So, maybe it's worth to stop call this problem a "feature"?

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 4:01:07 PM4/10/12
to nodejs
I think I'm done writing benchmarks. Even if I come up with a
benchmark that shows streamline is faster I'm still not going to use
it and I couldn't recommend anyone else use it either. The community
as a whole doesn't back that kind of syntax so I couldn't submit a
module to npm if I wrote it using streamline. As I said before I can't
easily run my unit tests or deploy to my server environment. From the
little that I used it, it screws up the stack trace, you get weird
errors like "Function contains async calls but does not have _
parameter" which IMO shouldn't be an error at all. And it obscures
what is really going on under the covers which you pointed out quite
well in your most recent comments.

On Apr 10, 3:24 pm, Bruno Jouhier <> wrote:
> Still, your bench is wrong because the two programs do different things:
> * The streamline program calls socket.write from the callback of the
> previous socket.write. So it does proper flow control and it won't overflow
> output buffers.
> * The callback program calls socket.write in a loop, without chaining them
> through the callbacks. No flow control here!
> So please, go back to the drawing board and come back with a fair bench.
> Hint: the callback version should not run the bench with a for loop, it
> should transform the loop into a recursion (which is what streamline does).
> On Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:32:45 PM UTC+2, Joe Ferner wrote:
> > On Apr 10, 11:12 am, Bruno Jouhier <> wrote:
> > > Your bench does not make sense. There is no async call at all. So there
> > is no reason to have an _ in the streamline source.
> > > Streamline does not transform sync fonctions. So the Streamline version
> > of this bench should take 3 ms.
> > > Callback != asynchronous
> > > Try again with an async call
> > I was trying to demonstrate the call overhead but here is an example
> > with some async code a bit

Axel Kittenberger

Apr 10, 2012, 4:07:17 PM4/10/12
> errors like "Function contains async calls but does not have _
> parameter" which IMO shouldn't be an error at all.

By all respect you just got little clue. This error is *good*, since
it does not allow functions to "yield under your ass", which would
technically be impossible in streamline anyway.

Rest of the argument now you fail with benchmarking is "because I say
so.". Streamline will run in full potential since it does nothing else
than to write the correct javascript for you. The only drawback is,
that its syntax is not natively understood by V8 thus error messages
contain different text, and if you are using some debugger, it might
look a different else than what you expected.


Apr 10, 2012, 4:13:25 PM4/10/12
Am I the only one that thinks that we talk about Callback Hell only because we are not used to used callback everywhere ?

Naouak, Grade 2 de Kobal.
Site web:

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 10, 2012, 4:35:50 PM4/10/12
Streamline translates its special syntax to vanilla JS with callbacks. So, if you implement a function like

  function foo(x, y, _) { ... }

Normal JS modules (not written with streamline) will be able to call it as:

  foo(x, y, function(err, result) { ... });

Streamline is just a tool that helps you write your code. This tool produces vanilla JS that follows the standard node callback conventions. So you can publish it to NPM, you won't be forcing anyone else to use streamline. That's like coding a module in CoffeeScript.

Regarding the stack traces, streamline reconstructs the "synchronous" stack that led to the exception. This is a big plus as the callback stack is usually not very helpful (and if you really want it, you have it with ex.rawStack).

The error message that bugs you is a feature. It ensures that all the yielding points are explicit.

Regarding performance, there is still a need for real benchmarks that compare apples with apples (code that does flow control with code that does flow control). Your half baked pseudo benches are just useless.


Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 4:36:59 PM4/10/12
to nodejs
On Apr 10, 4:07 pm, Axel Kittenberger <> wrote:
> > errors like "Function contains async calls but does not have _
> > parameter" which IMO shouldn't be an error at all.
> By all respect you just got little clue. This error is *good*, since
> it does not allow functions to "yield under your ass", which would
> technically be impossible in streamline anyway.

This error happened when I tried to mix the syntax.

socket.connect(1111, 'localhost', function() {

instead of

socket.connect(1111, 'localhost', _);

If I want to mix the syntax, let me, don't error out.

> Rest of the argument now you fail with benchmarking is "because I say
> so.". Streamline will run in full potential since it does nothing else
> than to write the correct javascript for you. The only drawback is,
> that its syntax is not natively understood by V8 thus error messages
> contain different text, and if you are using some debugger, it might
> look a different else than what you expected.

I just don't have time to write more benchmarks that no mater what I
come up with Bruno will find another reason why it isn't valid.

It's not just different text it's a completely different stack trace
so I would have no hope in finding out what failed, especially if it
happened in production. As far as debuggers go, the code looks
completely different not just a little different, it does give me line
numbers which is nice.

Axel Kittenberger

Apr 10, 2012, 5:01:19 PM4/10/12
> If I want to mix the syntax, let me, don't error out.

I lets you mix it, you just have to do it correctly. E.g: this works
without error:

function foo(_) {
process.nextTick(function() {

Don't blame streamline for your own shortcomings. I know of its
drawbacks in debugging mode, but thats about it, i get tired and angry
about the FUD spread around it, and you made a ton of it.

> I just don't have time to write more benchmarks that no mater what I
> come up with Bruno will find another reason why it isn't valid.

Its not like Bruno is doing an evil plot here. Since as long your
benchmark does not compare apple with oranges, it will always be just
as fast as vanilla written code, since in the end, it translates to
vanilla code.

Mark Hahn

Apr 10, 2012, 5:24:38 PM4/10/12
>  Unless coffee script fixes its "implicit local variable is global if
the names match and just dont take care to not accidently name it
equally" I will not touch it with a long stick.

I and a number of other coffeescripters have been bitching about this over and over. So far we haven't budged the BDFL.

However, there is a pretty simple workaround.  You can use the var statement by using backticks which passes it through to the javascript:  `var x;`   I use this all the time.  It isn't even that ugly.

If you are ignoring coffeescript because of this then that is a shame.  I use absolutely nothing but coffeescript and I can't imagine living without it.

Marcel Laverdet

Apr 10, 2012, 6:53:49 PM4/10/12
Joe your stubbornness speaks volumes. If you'd have quit everything in life after spending 10 minutes and messing up once you wouldn't get anywhere. There's an ever-growing number of supporters of this kind of technology (435 followers on github for fibers, 222 for streamline) and to not even explore it because of baseless assumptions is silly. It's not my problem if you don't want to use fibers or streamline, I don't care.. but it becomes my problem when you literally make up lies about this software. It's good and robust software, I promise. There's a one time cost to learn some simple rules about how the software works and then you can look forward to *significant* reductions in lines of code written.

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 8:16:01 PM4/10/12
to nodejs

On Apr 10, 5:01 pm, Axel Kittenberger <> wrote:
> > If I want to mix the syntax, let me, don't error out.
> I lets you mix it, you just have to do it correctly. E.g: this works
> without error:
> function foo(_) {
>     process.nextTick(_);
>     console.log('a');
>     process.nextTick(function() {
>         console.log('b');
>     });}
> foo(_);
> Don't blame streamline for your own shortcomings. I know of its
> drawbacks in debugging mode, but thats about it, i get tired and angry
> about the FUD spread around it, and you made a ton of it.

Ok then perhaps you can fix my code because this gives me the error
and from what I can tell it looks to follow your pattern...

var net = require('net');

function foo(_) {
var socket = new net.Socket();
socket.connect(1111, 'localhost', function() {
var start = new Date();
for (var i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) {
socket.write(new Buffer([i]), _);
var end = new Date();
console.log("done: " + (end - start));



> > I just don't have time to write more benchmarks that no mater what I
> > come up with Bruno will find another reason why it isn't valid.
> Its not like Bruno is doing an evil plot here. Since as long your
> benchmark does not compare apple with oranges, it will always be just
> as fast as vanilla written code, since in the end, it translates to
> vanilla code.

I disagree about my benchmarks being incorrect. Benchmark 1 was to
purely compare the overhead of calling functions using traditional
methods vs streamline. Methods with callbacks are not required to have
async code in them, they just generally do. If you replace doIt with
say a getUserFromCache method where 99% of the time you get cache hits
and the function just returns the user this would be completely valid
and you would incur the penalty. But I played along and tossed in an
async call. Benchmark 2 is valid if you want to send data as fast as
possible to the other side. I would love to see this magical
benchmark that streamline is as fast or faster than node but I have
yet to see it.

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 8:23:09 PM4/10/12
to nodejs
By that logic we should also be using Coffeescript with it's 4,800+
followers but if you listen to any of the node core team I think you
would hear quite a different story.
> > > > with some async code bit

Mark Hahn

Apr 10, 2012, 8:30:08 PM4/10/12
By that logic we should also be using Coffeescript with it's 4,800+
followers but if you listen to any of the node core team I think you
would hear quite a different story. 

Can you please elaborate on what the core team has said about coffeescript?

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 8:53:33 PM4/10/12
to nodejs
I think it was episode 10 of nodeup ( where they
railed on it for 10 minutes. There is also a pull request (https:// where they complain about it that is
pretty funny.

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 9:08:15 PM4/10/12
to nodejs
Ah never mind my fault. Needed "socket.connect(1111, 'localhost',
function(_) {" (missing underscore here).

Mark Hahn

Apr 10, 2012, 9:13:15 PM4/10/12
I think it was episode 10 of nodeup ( where they
railed on it for 10 minutes. There is also a pull request (https:// where they complain about it that is
pretty funny. 

They didn't trash coffeescript, they were trashing the idea of using it for node core.  There is a big difference.

Joe Ferner

Apr 10, 2012, 9:26:21 PM4/10/12
to nodejs
Not sure if 10 was it, that's the only one I could find from searching
the text of the episodes. They are definitely not coffeescript fans if
you listen through a couple of the episodes.

Mark Hahn

Apr 10, 2012, 9:36:47 PM4/10/12
 They are definitely not coffeescript fans if you listen through a couple of the episodes. 

I'll take your word for it.  I can see where people working at the core level may not be excited about higher-level languages. These same people use c++.

I'm working at the app level and I have 10,000 lines of coffeescript.  I can't imagine coding all that in javascript.

Mikeal Rogers

Apr 10, 2012, 9:49:00 PM4/10/12
NodeUp is not exclusively node core committers nor has it ever included the full list of committers so the views represented should not be viewed as "core".

While our personal views about coffeescript may be negative node is committed to support (but not include or bundle) the use compile target languages. No one will ever have the level of support that javascript has but we won't be going out of our way to disable it.

GitHub Followers are a good indication that something is interesting, they should not be considered supporters or an accurate representation of adoption. For instance:

express: 5,823
npm: 2,605

There is no question that npm has wider adoption than express. While express is hugely popular it *requires* npm to be installed :)

One thing I've noticed is that GitHub followers mean you have something interesting, not that you have something they use. My suspicion is that many followers don't actually use the project they are following but find it interesting enough to keep an eye on.

The closest metric we have for adoption is "depended on" But, this metric also falls short. For instance, depending on express is an indicator of how well it's been adopted by people building plugins, same with connect, but not a good indicator for it's actual adoption since web frameworks are mainly used by applications which are not pushed to the registry. Similarly, coffeescript has a larger representation that it's actual usage since *any* module written in coffeescript includes it as a dependency.

Fibers has about 12 modules that depend on it. Streamline has about 4. If you want to compare that against common utilities that use standard node practices for async (request:420,,redis:175) it's quite low. Even comparing fibers and streamline to popular flow control libraries that use standard node practices (async:354,step:64) fibers and streamline have sparse adoption.

Not saying nobody uses them or that they don't have a bit of a following, but by the actual numbers we have their adoption is quite limited compared with standard node practices, especially when compared to how vocal they are championed on this list whenever a thread like this appears.

It would seem that the majority of node developers are content with standard callbacks and find ways to deal with them and are not running towards blocking style abstractions, they just don't care enough to yell a lot on every thread like the authors of alternatives.

Mikeal Rogers

Apr 10, 2012, 9:50:19 PM4/10/12
On Apr 10, 2012, at April 10, 20126:36 PM, Mark Hahn wrote:

 They are definitely not coffeescript fans if you listen through a couple of the episodes. 

I'll take your word for it.  I can see where people working at the core level may not be excited about higher-level languages. These same people use c++.

The vast majority of commits to node are in JavaScript. As of 0.5 the majority of C++ heavy lifting is in libuv which has a different committer list (although there is some overlap).

I'm working at the app level and I have 10,000 lines of coffeescript.  I can't imagine coding all that in javascript.

I have about 10 times that in javascript and it's quite easy, when things break I even get line numbers :)

Isaac Schlueter

Apr 10, 2012, 10:16:58 PM4/10/12
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 18:49, Mikeal Rogers <> wrote:
> NodeUp is not exclusively node core committers nor has it ever included the full list of committers so the views represented should not be viewed as "core".

I think Felix and I are the only core committers that have been on NodeUp.

> While our personal views about coffeescript may be negative node is committed to support (but not include or bundle) the use compile target languages.

Node is committed to supporting JavaScript programs. How you write
those JavaScript programs is your own business.

In retrospect, I think require.extensions was a mistake. But it's a
mistake we're stuck with. It mostly stays out of the way, which is
good, I suppose.

> One thing I've noticed is that GitHub followers mean you have something interesting, not that you have something they use. My suspicion is that many followers don't actually use the project they are following but find it interesting enough to keep an eye on.

It also indicates that you need to know when to update a thing. npm
gets updated whenever you get a new version of node. However, a lot
of people post bugs with Express, contribute to it, etc. It's a
run-time dependency, not a dev-time one.

The primary major goal of the Node.js project is to make easy to build
fast network programs. Making things simpler makes them easier, and
hiding the true nature of IO only makes it harder in the long run.

It is not our goal to fix JavaScript syntax (that's tc-39's job).
It is not our goal to make programs look blocking when they are in
fact parallel (that's a bad complexity trade-off).

> I'll take your word for it. I can see where people working at the core level may not be excited about higher-level languages. These same people use c++.

We are excited about writing high performance network programs.
JavaScript is a very easy and effective way to do that. Most of
Node.js is in JavaScript. JavaScript is a higher-level language.
We're very interested in it.

Isaac Schlueter

Apr 10, 2012, 10:17:52 PM4/10/12
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 19:16, Isaac Schlueter <> wrote:
> It is not our goal to make programs look blocking when they are in
> fact parallel (that's a bad complexity trade-off).


Mark Hahn

Apr 10, 2012, 10:21:08 PM4/10/12
 when things break I even get line numbers :) 

I can tell you went to a lot of work writing those diplomatic even-handed posts.  But then you couldn't resist taking a shot at the end.  :-)

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 11, 2012, 2:27:17 AM4/11/12
depend is not a very good measure either. Streamline is more for people who write applications than for library writers. And people don't publish whole applications to NPM. There are also a few who use it browser side.


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Axel Kittenberger

Apr 11, 2012, 2:54:01 AM4/11/12
> If you are ignoring coffeescript because of this then that is a shame.  I
> use absolutely nothing but coffeescript and I can't imagine living without
> it.

Yes it's a make or break for me. A language that doesn't even get its
scoping at least somewhat right is a no-go for me .Introducing a new
global variable messes up some code that worked before far below just
because it happens to have a local variable named the same way? I
don't even understand what a "great idea" it was to go back to
implicit variable declaration, global or local, while everyone else
after years of experience is pushing that down, a few characters for
declaring a varible (local and global) is nothing compared to the
hours of joy debugging. Javascript idiosyncratic scoping is already
scraping that limit for me, and if it wouldn't have the momentum of
being the web language, I'd already frown about that.

Axel Kittenberger

Apr 11, 2012, 2:57:57 AM4/11/12
> I disagree about my benchmarks being incorrect.

No, as long the two "benchmarks" behave different IO wise, they are
incorrect and you compare apples with oranges. E.g. If you want to
fill buffers to full limit, and do it both wise. And try to come up
with aproperiate flow control in vanilla code, yes its not uber
trivial to write. Thats the whole point. There is no overhead in
runtime, since streamline will translate to script you would write
anyway. The only overhead is during startup when streamline does the

Mark Hahn

Apr 11, 2012, 3:22:20 AM4/11/12
 A language that doesn't even get its scoping at least somewhat right is a no-go for me . 

Any yet you use a language that defaults everything to global.

The lack of the var statement is the only thing wrong with scoping at the moment and I showed you a nice workaround.  Otherwise scoping is more than "somewhat" right and a big improvement over javascript.  

Axel Kittenberger

Apr 11, 2012, 3:31:53 AM4/11/12
> Any yet you use a language that defaults everything to global.

Its not like you got much choice when you do client-side web
development. Default to local is IMHO not any better than default to
global. Why default to anything? Jhint warns nicely about any default
to globals.

> The lack of the var statement is the only thing wrong with scoping at the
> moment and I showed you a nice workaround.  Otherwise scoping is more than
> "somewhat" right and a big improvement over javascript.

Bringing us back to the topic of "workarounds" to "problems" not
acknowledged as problems but canted to the "way of [X]".

If I ever put up the focus, I'd rather get my own
javascrip-meta-language that eases/encorages heavy use of immutables
to get another advantage of functional programming in.

Mark Hahn

Apr 11, 2012, 3:37:58 AM4/11/12
You would obviously be happy with Erlang.  Can't you code server-side in Erlang?  

Axel Kittenberger

Apr 11, 2012, 4:11:37 AM4/11/12
I've code sharing between server and client. So unless Erlang
translates to Javascript, node.js is the way to go.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Mark Hahn <> wrote:
> You would obviously be happy with Erlang.  Can't you code server-side in
> Erlang?

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Richard Marr

Apr 11, 2012, 5:18:59 AM4/11/12
On 10 April 2012 14:46, Bruno Jouhier <> wrote:
> It's like you have to follow the dogma and the last thing you should do is try things out and make up your own mind.
> Come on guys, I don't care if you'll end up using streamline or not but please BE CURIOUS AND TRY THINGS OUT.

Considering the variety of replies in the thread I don't think its
fair to call it dogma.

Absolutely people should try new things out, but some have implied in
this thread that suggesting that the solution to (not knowing what to
do about) 'callback hell' is to add abstractions and meta-languages...
which seems hasty to me.

I'd be surprised if didn't agree on some level that it's worthwhile
encouraging incoming coders to first reach a fairly basic level of
familiarity before they explore that stuff.

Isaac Schlueter

Apr 11, 2012, 5:24:15 AM4/11/12
Trying stuff out is great. Do that.

Also, you should learn JavaScript. It's unavoidable, after all, so
you'll always end up dealing with it somehow. (For similar reasons,
you should learn C as well.)

A lot of people seem to be ok with using JavaScript without any meta
language in front of it. Some of them even claim it's better than the
alternatives, and they have some tricks and practices that make
callbacks decidedly un-hellish. So maybe try that out, too.

Mariusz Nowak

Apr 11, 2012, 5:50:22 AM4/11/12
Adding to what Isaac said.
Many of us have gone through "callback hell" and don't have that problem anymore, it's not Node.js or JavaScript issue. Check available solutions, listen to those who've been there.
Important note: asynchronous programming requires some time to get with it, and it will always be like that, it doesn't matter whether you work with plain callbacks or trying out some ready solution.
Never expect to find solution that in 5 minutes will make your problem gone, from my perspective everyone needs at least few days playing with it to workout/learn solution that will feel comfortable with.

Mariusz Nowak

Nuno Job

Apr 11, 2012, 6:31:26 AM4/11/12
>> Streamline is more for people who write applications than for library writers.

Thanks for putting that crystal clear Bruno. It's very positive when people say what their tools are good for, and not so adequate for imho.

The way you write your applications is entirely up to you, and you are always right to do what you feel confortable. As for libraries, the decisions you make have implications on those using your libraries.

For people wanting to know a bit more on bruno's views he shared a blogpost I found very informative:

Jann Horn

Apr 11, 2012, 9:54:19 AM4/11/12
Am Sonntag, den 08.04.2012, 22:48 -0700 schrieb Mark Hahn:
> In coffeescript it is only nesting heck.

And in coco, it is often not even nesting heck. :)


foo (resultA) ->
bar (resultB) ->


(resultA) <- foo!
(resultB) <- bar!


Jann Horn

Apr 11, 2012, 10:00:05 AM4/11/12
Am Dienstag, den 10.04.2012, 20:14 +0200 schrieb Axel Kittenberger:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Yi Tan <> wrote:
> > you really should spend a few hours learning coffee script if the js
> > callback syntax make you uncomfortable
> Unless coffee script fixes its "implicit local variable is global if
> the names match and just dont take care to not accidently name it
> equally" I will not touch it with a long stick.

<fanboy>Use coco, it's much better there! And it's cooler
anyway. :)</fanboy>

> Ask Javascript, about 'this'.

Uh... anything wrong about that?


Jann Horn

Apr 11, 2012, 10:16:25 AM4/11/12
Am Dienstag, den 10.04.2012, 18:50 -0700 schrieb Mikeal Rogers:
> > I'm working at the app level and I have 10,000 lines of coffeescript. I can't imagine coding all that in javascript.
> I have about 10 times that in javascript and it's quite easy, when things break I even get line numbers :)

Hey! There are patches for error reporting with token precision!

(well, apart from string interpolations, correct source positions are a
bit tricky for those)



Apr 12, 2012, 5:27:43 AM4/12/12
On Apr 11, 2012, at 2:16 AM, Joe Ferner wrote:

> (...) Methods with callbacks are not required to have async code in them, they just generally do. If you replace doIt with say a getUserFromCache method where 99% of the time you get cache hits and the function just returns the user this would be completely valid (...)

You can do that but I think the consensus is that it's not a good idea because it complicates reasoning about your code:

method(params, cb);

Will doSomethingElse() run before or after cb() ?

Roly Fentanes

Apr 12, 2012, 5:33:54 AM4/12/12
If your function is asynchronous only sometimes, consider getting rid of that ambiguity by using process.nextTick() on your callback in the cases where calling it won't be async.

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Roly Fentanes


Apr 12, 2012, 5:35:09 AM4/12/12
On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:48 PM, Alexey Petrushin wrote:

> When a question rises again and again it's a good sign of problem.
> To make clear I'm not in any way blame the node on it, it has tons of advantages and it's ok to have problem.
> Every advanced machinery have some sort of problems or limitations - it's ok.
> But what's not ok - is to have false delusion, to believe that a problem is a feature, or even worse - call it "The Rails/Node way".
> Because if You call the problem as it deserves - the problem - there's always room for progress and improvement. And maybe someday it will be completely fixed and become not a problem but another advantage.
> But when You ignore it or believe that it's a "feature" or "the right way" - the problem always will be there, it's a way to stagnation.
> Yes You can become tolerable to ugly code and buy wider screen to fit all those callbacks, but it doesn't matter.
> Perceptions doesn't change the objective reality, no matter how much people believe that false is true, false still and always will be the false.
> So, maybe it's worth to stop call this problem a "feature"?



Apr 12, 2012, 5:40:48 AM4/12/12
On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:01 PM, Joe Ferner wrote:

> I think I'm done writing benchmarks. Even if I come up with a
> benchmark that shows streamline is faster I'm still not going to use
> it and I couldn't recommend anyone else use it either. The community
> as a whole doesn't back that kind of syntax so I couldn't submit a
> module to npm if I wrote it using streamline.

You could of course, yes. There's people writing their modules in CS and publishing/pushing just the JS output to npm. E.g. pdfkit:


> (...)



Apr 12, 2012, 5:53:30 AM4/12/12
On Apr 12, 2012, at 11:33 AM, Roly Fentanes wrote

>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 2:27 AM, Jorge <> wrote:
>>> On Apr 11, 2012, at 2:16 AM, Joe Ferner wrote:
>>> (...) Methods with callbacks are not required to have async code in them, they just generally do. If you replace doIt with say a getUserFromCache method where 99% of the time you get cache hits and the function just returns the user this would be completely valid (...)
>> You can do that but I think the consensus is that it's not a good idea because it complicates reasoning about your code:
>> method(params, cb);
>> doSomethingElse();
>> Will doSomethingElse() run before or after cb() ?
> If your function is asynchronous only sometimes, consider getting rid of that ambiguity by using process.nextTick() on your callback in the cases where calling it won't be async.


Oliver Leics

Apr 12, 2012, 7:05:46 AM4/12/12
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:13 PM, Naouak <> wrote:
> Am I the only one that thinks that we talk about Callback Hell only because
> we are not used to used callback everywhere ?

No. *wink*

Bruno Jouhier

Apr 14, 2012, 12:30:33 PM4/14/12
I posted a follow-up on my blog:

On Monday, April 9, 2012 2:42:14 AM UTC+2, Matthew Hazlett wrote:
I'm trying to write a simple app that preforms a db query when a user
connects to a tcp port.

I can get the query working if I do everything as callbacks: fn() {
         db.collection(.... fn() {
              db.query(...... fn() {

But as you can see this creates callback hell.

What I would like to do is have a class, but being as everything is
async it makes it incredibly difficult to ensure all your variables are

var client;
db.connect(connect, fn(){
      client = connect;

Will cause an error because client hasn't been set yet.  Another thing I
thought of doing was chaining it all together:

db.connect(connect, fn(){
    process.nextTick(fn(){ doNext(); });

this gets very messy and hard to manage, how can I deal with callback hell?

Apr 14, 2012, 8:35:09 PM4/14/12
On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Bruno Jouhier <> wrote:
> I posted a follow-up on my blog:

Bruno, we are evangelizing callbacks because this is the only it can
possibly work in JavaScript. You can add a preprocessing step (which
is apparently what streamline is doing) - we will not do that. You can
add some crazy longjmp in your extension and juggle executions stacks
and try to forget how much memory they are or fight with stack over
flows - we will not do that. JavaScript has a run-to-completion model
which we do not seek to circumvent. Node is JavaScript - even more
than that - Node is V8 JavaScript. If V8 adds generators, we will have
them - if not then not. One of the key reasons Node is successful
(unlike all of other server-side JS systems) is because it actually
uses JavaScript and not some JavaScript-like language.

I'm glad you like Node. As you said, it is simple and fast. It got
that way by keeping things simple and fast. It will remain simple and
fast by continuing to strive for those goals.

This is a discussion to bring up with the EcmaScript committee.

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