pagespeed stats, detailed overview of their meanings ?

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Centmin Mod George

Aug 5, 2014, 11:29:49 PM8/5/14
I came across this question at and there was a brief run down of what some of the mod_pagespeed stats referred to.

But curious if there's plans for adding a detailed list to online manual/docs ?

Would love to learn more about what the pagespeed stats can tell about a specific ngx_pagespeed enabled servers current state of performance :)



Jeff Kaufman

Aug 6, 2014, 10:36:32 AM8/6/14
Our current plan is to improve the pagespeed console to present the
important statistics and leave the statistics page for people
comfortable at looking at the source to understand what a statistic
means. We have enough statistics that document things that are only
useful for debugging that a pass through to document all of them is
probably not worth it.

If there are particular statistics you're looking for, or statistics
reported that you don't know the meaning of, though, I'd be happy to
look into them and figure out what's going on.
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Centmin Mod George

Aug 6, 2014, 3:49:23 PM8/6/14
Jeff, yes i can imagine the list of stats is quite long :)

maybe a better way of putting the question is which key stats indicators folks like me should be looking at to ensure ngx_pagespeed is working as expected ? 

or what can be tuned config wise and use the stats provided to monitor and gauge whether the specific setting changed was better or worse ?

My motivation is basically get the best initial visual rendering performance and ways to more often serve the optimised rewritten resources to visitors as opposed then more often encountering a non-optimised original resource (and to determine such via stats).

Right now I am playing with the following configuration with a traffic make up of 92% desktop users and 8% mobile users

Version: 13: on

ah	Add Head
cw	Collapse Whitespace
cc	Combine Css
jc	Combine Javascript
gp	Convert Gif to Png
jp	Convert Jpeg to Progressive
jw	Convert Jpeg To Webp
mc	Convert Meta Tags
pj	Convert Png to Jpeg
ws	When converting images to WebP, prefer lossless conversions
dd	Dedup Inlined Images
dj	Defer Javascript
di	Delay Images
ea	Elide Attributes
fc	Fallback Rewrite Css 
if	Flatten CSS Imports
hw	Flushes html
ci	Inline Css
gf	Inline Google Font CSS
ii	Inline Images
il	Inline @import to Link
ji	Inline Javascript
idp	Insert DNS Prefetch
js	Jpeg Subsampling
ll	Lazyload Images
cj	Move Css Above Scripts
cm	Move Css To Head
pr	Prioritize Critical Css
rj	Recompress Jpeg
rp	Recompress Png
rw	Recompress Webp
rc	Remove Comments
ri	Resize Images
rm	Resize Mobile Images
cf	Rewrite Css
jm	Rewrite Javascript
cu	Rewrite Style Attributes With Url
is	Sprite Images
cp	Strip Image Color Profiles
md	Strip Image Meta Data

  AdminPath (nap)                                 /pagespeed_admin
  AvoidRenamingIntrospectiveJavascript (aris)     True
  BeaconUrl (bu)                                  /ngx_pagespeed_beacon
  ConsolePath (ncp)                               /pagespeed_console
  CssImageInlineMaxBytes (cii)                    0
  DefaultSharedMemoryCacheKB (dsmc)               196608
  EnableRewriting (e)                             1
  FileCacheInodeLimit (afcl)                      500000
  FileCachePath (afcp)                            /tmp/ngx_pagespeed_cache
  FileCacheSizeKb (afc)                           524288
  GlobalAdminPath (ngap)                          /pagespeed_global_admin
  GlobalStatisticsPath (ngsp)                     /ngx_pagespeed_global_statistics
  ImageInlineMaxBytes (ii)                        3072
  ImageMaxRewritesAtOnce (im)                     4
  ImageResolutionLimitBytes (irlb)                16777216
  JpegRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens (iqss)  60
  LazyloadImagesAfterOnload (llio)                False
  LogDir (ald)                                    /var/log/pagespeed
  LRUCacheByteLimit (alcb)                        16384
  LRUCacheKbPerProcess (alcp)                     8192
  MaxCombinedCssBytes (xcc)                       -1
  MaxCombinedJsBytes (xcj)                        150000
  MaxInlinedPreviewImagesIndex (mdii)             8
  MemcachedServers (ams)                          localhost:11211
  MemcachedThreads (amt)                          1
  MemcachedTimeoutUs (amo)                        100000
  MessagesPath (nmp)                              /ngx_pagespeed_message
  MinImageSizeLowResolutionBytes (nislr)          2560
  PreserveUrlRelativity (pur)                     True
  RewriteDeadlinePerFlushMs (rdm)                 20
  RewriteLevel (l)                                Core Filters
  Statistics (ase)                                True
  StatisticsLogging (asle)                        True
  StatisticsPath (nsp)                            /ngx_pagespeed_statistics
  WebpRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens (iwss)  60



Ovidiu Pacuraru

Aug 18, 2014, 3:02:58 PM8/18/14
maybe a better way of putting the question is which key stats indicators folks like me should be looking at to ensure ngx_pagespeed is working as expected ? 

or what can be tuned config wise and use the stats provided to monitor and gauge whether the specific setting changed was better or worse ?

Interested in this part too, looking forward to a more "advanced" and documented backend but no rush, I'm sure there are other more critical parts you'Re working on ;-) 

vinay indoria

Mar 2, 2017, 9:34:03 AM3/2/17
to ngx-pagespeed-discuss
Hi Jeff,

I was looking for something similar, where I can have some sort of statistics. The thread is old but though may be if something has been done in this respective. What I am looking forward for, is to get the statistics from the headers and show it to the client(browser) directly.

I am aware of the header X-Original-Content-length and Content-length but these headers are very inconsistent and are not very conclusive as well in order to get the amount of compression achieved! Can you point me at any resource where-in I can get the required information.

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