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Irish Loop in Reverse April 19, 2018 Brant, Eiders, Snowy Owl, Clay-coloured Sparrow

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Frank KING

Apr 20, 2018, 7:47:11 AM4/20/18
I just returned from Ontario (visit with grandkids and some great birding). I was anxious to see the Clay-coloured Sparrow in Trepassey and hopefully the Mocking Bird in Mobile. I drove around the loop down through Salmonier Line.

Father Duffy's Well - a small flock of Purple Finches with the males in breeding colours. There were also two FOX SPARROWS.
Harricott - BRANT still there, Canada Goose, Greater Scaup, Red-breasted Merganser, Bufflehead, Pine Siskin
Coot's Pond - Red-breasted Merganser, Ring-billed Gulls

The winds were SW and very windy with high seas and crashing waves along the south coast. Not much good for birding and terrible for photos with the heavy haze on the water.
Point La Haye - few Common Eiders, Black Guillemot, Long-tailed Duck, Common Loon
St. Vincent's - few Common Loons, Common Eiders, Long-tailed Duck, a lone Red-breasted Merganser
Trepassey - Common Eiders, Long-tailed Duck, Common Loon. At Park Rd feeder - CLAY-COLOURED SPARROW, Song Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Mourning Dove
Portugal Cove South - SNOWY OWL, Common Eiders
Bear Cove - 300 Common Eider close to shore
Renews - Glaucous Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Common Loon
Ferryland - Northern Pintail - male and female

I did not see the Mocking Bird in Mobile - I found the 'apple tree' at the end of Cod Seine Road which is where I assume the bird has been seen.

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