NetNewsWire crashing on Mountain Lion - Update and workaround

600 مرّة مشاهدة
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Jack (Black Pixel)

غير مقروءة،
27‏/07‏/2012، 6:09:39 م27‏/7‏/2012
The crash, which affects numerous applications, appears to originate in a Mountain Lion networking bug. While we can't reproduce this problem ourselves, we've had reports from our affected customers that disabling Auto Proxy Discovery and Automatic Proxy Configuration in Network preferences is an effective short-term solution.

If you are on a corporate network, changing these settings may disable your internet access. You may want to check with your system administrator before continuing.

1. Open System Preferences.
2. Select the Network preferences item.
3. For your active configuration, click the “Advanced” item.
4. Click the “Proxies” tab.
5. Uncheck “Auto Proxy Discovery”.
6. Uncheck "Automatic Proxy Configuration".
6. Click OK to close the Advanced sheet.
7. Click Apply to make sure all settings are updated.
8. Launch NetNewsWire to test.

If you find that NetNewsWire is still crashing, even with both proxy related options disabled, please send an email to and include your crash report as an attachment.


The NetNewsWire Support Team

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