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Classic Cartoon Quotes

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Nels Olson

Oct 14, 1985, 7:11:53 PM10/14/85
Seen in someone's signature:
> "Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered, for just such an occasion."
> - F. Leghorn

I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

And just to start it off:

"It's not 'he doesn't have to shoot YOU now.'
It's 'he doesn't have to shoot ME now.'
But I say he DOES have to shoot me now. So shoot me now!" -- Daffy Duck

"Ah ah squeak, aa aa pthth, flippity flappity floop, it's yours." -- Bugs Genie

(If a thousand such jokes have already been posted, forgive me for
initiating a net.rush of old jokes, and, if it would make you feel
better, write me a flaming letter and send it to /dev/null)
Nels 'my-parents-know-nothing-about-Little-House' Olson


Oct 15, 1985, 2:21:04 PM10/15/85
> Seen in someone's signature:
> > "Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered, for just such an occasion."
> > - F. Leghorn
> I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.
How about the classic:

Look Bullwinkle a message in a bottle>

Fan mail from some flounder?

R and B

AAAH West and wewaxation at wast !!!!
E. Fudd

"The crazed classic cartoon junkie"
My nephew has the profile of Elmer Fudd.

M Nevar

Oct 16, 1985, 7:02:31 AM10/16/85

Classic cartoon quotes:

Usher, this man's annoying me!

Don't go up there, it's dark!

These seats are awfully up close.
Just a little further, sir.

Your despicable!

Bricka Bracka, fricka fracka, siss boom baah, Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny Rah rah rah

Ok, Clancy. Take the boys and surround the house.
Alright rabbit, where's Rocky ?
He's not in the stove.
Oh, so he's hiding in the stove, eh ?
If my friend Rocky were in the stove would I turn on the gas, like this ?
Ah, you might rabbit, you might.
Well, would I throw a lighted match in there, like this ?
B O O M !!!
I guess you're right rabbit. I'll go look for Rocky in the city...

The chickens are all dressed for dinner, seargant. Where will they be eating ?

Oh brudder, there goes me bread and butter !

Whatever baby wants, baby gets.

Oh, you wanted cherry pie !!!
Pick up pie !

Excuse me, but could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck ?
(Flip Humphrey Bogart a nickel)
Hit the road !

Twenty five cents to go tru dis thing ? (The Panama Canal)
Ah, we'll walk first !

Mostly all Bugs, but some Daffy. I could go on all day, but I do have to work.

D'arc Angel

Oct 16, 1985, 9:18:54 AM10/16/85
> Seen in someone's signature:
> > "Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered, for just such an occasion."
> > - F. Leghorn
> I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.


and from the same F. (trivia-whats the F stand for) Leghorn

I say thats a joke son, a joke, laugh. The kids got no sense of humor.

And does anyone remember Gerald McBoing-Boing ?? you need a sound chip to
quote him.

| |
| mother |
| |
| held up by wile-coyote as he is standing slightly
| to the right of the cliff edge to his right or is
| that left ?
god bless Lily St. Cyr
-Rocky Horror Picture Show

Name: James Turner
Mail: Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101
Santa Clara, CA 95052-9400
AT&T: (408) 986-9400
UUCP: ...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!negami!turner

Rico Mariani

Oct 16, 1985, 10:21:38 AM10/16/85
In article <10...@ucbvax.ARPA> net.jokes writes:
>I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

disclaimer: this is from memory so it may not be the *exact* wording

"OK..OK... we'll stop at the nice clean gas station
and get some nice clean gas..."
F. Flintstone

>(If a thousand such jokes have already been posted, forgive me for
> initiating a net.rush of old jokes, and, if it would make you feel
> better, write me a flaming letter and send it to /dev/null)

Ditto for me too... but I've been reading net.jokes for a while now
and I haven't seen them yet.




Oct 16, 1985, 2:47:23 PM10/16/85
> Seen in someone's signature:
> > "Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered, for just such an occasion."
> > - F. Leghorn
> I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

I forgot my all time favorite:

OOH Mergatroid(sp?) --
What a maroon!
What a gull-a-bull!
-B. Bunny


Quote for the day:

"Concentrate on your upper lip. After
30 it should be your prime concern."
-Victoria Principal
Good Morning, America (Oct 3, 1984)

Quote for tomorrow:

"Don't feel bad. My mother says
you have the best posture of all my friends."
-Peter Tork
The Monkees

Paul van de Graaf

Oct 17, 1985, 5:29:01 AM10/17/85
"Maybe I should have taken that left turn at Albekerkie." B. Bunny.

"Well, I talk softly and carry a bigger stick. And I use it too! [BONK]" Y. Sam

"Which way did he go? Which way did he go? Where's that cute bunny rabbit I
saw on T. V." Unknown dog character.

"Exit. Stage Left." Snagglepuss.

Paul van de Graaf sdcsvax!sdcc7!ln63fkn U. C. San Diego

Paul van de Graaf

Oct 17, 1985, 5:40:09 AM10/17/85
In article <1...@sdcc7.UUCP> ln6...@sdcc7.UUCP (Paul van de Graaf) writes:
>... I talk softly and carry a bigger stick. And I use it too! [BONK]" Y. Sam
Should be: |
I talk LOUD and carry a bigger stick.


The Swimming Finn

Oct 17, 1985, 1:38:11 PM10/17/85
In article <10...@ucbvax.ARPA> net.jokes writes:
>Seen in someone's signature:
>> "Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered, for just such an occasion."
>> - F. Leghorn
>I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.
>And just to start it off:
>"It's not 'he doesn't have to shoot YOU now.'
> It's 'he doesn't have to shoot ME now.'
> But I say he DOES have to shoot me now. So shoot me now!" -- Daffy Duck
>"Ah ah squeak, aa aa pthth, flippity flappity floop, it's yours." -- Bugs Genie
>Nels 'my-parents-know-nothing-about-Little-House' Olson

"I'm rich, rich I say, I'm rich, I'm socially secure, I'm rich..."
-- Daffy Duck

"He don't know me very well, do he?" --Bugs Bunny

"I knew I shoulda turned left at Albuquerque!" --Bugs Bunny

"Hoboken!!!!!! OOHH, I'M DYIN"!!!!!" --Bugs Bunny

Jim `Do I need a nickname too?' Raisanen

Todd Jones

Oct 17, 1985, 1:54:38 PM10/17/85
> Here's just few that come to mind....
> [1] "Slight pause while adjust my accouterments." - D. Duck
> [2] "Nice boy but doesn't hear a word you say." - F. Leghorn
> [3] "Aha, pronoun trouble!" - D. Duck
> [4] "Well, there goes the old Admiral Byrd, bound for Brooklyn." - Unknown
> [5] "I think it's about time that I employed a little stragedy." - B. Bunny
> [6] "Don't go in there -- it's dark. -- D. Duck
> [7] "Always remember, I'm here to help ya' son." - Unknown
> Andrew J. Davis

Elmer Fudd is the giant at the top of Jack's (Daffy Duck) Beanstalk.
Elmer captures Bugs and Daffy and declares,

"I'll gwind your bones into wittle pieces of dust!"

He looks around his kitchen and finds a pepper mill. He declares in
a mild and self-congratulatory manner:

"This ought to gwind their bones vewy nicewy."

I loved it anyway.

||||||| -what's up doc?
|| ||
[ O-O ] Todd Jones
\ ^ / {decvax,akgua}!mcnc!rti-sel!scirtp!todd
| o |
|___| SCI Systems Inc. doesn't necessarily agree with Todd.

Samuel Black

Oct 17, 1985, 1:56:24 PM10/17/85
> I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

From Daffy Duck (aka Robin Hood):

Ho, Ha ha.


When I die,
I'm going to leave my body to science fiction.

...!{decvax,ihnp4}!mcnc!unc!black (usenet)
black%u...@csnet-relay.csnet (arpanet)


M Nevar

Oct 18, 1985, 6:56:01 AM10/18/85

> What a maroon!
> What a gull-a-bull!
> -B. Bunny

Actually it is -- What a gull-a-ballon!
What an ignoranimus!
What a tah-rah-rah-rah-goon-di-ay!!


Oct 18, 1985, 9:40:43 AM10/18/85
I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque! - Bugs Bunny

Dave Kirby

Oct 18, 1985, 10:00:38 AM10/18/85
In article <13...@ihlpg.UUCP> d...@ihlpg.UUCP (Spang) writes:

>> I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.


Anyone old enough to remember this obscure quote?

"Help, Mr. Wizard, HEL-L-L-L-LP!"
"Be what you izz, and not what you izz not,
and you will be a much happier lot."

Favourite Elmer Fudd quote:
"I'll twap that wascawwy wabbit with a cawwot."

" to find out, Sherman and I entered into the way-back machine..."

(Would this discussion go better in perhaps?)

Dave Kirby ( ...!ihnp4!akgub!cylixd!dave)

(The views expressed herein are the exclusive property of Dave Kirby.
Any person, living or dead, found with the same or similar opinions
will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of law.)

Tom Phillips

Oct 18, 1985, 11:02:02 AM10/18/85
I like the one where Sylvester and his big dumb friend are after a giant
mouse (kangaroo, of course).
"Stop calling me George!" says Sylvester. "My name is Sylvethter!"
"But I can't say Sylvester, George."

Or when Daffy has brought the Tasmanian Devil back to the zoo and gotten his
reward, the wind blows one of his bills into the Devil's cage and Daffy goes
in after it.
"I may be a coward, but I'm a GREEEEEEEEEDY little coward!"

Tommy Phillips
no longer trantor, but it's the same machine

Jong Lee

Oct 19, 1985, 11:10:19 AM10/19/85
> "Maybe I should have taken that left turn at Albekerkie." B. Bunny.
correction: Albekoiki

Don't push the wed button....NEVER push the wed one! (or something like
that) Daffy D.

Hey, hey, I'm smarter than the aaaaverage bear! Yogi B.

> "Well, I talk softly and carry a bigger stick. And I use it too! [BONK]" Y. Sam
> "Which way did he go? Which way did he go? Where's that cute bunny rabbit I
> saw on T. V." Unknown dog character.
> "Exit. Stage Left." Snagglepuss.
> Paul van de Graaf sdcsvax!sdcc7!ln63fkn U. C. San Diego


David W. Vezie

Oct 19, 1985, 10:23:31 PM10/19/85
In article <10...@ucbvax.ARPA> net.jokes writes:
>I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

"Ah say, Ah say, you're about as sharp as a Bowlin' Ball!" -Foghorn Leghorn


David W. Vezie


Oct 20, 1985, 2:59:26 PM10/20/85
well, F. Leghorn naturally stood for Foghorn

jeff FogFan

remember when he was babysitting the kid taht was really intellegent?? did
the kid have a name?? and what was his mother's name??

fav quote: "and the lights went out...all oooover the world"

M Nevar

Oct 21, 1985, 7:23:08 AM10/21/85

> Don't push the wed button....NEVER push the wed one! (or something like
> that) Daffy D.

You forgot the linr that follows later, after Porky does push the red, er wed,
button, and his house is escalated in preparation for a tidal wave:

"And for a nominal fee, I'll install this blue button."

Phillip W. Servita

Oct 21, 1985, 9:06:31 AM10/21/85
"uh, lets see here...
this week was next week last week...
that makes this week last week,
and next week isn't this week,
until next<SPLAT!>"

-D. Duck

"Of course the Nielsen ratings are accurate...
We proved it in a taste test!"

-the venn buddhist

Samuel Black

Oct 21, 1985, 10:56:26 AM10/21/85
> "Maybe I should have taken that left turn at Albekerkie." B. Bunny.
Isn't that Albuquerque?

How about:

Oh, drat these computers.
They're so naughty and so complex.
I could pinch them.

- The Martian
from "Duck Dodgers and the
Return of the 24-1/2 Century"

D M Dennee

Oct 21, 1985, 3:37:57 PM10/21/85

"I'm going to HUG him, and SQUEEZE him, and call him GEORGE"

- Abomidable (sp?) Snowman

Micci Dennee
Bellcore - Red Bank, NJ


Oct 21, 1985, 6:00:58 PM10/21/85
My favorite by Daffy Duck:

I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a GREEDY craven little

...or words to that effect.

By the way, does anyone want to talk about the classic cartoons themselves?
I have this faint recollection about a scary yet funny Daffy Duck
cartoon that I must have seen 25 years ago -- it involved DD as
"Duck Tracy" and was full of satirical commentary on the Dick Tracy-style
of villians and violence. Anyone else remember this?

Rob Mitchell

John Allred

Oct 22, 1985, 9:47:39 AM10/22/85
[munch, munch]

Don't forget "Kill the Wabbit", sung by E. Fudd to "Ride of the Valkeries."
John Allred
General Computer Company
uucp: seismo!harvard!gcc-milo!john
note new path-------------||

Matt Crawford

Oct 22, 1985, 12:49:59 PM10/22/85
Foghorn Leghorn: "Ah better not look. Ah just might be in there."

The Martian: (Trying to blow up Earth) "What happened to the kaboom?
There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

The Martian again: (In "Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24 1/2 Century")
"Oh drat these computers. They're so naughty and

complex. I could pinch them."

Matt University
Crawford of Chicago ihnp4!oddjob!matt

"I'll do the thinnin' around here, and don't you for-git it!"

Dennis Vadura

Oct 22, 1985, 2:00:00 PM10/22/85

How bout this one:

I hope the homework helper got all the answers right, I cant keep
blaming it on malfunctions.
-Elroy Jetson

Dennis Vadura, Computer Science Dept., University of Waterloo

UUCP: {ihnp4|allegra|utzoo|utcsri}!watmath!watdaisy!dvadura

Dave Pellerin

Oct 22, 1985, 2:56:24 PM10/22/85
>and from the same F. (trivia-whats the F stand for) Leghorn

Ah say, that's FOGHORN, dag-blamit !!

Ahhm-agonna BLAST yah!!

Dave Pellerin

Oct 22, 1985, 3:05:10 PM10/22/85
>and from the same F. (trivia-whats the F stand for) Leghorn

Ah say, that's FOGHORN !!

Ahhm-agonna BLAST yah!! - Y. Sam

stuart gove

Oct 22, 1985, 5:24:35 PM10/22/85
In article <10...@ucbvax.ARPA> net.jokes writes:
>I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

From the Bugs Bunny cartoon "The Rabbit of Seville," Bugs sings:

"How dooooooooo,
Welcome to my shop,
Let me cut your mop,
Let me shave your crop!
Daintily, Daintily...

Hey Yoooooooou,
Don't look so perplexed!
Why should you be vexed?
Can't you see you're next!
Yes, you're next!
You're so next."

Can anyone out there in netland finish this song?

Stuart Gove
Boeing Computer Services

"Sorry, it's the 80's, I've been edgy." -- Bull, from _Night Court_

steve shiue

Oct 23, 1985, 2:25:59 AM10/23/85
> I have this faint recollection about a scary yet funny Daffy Duck
> cartoon that I must have seen 25 years ago -- it involved DD as
> "Duck Tracy" and was full of satirical commentary on the Dick Tracy-style
> of villians and violence. Anyone else remember this?
> Rob Mitchell
> {allegra,ihnp4}!mtuxo!jrrt

Firstly: The gangster cartoon to which Rob refers
is called "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery" and is one of the
earlier color ones (Scenario: Daffy is reading his Dick
Tracy comics, hits himself in the head, and has a delirious
fantasy about being Duck Twacy the private investigator). If
you watch cartoons of this period
there are frequently obscure references to WWII period stuff
that you might not catch without reading or talking to
someone in the know. One such reference in this cartoon is
when Daffy falls through a trapdoor into the basement of the
gangsters' hideout, and then says, "Was that trip really
necessary?" What he was referring to was a common slogan
from the gasoline rationing period of WWII. Of course there
is a great scene where Daffy is confronted by various
bizarre Dick Tracy-style villains (Juke Box-Jaw,
Pickle-Puss, Double-header, Neon-noodle, and Jack
O'Lantern, to name a few) - the artwork is fantastic. This
cartoon is from the period before everything got cheap and
the colors and backgrounds went all to hell (the older
cartoons had a more 3-dimensional quality because of the
richness of color and shading). Best moment - when Daffy
wrestles with Neon noodle and winds up twisting him into a
"Eat at Joe's" sign.

Secondly: Here are a few of my personal favorites.

"Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist."
-Evil Scientist, in some Bugs Bunny cartoon

"Survival of the fittest. And besides - it's fun!!"
-Daffy Duck, in "Rabbit Fire", leaving tell-tale
"wabbit twacks" outside Bugs' hole.

"Consequences, shmoncequences - as long as I'm rich."
-Daffy Duck, in "Ali Baba Bunny" - already
extensively quoted (Daffy says this when the Real genie of
the lamp is about to zap him - the "consequences" of
desecrating the lamp).

"I only wish my brother George were here."
-Bugs Bunny, in a Liberace imitation/reference/joke,
complete with piano and candelabra (this cartoon had
something to do with a Jekyll & Hyde theme). Who ever said
these cartoons were for kids.

"H-h-happy B-birthday, you thing from another world, you."
-Porky Pig, handing gift-wrapped dynamite to Marvin
Martian in "Duck Dodgers in the 24&1/2th Century".

"Hey I better cut this out - I think I might get to like
-Dog in a very obscure Elmer Fudd cartoon, "An Itch
in Time", after dragging his heinie around the floor for
several seconds (using front paws). Only masturbation joke
ever in a cartoon - usually edited when shown on TV.

-Steve Shiue

steve shiue

Oct 23, 1985, 3:10:36 AM10/23/85
> remember when he was babysitting the kid taht was really intellegent?? did
> the kid have a name?? and what was his mother's name??

Best scene from the cartoon referred to above (where
Foghorn babysits a precocious, egghead chick) is when
Foghorn is playing "hide-and-go-seek" with the kid. Foghorn
hides in some kind of bin while the kid counts, and says,
"Hee-hee... That boy's gonna need a slide rule to find me!"
So of course when the kid is done counting, he produces a
slide rule, and proceeds to make some calculations to figure
out where Foghorn is. He makes a map, and walks out to the
middle of a field and starts to dig (we lose sight of
Foghorn at this point). Immediately, he digs up Foghorn,
who looks rather dazed by the whole thing ("How, ah say
how'd you find me, boy?", etc.) As they walk off, they pass
the feed bin where Foghorn should be hiding, and Foghorn
pauses, and then says "No, I better not check. I may just
be in there."

Pretty surreal.

Don't know the name of the kid or his mother. I do
however know that the name of the small brown chicken hawk
in many Foghorn Leghorn cartoons is Henery. Frequently,
characters in WB cartoons never acquire names until they
have been established in several cartoons - they usually get
their start by appearing in other characters' cartoons and
don't have names. Some may never get names.

-Steve Shiue

"Great stunt Daffy! They loved you!" (Bugs Bunny)
"I know, I know. But I can only do it once." (Daffy Duck)

steve shiue

Oct 23, 1985, 3:22:09 AM10/23/85

ACTUALLY, the "correctee" is closer to the mark here. I'm
not sure which cartoon (if any) the "correcter" is referring
to, but the original poster quotes "Bully for Bugs", a
bullfighting story, which I just saw on videotape. In one
scene, Bugs says (regarding the bull), "What a gulli-bull!
What a nin-cow-poop!" Then, in a subsequent scene, "What an
embezzle (as in imbecile)! What an ultramaroon!" What
"ultramaroon" plays on is beyond me. These are more
examples of the malapropisms the animators liked to put in
Bugs' mouth in some of the later cartoons.
-Steve Shiue

"There's only one explanation for white tile in a dressing
room. And THAT is IT."
-Daffy Duck, discovering the Men's room sign on his
dressing room door.

C. Allen Grabert

Oct 23, 1985, 12:11:51 PM10/23/85
> By the way, does anyone want to talk about the classic cartoons themselves?
> I have this faint recollection about a scary yet funny Daffy Duck
> cartoon that I must have seen 25 years ago -- it involved DD as
> "Duck Tracy" and was full of satirical commentary on the Dick Tracy-style
> of villians and violence. Anyone else remember this?
> Rob Mitchell
> {allegra,ihnp4}!mtuxo!jrrt

Yes, it does seem to be quite old. It of course had many of DICK Tracy's
villains (or spoofs thereof; I'm not a Dick Tracy expert): Flattop, Pickle-Puss,
Snake-eyes, Neon-Noodle, etc. I think these villains were drawn to incorporate
what their names suggested, though I can't remember specifics.

*I'd* like to know if anyone remembers the cartoon where Elmer Fudd (or was it
Porky Pig?) was hunting the last dodo. It had strange characters and scenes
that made you think the illustrators had dropped acid before drawing it! At
one point the Warner Brothers logo (the sort-of heart-shaped shield with "WB"
inside it) moved in straight at the viewer from the horizon, then disappeared

Back on the freeway, which is already in progress,
Allen Grabert (...ittatc!bunker!allen)

Daryl J Steen

Oct 23, 1985, 3:30:28 PM10/23/85
Gur anzr bs gur zbgure va gur pnegbbaf vf Zvff Cevffl, nygubhtu V'z abg
fher bs gur xvq'f anzr (ohg V GUVAX vg'f Whavbe). Sbtubea bayl pnyyf uvz

Zl bja snibevgr pnegbba dhbgr vf fcbxra ol Flyirfgre jurarire ur trgf vagb
n cnegvphyneyl anfgl fpencr (r.t. gurer vf n ynetr unaq be cnj nebhaq uvf
arpx). Ur fgnerf bhg gbjneq gur nhqvrapr jvgu cyrnqvat rlrf, naq va n
juvzcrevat ibvpr fnlf, "Zbgure!"

Bu jryy, fb fhr zr.

Qnely V'z_abg_perngvir_rabhtu_gb_unir_na_vagrerfgvat_fvta-bss Fgrra

Mike R. Connell

Oct 24, 1985, 7:28:29 AM10/24/85
> Anyone old enough to remember this obscure quote?
> "Help, Mr. Wizard, HEL-L-L-L-LP!"

The line was always spoken by Tudor Turtle at the end of his cartoon
when he got into a hopeless situation and Mr. Wizard (_not_ Don Herbert)
would bring him back from his reverie. _Tudor Turtle_ was a feature of the
_King Leonardo Show_ , later known as the _King and Odie Show_.

Does this make me old!?! I think *not*!! :^)


Wayne Lyle

Oct 24, 1985, 9:05:41 AM10/24/85
In article <10...@mtuxo.UUCP> jr...@mtuxo.UUCP (r.mitchell) writes:
>My favorite by Daffy Duck:
>By the way, does anyone want to talk about the classic cartoons themselves?
>I have this faint recollection about a scary yet funny Daffy Duck
>cartoon that I must have seen 25 years ago -- it involved DD as
>"Duck Tracy" and was full of satirical commentary on the Dick Tracy-style
>of villians and violence. Anyone else remember this?

Yes with villians like -

Flattop who launched little planes off the top
of his head

Rubberhead - Whose head was a pencil eraser, and
who merely erased our hero DT off the screen.

I remember (I think) a cat like criminal and a few others.

Anyone else??

Wayne Lyle

Oct 24, 1985, 9:13:34 AM10/24/85
>In article <10...@mtuxo.UUCP> jr...@mtuxo.UUCP (r.mitchell) writes:
>>My favorite by Daffy Duck:
>>"Duck Tracy" and was full of satirical commentary on the Dick Tracy-style
>>of villians and violence. Anyone else remember this?
> Yes with villians like -
> Flattop who launched little planes off the top
> of his head
> Rubberhead - Whose head was a pencil eraser, and
> who merely erased our hero DT off the screen.
> I remember (I think) a cat like criminal and a few others.
Instead of doing real work we been working on these names:

(remember these??)

Pickle Puss Double Header
Batman Neon Noodle
Pumpkinhead Pussycat-puss

(any other?)

'Well you are all Under Arrest!' - Duck Twacy
(thanks JC)

Wayne J. Lyle (CF) St. Joseph's University
{allegra | astrovax | bpa | burdvax}!sjuvax!lyle Philadelphia


Samuel Black

Oct 24, 1985, 11:19:48 AM10/24/85
> Best scene from the cartoon referred to above (where
> Foghorn babysits a precocious, egghead chick) is when
> Foghorn is playing "hide-and-go-seek" with the kid. Foghorn


> Don't know the name of the kid or his mother.

The mother's name is Prissy. I believe the kid is Junior
(as are most kids' names in cartoons).

Now, the Wassamata U. fight song! (from "Rocky and His Friends")

Wassamata, hats off to you!
With our colors, ochre and alice blue.

Topher Eliot

Oct 24, 1985, 11:23:46 AM10/24/85
"Heyyyy Booboo! I smell a pickanick basket!" -- Yogi Bear
(Must be said with proper intonation to truly be appreciated.)

Topher Eliot Cyb Systems, Austin, TX (512) 458-6609

Barry Hayes

Oct 24, 1985, 8:32:00 PM10/24/85

This is all very easy for you. But...
What character from what show is Foghorn Leghorn based on?
-Il Triviatore

Dennis Doubleday

Oct 25, 1985, 10:46:17 AM10/25/85
>*I'd* like to know if anyone remembers the cartoon where Elmer Fudd (or was it
>Porky Pig?) was hunting the last dodo. It had strange characters and scenes
>that made you think the illustrators had dropped acid before drawing it! At
>one point the Warner Brothers logo (the sort-of heart-shaped shield with "WB"
>inside it) moved in straight at the viewer from the horizon, then disappeared
> Allen Grabert (...ittatc!bunker!allen)

It's called PORKY IN WACKYLAND. I believe the hen in the Foghorn Leghorn
cartoons is named Priscilla (usually called Prissy) and the son is named
Egghead. My favorite moment in the ongoing battle between Foghorn and
Egghead was in LITTLE BOY BOO when Foghorn told Egghead to make a paper
airplane. He set about doing so, but is interrupted by Foghorn:
"NO, NO, Boy, you're goin' about it all *WRONG*, son! Lemme show ya."
He proceeds to make a nice paper airplane and sets it aloft. Egghead
quickly whips out a set of plans and constructs a paper JET FIGHTER
which soars into the air and shoots Foghorn's plane down in flames!

All-time favorite scene: ROBIN HOOD DAFFY, where Daffy is trying to
prove his identity to Friar Porky by swinging from a tall tree.

DAFFY : Yikes and away! *CRASH* (softer) "yikes and away!" *CRASH*
(softer, slightly punch drunk) "yikes.. and .. away" *CRASH*
"yikes" *CRASH* "..and.." *CRASH* "..awwaayy.." *CRASH*.


UUCP: seismo!umcp-cs!dday Dennis Doubleday
CSNet: dday@umcp-cs University of Maryland
ARPA: College Park, MD 20742
Fan of: Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, OU Sooners (301) 454-4247

Oct 25, 1985, 5:02:07 PM10/25/85

Here is one of my favorite Daffy Duck sayings, spoken with a shower of
"Ttttttthufferin' tttthuckatash!."

Since the cartoon shows I watch also show Three Stooges shorts, I will
start off a list of classic TS quotes:

Moe: "See the pretty deer. Does the deer have any dough?"

Curly: "Yeah, two bucks. Nyut nyut nyut."

-- David.


Oct 26, 1985, 7:18:25 AM10/26/85
My favorite? What else:

Be vewy vewy quiet. We're hunting Elmers

Ross Jacobs

Oct 26, 1985, 7:21:49 AM10/26/85


My favorite classic-type cartoon quote--actually my favorite cartoon
itself. From "Bugs and Thugs":

Rocky (In his best Eddie G.): All right rabbit, what do you know?
Bugs: Well, two and two is four, Carson City is the capital of
Rocky: Shaddup! (To Mugsy) This rabbit knows too much...

Which reminds me...

Rocky: Shaddup!
Bugs: Shaddup? Sure I'll shaddup. Do I look like the type to keep
blabbing when someone tells me to shadup? When someone tells
me to shaddup, I shaddup....
Rocky: Shaddup shadding up!

Yeah. That's better than "THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB know who."


"Hey, when I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you."
Ross Jacobs
ARPA: rossj%dartmouth@csnet-relay
CSNET: rossj@dartmouth

Robert Reed

Oct 26, 1985, 9:33:14 PM10/26/85
> *I'd* like to know if anyone remembers the cartoon where Elmer Fudd (or was it
> Porky Pig?) was hunting the last dodo. It had strange characters and scenes
> that made you think the illustrators had dropped acid before drawing it! At
> one point the Warner Brothers logo (the sort-of heart-shaped shield with "WB"
> inside it) moved in straight at the viewer from the horizon, then disappeared
> somehow.
> Allen Grabert (...ittatc!bunker!allen)

You should check out some of the old Betty Boop cartoons. Many of the early
ones have a very surreal character. I can't remember the artists, but a lot
of the images have the character of opium dreams.

Robert Reed, CAE Systems Division, tektronix!teklds!bobr


Oct 27, 1985, 3:57:00 PM10/27/85

Sign over canal in Venice (from a B. Bunny cartoon)

| |
| |
| |

Jamie Green

Oct 27, 1985, 8:44:08 PM10/27/85
Yes, I know these have probably been run into the ground, but I haven't
seen these yet:

"Oh well, back to the old electronic brain..."
-- Martin the Martian (yes, that is his name)

And my all-time favorite:

"Ah like that boy, but he's about as sharp as a sack full
of wet mice."
-- Foghorn Leghorn (of course!)

\ oo
\____|\mm Jamie Green uucp:
//_//\ \_\ {ihnp4,decvax}!uw-beaver!uw-june!gordon
/ / \/_/ The Great Green arpa:
/___/_____\ Arkleseizure bitnet: 8230160 @ UWAV5

Oct 28, 1985, 2:30:53 AM10/28/85
One more quote:

"Like the man says...don't take life too seriously, you'll never
get out of it alive"

anyone remember where this is from??

jeff and his motto


Oct 28, 1985, 9:14:00 AM10/28/85

It was Porky Pig -- all the art work was based on S. Dali-type art,
which was just taking off at the time.

(Now whether or not _he_ was dropping acid is another story...)

blues, II

David Beard

Oct 28, 1985, 4:54:18 PM10/28/85
I need the name of the cartoon and the rest of a Bug's song.

Situation: Elmer has dug up Bugs and carried him to his top floor
apt. Bugs wakes up, walks inside to the HUGE Roman bathtub, and
starts swimming. At this point he sings a song that starts out with:

"Be it ever so crumbly, there's no place like Rome"

Can anyone finish it please? -dvb


Oct 28, 1985, 6:09:11 PM10/28/85
> In article <10...@ucbvax.ARPA> net.jokes writes:
> >I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.
> "Ah say, Ah say, you're about as sharp as a Bowlin' Ball!" -Foghorn Leghorn
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Woe Dragon! Woooeee Dragon! When I say woe, I mean WOE! Ya idget dragon.
- Yosemity Sam

Patrick Meehan

Kim Kempf

Oct 29, 1985, 10:21:44 AM10/29/85
"Quiet, Doc. I'm in a transom" - Bugs Bunny

Oct 29, 1985, 11:16:26 AM10/29/85
In article <3...@cylixd.UUCP> da...@cylixd.UUCP (Dave Kirby) writes:

>In article <13...@ihlpg.UUCP> d...@ihlpg.UUCP (Spang) writes:
>>> I'd like to hear everybody's favorite Classic Cartoon Quotes.

>Anyone old enough to remember this obscure quote?
>"Help, Mr. Wizard, HEL-L-L-L-LP!"
>"Be what you izz, and not what you izz not,
> and you will be a much happier lot."
"drizzle drazzle druzzle drone,
Time for this one to come home"


brad clymer

[replace this line with generic disclaimer]

Edward C. Bennett

Oct 30, 1985, 9:45:08 AM10/30/85

In article <4...@unc.unc.UUCP>, be...@unc.UUCP (David Beard) writes:
> I need the name of the cartoon and the rest of a Bug's song.
> Situation: Elmer has dug up Bugs and carried him to his top floor
> apt.

Actually Elmer had dug up a rare flower, Bug's hole just happened
to be next to the flower.

> Bugs wakes up, walks inside to the HUGE Roman bathtub, and
> starts swimming. At this point he sings a song that starts out with:
> "Be it ever so crumbly, there's no place like Rome"

Oh Nero was the Emporer and the palace was his home.
But he liked to play with matches and soon a fire yerned.
(Bugs comes out of bath, taps on piano to get the right
note and goes "yerrrned")
So he burned Rome to ashes and fiddled while it burned.
+ not sure of this word

Edward C. Bennett

UUCP: ihnp4!cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!edward

/* A charter member of the Scooter bunch */

"Goodnight M.A."

stuart gove

Oct 31, 1985, 11:24:26 AM10/31/85

Two of my favorites from Bugs Bunny:

1. "He don't know me very well, do he!"

2. "Time to employ a little stragedy!"

Stuart Gove
Boeing Computer Services

Paul W. Karber

Oct 31, 1985, 12:13:55 PM10/31/85

>jeff and his motto

I remember it as;

"Don't take life so serious son, it ain't nohow permanent"
- Pogo

Of course I could be wrong.

siesmo!rochester!ccice5!ccice2!pwk (Paul W. Karber)

David Brake c/o Reid Ellis

Oct 31, 1985, 7:33:10 PM10/31/85

I have been reminded of this wee gem of Foghorn Leghorn's:
"Nice boy, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice."

And that's Yosemite Sam, not YosemitY!
Andrew Beaton, Noted International Lunatic c/o David Brake c/o Reid Ellis.

T.S. Eliot.
Reid Ellis "Roads? Where we're going, who needs _roads_?"
This message brought to you courtesy of the Poslfit Committee

Ken Goldman

Nov 1, 1985, 5:01:25 PM11/1/85
Let's get this discussion out of net.jokes also!

David M Haynes

Nov 2, 1985, 8:10:40 AM11/2/85

Sorry I lost the original message about Mr. Wizard, however...

It was:

Tutor. Tutor. Always I tell you.
Be just what you is,
Not what you is not.
Folks what do this,
Have the happiest lot.

Channel 29 in Buffalo still plays this Saturday Mornings!


Mark D. Johnson

Nov 4, 1985, 5:59:25 PM11/4/85
My favorite is the one with Bugs and the Martian:

Bugs: Er, pardon me doc, but could you rent me a U-Drive flying saucer?
I'v gotta get back to the Earth.

Martian: The Earth? Oh, the Earth will be gone in just a few seconds.

Bugs: Oh well, uh, don't bother then... no point in wasting money on a
flying saucer when the Earth's not going to be... *toing!*
Er, pardon me again doc, but, uh, just what did you *mean* by
that crack about the Earth being *gone*?

Martian: Oh, uh, I'm going to blow it up. It obstructs my view of Venus.
(lights fuse)

Bugs: It does?! That's a shame. (snuffs fuse, unscrew... unscrew... )

Martian: Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering
kaboom! The Aludium-Pu36-Explosive-Space-Modulator! That creature
has stolen the Space-Modulator! Delays, delays...

/\ Mark D. Johnson SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science
\\// UUCP: {decvax,dual,rocksanne,watmath,rocksvax}!sunybcs!ugmarkj
\/ CSnet: ugmarkj@buffalo, ARPAnet: ugmarkj%buffalo@CSNET-RELAY

"...a dimension between stupidity and substance, between science and
superficiality, a place we call... The Usenet Zone"

Nov 6, 1985, 3:04:00 PM11/6/85

> "Hey I better cut this out - I think I might get to like
> it!"
> -Dog in a very obscure Elmer Fudd cartoon, "An Itch
> in Time", after dragging his heinie around the floor for
> several seconds (using front paws). Only masturbation joke
> ever in a cartoon - usually edited when shown on TV.

If you watch closely, you may notice that the scene was constructed so
that this 2 second piece could be clipped out without interrupting the
continuity of the cartoon. The animators stuck this in as a joke and were
surprised that it got past the censors.

Scott McEwan

"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"


Nov 7, 1985, 10:07:00 AM11/7/85

"I know, I know, I know -- first the powder, then the wadding -- AH HA!"


blues, II

Nov 8, 1985, 11:42:00 AM11/8/85



Spike, to Tom in "Tom and Jerry"

Russell J. Price
University of Illinois
{ ihnp4, pur-ee, convex }!uiucdcs!uiucuxa!rp321

Kenneth Dye

Nov 8, 1985, 2:31:17 PM11/8/85
In article <14...@Shasta.ARPA> ro...@Shasta.ARPA (David Rosenblum) writes:
>Here is one of my favorite Daffy Duck sayings, spoken with a shower of
> "Ttttttthufferin' tttthuckatash!."
Isn't that Sylvester's line?

"Awwww, the poor puddy tat, he fall down, go BOOM!"

--Ken R. Dye ihnp4!umn-cs!ncs-med!sx1100!dye

Nov 10, 1985, 1:57:00 AM11/10/85

"Ooooooooooooohhhh, I just HATE being disintegrated" said the martian
as he shuffled toward the reintegrater.

Scott R. Anderson

Nov 10, 1985, 8:12:32 PM11/10/85
Sufferin' Succotash!
-- Sylvester the Cat

Scott Anderson


Nov 11, 1985, 3:32:00 PM11/11/85

"Would you mind ending this show before I hit?"

Wile E. Coyote, as he plummets towards the ground (one more time)...

Andy Sheppard
Convex Computer Corporation


Nov 13, 1985, 8:59:45 PM11/13/85

I guess this is is a semi-accurate, sort of classic cartoon quote (read aloud,

"Oim gonna getchoo, waabit!" -- Elmer Fudd

Cloyd Goodrum

Nov 15, 1985, 8:26:05 PM11/15/85

"Father, you're back from Peru!! We thought you had been run over
by an elevator."
-- Bugs Bunny

Bruce Jones

Nov 20, 1985, 11:45:53 PM11/20/85
Foghorn Leghorn to Henry Chickenhawk

"You gotta keep your eye on the ball son.
Hey! That's a joke -- eye .. ball ... get it?"

"The boy's built too close to the ground, the fast ones go right over
his head".

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