Dirt Road Ride

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Christian Bratina

Oct 23, 2014, 8:01:47 PM10/23/14
to ne-un...@googlegroups.com

Sun Oct 26th – LHCC Up Riga Road to Mt. Everest

Time: 9:00 am, Distance: 50 miles, Location: Falls Village, CT.  A dirt road ride up Mt Riga Road to follow the spine of the Mt Washington Range and then the Mt. Everest overlook.  About 60% of the roads are dirt, ranging from hard pack to jeep trail to abandoned dirt.  The scenery is beautiful and there is little traffic.  4,000 feet of climbing.  Faster riders go ahead at their own risk, I do climb slowly.  Pace ~ 12 mph.  Go to http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5069697 for a cue sheet, Meet at the parking lot on Water Street between the railroad overpass and the hydro plant.  Note that the bridge across the Housie is closed to car traffic.  Christian Bratina, 860/361-9163.



Christian Bratina

PO Box 967

171 South Street

Litchfield, CT 06758



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