How to remove "damaged" retained topics from mosquitto broker

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Andreas Link

Sep 19, 2017, 11:41:51 AM9/19/17

by accident I have send quite some weird topics to my mosquitto broker with retained flag active. This finally looks like this, when subscribing to "#" on my broker.

Currently I cannot get rid of these as I cannot send anything to these "topics" with retained flag and zero content. So I'd like to know, if someone might have an idea, how to remove these manually from the mosquitto DB without deleting the whole DB.

Background: I created these when experimenting with an arduino sketch with pubsubclient, where I created MQTT messages to send'em towards a specific topic, but variable length for the topic var was not big enough, so I wrote something from my memory to the broker, who finally also accepted this as a topic.

Looking for your ideas on this :).

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