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Peter Lawson

Jun 3, 2016, 7:56:00 AM6/3/16
When sending messages using the server named below, I get the following

The IMAP server does not support the selected
authentication method. Please change the 'Authentication method' in the
Account Settings / Server Settings'

I presume it is talking about SMTP settings. I have tried STARTTLS and
SSL/TLS with the appropriate ports, without success. It is a recent
development and was working happily with STARTTLS. Strangely (perhaps
not), more often than not the message _is_ sent. Is the problem with the
storage of messages in the sent folder? All suggestions welcome :-)

Peter Lawson
Cape Town: 021-797-4493
France 06 18 28 96 43

David E. Ross

Jun 3, 2016, 2:43:16 PM6/3/16
What did your ISP say when you asked it about this?

David E. Ross

Donald Trump claims he is a successful businessman.
If so, how does he explain the number of his
enterprises that have gone bankrupt?

Peter Lawson

Jun 4, 2016, 6:57:25 AM6/4/16
On 03-06-2016 23:27, David E Ross wrote:
> What did your ISP say when you asked it about this?

A fair question. I'm still waiting for a response :-(

Peter Lawson

Christian Riechers

Jun 4, 2016, 10:59:57 AM6/4/16
On 06/03/2016 09:55 AM, Peter Lawson wrote:
> When sending messages using the server named below, I get the following
> message:
> The IMAP server does not support the selected
> authentication method. Please change the 'Authentication method' in the
> Account Settings / Server Settings'
> I presume it is talking about SMTP settings.

'Authentication method' applies to both, IMAP and SMTP server.

However, when the error message starts with 'The IMAP server ...', what
makes you think this is related to the SMTP server?

> I have tried STARTTLS and
> SSL/TLS with the appropriate ports, without success.

That's about 'Connection security', not 'Authentication method'.

> It is a recent
> development and was working happily with STARTTLS. Strangely (perhaps
> not), more often than not the message _is_ sent. Is the problem with the
> storage of messages in the sent folder? All suggestions welcome :-)

Use the local Drafts folder instead of the one on the server.


Jun 4, 2016, 4:20:36 PM6/4/16
IMAP is *not* SMTP.

IMAP & POP are /receiving/ e-mail protocols.
SMTP is a /sending/ e-mail protocol.

When you say "sending", I'm guessing that you are not just sending but
both sending and receiving. Your mail poll sends any pending outbound
messages and then checks for new incoming messages. It performs the
SMTP operation okay but then fails on the following IMAP operation.

Do you have the e-mail client configured to reuse the login credentials
from your IMAP session for your SMTP session? Don't. Configure the
SMTP server(s) to specify separate but same login credentials. That is,
don't reuse the login credentials. Specify them anew when using SMTP.
Configure each IMAP and POP account to use its login credentials.
Configure each SMTP account to use its own login credentials (don't
reuse any). Timing can screw up reuse of login credentials.

You did not mention who is your e-mail provider. Some have been
changing over the last few years to demand use of TLS to use their SMTP
server. If your client doesn't support TLS then you can no longer use
that SMTP server. That's what happened to me back when I was still
using Outlook 2003: it does not support TLS but Microsoft changed their
SMTP servers to demand use of TLS. Gmail did the same several years
ago. That means you must configure your e-mail client to use TLS to
connect to their SMTP server. I'm not sure it Auto mode will first try
TLS and then fallback to SSL.

The SMTP server you use is hardly private information. Gmail,
Hotmail/Live/,, etc are all publicly accessible
e-mail servers. Their connection setup is publicly available
information. You did not say whose SMTP server you are trying to use -
so others using the same SMTP server could check what settings they use
to compare against those you configured in the SMTP account defined in

Just because you did not change your config in the accounts defined in
your instance of Thunderbird is independent of the e-mail providers
changing their own requirements for protocol, ports, and other login
attributes. They can change any time they want. They may also have
temporary issues. You didn't say how long after experiencing the
problem that you waited to retest using their SMTP server. Sometimes
they do maintenance which means their server(s) are not available for
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