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stockwell (intermittent failures) policy change - recommend disabling tests when 150 failures are seen in 21 days

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Jan 9, 2018, 8:29:39 PM1/9/18
Happy new year from the stockwell team! We have been busy triaging bugs and getting the test-verify job to be fine tuned for all platforms and test suites.

If you want to read about what we plan to do in the near future, you can follow along in this tracking bug:

One change I wanted to make everyone aware of is the threshold we use to set the whiteboard tag: [stockwell disable-recommended]. For the last 4 months that has been 200 failures in 30 days. We look at this whiteboard tag twice a week and focus on those bugs- basically if there isn't signs of an upcoming patch we disable the test to reduce the pain on the trees.

What I would like to change on January 15th, is the threshold so that it is 150 failures over 21 days. In analyzing data over the last 4 months there would have been 2 bugs which we would have disabled which ended up getting fixed a week later- the rest of the bugs had active development taking place and would have been fixed/resolved as they were normally.

The advantage of doing this is we would disable tests 9 days faster, reducing failures on the tree and more importantly fewer failures on your try pushes with almost the exact same end result.

Please reply if you have concerns or other ideas we should consider.
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