Add-on SDK status

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Andrew McKay

Feb 15, 2016, 7:02:49 PM2/15/16
I'd like to start a discussion about the SDK and its status. There hasn't been much discussion about this in a while, but there have been quite a lot of changes in add-ons recently like e10s and WebExtensions.

To try and make it clear where things are, I've put together a very brief *draft* proposal of where we think the add-on SDK is. This is incomplete and in a *draft* state, I'm looking for input from the community:
As part of supporting the add-on SDK and keeping people informed, next month we'll be having our first planning meeting for the Add-on SDK:

I'd also hope that we can find a common communication channel for the SDK since we have quite a lot of different channels, I'd like to recommend dev-addons for that:

Thanks in advance
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