Cache questions

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Nov 24, 2017, 10:51:05 AM11/24/17
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
I have mod_pagespeed running on CentOS 7 & Apache. Viewing the Console graphs after reaching steady-state (12 hours of running) I get the following:

Cache misses: 30.08%
Cache lookups that were expired: 19.67%
Resources not rewritten because domain wasn't authorized: 6.77%
Resources not rewritten because of restrictive Cache-Control headers: 2.07%
Image rewrite failures: 0.28%

and the rest is 0%...

It's that "cache misses" I'm concerned about. It seems rather high! When running Google's PageSpeed it will typically see a fairly low score due to images that are no optimized, rerunning it a minute later will see a much higher score with all images optimized (because the previous run caused those images to get optimized). I.e. indicative of cache-churn. Web URL is

This machine has a large amount of RAM, and mod_pagespeed has its disk cache (/var/cache/mod_pagespeed/) mapped to a tmpfs on RAM. Setup is as follows:

Version: 14: on
ah	Add Head
ai	Add Instrumentation
ij	Canonicalize Javascript library URLs
cw	Collapse Whitespace
cc	Combine Css
ch	Combine Heads
jc	Combine Javascript
gp	Convert Gif to Png
jp	Convert Jpeg to Progressive
jw	Convert Jpeg To Webp
mc	Convert Meta Tags
pj	Convert Png to Jpeg
wa	Convert animated images to WebP
ws	When converting images to WebP, prefer lossless conversions
dd	Dedup Inlined Images
di	Delay Images
ea	Elide Attributes
ec	Cache Extend Css
ei	Cache Extend Images
ep	Cache Extend PDFs
es	Cache Extend Scripts
fc	Fallback Rewrite Css 
if	Flatten CSS Imports
hpsr	Hint Preload of Subresources
hw	Flushes html
ci	Inline Css
ii	Inline Images
il	Inline @import to Link
ji	Inline Javascript
idp	Insert DNS Prefetch
id	Insert Image Dimensions
js	Jpeg Subsampling
ll	Lazyload Images
tu	Left Trim Urls
ga	Make Google Analytics Async
cj	Move Css Above Scripts
cm	Move Css To Head
co	Outline Css
pr	Prioritize Critical Css
rj	Recompress Jpeg
rp	Recompress Png
rw	Recompress Webp
rc	Remove Comments
rq	Remove Quotes
ri	Resize Images
rm	Resize Mobile Images
ir	Resize to Rendered Image Dimensions
rx	Responsive Images
rz	Responsive Images Zoom
cf	Rewrite Css
jm	Rewrite External Javascript
jj	Rewrite Inline Javascript
cs	Rewrite Style Attributes
cu	Rewrite Style Attributes With Url
is	Sprite Images
cp	Strip Image Color Profiles
md	Strip Image Meta Data
  AvoidRenamingIntrospectiveJavascript (aris)     False
  CssFlattenMaxBytes (cf)                         204800
  CssImageInlineMaxBytes (cii)                    3072
  CssInlineMaxBytes (ci)                          3072
  CssOutlineMinBytes (co)                         4000
  DefaultSharedMemoryCacheKB (dsmc)               500000
  DisableRewriteOnNoTransform (drnt)              False
  EnableCachePurge (euci)                         True
  EnableRewriting (e)                             1
  FetchHttps (fhs)                                enable
  FileCacheCleanIntervalMs (afcci)                3600000
  FileCacheInodeLimit (afcl)                      1000000
  FileCachePath (afcp)                            /var/cache/mod_pagespeed/
  FileCacheSizeKb (afc)                           5120000
  GoogleFontCssInlineMaxBytes (gfci)              1000
  ImageInlineMaxBytes (ii)                        3072
  ImageLimitOptimizedPercent (ip)                 97
  ImageLimitResizeAreaPercent (ia)                100
  ImageMaxRewritesAtOnce (im)                     -1
  ImageRecompressionQuality (irq)                 80
  ImplicitCacheTtlMs (ict)                        1209600000
  InPlaceResourceOptimization (ipro)              True
  JpegRecompressionQuality (iq)                   80
  JpegRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens (iqss)  70
  JsInlineMaxBytes (ji)                           3072
  JsOutlineMinBytes (jo)                          4000
  LogDir (ald)                                    /var/log/pagespeed
  LRUCacheByteLimit (alcb)                        16384
  LRUCacheKbPerProcess (alcp)                     2048
  MaxCacheableContentLength (rcl)                 33554432
  MaxCombinedCssBytes (xcc)                       -1
  MaxCombinedJsBytes (xcj)                        256000
  ReportUnloadTime (rut)                          True
  RewriteDeadlinePerFlushMs (rdm)                 200
  RewriteLevel (l)                                Pass Through
  SslCertDirectory (assld)                        /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  SslCertFile (asslf)                             /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  StatisticsLogging (asle)                        True
  SupportNoScriptEnabled (snse)                   False
  WebpRecompressionQuality (iw)                   80
  WebpRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens (iwss)  70
Domain Lawyer
Invalidation Timestamp: (none)

I have ModPagespeedFileCacheSizeKb set to 5120000 (ie. 5 GB), while ModPagespeedDefaultSharedMemoryCacheKB is set at 500000. I've tried double those amounts, no difference. The cache isn't taking up nearly that amount of space anyway:

# df
Filesystem          1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/cl-root  49259008 24698760  24560248  51% /
devtmpfs             32893856        0  32893856   0% /dev
tmpfs                32904836        0  32904836   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                32904836     8708  32896128   1% /run
tmpfs                32904836        0  32904836   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                32904836        0  32904836   0% /tmp
tmpfs                32904836   510972  32393864   2% /var/cache/mod_pagespeed
tmpfs                32904836        0  32904836   0% /var/tmp
/dev/vda1             1038336   338920    699416  33% /boot
tmpfs                 6580968        0   6580968   0% /run/user/0

# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:       65809672     9958084    51590696      680616     4260892    54567240
Swap:       2093052           0     2093052

Another oddity is the output from 'caches - physical cache' in mod_pagespeed:

Shared memory metadata cache '/var/cache/mod_pagespeed/' statistics:
Total put operations: 45024
  updating an existing key: 1999
  replace/conflict miss: 3
  simultaneous same-key insert: 0
  dropped since all of associativity set locked: 0
  spinning sleeps performed by writers: 0
Total get operations: 201402
  hits: 193483 (96.07%)
Entries used: 37646 (13.21%)
Blocks used: 566397 (99.39%)

Why is "Blocks used" at 99%??

Any help in resolving this would be very much appreciated!
Thank you!


Otto van der Schaaf

Nov 25, 2017, 2:54:23 PM11/25/17
I am not sure about the 99% blocks used in the shared memory cache report, though the cache rate seems pretty reasonable at first sight so I'm not sure this is something to worry about. It suspect that this cache/stat will always converge to 100% because of how the underlying design works.

The low hit ratio on the other caches may be caused by a lot of expiring resources. Bumping the original http expiry may help mod-pagespeed keeping the derived optimized versions in cache longer. 

Alternatively there is also LoadFromFile, which comes with some nice additional benefits if you are able to use it:


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Nov 26, 2017, 2:13:33 PM11/26/17
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Thanks for the feedback Otto!

I assume the shared memory cache is controlled by DefaultSharedMemoryCacheKB? Is there a way to see how much is actually in use, so I can figure out what cache size makes sense? Similar question for the disk cache, though I suppose for that one I can guestimate from the 'df' output what's being used.

LoadFromFile is already set up for all physical resources. I have:

    ModPagespeedLoadFromFile "" "/var/www/html/solacity/docs/"
    ModPagespeedLoadFromFile " "/var/www/html/solacity/docs/"
    ModPagespeedLoadFromFile ""         "/var/www/html/solacity/wp-content/uploads/"
    ModPagespeedLoadFromFile ""         "/var/www/html/solacity/wp-content/uploads/"

This takes care of all the images. The rest of the pages is dynamically generated.

Current HTTP expiry times are set to at least 14 days for anything that's not dynamic, and ModPagespeedImplicitCacheTtlMs =1209600000. 
My understanding is that mod_pagespeed doesn't check for changes until 3/4 of the expiry time is reached, so upping that would run the risk of stale pages?



Nov 27, 2017, 3:27:43 PM11/27/17
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Otto, to be more specific, I'm trying to resolve the situation where Pagespeed will give a low score one moment, mainly because images are served unoptimized. Refresh the page (causing optimizing) and rerun Pagespeed and the score will be much higher. Come back an hour later, and the same low score will show again, with the same or other images on the page being served without optimization:

Needs Work

73 / 100

This page is missing some common performance optimizations that may result in a slow user experience. Please investigate the recommendations below.

Possible Optimizations

Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.
Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 236.3KiB (51% reduction).

Hit refresh on that page and rerun Pagespeed:


94 / 100

Great job! This page applies most performance best practices and should deliver a good user experience.

Possible Optimizations

Leverage browser caching

Reduce server response time

Somehow Mod_Pagespeed is kicking those images out of its cache. However, the default cache time for JPG and WEBP is set to 1 month (ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"), on top of that, those images are static resources that are accessed through ModPagespeedLoadFromFile, it doesn't even have to go through HTTP. 

Cache size seems to be way more than enough, it shouldn't throw out these images due to space constraints. 

Why is it loosing these cached images?

Thank you for any leads!


Otto van der Schaaf

Nov 27, 2017, 3:36:55 PM11/27/17
Thanks for bumping the thread, this fell off my radar.

Perhaps tuning the beacon expiry to your needs may be helpful:

When beacon data expires for a page, some filters may back out or not apply fully until fresh beacons are received, causing a temporary partially optimized state. Fresh beacon data is required for different (classes of) user agents, including the one used by Insights.

Bumping FinderPropertiesCacheExpirationTimeMs may help getting a more steady state optimization state for PageSpeed Insights.
(For actual production traffic this may be less of an issue, as the beacon data should be kept fresh naturally)


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Nov 28, 2017, 11:49:21 AM11/28/17
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
...And if you ae using LoadFromFile you can set an implicit ttl for cache with


In LoadFromFile, the headers set for http don´t work as far as the file is not served by http.


Nov 29, 2017, 7:12:35 AM11/29/17
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Longinos & Otto thank you!
ImplicitCacheTtlMs was already set to 1209600000 (14 days).
I've upped the beacon time with a few hours as well. 

I'm still missing a basic understanding when and why cached images get flushed by ModPagespeed, as that seems to be the main issue (one moment they're optimized, a few hours later they're not and the server sends originals, despite very long TTLs).

I'll continue chipping away at it. Appreciate all the help!


John M

Feb 17, 2018, 9:11:37 PM2/17/18
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Hey Rob, I saw that you are using wordpress on your website.
I am too using it for my website but i have a problem every 4-5 hours i got lots of 404 errors.
I was thinking if you could tell me what plugins are you using on your website.
I saw on your page source something with autoptimize as cache.
Waiting for your answer. All the best!


Feb 18, 2018, 10:00:13 AM2/18/18
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Hi John,

We do indeed use Wordpress, with a whole lot of plugins and some custom code (and lots of custom CSS). It's showing 61 active plugins at this time! For the things that could affect mod-pagespeed; I'm running "WP Fastest Cache" to cache Wordpress pages (most of its features are switched off, it's mostly just to cache pages), "Autoptimize" to massage CSS and Javascript for better Pagespeed scores, REDIS with "WP Redis" for database caching, and "Lazy Load" to defer loading of images.

Mod-pagespeed itself is set up to do just about every type of optimization it provides. CSS & Javascript minifying/optimizing, image optimization, sharding of static resources to Amazon's Cloudfront servers, and caching of course. I have it about 85% of what I would like, some things are resistant to working (at least in the way I would expect them), there are errors in the mod-pagespeed log that I can't seem to fix (not affecting the site though). It's a work in progress...

The server also uses PHP's ZEND for caching PHP code. In all it is a pretty complex interplay of various mechanisms with lots of possibilities of unexpected interactions and problems. Our setup is very stable as it is now, and I'm pretty careful to test changes before doing more changes.

My advice for your particular case, if mod-pagespeed seems at the root of the 404s, is to switch off most options in there and start with just the benign basics. Let it run a day, see how things go, and slowly add. Then when things do go wrong plow through all the logs: the mod-pagespeed log, the PHP log file, HTTP server regular logs and error logs. Somewhere in there it should give you a clue why things are going wrong. In case of 404s there should be URLs (generated by mod-pagespeed I assume?) that don't exist or no longer exist. What resources are they for? What are the settings affecting those resources? What does the mod-pagespeed log say when it optimized those resources?

At its basic, you have to get your site to be stable before even trying to add mod-pagespeed to the mix. Wordpress with all its plugins really is a house-of-cards, it's somewhat of a miracle (in my opinion) that it works as well as it does. Just too much that interacts with each other in weird and unexpected ways...

Good luck!

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