Forever loading

Skip to first unread message


Jan 26, 2015, 1:55:27 PM1/26/15
Hi Guys,

I compiled nginx+mod pagespeed (nginx 1.6.2 and 1.7.9, mod_pagespeed for CentOS 6.6 as described in except for the configure line
./configure --add-module=$HOME/ngx_pagespeed-release-${NPS_VERSION}-beta  --user=nginx --group=nginx --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --with-http_ssl_module

Now everything works great. The webserver works and the pages are served except when I enable mod pagespeed. Then I get a page that just keeps loading forever. There are no log messages in /var/log/nginx/*

Any ideas would be deeply appreciated

Here is my nginx conf file

server {

    listen       80;
    server_name  xx.xx.xx.xx;

    root /Websites/test;
    index  index.html;

    pagespeed on;
    pagespeed FileCachePath /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache;

Jeff Kaufman

Jan 27, 2015, 9:40:52 AM1/27/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Does /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache exist? Is it readable and writeable by
the nginx user?

If you run "curl http://yoursite" do you get any output at all?
> --
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> "mod-pagespeed-discuss" group.
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Jan 27, 2015, 11:39:04 AM1/27/15
Hi Jeff,

Yes, /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache is writable I (even tried a recursive chmod 777 just to be sure, no effect)

curl without pagespeed gives me correct response
curl with pagespeed just keeps haning with no output

Today I complied with nginx latest. 
static html files get serverd correctly with and without pagespeed
wordpress (hhvm via fastcgi port 9000) gives a connection refused error with pagespeed while it works great without mod pagespeed

I also noticed nginx will use 100% cpu while 'hanging'

Jeff Kaufman

Jan 27, 2015, 11:53:27 AM1/27/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
Very strange.

When you say it works well without pagespeed, do you mean that if you
set "pagespeed off" then it works or that if you compile without it
then it works?

What if you have pagespeed on in the config but run:

curl -D-

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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "mod-pagespeed-discuss" group.
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Jan 27, 2015, 1:58:20 PM1/27/15
Yup it is very strange indeed.

I mean when I set pagespeed off it works but when I enable pagespeed in the server config of nginx it keeps loading forever.

# curl -D-
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:51:38 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 73
Last-Modified: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 18:41:07 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding
ETag: "54c68a43-49"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Accept-Ranges: bytes

<h1>It works</h1>

#curl -D- 127.0.01 
^C -> ctrl-c after a few minutes

Jeff Kaufman

Jan 27, 2015, 2:15:37 PM1/27/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
What happens if you set "pagespeed off" in your config and then fetch these:

curl -D-
curl -D-

Are there at least entries generated in the access log?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "mod-pagespeed-discuss" group.
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Jan 27, 2015, 2:58:00 PM1/27/15
On both occasions I get a result but the connections does not seem to close (?) Still need to ctrl-c ...

both show a 200 result in te acces.log 
x.x.x.x - - [27/Jan/2015:20:49:51 +0100] "GET /?PageSpeed=on HTTP/1.1" 200 73 "-" "curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.5"
or - - [27/Jan/2015:20:55:47 +0100] "GET /?PageSpeed=on HTTP/1.1" 200 73 "-" "curl/7.29.0" from localhost

[1] 23207
$ <html>
<h1>It works</h1>

^C <- need to ctrl-c here

[1]+  Done                    curl

Jeff Kaufman

Jan 27, 2015, 3:28:18 PM1/27/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss
I'm confused: it looks like you're running ngx_pagespeed on osx?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "mod-pagespeed-discuss" group.
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> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit


Jan 27, 2015, 3:44:07 PM1/27/15
No, I tried curl from localhost as well as from my laptop since I found it strange that the connection did not close so i wanted to check again.
Server is Centos 6.6 clean install

Jeff Kaufman

Jan 27, 2015, 3:53:23 PM1/27/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss, Otto van der Schaaf
Sorry; I missed that those were two separate request lines, and was
confused to see apple-darwin and localhost together.

Otto, any ideas? We're seeing ngx_pagespeed sometimes return empty
results and other times not close the connection when it's done.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "mod-pagespeed-discuss" group.
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> To view this discussion on the web visit

Otto van der Schaaf

Jan 27, 2015, 4:42:27 PM1/27/15
The symptoms vaguely remind me of what I saw with spdy
and ipro some time ago, but that wasn't so easy to reproduce.

Just to see if it's related: could you try if adding this to nginx.conf 
changes behaviour?

pagespeed InPlaceResourceOptimization off;


Jan 27, 2015, 5:35:31 PM1/27/15
Hi Otto,

Nope unfortunately not

I still get the timeout on

If it's any help I just tried compiling
# curl -D-
curl: (52) Empty reply from server. 
white curl -D- gives the site

Otto van der Schaaf

Jan 28, 2015, 1:44:52 AM1/28/15
Thanks for trying that.
Could you compile nginx --with-debug and bump the error logging level to debug (e.g. error_log /tmp/error.log debug).
If you reproduce the hang with ngx_pagespeed, I'd like to see any output in error.log for that request.
Perhaps there's a clue in there.



Jan 28, 2015, 2:29:47 PM1/28/15
Hi otto, Here is the debug output. I have posted 2 logs for 2 different configurations

For some reason now responds correctly with mod pagespeed This was just a static page however. The real site still keeps loading forever.

I noticed there seems to be a ssl error (if i interpret this correctly). This is probably because I disabled all other directives besides 'pagespeed on' see log2

2015/01/28 20:04:28 [debug] 9011#0: epoll add event: fd:8 op:1 ev:000020012015/01/28 20:04:28 [debug] 9012#0: epoll add event: fd:8 op:1 ev:00002001
2015/01/28 20:04:29 [debug] 9011#0: epoll del event: fd:8 op:2 ev:00000000
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: post event 00000000029C9888
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: delete posted event 00000000029C9888
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: accept on, ready: 0
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: posix_memalign: 0000000002A76D00:256 @16
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 accept: fd:9
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: posix_memalign: 0000000002A76E10:256 @16
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 event timer add: 9: 60000:1422471944635
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 reusable connection: 1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 epoll add event: fd:9 op:1 ev:80002001
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 post event 00000000029C9958
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 delete posted event 00000000029C9958
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http check ssl handshake
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http recv(): 1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 https ssl handshake: 0x16
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL server name: ""
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_do_handshake: -1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 reusable connection: 0
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 post event 00000000029C9958
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 delete posted event 00000000029C9958
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL handshake handler: 0
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_do_handshake: 1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL: TLSv1, cipher: "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH Au=RSA Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 reusable connection: 1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http wait request handler
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 malloc: 0000000002A90AC0:1024
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_read: -1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 free: 0000000002A90AC0
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 post event 00000000029C9958
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 delete posted event 00000000029C9958
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http wait request handler
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 malloc: 0000000002A90AC0:1024
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_read: 1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_read: 88
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_read: -1
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 reusable connection: 0
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 posix_memalign: 0000000002A896D0:4096 @16
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http process request line
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http request line: "GET / HTTP/1.1"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http uri: "/"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http args: ""
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http exten: ""
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 posix_memalign: 0000000002A8BDD0:4096 @16
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http process request header line
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http header: "User-Agent: curl/7.29.0"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http header: "Host:"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http header: "Accept: */*"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http header done
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 event timer del: 9: 1422471944635
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 rewrite phase: 0
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script complex value
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script set $cache_uri
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script var: "GET"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script value: "POST"
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script equal
2015/01/28 20:04:44 [debug] 9012#0: *1 http script equal: no

So after enabling part of the original settings
    pagespeed FetchHttps enable;
    pagespeed MapOriginDomain "http://localhost" "";
    pagespeed LoadFromFile "" "/Websites/xxxx/";

2015/01/28 20:18:09 [debug] 10087#0: epoll add event: fd:8 op:1 ev:00002001
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: post event 000000000333ED98
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: delete posted event 000000000333ED98
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: accept on, ready: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: posix_memalign: 00000000033F0A20:256 @16
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 accept:
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: posix_memalign: 00000000033F0B30:256 @16
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 event timer add: 16: 60000:1422472754008
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 reusable connection: 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 epoll add event: fd:16 op:1 ev:80002001
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 000000000333EE68
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 000000000333EE68
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http check ssl handshake
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http recv(): 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 https ssl handshake: 0x16
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL server name: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_do_handshake: -1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 reusable connection: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 000000000333EE68
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 000000000333EE68
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL handshake handler: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_do_handshake: 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL: TLSv1, cipher: "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH Au=RSA Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 reusable connection: 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http wait request handler
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 malloc: 000000000340A7E0:1024
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_read: -1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 free: 000000000340A7E0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 000000000333EE68
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 000000000333EE68
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http wait request handler
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 malloc: 000000000340A7E0:1024
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_read: 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_read: 88
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_read: -1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 reusable connection: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 posix_memalign: 00000000034033F0:4096 @16
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http process request line
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http request line: "GET / HTTP/1.1"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http uri: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http args: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http exten: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 posix_memalign: 0000000003405AF0:4096 @16
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http process request header line
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http header: "User-Agent: curl/7.29.0"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http header: "Host:"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http header: "Accept: */*"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http header done
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 event timer del: 16: 1422472754008
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 rewrite phase: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script complex value
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script set $cache_uri
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "GET"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script value: "POST"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script equal
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script equal: no
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script value: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script not equal
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script not equal: no
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script regex: "(/wp-admin/|/xmlrpc.php|/wp-(app|cron|login|register|mail).php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|wp-comments-popup.php|wp-links-opml.php|wp-locations.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|[a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml)"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [notice] 10087#0: *1 "(/wp-admin/|/xmlrpc.php|/wp-(app|cron|login|register|mail).php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|wp-comments-popup.php|wp-links-opml.php|wp-locations.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|[a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml)" does not match "/", client: server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script regex: "comment_author|wordpress_[a-f0-9]+|wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [notice] 10087#0: *1 "comment_author|wordpress_[a-f0-9]+|wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in" does not match "", client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: ~ "^/wp-content/cache/minify/[^/]+/(.*)$"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: ~ "\.php$"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: ~ "\.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 using configuration "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http cl:-1 max:20971520
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 rewrite phase: 2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post rewrite phase: 3
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 generic phase: 4
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 generic phase: 4
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 generic phase: 5
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 access phase: 6
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 access phase: 7
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post access phase: 8
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 pagespeed phase: 9
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http pagespeed handler "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http cleanup add: 00000000034041B0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: epoll add event: fd:17 op:1 ev:00002001
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 Passing on content handling for non-pagespeed resource ''
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 try files phase: 10
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 trying to use file: "/" "/Websites/xxx/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 trying to use dir: "/" "/Websites/xxx/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 try file uri: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 content phase: 11
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 open index "/Websites/xxxx/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 internal redirect: "/index.php?"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 rewrite phase: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script complex value
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script set $cache_uri
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "GET"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script value: "POST"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script equal
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script equal: no
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script value: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script not equal
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script not equal: no
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script regex: "(/wp-admin/|/xmlrpc.php|/wp-(app|cron|login|register|mail).php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|wp-comments-popup.php|wp-links-opml.php|wp-locations.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|[a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml)"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [notice] 10087#0: *1 "(/wp-admin/|/xmlrpc.php|/wp-(app|cron|login|register|mail).php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|wp-comments-popup.php|wp-links-opml.php|wp-locations.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|[a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml)" does not match "/", client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script regex: "comment_author|wordpress_[a-f0-9]+|wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [notice] 10087#0: *1 "comment_author|wordpress_[a-f0-9]+|wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in" does not match "", client: server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script if: false
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: "robots.txt"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: "m"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: "favicon.ico"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: ~ "^/wp-content/cache/minify/[^/]+/(.*)$"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 test location: ~ "\.php$"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 using configuration "\.php$"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http cl:-1 max:20971520
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 rewrite phase: 2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post rewrite phase: 3
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 generic phase: 4
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 generic phase: 5
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 access phase: 6
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 access phase: 7
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post access phase: 8
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 pagespeed phase: 9
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http pagespeed handler "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http cleanup add: 0000000003404320
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: epoll add event: fd:18 op:1 ev:00002001
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 Passing on content handling for non-pagespeed resource ''
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 try files phase: 10
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 epoll add event: fd:16 op:3 ev:80002005
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/Websites/xxxx"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /Websites/xxxx/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: "
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "GET"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: "
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: "
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "/Websites/xxxx"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /Websites/xxxx"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "HTTP/1.1"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "HTTPS"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "on"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "HTTPS: on"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "CGI/1.1"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "nginx/"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "1.6.2"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.6.2"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "43794"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 43794"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: "443"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 443"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script var: ""
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME:"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "200"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "HTTPS"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http script copy: "on"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "HTTPS: on"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: curl/7.29.0"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST:"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: */*"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http cleanup add: 0000000003406680
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 get rr peer, try: 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 socket 19
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 epoll add connection: fd:19 ev:80002005
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 connect to, fd:19 #2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream connect: -2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 posix_memalign: 000000000340A180:128 @16
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 event timer add: 19: 60000:1422472754165
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http finalize request: -4, "/index.php?" a:1, c:3
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http request count:3 blk:0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http finalize request: -4, "/index.php?" a:1, c:2
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http request count:2 blk:0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: post event 000000000333EED0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: post event 000000000333EF38
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 0000000003358E78
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 0000000003358FB0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 0000000003358FB0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream request: "/index.php?"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream send request handler
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream send request
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 chain writer buf fl:0 s:584
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 chain writer in: 00000000034066B8
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 writev: 584
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 event timer del: 19: 1422472754165
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 event timer add: 19: 60000:1422472754170
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 0000000003358E78
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http run request: "/index.php?"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: delete posted event 000000000333EF38
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: reusable connection: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: delete posted event 000000000333EED0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: reusable connection: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 000000000333EFA0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 post event 0000000003358FB0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 0000000003358FB0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream request: "/index.php?"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream dummy handler
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 delete posted event 000000000333EFA0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream request: "/index.php?"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http upstream process header
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 malloc: 0000000003406B00:4096
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 recv: fd:19 4096 of 4096
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 01
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 06
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 00
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 01
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: C4
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 4F
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 01
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record byte: 00
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi record length: 50255
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "X-Powered-By: HHVM/3.2.0"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 19:00:38 GMT"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "Expires: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 20:00:38 GMT"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "Cache-Control: max-age=2544, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "X-Pingback:"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "Pragma: public"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 0
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header: "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi parser: 1
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http fastcgi header done
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http pagespeed html rewrite header filter "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: epoll add event: fd:17 op:1 ev:00002001
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10088#0: epoll add event: fd:8 op:1 ev:00002001

Otto van der Schaaf

Jan 28, 2015, 3:08:35 PM1/28/15
to Arjen,

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Arjen <> wrote:
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: *1 http pagespeed html rewrite header filter "/index.php"
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10087#0: epoll add event: fd:17 op:1 ev:00002001
2015/01/28 20:18:14 [debug] 10088#0: epoll add event: fd:8 op:1 ev:00002001
To make sure I understand, curl is hanging at this point and these are the last lines you are seeing in error.log?


Jan 28, 2015, 3:15:41 PM1/28/15
Yes, (not only curl, all browsers). This is the complete log. Waiting longer (60 secs) does not add to the debug log

Otto van der Schaaf

Jan 28, 2015, 4:18:14 PM1/28/15
to, Arjen
If I'm not mistaken, those last 'epoll add event' lines originate from when ngx_pagespeed wires up a named pipe for the request to communicate with nginx about it.
Would you be willing to spend some time to debug this together via google talk or skype with me?
I'd love to figure this out.

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Feb 2, 2015, 9:38:07 AM2/2/15
Analysis of the issue and fix

  • Centos 6.6

  • gcc 4.8.2 (defaults to .init_array)

  • ld (2010-02-05)

  • pagespeed_automatic.a used by ngx_pagespeed has a .ctors section

  • A completely locally compiled nginx+ngx_pagespeed+pagespeed_automatic will move all it’s constructors to .init_array and works.

  • If the downloaded pagespeed_automatic.a is used cpu will spike on the first request. 

This is happening:

The ld present can’t handle cross .init_array and .ctors section priorities (see and )

When executing

readelf –a nginx

we see the .init_array section before the .ctors section , this means that everything locally compiled will get automatic precedence because it is in an earlier section before the .ctor (pagespeed_automatic.a ) section.


Running the attached demo “mixing .init_array and .ctors” on this environment will abort, because things are initialized out of order.


This means that this system probably cannot use external static libraries reliably. It should compile its own libraries.


Fixes for user:

  • Confirmed: compile the sourcecode instead of using the static library, this will remove the .ctors section.

  • Confirmed: upgrade ld, so mixed .ctors and .init_array will be moved to .init_array by ld and the entries will be executed in expected order

  • downgrade gcc, so .ctor entries will be generated and not .init_array


Fixes for ngx_pagespeed:

  • introduce a smoke test based upon the demo attached to the issue and issue a warning if the target platform can’t handle mixed .ctors/.init_array entries.

  • sniff gcc/ld versions and issue a warning if the target platform can’t handle mixed .ctors/.init_array entries.

  • can compile a version with .init_array entries and get this version if the target platform can’t handle mixed .ctors/.init_array entries.

  • something exotic which involves messing around with the .ctors section ourselves (not a good idea)



Steps to reproduce:

  • Install a clean centos 6.6

  • yum install devtoolset-2-gcc (installs gcc-4.8.2 as a separate compiler)

  • yum install devtoolset-2-gcc-c++

  • scl enable devtoolset-2 bash (enables gcc 4.8.2 as default compiler in a bash shell)

  • follow build ngx_pagespeed from source (you might  want to add -mtune=nocona if the old binutils break on rep;ret;)

  • start nginx

  • request page

  • see nginx going in an infinite loop


Fix when using devtoolset-2:

  • yum install devtoolset-2-binutils (which installs  binutils 20130226)

  • scl enable devtoolset-2 bash (enables gcc 4.8.2 as default compiler in a bash shell)

  • follow build ngx_pagespeed from source (you might  want to add -mtune=nocona if the old binutils break on rep;ret;)

  • start nginx

  • request page

  • works alright


Joshua Marantz

Feb 2, 2015, 9:41:28 AM2/2/15
to mod-pagespeed-discuss,, Arjen Karel

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