Error: Bad Request Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request.

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Sep 19, 2015, 2:50:56 PM9/19/15
After i go to and click orange button Create app! it takes me to google web page for requesting permission to access my Google Account.
I am using Chrome Version 45, Win 7 64bit

see here:

After this step, when i click Allow it shows me the error i copy/pasted in the Subject of this topic:
Error: Bad Request

Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request.

see here:

Ok, so i tried in seems to work there, but it would make it much more convenient if it worked in chrome, because it is my main browser, and i don't need to switch windows all the time.

Is there a solution for this, or it is some kind of a bug.....what to do?

Kind regards


Sep 19, 2015, 3:05:52 PM9/19/15
At the moment, Chrome 45.0.2454.93   is working fine in North America as far as I can tell.   Are you perhaps using the Chrome beta software and not the production version?

I just tested and this version of Chrome and AI access is fine.

The solution, for the moment for you is Firefox.    Historically, over the past half year, users have reported issues with Chrome (that did not occur with other  AI appropriate browsers).   Either MIT has eventually been able to figure out why Chrome had issues and did a work around or Google recognized that Chrome needed to be fixed and fixed it.  

If you want to use App Inventor now, based on what you tell us, you need to be flexible.  Use FF and be happy for the moment.  What you experience might not be pervasive. 

So...what version of Chrome are you using?   Because some users in Europe have reported other issues related to accessing App Inventor recently, could you let us know whether you are located in Europe?     This might be a regional access issue.  Thanks.



Sep 19, 2015, 3:09:52 PM9/19/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi Steve,

first, thank you for you response.

Here is the copy/paste from Chrome/about tab:
Version 45.0.2454.93 m
Google Chrome is up to date

Indeed i am in EU.

Kind regards

Abraham Getzler

Sep 20, 2015, 12:23:28 PM9/20/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
What add-ons do you have in Chrome?


Sep 20, 2015, 2:24:45 PM9/20/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi Abraham,

regarding active add-ons/extensions, i have quite a few :) :

AdBlock Plus,
Autocomplete, URL Shortener, 
Google Docs Offline, 
Honey, Image Optimizer, 
PageSpeed Insights, 
Streak for Gmail, 
Tab Snooze, 
Tabs Backup & Restore, 
Tabs Outliner, 

Hm, when you mention it, maybe one of those is somehow interrupting AI2 authentication....but how do i troubleshoot it?

Thank you in advance

Abraham Getzler

Sep 20, 2015, 4:59:13 PM9/20/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
You have a big collection there.

Short of starting to use a new browser like Maxthon just for your AI2 work,
I would start by disabling the add-ons that mess the most with your scripts,
like Ad Block.

A binary divide-and-conquer approach where you disable half of them at a time 
would probably be the quickest.

Or search this board for "addons".



Sep 21, 2015, 11:38:24 AM9/21/15
Hi Abraham,

as you suggested i completely disabled all of the extensions, even Autocomplete.
Then i tried again, ....same error occurs..... :\

After that i closed Chrome, and opened it, then i went to delete cookies for appinventor and mit domain, closed chrome again.
Now i open Chrome again with cookies deleted, all extensions disabled.....BOOM, same error occurs........i have not idea what else to do with chrome with this error :( ....going slightly crazy

Out of curiosity, in Chrome i clicked on incognito mode, then went to , logged into......and i AI2 authenticated and loaded correctly,

Now i am totally confused, i don't understand what is going on with chrome.

Abraham Getzler

Sep 21, 2015, 11:51:14 AM9/21/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Thanks for posting your work around.
You're the first to report the value of incognito mode.
Our tool box grows heavier.

Incognito mode sounds similar to clearing your browser cache,
which has in the past been recommended for some browser issues,
but safer.



Sep 21, 2015, 12:05:01 PM9/21/15
Alright, now i got eureka moment, when incognito worked, but normal chrome session brain gave me a hint.....

So, to test, i decided to log out of google account. Ok, Now i am logged out........
Next, i go to AI2, log in with my gmail and password, ....wohooo it worked :)

It seems, if you are already logged in your gmail, and then if you want to use AI2, it will get borked and that dreaded error will occur.

So as i can see, solution for Chrome users is: 

Log out of your gmail/google account first, after that, log into AI2, ..... you can go in gmail again need for Firefox, Maxthon or incognito mode anymore. 

I hope my experience with this authentication ordering will help other chrome users.

Kind regards

Abraham Getzler

Sep 21, 2015, 12:19:45 PM9/21/15
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Thank you for posting your solution.
Yours is the first of that kind.


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