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Don't mess with LA traffic!

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Larry Sheldon

Apr 4, 2011, 1:15:20 AM4/4/11


Apr 4, 2011, 1:24:42 AM4/4/11
On Apr 4, 12:15 am, Larry Sheldon <> wrote:

> --
> Superfluity does not vitiate
> California Civil Code quote-#3537
> <-- Where I  live
> 3

like President Obama is NOT going to win CA in 2012

no matter how much these whining idiots bitch

Randy Hersch gets his meals from outhouses.

Apr 4, 2011, 8:14:07 AM4/4/11

<> wrote in message


Once again, Kettle head misses the point completely.

Apr 5, 2011, 3:54:27 AM4/5/11
On Apr 4, 6:14 am, "Randy Hersch gets his meals from outhouses."
<> wrote:
> "larrysheldonisalyingfuckinghypocrite"<> wrote in message

and more proof that you are sitting on your little brain and it is
surrounded by piss and being strangled by your enlarged prostate

did you read the bullshit he posts, did you read the comments?

or is the piss gettiing to your little brain, but keep trying

Randy Hersch gets his meals from outhouses.

Apr 5, 2011, 10:39:03 AM4/5/11

<> wrote in message


I'm not talking about his post. You missed the point of the article
completely. Because you are a KETLE HEAD who thinks he knows everything.

Apr 6, 2011, 10:39:16 PM4/6/11
On Apr 5, 8:39 am, "Randy Hersch gets his meals from outhouses."
<> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> completely.  Because you are a KETLE HEAD who thinks he knows everything.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

better then you who shits and shits thru what little brains he has

and beyond that believes in the corruptness of the US Govt in
everything except the corrupt criminal useless military for which we


what part of go fuck yourself do you not understand you lying hypocrite

Randy Hersch gets his meals from outhouses.

Apr 7, 2011, 8:55:00 AM4/7/11

<> wrote in message


Kettle head misdirection, again. He knows his comment was absurd and he got
caught for it. So he tries to change the subject hoping no one will notice.

WE noticed Kettle head.

You are a FOOL! You are a Kettle head!

Apr 8, 2011, 1:12:16 AM4/8/11
On Apr 7, 6:55 am, "Randy Hersch gets his meals from outhouses."
> You are a FOOL!  You are a Kettle head!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

you are the fool and a liar

and larry sheldon is an idiot and a lying hypocrite. He posted this
regards traffic when the President comes to town

ANY President, your boy the former Kommander in chief came to NYC and
really screwed things up

so what difference does it make you fucking idiot, as I said , and I
suppose I should have made a further explanation for your piss addled
little mind

there is no way, no matter what he does that President Obama will lose

so what few friends and idiot repubs whine in LA, it does not matter

so run a long, and do not shit on the floor of your outhouse

and maybe see a urologist as to why piss comes out of your mouth

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 8, 2011, 9:54:23 AM4/8/11

<> wrote in message

No, he posted a link to an article about the reactions of SoCal folks who
are die hard Obama supports, but consider not voting for him because he
screws up traffic.

How does that make him a lying hypocrite? He posted a link. He made no
remarks about it. He said nothing about the article.

>ANY President, your boy the former Kommander in >chief came to NYC and
>really screwed things up

This comment proves you missed the point of the article, Kettle head. It's
not that the motorcade causes traffic jams. It's that because of the
traffic jams even the off the edge lefties of SoCal wil not vote for Obama.

>so what difference does it make you fucking idiot, as I >said , and I
>suppose I should have made a further explanation for >your piss addled
>little mind

No it's your unwashed Kettle head that came up with a conclusion that was
not in the article.

>there is no way, no matter what he does that President >Obama will lose

Irrelevant. Not the point of the article Kettle head!

>so what few friends and idiot repubs whine in LA, it >does not matter

Proving you are a kettle head who jumped to a conclusion the people they
talked to for the article were Dems MORON!. Did you even READ the
article??? Is that how you reach ALL your conclusions? Never mind don't
bother answering that. IYou never let those pesky facts get in the way of
your brain damaged psychosis.

>so run a long, and do not shit on the floor of your >outhouse

So even you have scruples? You won't eat off the floor? You want it all
down the hole. Okay. Got it.

>and maybe see a urologist as to why piss comes out of >your mouth

You need to take a course in human anatomy Kettle head. And Hygene, too,
while you are at it.

Apr 9, 2011, 12:45:00 AM4/9/11
On Apr 8, 7:54 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
> while you are at it.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

On Apr 8, 7:54 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and

> while you are at it.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

and you jump to your conclusions about me, but that is ok

we are all so used to your piss addled brain. You have to piss into a
plastic bag, I am sure

and again you jump to conclusions, what makes you think my hygiene is
not nthye same as yours except, I do not pee into a plastic bag as you

and I do not use outhouses as they do not exist anywhere I live or

we have indoor plumbing and running water, as you obviously do not

and it still does not matter, President Obama WILL win CA no matter
what lying hypocrite larry sheldon or you say or post and that is all
that matters to me

so you and lying hypocrite larry sheldon can both go fuck yourselves

as a matter of fact you and he can both go down your outhouse hole
together for all I care, locked in a loving embrace

btw I call lying hypocrite larry sheldon a lying hypocrite because of
his espoused belief in the lying hypocracy of christianity and the
lying hypocracy of right wing politics

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 9, 2011, 9:48:01 PM4/9/11

<> wrote in message

As sure as you are about beingg able to see in to the future? As sure as
you are about the winning lottery numbers foir next month. You being "sure"
about something is absolutely WORTHLESS!

>and again you jump to conclusions, what makes you >think my hygiene is
>not nthye same as yours

Recall the picture from the Pennsylvania Raom Meet. Recall that you are
standing there and no one was comfortable getting close to you.
Recall that you are looking unbathed, unkeptempt, looking similar to a
homeless person. That's my proof.

>except, I do not pee into a plastic bag as you

What's your proof for that? None!

>and I do not use outhouses as they do not exist >anywhere I live or

How do you know thaat? Have you explored every back yard? So you are
admitting you are a prowler? Peeping Tom, too, maybe? In addition to all
your other reprehensible traits.

>we have indoor plumbing and running water,

Then why don't you learn to use it, you filthy gross disgusting pig?

>as you obviously do not

Another charge you have no proof to back up. Another SURE thing from your
phsychotic mind.

>and it still does not matter, President Obama WILL win >CA

That may or may not be true. That was never mentioned in the article.

>no matter
>what lying hypocrite larry sheldon or you say or post >and that is all
>that matters to me

Larry never said anything about Obama winning or losing California, and
neither did I. More proof of your complete lack of any grasp of reality.

>so you and lying hypocrite larry sheldon can both go >fuck yourselves

Gee, and you accuse me of being a third grader.

>as a matter of fact you and he can both go down your >outhouse hole
>together for all I care, locked in a loving embrace

Proof that I have an out house - none. Proof that I even know Larry
Sheldon - none. Both adding up to more proof that you are a Kettle head!

>btw I call lying hypocrite larry sheldon a lying hypocrite >because of
>his espoused belief in the lying hypocracy of christianity >and the
>lying hypocracy of right wing politics

No you call him that because you think it shows you know what you are
talking about. But we both know you don't. We both know...and so does
Larry Sheldon and CC Slater and HB Elkins and Rich Phiel and Jason Palowski
and a lauundry list of others you have tried to BS. They all know you are
just BS'ing and hoping others are intimidated by the BS, and you DON'T know
even 20% of what you claim to know. They ALL know you are a Kettle head!

Kettle head!

Apr 10, 2011, 4:41:27 AM4/10/11
On Apr 9, 7:48 pm, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

what part of supposed christianity and lying hypocracy do you not
understand it it as simple as believing the lie of the new testament
that is only the beginning

beyond that they believe in the lie of the teabaggers and that they
are undertaxed and the govt is corrupt

but they live the interstate hwys that were built by that supposed
corrupt govt and they fly on airplanes directed by those corrupt govt
air traffic controllers

and the biggest hypocracy of all, they love the half a trillion a year
for the corrupt criminal useless us miltary

as well you are as big a liar and hypocrite as any of them

btw there are no outhouses in NJ for the simple reason no town would
allow them and every town requires sewer hookups

but I guess the backwoods where you live, no one cares, so run along
and check your plastic tubes connecting the plastic bags you shit and
piss into

would not want you to have an explosion

and thanks for your concern, my taxi is nice clean and running fine
all over the tri-state area

so you can keep running your shit, larry sheldon is a lying hypocrite
supposed christian as are all the lying hypocritical pieces of shit
you name above

whatever they think of me does not change them into anything but lying
hypocrites that love to talk about me, so have at it

btw my bagels with cream cheese from my refrig were very good this

so much for breakfast, and go fuck yourself

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 10, 2011, 12:22:20 PM4/10/11

<> wrote in message

>what part of supposed christianity and lying hypocracy >do you not
>understand it it as simple as believing the lie of the new >testament
>that is only the beginning

But you weren't calling him a liar about Christianity. You were calling him
liar about the article. You are changing the parameters of the argument. A
sure sign you know you lost.

>beyond that they believe in the lie of the teabaggers and >that they
>are undertaxed and the govt is corrupt

Who are you to decide who is undertaxed and over taxed. You pay NO income

Besides how do you know some tea party members aren't below the poverty
line? Do you you know the income level of every tea party member, Kettle
head? (answer -there's no way you possibly could) Are you saying that they
are undertaxed? Because if they are then everyolne below the poverty line
is undertaxed. Which would mean you want to tax the poor. Do you want to
tax the poor Kettle head?

>but they live the interstate hwys that were built by that >supposed
>corrupt govt and they fly on airplanes directed by those >corrupt govt
>air traffic controllers

So you know the lives of every tea party member Kettle head? Answedr - no
way you possibly could. More Kettle head half assed logic.

>and the biggest hypocracy of all, they love the half a >trillion a year
>for the corrupt criminal useless us miltary

How do you what every tea party member loves? Do you know there are some
that want a greatly reduced military, Kettle head? No, obviously you don't.
Because to do so would require you to get into those pesky facts, rather
than just making them up like you do to arrive at your Kettle headed

>as well you are as big a liar and hypocrite as any of >them

Easy response wih no facts (those pesky facts again)to back up your claim.

>btw there are no outhouses in NJ for the simple reason >no town would
>allow them and every town requires sewer hookups

So here is no part of New Jersey that is unincorporated? EVERY part of the
state belongs to a town? There are no farms in New Jersey? There are no
homes left from the days of before indoor plumbing?

Besides many would aruge the entire state of New Jersey is one GIANT out
house for NYC and Phildadelphia!

>but I guess the backwoods where you live, no one >cares, so run along
>and check your plastic tubes connecting the plastic bags >you shit and
>piss into
>would not want you to have an explosion

Again you have no idea where I live. ut that's hwo you arrive at all you
conclusions isn't it? Make crap up in your psychotic little mind and accept
it as fact. It's a lot easier than actually reading and doing research.
Doesn't matter whether it's right or not.

And that's yet another reason why you are a Kettle head!!

>and thanks for your concern, my taxi is nice clean and >running fine
>all over the tri-state area

>so you can keep running your shit, larry sheldon is a >lying hypocrite
>supposed christian as are all the lying hypocritical pieces >of shit
>you name above

>whatever they think of me does not change them into >anything but lying
>hypocrites that love to talk about me, so have at it

I'm sure Slater will be thriled to know he's Christian.

>btw my bagels with cream cheese from my refrig were >very good this

You do know the refrigerator is supposed to be plugged in, don't you? And
the elctricity has to be on? That will keep that cream cheese from turning
fuzzy and green. Though you probably like it that way. You think it will
give you anti-biotics.

>so much for breakfast, and go fuck yourself

There's that third grade maturity again. Hyproctical Kettle head.

Apr 10, 2011, 6:15:24 PM4/10/11
On Apr 10, 10:22 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
supper" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

> >what part of supposed christianity and lying hypocracy >do you not
> >understand it it as simple as believing the lie of the new >testament
> >that is only the beginning
> But you weren't calling him a liar about Christianity.  You were calling him
> liar about the article.  You are changing the parameters of the argument.  A
> sure sign you know you lost.

you just come in late

I attack all the supposed chrisitian liars and hypocrites at every

christianity is such a fucking lie it deserves to be attacked and
shown for the lie it is

> >beyond that they believe in the lie of the teabaggers and >that they
> >are undertaxed and the govt is corrupt
> Who are you to decide who is undertaxed and over taxed.  You pay NO income
> tax.
>  Besides how do you know some tea party members aren't below the poverty
> line?   Do you you know the income level of every tea party member, Kettle
> head?  (answer -there's no way you possibly could)  Are you saying that they
> are undertaxed?  Because if they are then everyolne below the poverty line
> is undertaxed.  Which would mean you want to tax the poor.  Do you want to
> tax the poor Kettle head?

yep like you girlfriend Bachmann whoe husband gets soc sec disability

yep misdirection is your name, the problem is your buddies that are
financing this idiocy, stevie forbnes who never worked a day in his
life, richard mellon scaife who single handedy put that idiot santorum
into one senate term

and the odious Koch bros A guerilla left wing broadcaster got that
idiot Walker in WI on tape in a phony interview w/the Koch Bros who
financed his campaign. It was hilaious

> >but they live the interstate hwys that were built by that >supposed
> >corrupt govt and they fly on airplanes directed by those >corrupt govt
> >air traffic controllers
> So you know the lives of every tea party member Kettle head?  Answedr - no
> way you possibly could.  More Kettle head half assed logic.

oh so millions of thise idiots don't use either of the above, I am so

as well you NEVER use either, again, I am so very sorry

I presumed you like dum dum elkins, avowed teabagger used the above
since there have been no gas tax inc since 1992 and the fed hwy trust
fund is nearly bust, would support a gas tax inc

which btw, is one of the taxes I pay, even though you lie anout it

> >and the biggest hypocracy of all, they love the half a >trillion a year
> >for the corrupt criminal useless us miltary
> How do you what every tea party member loves?  Do you know there are some
> that want a greatly reduced military, Kettle head?  No, obviously you don't.
> Because to do so would require you to get into those pesky facts, rather
> than just making them up like you do to arrive at your Kettle headed
> conclusions.

I don't need to know, the only thing I need to know is dum dum elkins
is a teabagger, he is a fucking idiot, so all teabagers are fucking

you have to be a fucking idiot to be a tea bagger

> >as well  you are as big a liar and hypocrite as any of >them
> Easy response wih no facts (those pesky facts again)to back up your claim.
> >btw  there are no outhouses in NJ for the simple reason >no town would
> >allow them and every town requires   sewer hookups
> So here is no part of New Jersey that is unincorporated?  EVERY part of the
> state belongs to a town?  There are no farms in New Jersey?  There are no
> homes left from the days of before indoor plumbing?

too lazy to look at the gis on the NJDOT site, huh????

but easier to ASSUME huh, asshole????

566 municipalities, 8 milllion people and everyone lives in either a
twp, town, or borough

go thru each and every one, and you will find they are all unversially
part of utility dists

see unlike places like KY, NJ REQUIRES it

and the utility dists are responsible for water and sewerage

and the towns require water and sewer hookups

so more proof you are the fucking idiot here

> Besides many would aruge the entire state of New Jersey is one GIANT out
> house for NYC and Phildadelphia!
> >but I guess the backwoods where you live, no one >cares, so run along
> >and check your plastic tubes connecting the plastic bags >you shit and
> >piss into
> >would not want you to have an explosion
> Again you have no idea where I live.  ut that's hwo you arrive at all you
> conclusions isn't it?  Make crap up in your psychotic little mind and accept
> it as fact.  It's a lot easier than actually reading and doing research.
> Doesn't matter whether it's right or not.

no matter that it is right or not about me either, see below

> And that's yet another reason why you are a Kettle head!!
> >and thanks for your concern, my taxi is nice clean and >running fine
> >all over the tri-state area
> >so you can keep running your shit, larry sheldon is a >lying hypocrite
> >supposed christian as are all the lying hypocritical pieces >of shit
> >you name above
> >whatever they think of me does not change them into >anything but lying
> >hypocrites that love to talk about me, so have at it
> I'm sure Slater will be thriled to know he's  Christian.
> >btw my  bagels with cream cheese from my refrig were >very good this
> >morning
> You do know the refrigerator is supposed to be plugged in, don't you?  And
> the elctricity has to be on?  That will keep that cream cheese from turning
> fuzzy and green.  Though you probably like it that way.  You think it will
> give you anti-biotics.
> >so much for breakfast, and go fuck yourself
> There's that third grade maturity again.  Hyproctical Kettle head.

what makes you think I would have a refrigerator that is not plugged
in and I wiuld even think abiut eating moildy cc on a nicely toasted

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 10, 2011, 10:38:50 PM4/10/11

<> wrote in message

On Apr 10, 10:22 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
supper" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> >what part of supposed christianity and lying hypocracy >do you not
> >understand it it as simple as believing the lie of the new >testament
> >that is only the beginning
> But you weren't calling him a liar about Christianity. You were calling
> him
> liar about the article. You are changing the parameters of the argument. A
> sure sign you know you lost.

you just come in late

I attack all the supposed chrisitian liars and hypocrites at every

christianity is such a fucking lie it deserves to be attacked and
shown for the lie it is


No you attack anyone who doesn't suck up to your Kettle headed ideas. You
attack anyone who dares question you. You attack anyone who chooses not to
kiss your ass.

Hey, Kettle head!!! KMA!!!!

> >beyond that they believe in the lie of the teabaggers and >that they
> >are undertaxed and the govt is corrupt
> Who are you to decide who is undertaxed and over taxed. You pay NO income
> tax.
> Besides how do you know some tea party members aren't below the poverty
> line? Do you you know the income level of every tea party member, Kettle
> head? (answer -there's no way you possibly could) Are you saying that they
> are undertaxed? Because if they are then everyolne below the poverty line
> is undertaxed. Which would mean you want to tax the poor. Do you want to
> tax the poor Kettle head?

>yep like you girlfriend Bachmann whoe husband gets >soc sec disability

More made up unsuppored crap from your Kettle head. You have NO IDEA
whether I'm in the tea party. For all you know I may despise Bachmann. But
that doesn't stop you from creating fabrications and then slamming me for
what you now have have conjured up as your reality.

Pure Kettle head nonsense..

>yep misdirection is your name, the problem is your >buddies that are
>financing this idiocy, stevie forbnes who never worked a >day in his
>life, richard mellon scaife who single handedy put that >idiot santorum
>into one senate term

I really think you are jealous of them You wish you had their money. But
you won't get it driving a hack so you hate them for being what you can't

>and the odious Koch bros A guerilla left wing >broadcaster got that
>idiot Walker in WI on tape in a phony interview w/the >Koch Bros who
>financed his campaign. It was hilaious

I wouldn't know the Koch Brothers if they walked up to me on the street.
But it sounds like mor jealousy from you.

> >but they live the interstate hwys that were built by that >supposed
> >corrupt govt and they fly on airplanes directed by those >corrupt govt
> >air traffic controllers
> So you know the lives of every tea party member Kettle head? Answedr - no
> way you possibly could. More Kettle head half assed logic.

>oh so millions of thise idiots don't use either of the >above, I am so

>as well you NEVER use either, again, I am so very >sorry

>I presumed you like dum dum elkins, avowed teabagger >used the above
>since there have been no gas tax inc since 1992 and the >fed hwy trust
>fund is nearly bust, would support a gas tax inc

>which btw, is one of the taxes I pay, even though you lie >anout it

Well unlike you I don't determine my like or dislike of a person on their
political affiliation or the color of their skin. Unlike you, who claims to
have an open mind I actually do judge people by the content of their

> >and the biggest hypocracy of all, they love the half a >trillion a year
> >for the corrupt criminal useless us miltary
> How do you what every tea party member loves? Do you know there are some
> that want a greatly reduced military, Kettle head? No, obviously you
> don't.
> Because to do so would require you to get into those pesky facts, rather
> than just making them up like you do to arrive at your Kettle headed
> conclusions.

>I don't need to know, the only thing I need to know is >dum dum elkins

.is a teabagger, he is a fucking idiot, so all teabagers are >fucking

>you have to be a fucking idiot to be a tea bagger

So what your excuse for being a fucking idiot, then?

> >as well you are as big a liar and hypocrite as any of >them
> Easy response wih no facts (those pesky facts again)to back up your claim.
> >btw there are no outhouses in NJ for the simple reason >no town would
> >allow them and every town requires sewer hookups
> So here is no part of New Jersey that is unincorporated? EVERY part of the
> state belongs to a town? There are no farms in New Jersey? There are no
> homes left from the days of before indoor plumbing?

>too lazy to look at the gis on the NJDOT site, huh????

You don't use facts, why should I?

>but easier to ASSUME huh, asshole????

>566 municipalities, 8 milllion people and everyone lives >in either a
>twp, town, or borough

>go thru each and every one, and you will find they are all >unversially
>part of utility dists

So every farm in NJ is hooked to public utility? What about port a potties
on construction sites? Huh - Kettle head? What about the census
information that says .03% of New Jersey doesn't have indoor plumbing?

Oh, and which one of those categories is classified as a cesspool for NYC?

>see unlike places like KY, NJ REQUIRES it

>and the utility dists are responsible for water and >sewerage

>and the towns require water and sewer hookups

So now you are an expert on public utilities and plumbing and permitting and
sanitation for EVEY one horse town i nthe state. Tell met Kettle head how
do you account for those .03% that reported otherwise to the Census?

>so more proof you are the fucking idiot here

More proof that you are a Kettle head!

Apr 11, 2011, 3:22:14 AM4/11/11
On Apr 10, 8:38 pm, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and

supper" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> On Apr 10, 10:22 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
> supper" <> wrote:
> > <> wrote in message
> >
> > >what part of supposed christianity and lying hypocracy >do you not
> > >understand it it as simple as believing the lie of the new >testament
> > >that is only the beginning
> > But you weren't calling him a liar about Christianity. You were calling
> > him
> > liar about the article. You are changing the parameters of the argument. A
> > sure sign you know you lost.
> you just come in late
> I attack all the supposed chrisitian liars and hypocrites at every
> opportunity
> christianity is such a fucking lie it deserves to be attacked and
> shown for the lie it is
> ==============================
> No you attack anyone who doesn't suck up to your Kettle headed ideas.  You
> attack anyone who dares question you.  You attack anyone who chooses not to
> kiss your ass.

nope, just be honest, unlike you, dum dum elkins, and sheldon

christianity is a lie, and don't lie about transportation and how it
is funded

beyond that kniw something about it, again unlike you

> Hey, Kettle head!!!  KMA!!!!

kiss your ass, fuck you

go find a svartzie to do that

> > >beyond that they believe in the lie of the teabaggers and >that they
> > >are undertaxed and the govt is corrupt
> > Who are you to decide who is undertaxed and over taxed. You pay NO income
> > tax.
> > Besides how do you know some tea party members aren't below the poverty
> > line? Do you you know the income level of every tea party member, Kettle
> > head? (answer -there's no way you possibly could) Are you saying that they
> > are undertaxed? Because if they are then everyolne below the poverty line
> > is undertaxed. Which would mean you want to tax the poor. Do you want to
> > tax the poor Kettle head?
> >yep like you girlfriend Bachmann whoe husband gets >soc sec disability
> More made up unsuppored crap from your Kettle head.  You have NO IDEA
> whether I'm in the tea party.  For all you know I may despise Bachmann.  But
> that doesn't stop you from creating fabrications and then slamming me for
> what you now have have conjured up as your reality.

you whine about taxes and govt, sure sounds like it

> Pure Kettle head nonsense..
> >yep misdirection is your name, the problem is your >buddies that are
> >financing this idiocy, stevie forbnes who never worked a >day in his
> >life, richard mellon scaife who single handedy put that >idiot santorum
> >into one senate term
> I really think you are jealous of them  You wish you had their money.  But
> you won't get it driving a hack so you hate them for being what you can't
> be.
> >and the odious Koch bros  A guerilla left wing >broadcaster got that
> >idiot Walker in WI on tape in a phony interview w/the >Koch Bros who
> >financed his campaign.  It was hilaious
> I wouldn't know the Koch Brothers if they walked up to me on the street.
> But it sounds like mor jealousy from you.

just because you are a fucking idiot, and too stupid to google, oh

The guy that owns the business I work for has a hell of an income.
were I to be jealous, how could I work for him????

I don't worry about what people have, I transport plenty of people
that have plenty of money

I told you richard mellon scaife got that idiot santorum into the
senate, plus he is in favor of a flat tax like that supposed christian
idiot richie, fucking lying hypocrite

stevie forbes ran for Pres and it a talker on Fox, another fucking
lying hypocrite

jealous, bullshit, all of the above are fucking idiots

> > >but they live the interstate hwys that were built by that >supposed
> > >corrupt govt and they fly on airplanes directed by those >corrupt govt
> > >air traffic controllers
> > So you know the lives of every tea party member Kettle head? Answedr - no
> > way you possibly could. More Kettle head half assed logic.
> >oh so millions of thise idiots don't use either of the >above, I am so
> >sorry
> >as well you NEVER use either, again, I am so very >sorry
> >I presumed you like dum dum elkins, avowed teabagger >used the above
> >and
> >since there have been no gas tax inc since 1992 and the >fed hwy trust
> >fund is nearly bust, would support a gas tax inc
> >which btw, is one of the taxes I pay, even though you lie >anout it
> Well unlike you I don't determine my like or dislike of a person on their
> political affiliation or the color of their skin.  Unlike you, who claims to
> have an open mind I actually do judge people by the content of their
> character.

oh, sure you do I am so impressed

next you will be saying you volunteer in svartzie schools teaching the
unteachable to read

oh that and going into prisons helping to free the innocent

what did I say above, unable to read?????

What about port a potties
> on construction sites?  Huh - Kettle head?  What about the census
> information that says .03% of New Jersey doesn't have indoor plumbing?

port a potties, huh???? what do you suppose???? what do you suppose
they do with the shit???? you have never seen the trucks that suck
it out????

and it has to be disposed of in a proper fashion. You do know there
are water pollution laws, although I am sure you are strongly opposed
to those

> Oh, and which one of those categories is classified as a cesspool for NYC?

you are a fucking idiot, unbelieveable, right there in the ranks of
dum dum elkins

look at a map, see that big river seperating NYC and NJ, see it

NYC has its own sewerage problems, and the clean water acts apply to
them also

> >see unlike places like KY, NJ REQUIRES it
> >and the utility dists are responsible for water and >sewerage
> >and the towns require water and sewer hookups
> So now you are an expert on public utilities and plumbing and permitting and
> sanitation for EVEY one horse town i nthe state.  Tell met Kettle head how
> do you account for those .03% that reported otherwise to the Census?

do you have any idea how the utility dists are paid for?

obviously not

they are county auths, that every town has to belong to, EVERY TOWN,
all 566 of them

and every toiwn requires every residential dwelling to be hooked into
a sewer which is paid for thru their water bill

,03% and you think those respondents are telling the truth

alot of people do not want the census to know anything about them

> bagel?????- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

speaking of 3rd grade, another point you cannot answer, but what do
you expect

what do you expect for a shithead that has no idea that baltimore pays
the states 20% that the feds do not

no idea what a CIP is or a STIP is or how transportation is funded, a
real fucking idiot, but what else is new????

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 11, 2011, 10:19:50 AM4/11/11

<> wrote in message

Fascinating how anything you disagree with is automatically a lie. Yet most
of your so called facts are questionable at best, and many are just WRONG.

Fascinating how you seem to believe you know everything about everything,
but when proven wrong you can't accept your own fallibility. I suppose you
believe you've never been wrong about anything in your life.

beyond that kniw something about it, again unlike you

> Hey, Kettle head!!! KMA!!!!

>kiss your ass, fuck you

>go find a svartzie to do that

Aw did I hurt your feelings. ItYou have such a double standard going.

> > >beyond that they believe in the lie of the teabaggers and >that they
> > >are undertaxed and the govt is corrupt
> > Who are you to decide who is undertaxed and over taxed. You pay NO
> > income
> > tax.
> > Besides how do you know some tea party members aren't below the poverty
> > line? Do you you know the income level of every tea party member, Kettle
> > head? (answer -there's no way you possibly could) Are you saying that
> > they
> > are undertaxed? Because if they are then everyolne below the poverty
> > line
> > is undertaxed. Which would mean you want to tax the poor. Do you want to
> > tax the poor Kettle head?
> >yep like you girlfriend Bachmann whoe husband gets >soc sec disability
> More made up unsuppored crap from your Kettle head. You have NO IDEA
> whether I'm in the tea party. For all you know I may despise Bachmann. But
> that doesn't stop you from creating fabrications and then slamming me for
> what you now have have conjured up as your reality.

>you whine about taxes and govt, sure sounds like it

So do you.

> Pure Kettle head nonsense..
> >yep misdirection is your name, the problem is your >buddies that are
> >financing this idiocy, stevie forbnes who never worked a >day in his
> >life, richard mellon scaife who single handedy put that >idiot santorum
> >into one senate term
> I really think you are jealous of them You wish you had their money. But
> you won't get it driving a hack so you hate them for being what you can't
> be.
> >and the odious Koch bros A guerilla left wing >broadcaster got that
> >idiot Walker in WI on tape in a phony interview w/the >Koch Bros who
> >financed his campaign. It was hilaious
> I wouldn't know the Koch Brothers if they walked up to me on the street.
> But it sounds like mor jealousy from you.

>just because you are a fucking idiot, and too stupid to >google, oh

So what?

>The guy that owns the business I work for has a hell of >an income.
>were I to be jealous, how could I work for him????

So what's your point?

>I don't worry about what people have, I transport plenty >of people
>that have plenty of money

Bullshit. If that were true you wouldn't be whining about Ste4ven Forbes or
any of the others you whine about as having money you claim they didn't
earn. If that were true you wouldn't be suchh a greedy bastard and
overcharging people in your little yellow taxi.

>I told you richard mellon scaife got that idiot santorum i>nto the

>senate, plus he is in favor of a flat tax like that supposed >christian
>idiot richie, fucking lying hypocrite

So what' that got do with anything? There you go changing the subject and
throwing a lot of extraneous facts i nthe air to obfuscate the fact that you
can't refute my point again. Guess that means I've won another argument.

>stevie forbes ran for Pres and it a talker on Fox, another >fucking
l>ying hypocrite

So what? Did he even have a ghost of a chance of winning. No.

>jealous, bullshit, all of the above are fucking idiots

And so are you.

> > >but they live the interstate hwys that were built by that >supposed
> > >corrupt govt and they fly on airplanes directed by those >corrupt govt
> > >air traffic controllers
> > So you know the lives of every tea party member Kettle head? Answedr -
> > no
> > way you possibly could. More Kettle head half assed logic.
> >oh so millions of thise idiots don't use either of the >above, I am so
> >sorry
> >as well you NEVER use either, again, I am so very >sorry
> >I presumed you like dum dum elkins, avowed teabagger >used the above
> >and
> >since there have been no gas tax inc since 1992 and the >fed hwy trust
> >fund is nearly bust, would support a gas tax inc
> >which btw, is one of the taxes I pay, even though you lie >anout it
> Well unlike you I don't determine my like or dislike of a person on their
> political affiliation or the color of their skin. Unlike you, who claims
> to
> have an open mind I actually do judge people by the content of their
> character.

>oh, sure you do I am so impressed

>next you will be saying you volunteer in svartzie schools >teaching the
>unteachable to read

>oh that and going into prisons helping to free the >innocent

No, but I don't overcharge people based on the color of their skin. I don't
assign a characteristic to an entire ethnic group based on the actions of
some. or based on preconceived stereotypes. Example: I don't think all cab
drivers are Kettle heads.

If there's any left after you get done having your meals.

and it has to be disposed of in a proper fashion.

>You do know there
>are water pollution laws, although I am sure you are >strongly opposed
>to those

You do know that things can be grandfathered in.

> Oh, and which one of those categories is classified as a cesspool for NYC?

>you are a fucking idiot, unbelieveable, right there in the >ranks of
>dum dum elkins

Not exactly a major isult, considering the source.

>look at a map, see that big river seperating NYC and >NJ, see it

And there's a great chasm separating your ears. So what? There's no
plumbing that can run under a river? What a Kettle head!!!

>NYC has its own sewerage problems,

Yea, one particular cab driver from New Jersey.

>and the clean >water acts apply to
>them also

> >see unlike places like KY, NJ REQUIRES it
> >and the utility dists are responsible for water and >sewerage
> >and the towns require water and sewer hookups
> So now you are an expert on public utilities and plumbing and permitting
> and
> sanitation for EVEY one horse town i nthe state. Tell met Kettle head how
> do you account for those .03% that reported otherwise to the Census?

>do you have any idea how the utility dists are paid for?

>obviously not

Irrelevant.since people with out houses are not connected to utility

>they are county auths, that every town has to belong to, >EVERY TOWN,
>all 566 of them

>and every toiwn requires every residential dwelling to >be hooked into
>a sewer which is paid for thru their water bill

>,03% and you think those respondents are telling the >truth

>alot of people do not want the census to know anything >about them

No proof that it's untrue, but you immediately dismiss it as such. The
reality doesn't fit your facts so you dismiss them as untrue, without a
shred of proof.

That's how you reach every one of your conclusions. Facts are irrelevant to
you. You jsut dismiss them because if you don't it would mean yor
conclusion is wrong. A ndyou jsut can't admit you are wrong about anything,
can you Kettle head?


There you go trying obfuscate the things again. You jsut keep trying to
change the subject because you know you are wrong but can't admit it.

It won't work Kettle head!

H.B. Elkins

Apr 11, 2011, 9:15:07 PM4/11/11
I notice in all the quoted nonsense that I am referred to as a "teabagger."

I have never had another's testicles hovering anywhere near my mouth.

To reply by e-mail, remove the "restrictorplate"

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 11, 2011, 9:46:02 PM4/11/11

"H.B. Elkins" <> wrote in message

>I notice in all the quoted nonsense that I am referred to as a "teabagger."
> I have never had another's testicles hovering anywhere near my mouth.
When you consider the source of that reference is a Kettle head who makes up
facts and then gets his panties in a bunch when someone calls him on his
fiction it's pretty safe to say no one in their right mind is going to
include you in the group of individuals who practice such sexual activity.

"No one in their right mind" and Kettle head being the key phrases there.

Larry Sheldon

Apr 11, 2011, 9:45:45 PM4/11/11
On 4/11/2011 8:15 PM, H.B. Elkins wrote:
> I notice in all the quoted nonsense that I am referred to as a "teabagger."
> I have never had another's testicles hovering anywhere near my mouth.

Are you saying I called you that? I'll need swome proof, sir.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by
its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole
life believing that it is stupid."

— Albert Einstein

Larry Sheldon

Apr 11, 2011, 9:56:12 PM4/11/11
On 4/11/2011 8:15 PM, H.B. Elkins wrote:
> I notice in all the quoted nonsense that I am referred to as a "teabagger."
> I have never had another's testicles hovering anywhere near my mouth.

disregard my previous, I went to google's cesspit to see what in the
world was going on.

What a waste of time THAT was.

I think it is sort of amusing to see how completely that zero belongs to me.

Too bad I don't want her.

Apr 11, 2011, 11:45:54 PM4/11/11

whatsamatter, you don't like being a teabagger when those idiots threw

how the fuck do you cut billions without cutting the corrupt criminal
useless military that costs half a trillion a year?????

and while idiots like you want billions in cuts, lets be sure to cut
farm and ag aid for the agribusinesses

lets see how well those rural teabaggers like that

fucking lying hypocrites, just like larry sheldon, supposed lying
hypocritical christianity

H.B. Elkins

Apr 12, 2011, 11:43:40 AM4/12/11
In article <>, Larry Sheldon says...

>On 4/11/2011 8:15 PM, H.B. Elkins wrote:
>> I notice in all the quoted nonsense that I am referred to as a "teabagger."
>> I have never had another's testicles hovering anywhere near my mouth.
>Are you saying I called you that? I'll need swome proof, sir.

No, you didn't. Randy did. I saw it in some of the silliness quoted upthread.

US 71

Apr 12, 2011, 5:08:21 PM4/12/11
I have watched you for a long time Randy. Amidst all the insults, put downs
and other nonsense you post, you occasionally have something worthwhile to
say. If you want us to listen, then speak your piece briefly & succintly.

Otherwise, we'll write you off as a raving lubnatic.

H.B. Elkins

Apr 12, 2011, 10:11:17 PM4/12/11
In article <io2en2$h2$>, US 71 says...

>I have watched you for a long time Randy. Amidst all the insults, put downs
>and other nonsense you post, you occasionally have something worthwhile to


>Otherwise, we'll write you off as a raving lubnatic.

His political views very closely mirror a few other people I know around here.

Apr 13, 2011, 5:29:51 AM4/13/11

thanks, Backlin, but what is a "lubnatic"?

see if at the next road meet, you can get a brain for lying
hypocritical supposed christian dum dum elkins

succinct enough for you?

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 13, 2011, 9:12:01 AM4/13/11

<> wrote in message

Hey kettle head - GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!

What part of that do you not understand?

Apr 13, 2011, 7:47:59 PM4/13/11
On Apr 13, 7:12 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
supper" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> What part of that do you not understand?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

repetitious piece of shit, aren't you????

Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and supper

Apr 14, 2011, 9:36:22 AM4/14/11

<> wrote in message

No that would be you. Let's count

Corrupt, use military
dum dum elkins
idiot christian richie
lying hypocrite larry sheldon

Shall I keep going Kettle head? You jsut keep using the same phrases over
and over and over.

And then you have the nerve to call me repititious.

You are such a Kettle head!!!

Apr 15, 2011, 4:47:50 AM4/15/11
On Apr 14, 7:36 am, "Randy eats cow pies for breakfast lunch and
supper" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> You are such a Kettle head!!!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

and for all the nigger lovers, and niggers can do no wrong...


The Flash Mob Offenders may be back around Loyola University
Chicago’s Water Tower Campus.

According to Campus Safety, about 70 teenagers stormed the
McDonald’s at Chicago and State this weekend.

Here are more details from an email sent out by Campus Safety:

Loyola Community,

This past weekend, a serious incident took place at the
McDonald’s located on the corner of Chicago and State. Due to the
establishment’s proximity to the Water Tower Campus, we want to be
sure you are aware of the situation.

On Sunday, a group of about 70 youths stormed the restaurant and
created a disturbance. Approximately 10 Chicago Police Department
(CPD) units responded and ultimately closed the restaurant for nearly
three hours until peace was restored. Both CPD and Campus Safety
believe this activity is related to the same group of individuals who
have attempted to create havoc in the area before. In February, we
alerted you to a similar incident in which these “Flash Mob Offenders”
were allegedly committing thefts within local retail stores around the
Water Tower Campus community. The offenders exit the Chicago Red Line
stop, they go to various shops or restaurants, usually clothing
stores, and then storm the stores, taking as many items as they can
carry. The incidents seem to occur most often on weekends, between 5
p.m. and 11 p.m.

now you don't suppose they were white kids coming in from the suburbs,
now do you, you svartzie loving piece of shit

and beyond this, how many times have you said I eat cowpies?
repititious as all fuck

come up with something else niggers can do no wrong fucking piece of

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