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Revolution and Worse to Come

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Apr 25, 2018, 5:02:58 PM4/25/18
When legal bloodhounds and baying critics fail to take out Trump, what's
next? The Resistance wants Trump's head - on the chopping block.
On the domestic and foreign fronts, the Trump administration has prompted
economic growth and restored U.S. deterrence. Polls show increased consumer
confidence, and in some, Trump himself has gained ground. Yet good news is
bad news to the Resistance and its strange continued efforts to stop an
elected president in a way it failed to do in the 2016 election.

Indeed, the aim of the so-called Resistance to Donald J. Trump is ending
Trump's presidency by any means necessary before the 2020 election. Or,
barring that, it seeks to so delegitimize him that he becomes presidentially
impotent. It has been only 16 months since Trump took office and, in the
spirit of revolutionary fervor, almost everything has been tried to derail
him. Now we are entering uncharted territory - at a time when otherwise the
country is improving and the legal exposure of Trump's opponents increases

First came the failed lawsuits after the election alleging voting-machine
tampering. Then there was the doomed celebrity effort to convince some state
electors not to follow their constitutional duty and to deny Trump the
presidency - a gambit that, had it worked, would have wrecked the
Constitution. Then came the pathetic congressional boycott of the
inauguration and the shrill nationwide protests against the president.

Next was the sad effort to introduce articles of impeachment. After that
came weird attempts to cite Trump for violations of the emoluments clause of
the Constitution. That puerile con was followed by plans to declare him
deranged and mentally unfit so that he could be removed under the 25th
Amendment. From time to time, Obama holdovers in the DOJ, National Security
Council, and FBI sought to leak information, or they refused to carry out
presidential orders.

As the Resistance goes from one ploy to the next, it ignores its string of
failed prior efforts, forgetting everything and learning nothing. State
nullification is no longer neo-Confederate but an any-means-necessary
progressive tool. Suing the government weekly is proof of revolutionary
fides, not a waste of California's taxpayer dollars.

Anti- and Never-Trump op-ed writers have long ago run out of superlatives.
Trump is the worst, most, biggest - fill in the blank - in the history of
the presidency, in the history of the world, worse even than Mao, Mussolini,
Stalin, or Hitler. So if Trump is a Hitler who gassed 6 million or a Stalin
who starved 20 million, then logically Trump deserves what exactly?

The book industry is doing its part. Mythographer Michael Wolff's hearsay
Fire and Fury suggested that Trump was a dangerous child despised as much by
his friends as by his enemies. As FBI director, James Comey leaked
confidential memos, lied to Congress, misled a FISA court, admitted that he
based his handling of the Clinton-email investigation on the assumption she'd
win the presidency, misinformed the president about the status of his
investigation. And the now-former director book-tours the country slamming
Trump hourly on the assumption that he would certainly not be former, if
only his prior obsequious efforts to appease Trump had saved his job. Comey
is building perjury cases against himself daily with each new disclosure
that belie past sworn testimonies, but that is apparently less scary to him
than simply ignoring Trump.

Robert Mueller and his "dream team" were long ago supposed to have
discovered proof of Trump's collusion with Russia. A year later, they have
found nothing much to do with this mandate. Then the alternative scent was
obstruction of justice. Then the chase took another detour to follow some
sort of fraud or racketeering. Now the FBI is reduced to raiding Trump's
lawyer in an effort to root out the real story on Stormy Daniels. One
wonders what might have happened had Michael Cohen panicked and destroyed
30,000 emails before Mueller seized his computers. No matter, Mueller's
legal army presses on, even as it leaves its own wounded on the battlefield,
as resignations, reassignments, and retirements for improper conduct
decimate the Obama-era FBI and DOJ hierarchies.

Trump has left the intelligence community unhinged. John Brennan ("When the
full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption
becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in
the dustbin of history. . . . America will triumph over you") and James
Clapper (who called Trump a veritable traitor working for Putin) have both
admitted to lying under oath to Congress in the past, and with their present
invective, they have discredited the very notion of a Washington
intelligence elite. At some point, Mueller's zealotry will remind federal
attorneys that equality under the law demands indictments of those with far
greater legal exposure, regardless of the exalted status of Comey, Andrew
McCabe, and - in the matter of lying under oath, leaking classified
materials, and destroying evidence - John Brennan, James Clapper and Hillary

In addition, a media, found to be more than 90 percent negative in its
coverage of the Trump administration, sought to delegitimize the president.
Journalists declare that disinterested reporting is impossible in the age of
Trump - and therefore believe that Stormy Daniels or James Comey's Dudley
Do-Right's memos are a pathway to accomplish what they are beginning to
concede Robert Mueller cannot.

Everything from the NFL to late-night comedy shows have become Trump-hating
venues. Almost every sort of smear from scatology to homophobia has been
voiced by celebrities to turn Trump into a president deserving such abuse -
and worse. Late-night television host Steven Colbert was reduced to
incoherent and repellant venom: "You talk like a sign-language gorilla that
got hit in the head. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being
Vladimir Putin's c*** holster." Actor Robert De Niro has become deranged and
dreams of pounding on Trump's face. But then so does former vice president
Joe Biden, who on two occasions boasted that Trump is the sort of guy that a
younger he-man Biden used to take outside the gym to give a whippin' to.

Each cycle of hysteria demands another, as the race to the bottom has
descended into which celebrity or politician can discover the most
provocative - or crude - Trump expletive. "S***" and "f***" are now the
ordinary vocabulary of angry Democratic politicos and officeholders. Are we
reaching a point in the so-far-failed Resistance where little is left except
abject violence in the manner of the Roman or French Revolution? The problem
for Trump's pop-culture foes is not whether to imagine or advocate killing
the president. That's a given. They just need to agree on the means of doing
so: decapitation (Kathy Griffin), incineration (David Crosby), stabbing (the
Shakespeare in the Park troupe), shooting (Snoop Dogg), explosives
(Madonna), old-fashioned, Lincoln-style assassination (Johnny Depp), death
by elevator (Kamala Harris), hanging (a CSU professor), or simple generic
assassination (a Missouri state legislator).

Now the Democratic party - whose presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton,
hired Christopher Steele to find dirt on Trump with the aid of Russian
sources to warp the 2016 election - is suing President Trump, alleging
collusion with the Russians. If Clinton were called as a witness, what would
she say under cross-examination - that she did not hire Steele, that he
never purchased Russian dirt, or that there was no collusion effort to
enlist foreign nationals such as British subject Christopher Steele and
Russian propagandists to warp an American election?

Insidiously and incrementally, we are in the process of normalizing violence
against the elected president of the United States. If all this fails to
delegitimize Trump, fails to destroy his health, or fails to lead to a 2018
midterm Democratic sweep and subsequent impeachment, expect even greater
threats of violence. The Resistance and rabid anti-Trumpers have lost
confidence in the constitutional framework of elections, and they've flouted
the tradition by which the opposition allows the in-power party to present
its case to the court of public opinion.

Instead, like the French revolutionaries' Committee on Public Safety, the
unhinged anti-Trumpists assume that they have lost public opinion, given
their venom and crudity, and are growing desperate as every legal and
paralegal means of removing Trump is nearing exhaustion. Robert Mueller is
the last chance, a sort of Watergate or Abu Ghraib that could gin up enough
furor to drive down Trump's poll favorability to the twenties and thereby
reduce his person to a demonic force deserving of whatever it gets.

After the prior era of hysteria, between 2005 and 2008, when books and
docudramas staged the imagined assassination of George W. Bush, and
celebrities like Michael Moore and activists such as Cindy Sheehan reduced
Bush to the status of a war criminal, the Left in 2009 demanded a return to
normal political discourse and comportment, with the election of Barack
Obama. A newly contrite and apologetic America was abruptly worth believing
in again. In 2009, the CIA and FBI suddenly were reinvented as hallowed
agents of change.

Bush careerists, including Clapper and Brennan, were now damning the very
counterterrorism practices that they once helped put in place, while
offering Obama-like politically correct sermons on the benign nature of
Islamism. Surveillance and jailing were appropriate punishments for
suspected Obama apostates (ask James Rosen or Nkoula Basseley Nakoula). The
IRS was weaponized for use against Obama's ideological opponents.
Suggestions that the president was unfit or worse became near treasonous.
Unity was the new patriotism. The assumption was that Obama had ushered in a
half-century of progressive norms, not that he so alienated the country that
he birthed Donald Trump.

The danger to the country this time around is that the Left has so destroyed
the old protocols of the opposition party that it will be hard to resurrect
them when progressives return to power.

We are entering revolutionary times. The law is no longer equally applied.
The media are the ministry of truth. The Democratic party is a revolutionary
force. And it is all getting scary.

Cvrsta ruka i postenje
Sveta voda i krstenje
Budi covjek to je dika
Budi roda svoga slika

Nedaj na se, nedaj svoje
Nemoj tude, prokleto je
Jer ko zivot tako prode
Ponosan pred Boga dode

Gdje god da te zivot nosi
Uvijek moras znati tko si, hej

Geni, geni kameni
Vatra gori u meni
Geni, geni kameni
Takvi smo mi rodeni

TT Liams

Apr 25, 2018, 5:26:26 PM4/25/18
On Wed, 25 Apr 2018 16:02:56 -0500, "DoD" <>
Trump is prejudice & don't respect women's & he's friend's with
Russia & there are enemy & Trump's gone to jail when Mueller prove's
he colluded & cheated on the election!!!!!!1

Mr. B1ack

Apr 25, 2018, 6:30:47 PM4/25/18
On Wed, 25 Apr 2018 16:02:56 -0500, "DoD" <>

>We are entering revolutionary times. The law is no longer equally applied.
>The media are the ministry of truth. The Democratic party is a revolutionary
>force. And it is all getting scary.

The concept of a "loyal opposition" has long been
thrown into the shredder. America - and its govt -
has effectively divided itself into two enemy camps.
Short of space aliens invading I do not see this
situation getting any better - only worse.

However it will be almost impossible to get any
real "revolution" going in the USA. Everybody is
much too vested in The System. They are not
going to risk their money, property, positions,
pensions or welfare checks.

Marx railed against the bourgeoise, saw them as
THE greatest impediment to revolution. Well, I think
he was correct - and modern western democracies
are almost 100% bourgeoise. Only those with nothing
to lose make good revolutionaries. Here, now, that's
just the alley-dwelling crackheads.

Hey, if yer gonna REALLY suppress the commieflakes
you're gonna have to go out en-mass and ELIMINATE
them en-mass ... a real, bloody, destructive war. If
you don't the flakes have the advantage because they
will manipulate the law and system against you and
I haven't seen much of a good defense to that.

But Joe and Jane aren't gonna be in to that. They'll
just get their paychecks, pay their mortgage and
hope for the best - kinda like German Jews in
the 20s. By the time they really have nothing to
lose ... too fuckin' late.

So I don't so much see "revolution" ... just a lot
of "and worse" ...........


Apr 26, 2018, 4:09:56 PM4/26/18
"DoD" wrote in message news:pbqqe1$305$
> We are entering revolutionary times. The law is no longer equally applied.
> The media are the ministry of truth. The Democratic party is a
> revolutionary force. And it is all getting scary.

After the next 9/11 the Democratic Party will drop down the memory hole...


May 2, 2018, 12:44:51 AM5/2/18
Who was president when 911 happened???
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