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Re: 16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Dec 18, 2010, 1:34:00 AM12/18/10
On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

>16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011
>If you only watch the "economic pundits" on television, it can be very
>confusing to figure out exactly what is happening with the U.S.
>economy. One pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a
>little bit better over the past month and claim that we have entered a
>time of solid recovery. Another pundit will pull out a couple
>statistics that got a little worse over the past month and claim that
>we are headed for trouble. So what is the truth? Well, if you really
>want to get a clear idea of what is really going on you have to look
>at the long-term trends. There are some economic trends which just
>keep getting worse year after year after year, and it is those trends
>that tell the real story of the decline of our economic system.
>As you examine the long-term trends, you quickly come to realize that
>the U.S. is trapped in an endless spiral of debt, the middle class is
>being wiped out, the U.S. dollar is being destroyed and America is
>rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland.
>Posted below are 16 nightmarish economic trends to watch carefully in
>2011. It is becoming exceedingly apparent that unless something is
>done rapidly we are heading for an economic collapse of unprecedented
>#1 Do you want to see something scary? Just check out the chart
>Since the beginning of the economic downturn, the U.S. monetary base
>has more than doubled. But don't worry - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
>Bernanke has promised us that this could never cause inflation. In
>fact, Bernanke says that we need to inject even more dollars into the
>economy. So if you are alarmed by the chart below, you are just being
>irrational according to Bernanke....
>#2 Thousands of our factories, millions of our jobs and hundreds of
>billions of dollars of our national wealth continue to be shipped
>overseas. In 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was 6 million
>dollars for the entire year. In the month of August alone, the U.S.
>trade deficit with China was over 28 billion dollars. Nobel economist
>Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago is projecting that the
>Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by
>the year 2040 if current trends continue.
>#3 The United States is rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland.
>Back in 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of all U.S.
>economic output. In 2008, it represented only 11.5 percent and it
>continues to fall. Sadly, the truth is that America is being
>deindustrialized. As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million
>Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time that less than 12
>million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
>#4 The number of Americans that have been out of work for an extended
>period of time has absolutely exploded over the last few years. As
>2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been
>unemployed for half a year or longer. Today, there are over 6 million
>Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
>#5 The middle class continues to be squeezed out of existence.
>According to a poll taken in 2009, 61 percent of Americans "always or
>usually" live paycheck to paycheck. That was up substantially from 49
>percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
>#6 The number of Americans living in poverty is absolutely
>skyrocketing. 42.9 million Americans are now on food stamps, and one
>out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one
>anti-poverty program run by the federal government. Unfortunately,
>many of those that have been hardest hit by this economic downturn
>have been children. According to one new study, approximately 21
>percent of all children in the United States are living below the
>poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.
>#7 Many American families have been pushed beyond the breaking point
>during this economic downturn. Over 1.4 million Americans filed for
>personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase
>over 2008. The final number for 2010 is expected to be even higher.
>#8 The U.S. real estate market continues to stagnate. During the
>third quarter of 2010, 67 percent of mortgages in Nevada were
>"underwater", 49 percent of mortgages in Arizona were "underwater" and
>46 percent of mortgages in Florida were "underwater". So what happens
>if home prices go down even more?
>#9 More elderly Americans than ever are being forced to put off
>retirement and continue working. In 2010, 55 percent of Americans
>between the ages of 60 and 64 were in the labor market. Ten years
>ago, that number was just 47 percent. Unfortunately, it looks like
>this problem will only get worse in the years ahead. In America
>today, approximately half of all workers have less than $2000 saved up
>for retirement.
>#10 In the United States today, there are simply far too many retirees
>and not nearly enough workers to support them. Back in 1950 each
>retiree's Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 workers. Today,
>each retiree's Social Security benefit is paid for by approximately
>3.3 workers. By 2025 it is projected that there will be approximately
>two workers for each retiree.
>#11 Financial assets continue to become concentrated in fewer and
>fewer hands. For example, the "big four" U.S. banks (Citigroup,
>JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo) had approximately 22
>percent of all deposits in FDIC-insured institutions back in 2000. As
>of the middle of 2009 that figure was up to 39 percent.
>#12 The Federal Reserve has been destroying the value of the U.S.
>dollar for decades. Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913,
>the U.S. dollar has lost over 95 percent of its purchasing power. An
>item that cost $20.00 in 1970 would cost you $112.35 today. An item
>that cost $20.00 in 1913 would cost you $440.33 today.
>#13 Commodity prices continue to soar into the stratosphere. Ten
>years ago, the price of a barrel of oil hovered around 20 to 30
>dollars most of the time. Today, the price of oil is rapidly closing
>in on 100 dollars a barrel and there are now fears that it could soon
>go much higher than that.
>#14 Federal government spending is completely and totally out of
>control. The U.S. government budget deficit increased to a whopping
>$150.4 billion last month, which represented the biggest November
>deficit on record. But our politicians can't seem to break their
>addiction to debt. In fact, Democrats are trying to ram through a
>1,924 page, 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill in the final days of the
>lame-duck session of Congress before the Republicans take control of
>the House of Representatives next year.
>#15 The U.S. national debt is rapidly closing in on 14 trillion
>dollars. It is more than 13 times larger than it was just 30 short
>years ago. According to an official U.S. Treasury Department report
>to Congress, the U.S. national debt is projected to climb to an
>estimated $19.6 trillion by 2015.
>#16 Unfortunately, the official government numbers grossly understate
>the horrific nature of the crisis we are facing. John Williams of
>Shadow Government Statistics has calculated that if the federal
>government would have used GAAP accounting standards to measure the
>federal budget deficit for 2009, it would have been approximately 8.8
>trillion dollars. Not only that, but John Williams now says that U.S.
>government debt is so wildly out of control that it is mathematically
>impossible for us to "grow" our way out of it....
> The government�s finances not only are out of control, but the
>actual deficit is not containable. Put into perspective, if the
>government were to raise taxes so as to seize 100% of all wages,
>salaries and corporate profits, it still would be showing an annual
>deficit using GAAP accounting on a consistent basis. In like manner,
>given current revenues, if it stopped spending every penny (including
>defense and homeland security) other than for Social Security and
>Medicare obligations, the government still would be showing an annual
>deficit. Further, the U.S. has no potential way to grow out of this
>The more one examines the U.S. economic situation, the more depressing
>it becomes. The U.S. financial system is trapped inside a horrific
>debt spiral and we are headed straight for economic oblivion.
>If our leaders attempt to interrupt the debt spiral it will plunge our
>economy into a depression. If our leaders attempt to keep the debt
>spiral going for several more years it will just make the eventual
>crash even worse. Either way, we are headed for a financial implosion
>that will be truly historic.
>The debt-fueled good times that we have been enjoying for the last
>several decades are rapidly coming to an end. Unfortunately for the
>tens of millions of Americans that are already suffering, our economic
>problems are only going to get worse in the years ahead.


Just cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans; they'll invest their tax
savings into new industries, which will create jobs, and there you

I know it works because Ronnie Raygun appeared to me in a dream last
night and drew it all out on a napkin -- or was that one of his
Depends he was drawing on??

Curly Surmudgeon

Dec 18, 2010, 3:06:21 AM12/18/10

The Republicans did that from 2000 to 2008. Where are the promised jobs?

Regards, Curly
Obama's new slogan: "Yes, We Cave!"


Dec 18, 2010, 11:28:17 AM12/18/10
On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

>#5 The middle class continues to be squeezed out of existence.

>According to a poll taken in 2009, 61 percent of Americans "always or
>usually" live paycheck to paycheck. That was up substantially from 49
>percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
>#6 The number of Americans living in poverty is absolutely
>skyrocketing. 42.9 million Americans are now on food stamps, and one
>out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one
>anti-poverty program run by the federal government. Unfortunately,
>many of those that have been hardest hit by this economic downturn
>have been children. According to one new study, approximately 21
>percent of all children in the United States are living below the
>poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.
>#7 Many American families have been pushed beyond the breaking point
>during this economic downturn. Over 1.4 million Americans filed for
>personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase
>over 2008. The final number for 2010 is expected to be even higher.

This is intentional. The system was made to crash in order to wipe
out the middle class. The wealthy aren't happy unless they own
everthing and everyone else lives in filth and poverty.


Dec 18, 2010, 11:31:55 AM12/18/10

You got that right.


Jeff M

Dec 18, 2010, 11:39:58 AM12/18/10

Yep. Right wingers will accuse the Left of trying to engage in "class
warfare," but that is akin to a rapist bashing his victim's face to make
her stop resisting.

Gunner Asch

Dec 18, 2010, 2:31:24 PM12/18/10

Fascinating how we are getting a crowd of mentally ill posters showing
up. I wonder if they are from the APL group?


Top 10 Democrat Party Slogans

10. Bitterly clinging to aborton and taxes
9. We didnt destroy your freedoms, you can
visit them at the Smithstonian
8. If you want us to listen to your opinion, move to Europ
7. Someday none of this will be yours
6. We can't tax terrorism, so who cares?
5. Please don't vote us out!! None of us can hold a real job!
4. Why the Founding Fathers limited Government:
3. Reducing America's carbon footprint, one job at a time.
2. America: We just cant wait to see how it ends!!
1. Making everything in this country free, except you.

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Message has been deleted

Jeff M

Dec 18, 2010, 3:46:42 PM12/18/10
On 12/18/2010 2:36 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> The first thing you need to realize is that the people who control
> most of the worlds wealth and want more of it are NOT right wingers OR
> left wingers. The wingers are their diversion so we don't see the
> magicians trick.

And the first thing you need to realize is that the Wall Street
Republican Right wingers are the wholly owned and controlled minions and
devoted servants of "the people who control most of the worlds wealth
and want more of it," and serve as their front-line troops in the war on
middle and working class America. Otherwise, you are correct, those
enemies of America have no ideology, no loyalty, and no interest other
than in expanding their own wealth and power.

Curly Surmudgeon

Dec 18, 2010, 3:46:50 PM12/18/10
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:36:35 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 10:39:58 -0600, Jeff M <> wrote:

> The first thing you need to realize is that the people who control most
> of the worlds wealth and want more of it are NOT right wingers OR left
> wingers. The wingers are their diversion so we don't see the magicians
> trick.

> Don't watch the Rs of the Ds except to pick up clues. Follow the money.

That's why the Obama Administration has decided to blatantly disregard
the First Amendment and persecute Julius Assange, he outed their back
room deals for the world, and voters, to see.

As you say, t'ain't just one party either. It's their flip side too.
Two criminal agencies wedded to electoral fraud and vote tampering so
they can exchange turns at the throne of power.

Regards, Curly
Republicans vs. Democrats : Heartless vs. Spineless

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Jeff M

Dec 18, 2010, 5:33:22 PM12/18/10
On 12/18/2010 4:15 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 14:46:42 -0600, Jeff M<>
> Sadly you are still missing the point. Let me type really slow....

Good. Perhaps typing slowly will give you more time to think this
through . . .

> There are the money people of Wall Street and international banking.
> There are the Republican (and Democrat) wingers that they buy.

True, so far . . .

> The buyers and the bought are NOT the same thing. The bought Rs and
> the bought Ds ARE the same thing.

To some degree . . .

> You have been sucked into playing the R vs D game so you will ignore
> what the money community is doing.


The point you are entirely missing is that the Republicans,
collectively, as an institution, have become the obsequious servants and
ardent protectors of Wall Street, international corporations and the
uber-rich. It's their sole raison d'etre, the core of their philosophy,
and hence the wellspring of their policies.

It is true that they have also made major inroads against the Democratic
party, and have suborned many of its elected members. But you have been
suckered into believing there is a false equivalence between the two
major parties, when there clearly is not. Buying into that false
rhetoric only serves their interests by weakening the resistance against
them. So try to check your gullibility and try to see things as they
really are.

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Jeff M

Dec 18, 2010, 5:51:18 PM12/18/10
On 12/18/2010 4:40 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 16:33:22 -0600, Jeff M wrote:
>> On 12/18/2010 4:15 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
>>> Sadly you are still missing the point. Let me type really slow....
>> Good. Perhaps typing slowly will give you more time to think this
>> through . . .
>>> There are the money people of Wall Street and international banking.
>>> There are the Republican (and Democrat) wingers that they buy.
>> True, so far . . .
>>> The buyers and the bought are NOT the same thing. The bought Rs and
>>> the bought Ds ARE the same thing.
>> To some degree . . .
>>> You have been sucked into playing the R vs D game so you will ignore
>>> what the money community is doing.
>> Nope.
> At this point we have to agree to disagree. You have decided the Rs
> are the root of all evil. That implies you accept the Ds as defenders
> of how life should be. There is no way to argue with a "true
> believer" that knows universal truth.

>> The point you are entirely missing is that the Republicans,
>> collectively, as an institution, have become the obsequious servants and
>> ardent protectors of Wall Street, international corporations and the
>> uber-rich. It's their sole raison d'etre, the core of their philosophy,
>> and hence the wellspring of their policies.
> George Soros.

>> It is true that they have also made major inroads against the Democratic
>> party, and have suborned many of its elected members. But you have been
>> suckered into believing there is a false equivalence between the two
>> major parties, when there clearly is not. Buying into that false
>> rhetoric only serves their interests by weakening the resistance against
>> them. So try to check your gullibility and try to see things as they
>> really are.
> Apparently we are both "true believers" to hear you tell it. At least
> I'm not happily defending the lesser of two looters and rapists. I'm
> not defending anyone but you are. That says a lot. Among other
> things it suggests you are a party loyalist instead of a free thinker.

Personal attacks are a poor substitute for reasoned argument. I have
not identified the Republicans as "the root of all evil," nor have I
held the Democrats blameless, your hyperbole aside. But your notion
that both parties are essentially the same is, frankly, just silly.

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Jeff M

Dec 18, 2010, 6:23:09 PM12/18/10
On 12/18/2010 5:06 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> You are still identifying one party as the evil, ap priori. You have
> identified the guys in the black hats. The other party must
> necessarily be the guys in the white and therefore our only hope of
> salvation.
> At the very start you leave no room for discussion. R=bad; D=good is
> laid down as in fundamental truth. There is no way to reply except to
> completely surrender to what you say.
> This is why we see so much gridlock in Washington. The tools of both
> parties have bought the same cool-aid as you have and compromise is
> not possible even if it destroys the country. The only mystery is why
> you people think this is a viable way to operate.

Nonsense. You acknowledge no difference between the parties, and seem
to be capable of thinking in binary terms, leaving no room for anything
between "both the same," or "one all bad and the other all good." This
is simplistic and reductionist in the extreme. Real life is more
complex and muddled than you seem to be capable of grasping. But such
simplistic, binary, and irrational thinking is a major contributor to
our national problems, including gridlock in Washington.

Libtardopia Lost

Dec 19, 2010, 3:34:32 AM12/19/10

"Gunner Asch" <> wrote in message

> Fascinating how we are getting a crowd of mentally ill posters showing
> up. I wonder if they are from the APL group?
> Gunner

There's only a few but they have an unlimited supply of nyms.

Shall not be infringed

Dec 19, 2010, 11:44:32 AM12/19/10
On Dec 18, 5:15 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 14:46:42 -0600, Jeff M <>

> wrote:
> >On 12/18/2010 2:36 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> >> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 10:39:58 -0600, Jeff M<>
> >> wrote:
> >>> On 12/18/2010 10:31 AM, Alias wrote:
> >>>> On 12/18/2010 05:28 PM, Deep Dudu wrote:
> >>>>> On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith<>
> Sadly you are still missing the point.  Let me type really slow....
> There are the money people of Wall Street and international banking.
> There are the Republican (and Democrat) wingers that they buy.
> The buyers and the bought are NOT the same thing.  The bought Rs and
> the bought Ds ARE the same thing.
> You have been sucked into playing the R vs D game so you will ignore
> what the money community is doing.
> Yes the "Republican Right wingers" and the Democrat Left wingers "are
> the wholly owned and controlled minions ... and serve as their

> front-line troops in the war on middle and working class America.
> Keep working this idea.  You will figure it out if you try.  If you
> are not up to this exercise, the slow kids like to pick a sports team
> or debate which entertainer is the sexiest.  Either is as useful as
> debating R vs D.-

So Ron Paul, a R. Right Winger is bought?

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Jeff M

Dec 19, 2010, 4:40:42 PM12/19/10
On 12/19/2010 3:22 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:23:09 -0600, Jeff M wrote:
>> On 12/18/2010 5:06 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> You say D=good


Exactly where did I say that? Please show me.

The ONLY thing that I actually wrote about the Democratic party was
this: "It is true that they [big money influence] have also made major

inroads against the Democratic party, and have suborned many of its
elected members. But you have been suckered into believing there is a
false equivalence between the two major parties, when there clearly is

You seem incapable of understanding what you've read. Instead, you
merely project your delusions onto me, imagining that I have written
things that I have not written. I suppose that's because what I
actually did write just doesn't fit in with your absurdly simplistic and
reductionist frame of reference, so it caused your limited and narrow
mind to block it out. How sad.

Shall not be infringed

Dec 19, 2010, 10:51:09 PM12/19/10
On Dec 19, 4:29 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 08:44:32 -0800 (PST), Shall not be infringed
> I guess you got me there.  He is one of the R exceptions that stand
> out along with one or two D exceptions.

At least you're honest. Curls refuses to accept that the guy he voted
for is a Republican.

> He is hardly what comes to mind when you combine "R" and "right
> winger" as one label.  He is nominally an R.  One the party tries damn
> hard to disown.  Despite some impressive showings in the 2008
> primaries and in the polls, the R powers that be saw fit to invite
> every darn tin whistle R candidate to their presidential candidates
> debate except him.  Official reason, there wasn't enough room.  One
> guy out of dozen was too many????  Crap, how much room does one more
> chair take up?-

About 24 inches.


Dec 19, 2010, 11:19:02 PM12/19/10
On Dec 17, 9:17 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> <>

> 16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011
> If you only watch the "economic pundits" on television, it can be very
> confusing to figure out exactly what is happening with the U.S.
> economy.  One pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a
> little bit better over the past month and claim that we have entered a
> time of solid recovery.  Another pundit will pull out a couple
> statistics that got a little worse over the past month and claim that
> we are headed for trouble.  So what is the truth?  Well, if you really
> want to get a clear idea of what is really going on you have to look
> at the long-term trends.  There are some economic trends which just
> keep getting worse year after year after year, and it is those trends
> that tell the real story of the decline of our economic system.
> As you examine the long-term trends, you quickly come to realize that
> the U.S. is trapped in an endless spiral of debt, the middle class is
> being wiped out, the U.S. dollar is being destroyed and America is
> rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland.
> Posted below are 16 nightmarish economic trends to watch carefully in
> 2011.  It is becoming exceedingly apparent that unless something is
> done rapidly we are heading for an economic collapse of unprecedented
> magnitude....
> #1 Do you want to see something scary?  Just check out the chart
> below.  
> <>

> Since the beginning of the economic downturn, the U.S. monetary base
> has more than doubled.  But don't worry - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
> Bernanke has promised us that this could never cause inflation.  In
> fact, Bernanke says that we need to inject even more dollars into the
> economy.  So if you are alarmed by the chart below, you are just being
> irrational according to Bernanke....
> #2 Thousands of our factories, millions of our jobs and hundreds of
> billions of dollars of our national wealth continue to be shipped
> overseas.  In 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was 6 million
> dollars for the entire year.  In the month of August alone, the U.S.
> trade deficit with China was over 28 billion dollars.  Nobel economist
> Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago is projecting that the
> Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by
> the year 2040 if current trends continue.
> #3 The United States is rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland.
> Back in 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of all U.S.
> economic output.  In 2008, it represented only 11.5 percent and it
> continues to fall.  Sadly, the truth is that America is being
> deindustrialized.  As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million
> Americans worked in manufacturing.  The last time that less than 12
> million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
> #4 The number of Americans that have been out of work for an extended
> period of time has absolutely exploded over the last few years.  As
> 2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been

> unemployed for half a year or longer.  Today, there are over 6 million
> Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
> #5 The middle class continues to be squeezed out of existence.
> According to a poll taken in 2009, 61 percent of Americans "always or
> usually" live paycheck to paycheck.  That was up substantially from 49
> percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
> #6 The number of Americans living in poverty is absolutely
> skyrocketing.  42.9 million Americans are now on food stamps, and one
> out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one
> anti-poverty program run by the federal government.  Unfortunately,
> many of those that have been hardest hit by this economic downturn
> have been children.  According to one new study, approximately 21
> percent of all children in the United States are living below the
> poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.
> #7 Many American families have been pushed beyond the breaking point
> during this economic downturn.  Over 1.4 million Americans filed for
> personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase
> over 2008.  The final number for 2010 is expected to be even higher.
>    The government�s finances not only are out of control, but the

> actual deficit is not containable.  Put into perspective, if the
> government were to raise taxes so as to seize 100% of all wages,
> salaries and corporate profits, it still would be showing an annual
> deficit using GAAP accounting on a consistent basis.  In like manner,
> given current revenues, if it stopped spending every penny (including
> defense and homeland security) other than for Social Security and
> Medicare obligations, the government still would be showing an annual
> deficit. Further, the U.S. has no potential way to grow out of this
> shortfall.
> The more one examines the U.S. economic situation, the more depressing
> it becomes.  The U.S. financial system is trapped inside a horrific
> debt spiral  and we are headed straight for economic oblivion.
> If our leaders attempt to interrupt the debt spiral it will plunge our
> economy into a depression.  If our leaders attempt to keep the debt
> spiral going for several more years it will just make the eventual
> crash even worse.  Either way, we are headed for a financial implosion
> that will be truly historic.
> The debt-fueled good times that we have been enjoying for the last
> several decades are rapidly coming to an end.  Unfortunately for the
> tens of millions of Americans that are already suffering, our economic
> problems are only going to get worse in the years ahead.

All because you voted for Bush.

And you will burn in Hell for it.



Dec 19, 2010, 11:20:58 PM12/19/10
On Dec 18, 12:34 am, Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
<> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith <>
> wrote:
> ><>

> >16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011
> >If you only watch the "economic pundits" on television, it can be very
> >confusing to figure out exactly what is happening with the U.S.
> >economy.  One pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a
> >little bit better over the past month and claim that we have entered a
> >time of solid recovery.  Another pundit will pull out a couple
> >statistics that got a little worse over the past month and claim that
> >we are headed for trouble.  So what is the truth?  Well, if you really
> >want to get a clear idea of what is really going on you have to look
> >at the long-term trends.  There are some economic trends which just
> >keep getting worse year after year after year, and it is those trends
> >that tell the real story of the decline of our economic system.
> >As you examine the long-term trends, you quickly come to realize that
> >the U.S. is trapped in an endless spiral of debt, the middle class is
> >being wiped out, the U.S. dollar is being destroyed and America is
> >rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland.
> >Posted below are 16 nightmarish economic trends to watch carefully in
> >2011.  It is becoming exceedingly apparent that unless something is
> >done rapidly we are heading for an economic collapse of unprecedented
> >magnitude....
> >#1 Do you want to see something scary?  Just check out the chart
> >below.  
> ><>
> >   The government�s finances not only are out of control, but the
> Depends he was drawing on??- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text - what the fuck is the problem Winston?

If Ronnie says it is okay then it must be so.



Dec 19, 2010, 11:25:48 PM12/19/10
On Dec 18, 2:06 am, Curly Surmudgeon <> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 01:34:00 -0500, Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
> <> wrote:
> > On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith <>
> Regards, Curly ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

The jobs were created in China...compliments of the REPUBLICANS.



Dec 19, 2010, 11:56:16 PM12/19/10
On Dec 18, 1:31 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:31:55 +0100, Alias
> <> wrote:
> >On 12/18/2010 05:28 PM, Deep Dudu wrote:
> >> On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith<>
> 1. Making everything in this country free, except you.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Someone gave your family Usenet accounts.


Dec 19, 2010, 11:57:52 PM12/19/10
On Dec 18, 2:36 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 10:39:58 -0600, Jeff M <>
> wrote:
> >On 12/18/2010 10:31 AM, Alias wrote:
> >> On 12/18/2010 05:28 PM, Deep Dudu wrote:
> >>> On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith<>
> The first thing you need to realize is that the people who control
> most of the worlds wealth and want more of it are NOT right wingers OR
> left wingers.  The wingers are their diversion so we don't see the
> magicians trick.
> Don't watch the Rs of the Ds except to pick up clues.  Follow the
> money.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Right into the pockets of the REPUBLICANS.


Dec 20, 2010, 1:16:14 AM12/20/10
On Dec 18, 4:15 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 14:46:42 -0600, Jeff M <>

> wrote:
> >On 12/18/2010 2:36 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> >> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 10:39:58 -0600, Jeff M<>
> >> wrote:
> >>> On 12/18/2010 10:31 AM, Alias wrote:
> >>>> On 12/18/2010 05:28 PM, Deep Dudu wrote:
> >>>>> On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 20:17:59 -0700, Winston_Smith<>
> Sadly you are still missing the point.  Let me type really slow....
> There are the money people of Wall Street and international banking.
> There are the Republican (and Democrat) wingers that they buy.
> The buyers and the bought are NOT the same thing.  The bought Rs and
> the bought Ds ARE the same thing.
> You have been sucked into playing the R vs D game so you will ignore
> what the money community is doing.
> Yes the "Republican Right wingers" and the Democrat Left wingers "are
> the wholly owned and controlled minions ... and serve as their

> front-line troops in the war on middle and working class America.
> Keep working this idea.  You will figure it out if you try.  If you
> are not up to this exercise, the slow kids like to pick a sports team
> or debate which entertainer is the sexiest.  Either is as useful as
> debating R vs D.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Winston is full of crap....

The REPUBLICANS publicly fought tooth and nail for the 858 billion
taxcuts....denying little children food, Grandma her $250 COLA
increase, the 9/11 responders their health care bill.

The GOP is the Party of the Whore...and Winston loves to suck at her



Dec 20, 2010, 1:17:49 AM12/20/10
On Dec 18, 4:40 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 16:33:22 -0600, Jeff M  wrote:
> >On 12/18/2010 4:15 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
> >> Sadly you are still missing the point.  Let me type really slow....
> >Good.  Perhaps typing slowly will give you more time to think this
> >through . . .
> >> There are the money people of Wall Street and international banking.
> >> There are the Republican (and Democrat) wingers that they buy.
> >True, so far . . .
> >> The buyers and the bought are NOT the same thing.  The bought Rs and
> >> the bought Ds ARE the same thing.
> >To some degree . . .
> >> You have been sucked into playing the R vs D game so you will ignore
> >> what the money community is doing.
> >Nope.
> At this point we have to agree to disagree.  You have decided the Rs
> are the root of all evil.  That implies you accept the Ds as defenders
> of how life should be.  There is no way to argue with a "true
> believer" that knows universal truth.
> >The point you are entirely missing is that the Republicans,
> >collectively, as an institution, have become the obsequious servants and
> >ardent protectors of Wall Street, international corporations and the
> >uber-rich.  It's their sole raison d'etre, the core of their philosophy,
> >and hence the wellspring of their policies.
> George Soros.

> >It is true that they have also made major inroads against the Democratic
> >party, and have suborned many of its elected members.  But you have been
> >suckered into believing there is a false equivalence between the two
> >major parties, when there clearly is not.  Buying into that false
> >rhetoric only serves their interests by weakening the resistance against
> >them.  So try to check your gullibility and try to see things as they
> >really are.
> Apparently we are both "true believers" to hear you tell it.  At least
> I'm not happily defending the lesser of two looters and rapists.  I'm
> not defending anyone but you are.  That says a lot.  Among other
> things it suggests you are a party loyalist instead of a free thinker.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

If it walks like a Republican and it quacks like a Republican then it
must be Winstron.



Dec 20, 2010, 1:19:02 AM12/20/10
> that both parties are essentially the same is, frankly, just silly.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It's Winston's way to detract from the robbing of America by the



Dec 20, 2010, 1:20:27 AM12/20/10
On Dec 18, 5:06 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> You are still identifying one party as the evil, ap priori.  You have
> identified the guys in the black hats.  The other party must
> necessarily be the guys in the white and therefore our only hope of
> salvation.
> At the very start you leave no room for discussion.  R=bad; D=good is
> laid down as in fundamental truth.  There is no way to reply except to
> completely surrender to what you say.
> This is why we see so much gridlock in Washington.  The tools of both
> parties have bought the same cool-aid as you have and compromise is
> not possible even if it destroys the country.  The only mystery is why
> you people think this is a viable way to operate.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Winston likes Republican koolaid.

His MO is to try muddy the waters while the Republicans rob America


Curly Surmudgeon

Dec 20, 2010, 6:41:52 AM12/20/10
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 22:20:27 -0800, Too_Many_Tools
<> wrote:

> Winston likes Republican koolaid.

Nope, that's RD Sandman who responds to every Republican crime with some
variation of "Democrats participated." Like we should forgive
Republicans for launching two unfunded, illegal, wars of aggression
because a few Democrats lacked the spine to do their job.

Curly Surmudgeon

Dec 20, 2010, 6:43:27 AM12/20/10

More likely another neighbor of Gummer installed an insecure wifi

Curly Surmudgeon

Dec 20, 2010, 6:44:37 AM12/20/10
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 20:19:02 -0800, Too_Many_Tools
<> wrote:

> All because you voted for Bush.
> And you will burn in Hell for it.

Winston and I disagree on a fair number of issues but he is not the
Republican you seem to believe. Do you not remember his being up front
and honest about Bush?

Message has been deleted

Chomp Noamsky

Dec 20, 2010, 7:27:16 PM12/20/10

"Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message

>> The government�s finances not only are out of control, but the

>> actual deficit is not containable. Put into perspective, if the
>> government were to raise taxes so as to seize 100% of all wages,
>> salaries and corporate profits, it still would be showing an annual
>> deficit using GAAP accounting on a consistent basis. In like manner,
>> given current revenues, if it stopped spending every penny (including
>> defense and homeland security) other than for Social Security and
>> Medicare obligations, the government still would be showing an annual
>> deficit. Further, the U.S. has no potential way to grow out of this
>> shortfall.
>> The more one examines the U.S. economic situation, the more depressing
>> it becomes. The U.S. financial system is trapped inside a horrific
>> debt spiral and we are headed straight for economic oblivion.
>> If our leaders attempt to interrupt the debt spiral it will plunge our
>> economy into a depression. If our leaders attempt to keep the debt
>> spiral going for several more years it will just make the eventual
>> crash even worse. Either way, we are headed for a financial implosion
>> that will be truly historic.
>> The debt-fueled good times that we have been enjoying for the last
>> several decades are rapidly coming to an end. Unfortunately for the
>> tens of millions of Americans that are already suffering, our economic
>> problems are only going to get worse in the years ahead.
> All because you voted for Bush.
> And you will burn in Hell for it.

LOL, I thought you homos don't believe in hell.

Chomp Noamsky

Dec 20, 2010, 7:29:18 PM12/20/10

"Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message

Where are the jobs Obama promised to create, Argentina?

Chomp Noamsky

Dec 20, 2010, 7:31:46 PM12/20/10

"Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message

How's your mommies' (both of them) computer in the basement holding up.
Drill any more peepholes lately, and did they promise to kick your ass out
again? You thought we forgot about Sunnyside, didn't you libfuck?

Chomp Noamsky

Dec 20, 2010, 7:33:29 PM12/20/10

"Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message

Actually your mommies are the Party of the Whore. In their case it would be
plural. Let's party!

Chomp Noamsky

Dec 20, 2010, 7:35:08 PM12/20/10

"Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message

It could be your two mommies squeaking the bed upstairs that you're hearing.


Dec 22, 2010, 8:21:44 AM12/22/10
On 12/18/2010 5:51 PM, Jeff M wrote:
>> things it suggests you are a party loyalist instead of a free thinker.
> Personal attacks are a poor substitute for reasoned argument. I have not
> identified the Republicans as "the root of all evil," nor have I held
> the Democrats blameless, your hyperbole aside. But your notion that both
> parties are essentially the same is, frankly, just silly.

You say...

"I have not identified the Republicans as "the root of all evil"

though you did say...

"The point you are entirely missing is that the Republicans,
collectively, as an institution, have become the obsequious servants
and ardent protectors of Wall Street, international corporations and
the uber-rich. It's their sole raison d'etre, the core of their
philosophy, and hence the wellspring of their policies."

I think you've made your position clear. You prefer to identify with
"the left" and the Democratic Party.


Dec 22, 2010, 8:28:28 AM12/22/10
On 12/18/2010 6:23 PM, Jeff M wrote:

> On 12/18/2010 5:06 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 16:51:18 -0600, Jeff M<>
>> You are still identifying one party as the evil, ap priori. You have
>> identified the guys in the black hats. The other party must
>> necessarily be the guys in the white and therefore our only hope of
>> salvation.
>> At the very start you leave no room for discussion. R=bad; D=good is
>> laid down as in fundamental truth. There is no way to reply except to
>> completely surrender to what you say.
>> This is why we see so much gridlock in Washington. The tools of both
>> parties have bought the same cool-aid as you have and compromise is
>> not possible even if it destroys the country. The only mystery is why
>> you people think this is a viable way to operate.
> Nonsense. You acknowledge no difference between the parties, and seem to
> be capable of thinking in binary terms, leaving no room for anything
> between "both the same," or "one all bad and the other all good." This
> is simplistic and reductionist in the extreme. Real life is more complex
> and muddled than you seem to be capable of grasping. But such
> simplistic, binary, and irrational thinking is a major contributor to
> our national problems, including gridlock in Washington.


So you want to blame US instigated wars, the invasion of illegal
aliens, the debt-based monetary system, inflationary spending and
the multi-trillion dollar derivatives theft on critics of Republicans
and Democrats.


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