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Re: Top 5 Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Are Jews

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Apr 20, 2010, 8:40:42 AM4/20/10
On Apr 19, 9:32 pm, (Loose Cannon) wrote:
> These figures, published below, for the earning of the top five hedge fund
> managers are DISTURBING and DISGUSTING. We are witnessing a small
> self-appointed clique manipulating the world's assets and wealth for their own
> self enrichment. Between the masonic and Zionist control that encompasses the
> globe, especially in Britain and America, there is an evil and despicable
> greed devouring vast fortunes into the hands of the thieves masquerading as
> hedge fund managers, this while the rest of the world's population are being
> made homeless with billions living in abject poverty and destitution.
> Total amounts earned in for 2009 -
> 1.David Tepper $4 Billion
> 2.George Soros $3.3 Billion
> 3.James Simons $2.5 Billion
> 4.John Paulson $2.4 billion
> 5.Steve Cohen $1.4 billion



Frodo Bernstein

Apr 20, 2010, 11:05:52 AM4/20/10

What is your take on all those Jewish Noble Prize winners in Medicine,
Economics, etc.. Just as bad for the rest of the world?

jos boersema

Apr 20, 2010, 11:43:41 AM4/20/10

The jews are held on pain of death to the laws that they can not
sell money on profit/rent to a brother; and during the exile they
where supposed to behave as brothers to the nations into which they

By having many top bankers (Torah law breakers), and people like the
Rothshields being jews, the non-jews may blame the jews and hit them
hard over breaking these laws. Through that mechanism the Torah law is
still prosecuted, the guilty (which at present is all jews, they broke
the law and keep fake laws on the books) are punished in this world.
Through that mechanism the jews are challenged to understand why they
are being hit over this, to investigate their financial laws (which are
among the most brazen lies made ever). If they meet that challenge,
correct their obvious lies and mistakes, they could become a people
keeping to correct economic laws and be an example for the rest of the
peoples. So far no luck, but it is a system which has great potential.

As it is going though, all jews will be wiped out before even one
bothers to note the obvious. But they agreed to this didn't they, way
back, part of the deal I guess.

Why, for example, kill the Germans or wipe out the French, if there
isn't even a hope they would crack the economic puzzle ? By the way,
these economic devastations happen to all nations including Germany and
France, it is all natural causes. Hitler and the world wars hit Germany
because they didn't solve the economic and state questions, this problem
is ongoing. The jews are also the natural choice victim and scapegoat of
peoples and ruling classes alike. Therefore all point to beating the
jews, both the good for the sake of good, and the bad for bad, which
tends to make it much more likely to happen. Nothing threatens a
capitalist class as much as a proper understanding of economic law,
which is exactly what the jews have in their Torah. They messed it up in
their Shulchan Aruch book of lies, but still, that SA has nothing of the
standing that the Torah has. Torah is irrelevant ? Oh yeah sure, it's
merely at the root of the religion of 2 billion people, nothing much
relevant ?

It is often the enemy who first understands something. The capitalists
probably know full well what proper economic laws are, and why the Torah
is good and therefore their enemy. But they can't tell the people,
because their livelyhood depends on the economies in the world being
build around capitalist free-investment (in particular) lies.

This being the strategic situation, it seems likely that at some point
of deep crisis the jews would again be hit very hard the world over.
But if the jews fix this, they'd be the heroes, perhaps forever. But
they don't, therefore they are probably going to see another great
period of repression, possibly another holocaust, perhaps even worse
then the last one.

Don't bother warning them again, they've had all the warnings they need,
and still they continue with their lies. If the jews are smarter, they
are more guilty. All peoples are guilty, they shouldn't take it out on
the jews. I'm not saying that it should happen, merely that it is
probably going to happen through these natural and perhaps even not so
natural causes.

I'm writing this, assuming that some date after the 2nd holocaust in
which millions of jews died, they read it and have to admit they where
warned way ahead of time, time and again, and that they have only
themselves to blame (their ignorance, their hard neck, their lack of
will to lend readily to each other, which is how they broke down the law
of Moshe, they've been ruled by deceptive Rabbis ever since ...).

This economic law is one of the most important issues in the world,
at present probably the deciding factor. The win is easy, but nobody
cares, so you will all die together. You are all idiots, why not just
admit it ? Fucktards on the brink of disaster, when they die they don't
even know by what they where hit. Tick tock, time is out. Why not just
quit the tease and let the dying start, this isn't going anywhere
anyway. The longer the wait, the bigger the bombs will be.

Just remember that like the jews you where warned, you could have walked
to peace with hardly any effort at all. But no, you want WW3, you'll get
what you ask for I guess. Just keep doing hat you are doing, which is
nothing. You've been warned, you've been shown the way, but you chose
death, have it your way then.

It isn't my choice you know, but it is your choice. Remember that, and
blame yourselve.


Apr 20, 2010, 1:20:46 PM4/20/10
Frodo Bernstein wrote on 4/20/10 11:05 AM:

All this post show is that climber is more adept at throwing stones than
Anyone who does not have a sign in his head reading "VACCUUM PACKED" is
aware that hedge fund managers are compensated by a percentage of the
profits that they make for clients.....i.e., climber sounds like he belongs
to the janitors union.....his union gives money to hedge funds to manage
because of their knowledge which is probably quite a bit higher than
climbers......when his union makes money, they pay the manager a percentage
of their profits......
People like climber seem unaware of this fact.......or choose to omit it
because it ruins their inane ranting........


Apr 20, 2010, 2:46:48 PM4/20/10
bob wald wrote on 4/20/10 1:54 PM:

> im sick of the jews n blacks crying about the past..
> you dont hear the south half of the usa getting the mil plus southerners
> killed by the north in the civil war. which was the north implying laws
> just on the south to cripple the south economy.
> remember 98% of all rebels killed never owned slaves....
> and not all slave owners mistreated them. which was legal to have them
> at the time.
> taking into account the mil plus killed in the civil war. i dought if
> anywheres near that in slaves were killed ever.....
> now i heard 5mil jews were killed....but some say its closer to 1 mil.

Hey bob....
You've got company......a professor at Northwestern U. and the Iranian
government are sure that the Holocaust NEVER happened.....

bob wald

Apr 20, 2010, 1:54:49 PM4/20/10


Apr 20, 2010, 2:05:46 PM4/20/10
to (bob wald) wrote in news:504-4BCDEA69-2995@storefull-

shifted gears from touting stock picks social commentary...brilliant!


Apr 20, 2010, 2:07:14 PM4/20/10
to (bob wald) wrote in news:504-4BCDEA69-2995@storefull-

> remember 98% of all rebels killed never owned slaves....

I remember that 87.24% of all statistics on usenet are fabrications

bob wald

Apr 20, 2010, 2:20:28 PM4/20/10
look only about 2000 or so places had slaves..
only rich had slaves...
give or take.

Marcus Aurelius

Apr 20, 2010, 7:38:24 PM4/20/10
Thank you for the original post.
• • A quote by Sinclair Lewis.
• “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and
carrying a cross."

• The components of the New American Fascism are: 1. Racial, ethnic
and Gender inequality promulgated by law and custom. 2. The assertion
of victimization as the basis of this racial, ethnic, and gender
privilege and persecution of the group designated as responsible for
this victimization (generally Caucasian non-Jewish men). 3.
Corporatism 4. A single party (Two party=single party) state. 5.
Domination (financial, social, political, and cultural) through the
state of the general populace by an ethnic elite. 6. The denigration
of individual and group rights and liberties based upon a “war of
terror” against ethnic, religious, and cultural enemies both internal
and external. 7. Aggressive war against nations perceived as inimical
to the interests of the racial, ethnic, and gender elite of the
fascist elite. 8. The massive imprisonment of one of the groups out of
favor, males. 9. Intolerance of political dissent (political
correctness) directed especially at those out of favor.
Traditionally, fascism has exalted masculine principles. However, the
new fascism exalts feminine principles while denigrating traditionally
male principles and virtues.
Traditionally, fascism has persecuted Jews. However, the new fascism
exalts Jews, Zionism, and Jewish goals as they are considered the
ethnic elite.
All individuals, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious
belief, and/or national origin should receive the same inalienable
individual rights, individual liberties, individual responsibilities,
and individual justice. The same is the foundation of the U.S.
Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. That is the
basis of republicanism, the political foundation of our nation. That
is what Fascism and the New American Fascism has waged war against.
Message has been deleted

bob wald

Apr 22, 2010, 9:49:41 PM4/22/10
you know it doesnt suprise me anymore how stupid people are......


Apr 22, 2010, 9:55:50 PM4/22/10
to (bob wald) wrote in news:7817-4BD0FCB5-1128@storefull-

> you know it doesnt suprise me anymore how stupid people are......


bob wald

Apr 22, 2010, 9:51:07 PM4/22/10
the civilwar was the south fighting..not the
1mil south killed......

Robert Cohen

Apr 22, 2010, 10:02:56 PM4/22/10
On Apr 22, 9:55 pm, ausound <> wrote:
> (bob wald) wrote innews:7817-4BD0FCB5-1128@storefull-

> > you know it doesnt suprise me anymore how stupid people are......

re: non-gentiles in the U.S. Civil War


Apr 22, 2010, 11:41:14 PM4/22/10
bob wald wrote on 4/22/10 9:49 PM:

> you know it doesnt suprise me anymore how stupid people are......

Yep......if they were smart, they would have loaded up on GCOG......


Apr 23, 2010, 3:05:30 AM4/23/10
to (bob wald) wrote in news:7793-4BD0FD0B-3818@storefull-

> the civilwar was the south fighting..not the
> 1mil south killed......

no shit sherlock

bob wald

Apr 23, 2010, 4:21:44 AM4/23/10
my answering nubix posting.....peoples reacting to my answers again are
stupid. but im not


Apr 23, 2010, 9:26:34 AM4/23/10
bob wald wrote on 4/23/10 4:21 AM:

> my answering nubix posting.....peoples reacting to my answers again are
> stupid. but im not

How are people supposed to know who or what you are replying to???

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