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Warrent Buffett on the US banking system

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May 11, 2012, 7:05:49 AM5/11/12
"The United States is on a different path [from Europe] and we addressed the
problems with our banks three years ago very decisively. We put lots of
capital in them and they retained lots of capital and they cleaned out a
significant amount of their bad loans. It's whole different banking system
in the United States plus we have our own currency. Being able to issue all
your debt in your own currency is just an entirely different game than
having to issue it in some other currency."


May 11, 2012, 11:59:05 AM5/11/12

"Lubow" <> wrote in message

Buffett seems to have forgotten that Glass-Steagall was repealed.


May 11, 2012, 12:47:56 PM5/11/12
Lubow wrote on 5/11/12 11:59 AM:

> Buffett seems to have forgotten that Glass-Steagall was repealed.

Evidently, Lubows' mommy never read him the story of Pinocchio.....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Pinocchio is often a term used to describe an individual who is prone to
telling lies, fabricating stories and exaggerating or creating tall tales
for various reasons.


May 11, 2012, 7:04:02 PM5/11/12
That big bag of bullshit would tell you anything. If fact i heard the cunt on tv lying about the American
economy doing better and everything but housing has come back. The man is nothing but a windbag full of
The Grandmaster of the CyberFROG

Come get your ticket to CyberFROG city

Nay, Art thou decideth playeth ye simpleton games. *Some* of us know proper manners

Very few. I used to take calls from *rank* noobs but got fired the first day on the job for potty mouth,

Bur-ring, i'll get this one: WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM JERK!!? We're here to help you dickweed, ok, ok give the power
cord the jiggily piggily wiggily all the while pushing the power button repeatedly now take everything out of
your computer except the power supply and *one* stick of ram. Ok get the next sucker on the phone.

Deirdre Straughan (Roxio) is a LIAR (Deirdre McFibber)

There's the employer and the employee and the FROGGER and the FROGEE, which one are you?

Hamster isn't a newsreader it's a mistake!

El-Gonzo Jackson FROGS both me and Chuckcar (I just got EL-FROG-OED!!)

I hate them both, With useless bogus bullshit you need at least *three* fulltime jobs to afford either one of

I'm a fulltime text *only* man on usenet now. The rest of the world downloads the binary files not me i can't
afford thousands of dollars a month

VBB = Volume based billing. How many bytes can we shove down your throat and out your arse sir?

UBB = User based bullFROGGING

Master Juba was a black man imitating a white man imitating a black man

Always do incremental backups of your data or you'll end up like the arseholes at DSL Reports. Justin says i
made a boo-boo. Yeah boo-who.

Adrian "jackpot" Lewis is a mama's boy!

Using my technical prowess and computer abilities to answer questions beyond the realm of understandability

Regards Tony... Making usenet better for everyone everyday

This sig file was compiled via my journeys through usenet


May 11, 2012, 11:33:27 PM5/11/12

"Tony" <To...@TheDeli.Sandwich> wrote in message
> That big bag of bullshit would tell you anything. If fact i heard the cunt
> on tv lying about the American
> economy doing better and everything but housing has come back. The man is
> nothing but a windbag full of
> bullshit.

Ladies and Gentlemen: We have a contest! Yesiree... For the blowhard
championship of MIS!

In the north corner is Tony who says he knows more about economics and
stocks than Warren Buffett.

And in the west corner is Bill "the king of collecting government handouts"
Reid who says he knows more about physics than Stephen Hawking.

And in the southern corner is Crazy Arnie (aka Blash) who says his obsessive
complusive disorder will make him more annoying than even a two year old.

And from parts unknown we have Mrs. Fodder's little boy, the Dragonmeister
who claims to have proof Obama actually graduated with Otis Sistrunk from
the University of Mars!

Let's get ready to rumble!

Frank Kafka

May 11, 2012, 11:35:03 PM5/11/12
On Fri, 11 May 2012 19:04:02 -0400, Tony <To...@TheDeli.Sandwich>

>That big bag of bullshit would tell you anything. If fact i heard the cunt on tv lying about the American
>economy doing better and everything but housing has come back. The man is nothing but a windbag full of
And I agree.

The socialist Buffet is lucky to have been born with a silver spoon in
his mouth.


May 11, 2012, 11:40:51 PM5/11/12
On May 11, 11:35 pm, Frank Kafka <> wrote:

> The socialist Buffet is lucky to have been born with a silver spoon in
> his mouth...

...and Kishka was born with shit for brains.

Frank Kafka

May 11, 2012, 11:57:46 PM5/11/12
On Fri, 11 May 2012 23:33:27 -0400, "Lubow" <>
Shut up!


May 12, 2012, 7:25:55 AM5/12/12
On May 11, 11:35 pm, Frank Kafka <> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 May 2012 19:04:02 -0400, Tony <T...@TheDeli.Sandwich>
> wrote:
> >That big bag of bullshit would tell you anything. If fact i heard the cunt on tv lying about the American
> >economy doing better and everything but housing has come back. The man is nothing but a windbag full of
> >bullshit.
> And I agree.
> The socialist Buffet is lucky to have been born with a silver spoon in
> his mouth.
Buffet is a phony. While he saying that the rich don't pay enough in
taxes at least one of his companies that makes corporate jets were
fighting for more tax breaks. They are all phonies, they say things in
public to made themselves look good, but they don't really want it to
happen and if it does they will find loop holes to get out of paying.

Look at John Edwards when he was seeking to be VP. He complained that
corporations using loop hole to avoid paying taxes, yet he used a loop
hole to avoid paying I think it was 500 thousand dollars in medicare

Buffet says he's not paying enough in taxes. Obama say it's unfair
that people like him don't pay what he considers their fair share.
Guess what he doesn't have to take all the deduction he does, or they
can they can just pay into a fund the IRS already has set up for
people that want to pay more taxes.Do you only do what you consider
what's right, only if others are doing what you consider is right?

Now the true mark of a phony is when they use the excuse that others
are not doing the same so they are not doing it right now. Look when
someone really believes that something is not right, or unfair they
fight for it, but while they are fighting for it they don't continue
to do what they consider unfair no matter how many other people are or
are not doing it.

BTW this applies to both parties.


May 12, 2012, 10:30:40 AM5/12/12
On May 12, 7:25 am, Lawyerkill <> wrote:
> On May 11, 11:35 pm, Frank Kafka <> wrote:> On Fri, 11 May 2012 19:04:02 -0400, Tony <T...@TheDeli.Sandwich>
> > wrote:
> > >That big bag of bullshit would tell you anything. If fact i heard the cunt on tv lying about the American
> > >economy doing better and everything but housing has come back. The man is nothing but a windbag full of
> > >bullshit.
> > And I agree.
> > The socialist Buffet is lucky to have been born with a silver spoon in
> > his mouth.
> Buffet is a phony. While he saying that the rich don't pay enough in
> taxes at least one of his companies that makes corporate  jets were
> fighting for more tax breaks.

Don't know which BH company it is, but BH is owned by thousands of
stockholders, not by Warren Buffett. Buffett could be personally sued
by the stockholders for failing to apply for allowable tax benefits or
if the corporation deliberately pays too much in taxes. The keyword
is "fiduciary."

As for phonies I wish we all could be as phony:

Both Buffett and Obama give to charities thousands and in Buffett's
case tens of millions of dollars, in excess of the allowable
deductions. One of those charities is the US Treasury Department's
Naitonal Debt Reduction Fund. Yes, the US Treasury is a legitimate
charity to which Buffett has given voluntarily.

Obama donated his Nobel award cash (over $1.4MM) to several charities.

I wish we were all capable of equaling the philanthropy of Obama and/
or Buffett for which they receive next to zero in tax benefits. As
Buffett told his children: "When I die you will have enough to do
whatever you want but you will not have enough to do nothing."


May 12, 2012, 11:23:11 AM5/12/12
Lubow wrote on 5/11/12 11:33 PM:

> Ladies and Gentlemen: We have a contest! Yesiree... For the blowhard
> championship of MIS!

This contest is UNFAIR.........It's being organized, run and judged by
dumb mikey #2 who has recently won the "PINOCCHIO" award for his ridiculous
postings of outright lies, exaggeration, bigotry and exhibition of spoiled
5 y/o childish behavior........
NOBODY could top dumb mikey #2........after all, he has had years to
suck up and study the style of his mentors, all those who have previously
worn the title of "HEADCASE"........piddy, robby allen, dumb mikey#1, the
Krazy Kanuck, etc.


I see that you've started to imitate dumb mikey#1(hero worship???) by
making statements that you can't back up......
I challenged you to provide a link to them.......for example you posted
that I lost my $2MM nest egg on some JPM CD.........
You mentioned my position from 2007.......(long cash, CDs and pfd.
stocks)..........Don't you wish you had the brains to be in that position in
2007??? WAKE UP!!! This is 2012.......FIVE(5) years later...........One of
the first signs of senility is living in the past........times change,
portfolios change, STUPIDITY IS FOREVER...........
You also continue to mention things my father said........are you too
hearing "the voices" like dumb mikey #1????
C'mon dumb mikey #2, again:



May 12, 2012, 12:27:05 PM5/12/12
On May 12, 10:30 am, Lubow <> wrote:
> On May 12, 7:25 am, Lawyerkill <> wrote:
> > On May 11, 11:35 pm, Frank Kafka <> wrote:> On Fri, 11 May 2012 19:04:02 -0400, Tony <T...@TheDeli.Sandwich>
> > > wrote:
> > > >That big bag of bullshit would tell you anything. If fact i heard the cunt on tv lying about the American
> > > >economy doing better and everything but housing has come back. The man is nothing but a windbag full of
> > > >bullshit.
> > > And I agree.
> > > The socialist Buffet is lucky to have been born with a silver spoon in
> > > his mouth.
> > Buffet is a phony. While he saying that the rich don't pay enough in
> > taxes at least one of his companies that makes corporate  jets were
> > fighting for more tax breaks.
> Don't know which BH company it is, but BH is owned by thousands of
> stockholders, not by Warren Buffett. Buffett could be personally sued
> by the stockholders for failing to apply for allowable tax benefits or
> if the corporation deliberately pays too much in taxes.  The keyword
> is "fiduciary."
> As for phonies I wish we all could be as phony:

Yes I understand that BH is also owned by stockholders, and I also
understand that what integrity is, and it has a price. If he feels
that one of his companies is not paying their fair share then he tells
them to pay their fair share and then risk a lawsuit or gets fired or
he walks away from the from the job, simply as that.

> Both Buffett and Obama give to charities thousands and in Buffett's
> case tens of millions of dollars, in excess of the allowable
> deductions. One of those charities is the US Treasury Department's
> Naitonal Debt Reduction Fund. Yes, the US Treasury is a legitimate
> charity to which Buffett has given voluntarily.

Can you post a link showing that Buffett has gave money, to the
Naitonal Debt Reduction Fund.and how much.

> Obama donated his Nobel award cash (over $1.4MM) to several charities.
> I wish we were all capable of equaling the philanthropy of Obama and/
> or Buffett for which they receive next to zero in tax benefits.  As
> Buffett told his children: "When I die you will have enough to do
> whatever you want but you will not have enough to do nothing."

Obama is a good man, Romney is also a good man and right now I want
neither one for President.

Both Obama and Romney gave a lot of money to chanties. Lots of rich
people with money give it to charity just look at all the foundations
set up by them to give away their money. Look at the beginning of most
PBS shows and see the list of all the foundations paying for those

Now the test is not how much you make, but how you use your money? So
someone rich that now pays 15%-22% in taxes is OK because that's their
fair share because they use their money in a certain way while another
that does not use their money that way is not paying their fair share?
So when Buffet and Obama say that the rich are not paying fair share,
do they mean only certain rich that don't use their money the way they
agree? Let's say I made 2 million dollars last year and gave a million
away should I pay like 22% on that million left over while another guy
that made a million and gave nothing away should he pay 30% on his

Almost all of us capable of equaling the philanthropy of Obama and or
Buffett. A kid that makes $ 10 cutting grass and sends away $5 to some
charity is his philanthropy equal to that of Obama and or Buffett?

I'm not rich and I'm mostly retired now so my income is limit, but I
give away about 10-12% of my income to a few charities a year. Now
even if Obama gave away double of what he did to chanties he still has
many times the money I have to live on, so does my gifts equal the
philanthropy of Obama and/
or Buffett?

I guess that Obama and Buffett considered all the money they gave away
before they said that the rich don't pay enough and I guess what they
were really saying is except people like us.

Again I think Obama is a good person.


May 12, 2012, 12:37:58 PM5/12/12
Hmm... that's like saying the role of the defense attorney is to prove
the plaintiff's case.

Wait a freakin' minute! You have already said that!


May 12, 2012, 4:30:23 PM5/12/12
This is not a court room. If it was a civil suit and a claim is made,
and a defense attorney answers with a claim then they have to prove
their claim or the plaintiff's case stands. And BTW and claims they
make are subject to discovery and deposition of the defendants.

Frank Kafka

May 14, 2012, 10:06:53 PM5/14/12
But of course they donate. They, together with the Gates foundation et
al, donate to charities outside of the USA, as in africa.

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