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A Day in the Life: 1/13/10

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Jan 13, 2010, 2:28:55 PM1/13/10
Government of the USA in Exile Free Americans Reaching Out to
Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free Via
<<>> January 13, 2010

Millions More US Children in Poverty

by Tom Eley


Global Research<>, January 13, 2010
World Socialist Web Site<>

The bGreat Recessionb of 2008 and 2009 has spread poverty to millions
more US children, according to a recent report by the Brookings
Institute. The report, bThe Effects of the Recession on Child
Poverty,b estimates that a large number of states witnessed marked
increases in child poverty in 2009.

In 2008, one in five US children under age 18 lived in families
below the official poverty level, according to Census Bureau data
released in September 2009. The figure now is significantly higher,
according to Brookings researcher Julia B. Isaacs. The census poverty
statistics for 2008 blag considerably behind current economic
conditions,b Isaacs writes. bJob losses and wage reductions occurring
in 2009 were obviously not captured. In addition, many adverse
events in 2008 were only partially captured.b

The reportbs estimates are based on the rapid increase in the use
of food stamps, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP), which is taken as a fairly accurate predictor of poverty

Between August 2008 and August 2009, food stamp use increased by a
staggering 24 percent, and monthly caseloads increased by 7
millionbfrom 29.5 million to 36.5 million peopleba 24 percent
increase. bThis extraordinary increase means that roughly 3.4 million
more children were receiving SNAP benefits in August 2009 than a
year earlier,b according to Isaacs.

The report states that eight states were likely to have experienced
a bparticularly high riskb of poverty in 2009, breflecting a
combination of high child poverty in 2008 and very high increases
in use of nutrition assistance between 2008 and 2009.b These states,
all in the US South or Southwest, already had child poverty rates
greater than 20 percent in 2008, even prior to the surge in food
stamp use. They are: Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, New
Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The report warns that
both bpublic agencies and private charitiesb will bface significant
strainb in providing aid to these children in the near future.

The bvery highb increase in poverty in these states spells
Depression-level misery for their populations. In Mississippi, for
example, the child poverty rate was 30.4 percent in 2008, or nearly
one in three children. The Brookings report also relies on low
federally-determined official poverty levels. In 2008 this meant
an annual income of $22,000 for a family of four. A more reasonable
measure would doubtless show that the majority of children in states
like Mississippi live in poverty.

Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, and West Virginia
also had child poverty rates greater than 20 percent in 2008, and
saw bhighb increases in food stamp use in 2009. Florida, Idaho,
Maine, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, and Oregon had child poverty
rates of 15 to 20 percent, plus a bvery highb increase in food stamp
use. Washington, Wisconsin, and Vermont had child poverty rates of
below 15 percent, but also saw bvery highb increases in SNAP use.

Twenty other states, including the populous states of California,
New York, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, had child
poverty rates of 15 to 20 percent prior to 2009, but saw bhighb
increases in food stamp use.

bThere is little doubt that poverty is on the increase,b Isaacs
writes, citing a study demonstrating the bparticularly strong impactb
of unemployment on child poverty rates.

Isaacs told the World Socialist Web Site that if the current recession
follows the pattern of other recent recessions, the child poverty
rate will increase for several years. Another Brookings study
released earlier in the year estimated that the national child
poverty rate could climb as high as 25 percent, or one in four, by

bSuch predictions are sobering,b Isaacs concludes, bsince child
poverty rates were higher in the United States than in most other
rich nations even before the onset of the recession.b Isaacs was
referring to a UNICEF (United Nations Childrenbs Fund) report that
found the US next to lastbahead of only the United Kingdombin a
ranking of child well-being, falling behind countries such as
Hungary, Poland, Portugal, and Greece.

There had already been a dramatic increase in poverty among US
children even prior to the economic collapse of 2008 and 2009. This
is confirmed by a new report, bKids Count,b on living conditions
among children in Michigan, once one of the wealthier US states.

The report, compiled by the Michigan League of Human Services (MLHS),
includes data up until 2007 and 2008. Among other findings, it shows
that in 2008 more than 40 percent of Michigan public school children
came from families whose income was low enough to qualify them for
reduced-cost federal lunches, an increase from 30.7 percent just
seven years earlier.

Statewide, 19.3 percent, or about one in five children was poor in
2007, in line with the US national average and an increase from
18.3 percent in 2005. The increase in childhood poverty took place
statewide. In Wayne County, the child poverty rate rose to 31 percent
in 2008. In Saginaw County, 25.8 percent of children were poor. In
sparsely populated Baraga County on the Upper Peninsula, the child
poverty rate increased to 21.3 percent. Even in suburban Oakland
County, the wealthiest county in the state, the childhood poverty
rate increased to 11 percent in 2007 from 8.6 percent in 2005.

Increasing poverty correlates to an increase in both confirmed and
investigated cases of abuse and neglect of children, according to
the report, noting a deterioration of 16 percent in confirmed cases
of neglect and abuse in Michigan between 2000 and 2008.

bKids in Michigan are bearing the brunt of our economic crisis,b
Judy Putnam of the MLHS told the WSWS. bWe know this is only going
to go worse as the data becomes available,b citing the rapid increase
in unemployment in Michigan beginning in 2008.

Putnam noted that the state government is pushing its fiscal burden
onto children at a moment of acute need. bWebre cutting funding
from education, preschool, and mental health right when children
need the most help,b she said.

Putnam fears that in the coming years social services in Michigan
could face drastic funding cuts after stopgap funding from the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expires. bThe funding cliff
is in 2011, and it doesnbt look at all certain that Congress will
make new money availableb to the states, she said.

================================================== Breaking News
and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government 12 Jan 2010 All links are here:

Iraq invasion violated international law, Dutch inquiry
--Investigation into the Netherlands' support for 2003 war finds
military action was not justified under UN resolutions 12 Jan 2010
The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a violation of international law,
an independent inquiry in the Netherlands has found. In a damning
series of findings on the decision of the Dutch government to support
Tony Blair and George Bush in the strategy of regime change in Iraq,
the inquiry found the action had "no basis in international law".
The 551-page report, published today and chaired by former Dutch
supreme court judge Willibrord Davids, said UN resolutions in the
1990s prior to the outbreak of war gave no authority to the invasion.

Campbell: Blair wrote letters to Bush in 2002 saying 'we are with
you' on
--Letters raised prospect of British military backing for US, Tony
Blair's former director of communications tells Chilcot inquiry 12
Jan 2010 Tony Blair wrote a series of private letters to George
Bush in 2002 assuring him "we are absolutely with you" in making
sure Iraq disarmed and raising the prospect of British military
backing, Alastair Campbell said today. But the former Downing Street
director of communications, giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry
into the war, said that the then-prime minister was hopeful of a
peaceful resolution until the eve of the 2003 invasion.

Occupiers kill several Afghans at demo, locals
say<> 13
Jan 2010 Locals say troops of the US-led alliance have killed at
least eight Afghan civilians at a demonstration organized to protest
against the alliance forces' desecration of the Holy Quran. The
mortalities were caused by fire from the alliance forces during the
demonstration, which about 2,000 people attended, in the southern
province of Helmand, locals said on Tuesday, the German news agency
DPA reported. Residents said the troops had stormed a house and
destroyed copies of the Muslim holy book in a local mosque in the
province's Garmsir district on Sunday. "We have proof that they
destroyed our Holy Quran. We can show it to [President Hamid]
Karzai's government or the foreign forces," said resident Habibullah

'Afghan and international forces opened fire on us.' 'Afghan deaths
in Nato
13 Jan 2010 Villagers in southern Afghanistan have claimed that
Afghan and Nato forces killed 13 demonstrators after a group of
people took to the streets to protest the alleged desecration of
the Quran. Residents in Garmsir district of Helmand province on
Tuesday said that Nato-led forces raided a house in the area on
Sunday and destroyed copies of the holy book in a local mosque.
Haji Abdul Manan, one of the protesters, told the German Press
Agency, DPA: "The people came out of their homes today to protest
this action of foreign forces in a peaceful way, but the Afghan and
international forces opened fire on us." He said more than 20 others
were wounded in the firing.

Iran accuses US, Israel in nuclear scientist
murder<> 12
Jan 2010 Iran's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that it has found
traces of US and Israel's involvement in the assassination of an
Iranian nuclear physics scientist. Professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi,
a lecturer at Tehran University, was killed by a booby-trapped
motorbike blast in the Iranian capital earlier in the day. The
explosion took place near the professor's home in the Qeytariyeh
neighborhood of northern Tehran... Mohammad Marandi, a professor
at Tehran University, told Press TV that Ali-Mohammadi's colleagues
at the capital's most prestigious university believe the attack was
orchestrated by the West.

Iraqis say they were forced to take Blackwater
11 Jan 2010 Several victims of a 2007 shooting involving American
private security guards employed by the firm formerly known as
Blackwater alleged Sunday that they were coerced into reaching
settlements, and they demanded that the Iraqi government intervene
to have the agreements nullified. The Iraqis said they were pressured
by their own attorneys into accepting what they now believe are
inadequate settlements because they were told the company was about
to file for bankruptcy, that its chairman was going to be arrested
and that the U.S. government was about to confiscate all of the
firm's assets. This would be their last chance to get any compensation,
the victims said they were told.

Federal Judge Orders Release of Sealed Court Papers in Blackwater
11 Jan 2010 A federal judge in Washington is planning to release
hundreds of pages of transcripts from sealed hearings in the
governmentbs prosecution of five former Blackwater Worldwide security
guards, saying there is no justification for keeping the information
secret indefinitely. Judge Ricardo Urbina of the U.S. District Court
for the District of Columbia said in a ruling Jan. 7 that the
transcripts, from three weeks of closed-door hearings in October,
will be released to the public Feb. 2--the day after the deadline
for the Justice Department to file an appeal in the case to challenge
the dismissal of charges.


World Health Organization to Review Swine Flu Response

By Imogen Foulkes BBC News correspondent in Geneva


Swine had been less deadly than feared

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is to review its handling of
the HIN1 swine flu pandemic, once it is over.

The WHO has been facing charges from some European politicians that
it exaggerated the dangers of swine flu.

More than 12,700 people worldwide have died from H1N1 - but the
virus has turned out to less deadly than feared.

However, the WHO initially urged rapid development of treatments
and vaccines, fearing the virus had the potential to kill millions.

As a result wealthy countries spent billions on medicines which
many believe are now unnecessary.

Across Europe, governments are trying to resell their stockpiles
of swine flu vaccine.

The Council of Europe is planning an investigation, to begin later
this month, into whether pharmaceutical companies influenced public
health officials to spend money unnecessarily.

In Geneva, a WHO spokeswoman acknowledged there were questions to
be answered.

She said the the review of its management of the pandemic would be
conducted with independent experts, and the results would be made

However, the review will not begin until the pandemic itself is
declared over - and that could still be months away.


NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this, which implies that, yes, the
collapse is a civilizational one. This feeling grows stronger when
you add the info about US military suicides directly below and the
info from Denmark below that. --- kl, pp

From: Paul de Burgh-Day
Date: 29.12.2009 11:36 AM

Forecast for 2010

By James Howard Kunstler

"The Center Does Not Hold . . . But Neither Does the Floor"

How dysfunctional is our nation? These days, we lie to ourselves
perhaps as badly the Soviets did, and in a worse way, because where
information is concerned we really are a freer people than they
were, so our failure is far less excusable, far more disgraceful.
That you are reading this blog is proof that we still enjoy free
speech in this country, whatever state of captivity or foolishness
the so-called "mainstream media" may be in. By submitting to lies
and illusions, therefore, we are discrediting the idea that freedom
of speech and action has any value. How dangerous is that?

Where We Are Now

2009 was the Year of the Zombie. The system for capital formation
and allocation basically died but there was no funeral. A great
national voodoo spell has kept the banks and related entities like
Fannie Mae and the dead insurance giant AIG lurching around the
graveyard with arms outstretched and yellowed eyes bugged out,
howling for fresh infusions of blood... er, bailout cash, which is
delivered in truckloads by the Federal Reserve, which is itself a
zombie in the sense that it is probably insolvent. The government
and the banks (including the Fed) have been playing very complicated
games with each other, and the public, trying to pretend that they
can all still function, shifting and shuffling losses, cooking their
books, hiding losses, and doing everything possible to detach the
relation of "money" to the reality of productive activity.

But nothing has been fixed, not even a little. Nothing has been
enforced. No one has been held responsible for massive fraud. The
underlying reality is that we are a much less affluent society than
we pretend to be, or, to put it bluntly, that we are functionally
bankrupt at every level: household, corporate enterprise, and
government (all levels of that, too).

The difference between appearance and reality can be easily seen
in the everyday facts of American economic life: soaring federal
deficits, real unemployment above 15 percent, steeply falling tax
revenues, massive state budget crises, continuing high rates of
mortgage defaults and foreclosures, business and personal bankruptcies
galore, cratering commercial real estate, dying retail, crumbling
infrastructure, dwindling trade, runaway medical expense, soaring
food stamp applications. Meanwhile, the major stock indices rallied.
What's not clear is whether money is actually going somewhere or
only the idea of "money" is appearing to go somewhere. After all,
if a company like Goldman Sachs can borrow gigantic sums of "money"
from the Federal Reserve at zero interest, why would it not shovel
that money into the burning furnace of a fake stock market rally?
Of course, none of this behavior has anything to do with productive

The theme for 2009 - well put by Chris Martenson - was "extend and
pretend," to use all the complex trickery that can be marshaled in
the finance tool bag to keep up the appearance of a revolving debt
economy that produces profits, interest, and dividends, in spite
of the fact that debt is not being "serviced," i.e. repaid. There
is an awful lot in the machinations of Wall Street and Washington
that is designed deliberately to be as incomprehensible as possible
to even educated people, but this part is really simple: if money
is created out of lending, then the failure to pay back loaned money
with interest kills the system.

That is the situation we are in. ...

This depression will be a classic deleveraging, or resolution of
debt. Debt will either be paid back or defaulted on. Since a lot
can't be paid back, a lot of it will have to be defaulted on, which
will make a lot of money disappear, which will make many people a
lot poorer. President Obama will be faced with a basic choice. He
can either make the situation worse by offering more bailouts and
similar moves aimed at stopping the deleveraging process - that is,
continue what he has been doing, only perhaps twice as much, which
may crash the system more rapidly - or he can recognize the larger
trends in The Long Emergency and begin marshalling our remaining
collective resources to restructure the economy along less complex
and more local lines. Don't count on that.

Of course, this downscaling will happen whether we want it or not.
It's really a matter of whether we go along with it consciously and
intelligently - or just let things slide. Paradoxically and
unfortunately in this situation, the federal government is apt to
become ever more ineffectual in its ability to manage anything, no
matter how many times Mr. Obama comes on television. Does this leave
him as a kind of national camp counselor trying to offer consolation
to the suffering American people, without being able to really
affect the way the "workout" works out? Was Franklin Roosevelt
really much more than an affable presence on the radio in a dark
time that had to take its course and was only resolved by a global
convulsion that left the USA standing in a smoldering field of
prostrate losers?

One wild card is how angry the American people might get. Unlike
the 1930s, we are no longer a nation who call each other "Mister"
and "Ma'am," where even the down-and-out wear neckties and speak a
discernible variant of regular English, where hoboes say "thank
you," and where, in short, there is something like a common culture
of shared values. We're a nation of thugs and louts with flames
tattooed on our necks, who call each other "motherfucker" and are
skilled only in playing video games based on mass murder. The masses
of Roosevelt's time were coming off decades of programmed, regimented
work, where people showed up in well-run factories and schools and
pretty much behaved themselves. In my view, that's one of the reasons
that the US didn't explode in political violence during the Great
Depression of the 1930s - the discipline and fortitude of the
citizenry. The sheer weight of demoralization now is so titanic
that it is very hard to imagine the people of the USA pulling
together for anything beyond the most superficial ceremonies -
placing teddy bears on a crash site. And forget about discipline
and fortitude in a nation of ADD victims and self-esteem seekers.

I believe we will see the outbreak of civil disturbance at many
levels in 2010...


A Sign of Empire Pathology More US military personnel have taken
their OWN lives than have died in action

by Finian Cunningham


Global Research<>, January 12, 2010
Gulf Daily News<>

Here is a shocking statistic that you won't hear in most western
news media: over the past nine years, more US military personnel
have taken their own lives than have died in action in either the
wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. These are official figures from the
US Department of Defence, yet somehow they have not been deemed
newsworthy to report. Last year alone, more than 330 serving members
of the US armed forces committed suicide - more than the 320 killed
in Afghanistan and the 150 who fell in Iraq (see

Since 2001, when Washington launched its so-called war on terror,
there has been a dramatic year-on-year increase in US military
suicides, particularly in the army, which has borne the brunt of
fighting abroad. Last year saw the highest total number since such
records began in 1980. Prior to 2001, the suicide rate in the US
military was lower than that for the general US population; now,
it is nearly double the national average.

A growing number of these victims have been deployed in Iraq or
Afghanistan. What these figures should tell us is that there is
something fundamentally deranged about Washington's "war on terror"
- which is probably why western news media prefer to ignore the
issue. How damning is it about such military campaigns that the
number of US soldiers who take their own lives outnumber those
killed by enemy combatants.

What is even more disturbing is that the official figures only count
victims of suicide among serving personnel. Not included are the
many more veterans - officially classed a civilians - who take their
own lives.

Most likely, these deaths are reported in some small-town newspaper
in "a brief" news item with no context or background as to what
drove these individuals to take their own lives. It is estimated
that the suicide rate among veterans demobbed from fighting in
Afghanistan and Iraq is as high as four times the national average.
The US Department of Veteran Affairs calculates that over 6,000
former service personnel commit suicide every year.

Many of these men have come home to a country they have fought for
only to find no jobs, their homes repossessed by banks that have
enjoyed trillion-dollar bailouts and broken relationships.

Meanwhile, President Obama - the erstwhile peace candidate - has
taken on the role of Commander in Chief with gusto, telling his
countrymen and women that they are fighting a "just war" to "defend
American lives". Only a year ago, he was campaigning for the
presidency on a ticket to end such wars. Now, more than his
predecessor, George W Bush, Obama is committing to wars without
end. How soul-destroying is that for a grunt holed up in a bunker,
with his young family back home probably telling him that they have
just signed up for food stamps? In their guts, these US soldiers
must know - as many other ordinary people around the world do -
that these wars are nothing but a desperate, pathological bid by a
dying power to salvage its crumbling empire - an empire that enriches
a tiny elite and impoverishes the majority. Is it any wonder that
many of them simply lose the will to live?


NOTE: Sorry: I'm slow getting this one to you. -- kl, pp

Letter from climate prisoners in

Copenhagen, January 1st 2010

Something is rotten (but not just) in Denmark. As a matter of fact,
thousands of people have been considered, without any evidence, a
threat to the society. Hundreds have been arrested and some are
still under detention, waiting for judgement or under investigation.
Among them, us, the undersigned.

We want to tell the story from the peculiar viewpoint of those that
still see the sky from behind the bars.

A UN meeting of crucial importance has failed because of several
contradictions and tensions that have shown up during the COP15.
The primary concern of the powerful was the governance of the energy
supply for neverending growth. This was the case whether they were
from the overdeveloped world, like the EU countries or the US, or
from the so-called developing countries, like China or Brazil.

At odds, hundreds of delegates and thousands of people in the streets
have raised the issue that the rationale of life must be (and
actually is) opposed to that of profit. we have strongly affirmed
our will to stop anthropic pressure on the biosphere.

A crisis of the energy paradigm is coming soon. The mechanism of
the global governance have proven to be overwhelmingly precarious.
The powerful failed not only in reaching an agreement on their
internal equilibria but also in keeping the formal control of the

Climate change is an extreme and ultimate expression of the violence
of the capitalistic growth paradigm. People globally are increasingly
showing the willingness of taking the power to rebel against that
violence. we have seen that in Copenhagen, as well as we have seen
that same violence. Hundreds of people have been arrested without
any reason or clear evidence, or for participating in peaceful and
legitimate demonstrations. Even mild examples of civil disobedience
have been considered as a serious threat to the social order.

In response we ask b What order do we threaten and who ordered it?
Is it that order in which we do not any more own our bodies? The
order well beyond the terms of any reasonable bsocial contractb
that we would ever sign, where our bodies can be taken, managed,
constrained and imprisoned without any serious evidence of crime.
Is it that order in which the decision are more and more shielded
from any social conflicts? Where the governance less and less belongs
to people, not even through the parliament? As a matter of fact,
non-democratic organisms like the WTO, the NB, the G-whatever rule
beyond any control.

We are forced to notice that the theatre of democracy is a broken
one as soon as, one approaches the core of the power. That is why
we reclaim the power to the people. We reclaim the power over our
own lives. Above all, we reclaim the power to counter-pose the
rationale of life and of the commons to the rationale of profit.
It may have been declared illegal, but still we consider it fully

Since no real space is left in the broken theatre, we reclaimed our
collective power b Actually we expected it b to speak about the
climate and energy issues. Issues that, for us, involve critical
nodes of global justice, survival of man and energy independence.
We did marching with our bodies.

We prefer to enter the space where the power is locked dancing and
singing. We would have liked to do this at the Bella Center, to
disrupt the session in accord with hundreds of delegates. But we
were, as always, violently hampered by the police. They arrested
our bodies in an attempt to arrest our ideas. we risked our bodies,
trying to protect them just by staying close to each other. We value
our bodies: We need them to make love, to stay together and to enjoy
life. They hold our brains, with beautiful bright ideas and views.
They hold our hearts filled with passion and joy. Nevertheless, we
risked them. we risked our bodies getting locked in prisons.

In fact, what would be the worth of thinking and feeling if the
bodies did not move? Doing nothing, letting-it-happen, would be the
worst form of complicity with the business that wanted to hack the
UN meeting. At the COP15 we moved, and we will keep moving.

Exactly like love, civil disobedience can not just be told. We must
make it, with our bodies. Otherwise, we would not really think about
what we love, and we would not really love what we think about.
Itbs as simple as that. Itbs a matter of love, justice and dignity.

How the COP15 has ended proves that we were right. Many of us are
paying what is mandatory for an obsessive, pervasive and total
repression: To find a guilty at the cost of inventing it (along
with the crime perhaps).

We are detained with evidently absurd accusations about either
violences that actually did not take place or conspiracies and
organizing of law-breaking actions.

We do not feel guilty for having shown, together with thousands,
the reclamation of the independence of our lives from profitbs rule.
If the laws oppose this, it was legitimate to peacefully b but still
conflictually b break them.

We are just temporarily docked, ready to sail again with a wind
stronger than ever. Itbs a matter of love, justice and dignity.

* Luca Tornatore, Italian social centres network bsee you in

* Natasha Verco, Climate Justice Action * Johannes Paul Schul
Meyer * Arvip Peschel * Christian Becker * Kharlanchuck Dzmitry
* Cristoph Lang * Anthony Arrabal


NOTE: These two writers deserve your careful attention because
they speak not just with their tongues but rather with their entire
bodies. -- kl, pp Published on Monday,
January 11, 2010 by<>

Carbon Trading Nonsense

by Rachel Smolker & Gary Houser

History has seen attempts to commodify land, food, labor, forests,
water, genes and ideas...carbon trading follows in the footsteps
of this history and turns the earth's carbon cycling capacity into
property to be bought and sold in a global market. Through this
process of creating a new commodity, carbon, the earth's ability
and capacity to support a climate conducive to life and human
societies is now passing into the same corporate hands that are
destroying the climate.

--from the Durban Declaration on Climate

For those paying attention to the unfolding disaster of climate
change, last year ended with a hideous thud. The Copenhagen debacle
which resulted in a largely meaningless "accord", left many climate
activists shattered and desperately in need of a stiff drink on New
Years Eve. For others, however, spirits remain high as the politics
of climate disaster represent profitable new opportunities.

Many of these people, representing some of the most powerful
institutions and industries in the world, will get together this
week to see just how ( and how much) they can squeeze out of the
Earth's impending woes. On January 12th and 13th - within the
conference rooms of the Embassy Suites Hotel in New York City - the
Second Annual Carbon
Summit<> will
convene, bringing together representatives from industry, finance,
government, and the corporate environmental groups.

Inside the summit, these monied interests will be enthusiastically
discussing how to best take advantage of the emerging carbon markets.
Marketing carbon involves cap and trade and/or offsets. Under a
'cap and trade' system, (like the one in the House climate bill and
the pending Senate version), polluters are required to cap emissions
at a certain level, declining over time. Permits to pollute are
then proferred (handed out for free or auctioned) to the carbon-emitting
industries. This scheme enables a company that cannot easily reduce
emissions in accordance with the level of the cap, to instead buy
(or "Trade") the excess permits from another company that can comply
with the cap.

When permits are unavailable or too pricey, industries can instead
pay someone else somewhere else - so the theory goes - to lower
emissions on their behalf; these are the "Offsets". In reality,
and despite whatever good intentions, offsets do not reduce emissions.
At best they simply move emissions from one place to another. Often
they provide support for destructive practices like palm oil
plantations and provide a smokescreen for ongoing pollution.

Unfortunately, theory and practice in carbon markets simply do not
jive. We have plenty of evidence that marketing carbon doesn't work
to reduce emissions. Worse yet, it impedes real solutions. And
perhaps worst of all, it leads to the commodification of things
like pollution rights, forests, soils, agriculture, biodiversity
and water resources. It puts a "market price" on those things that
should belong to the "global commons". It turns our most vital
resources into nothing more than the property of wealthy, polluting
multi-national corporations.

A Proven Failure | Green Allies

The EU experiment with a carbon trade system has been soundly
declared a failure. Over-allocation of permits, free permit giveaways,
overblown estimates of baseline emissions, cheating, and the passing
of permit costs to ratepayers have all contributed to the failure.
According to a Citigroup report, it failed to reduce emissions and
resulted in huge profits to polluters at the expense of consumers.

The Kyoto Protocol similarly relies on carbon trading through the
Clean Development Mechanism. That hasn't worked either. Since Kyoto
came into effect, between 2000 and 2005, emissions have not gone
down, but rather increased by about 3.2%. Many countries have utterly
failed to fulfill their obligations. Analysis of the projects funded
through CDM reveals that the majority - around 60% - were projects
such as large hydroelectric dams (many in China) that had already
begun construction or were even completed prior to receiving CDM
support. In other words, nothing was gained and no emissions were
reduced, just more business as usual.

Business as usual is, of course, just what businesses want. For the
polluters, out of all the options for dealing with the pesky problem
of warming, trading permits to pollute is least likely to hurt their
bottom lines. Even more sinister, however, is its potential to
reap huge profits. There are a number of ways to profit from the
carbon markets. Just one example: The U.S. is pushing hard to include
agriculture and forestry practices as eligible offsets both nationally
and internationally. Such prospects would be a financial windfall
for Big Ag firms like Archers Daniel Midland and Monsanto. One of
the more absurd manifestations is Canada's proposal to claim their
boreal forest as an "offset" excuse for ongoing tar sands extraction.

For financiers, the prospects of a trillion dollar market to manage,
broker and manipulate is positively titillating. Goldman Sachs will
be present at the summit, eager to have their foot in the carbon
game when things get moving. Already facing a congressional inquiry
for their role in the dubious sport of derivative trading and credit
default swaps, they will not be denied their place at the carbon-trading
trough. Coincidentally, Goldman's offices are across the street
from the Embassy Suites in Manhattan. It is also interesting to
note that the main venue for carbon trading in the US - the Chicago
Climate Exchange - is the brainchild of the same person, Richard
Sandor (also slated for appearance at this event), who was instrumental
in devising the whole concept of hedge funds and market speculation.
The potential $3 trillion market in carbon could provide a huge new
opportunity for exactly the kind of market gaming that brought us
the recent financial collapse. (If you think a housing bubble is
bad, just wait until these players start gambling on things that
don't even have a home address, for example: top soil that doesn't
get turned, trees that are not cut down, or carbon molecules).

The drumbeat for cap and trade has been carried forward with the
aquiescence of some of the mainstream corporate "environmental"
groups. These "big greens" - like the Environmental Defense Fund
and the NRDC - have adopted a modus operandi whose focus is to
ensure that the business community is happy and cooperative. Whether
or not the policies they advocate actually do the job in terms of
protecting the environment is secondary. And their payrolls reflect
that cozy relationship with polluters. Unfortunately, ordinary
Americans assume that these groups are actually representing the
interests of the environmentalists, and the sheer size of these
groups enables them to have a dominant voice on environmental policy
in Washington. USCAP, a partnership between EDF, NRDC and some of
the world's worst polluters, laid out the architecture, based on
carbon trade, that was the framework for the US climate bill now
going through process.

Beyond Market Solutions | Climate Justice

Outside of the carbon trade summit this week, leading climate
scientist, James
will discuss his perspective his perspective that the physical
processes driving the climate toward irreversible tipping points
of runaway warming simply do not allow humanity enough time to waste
on failed policies. He will be presenting an "open letter" to the
chairperson of the conference that argues for true solutions rather
than the disastrous distraction embodied in carbon trading. Ultimately,
he suggests, that the US climate bill, because of its reliance on
cap and trade, would be "worse for the environment than doing

A growing cadre of people who study the issues are calling for a
carbon tax and dividend as a better approach, a position supported
by the Office of Management and Budget<>
(OMB) and even many in the business community. But figuring out how
to best "price carbon" is only a piece of what needs to happen.
Outside the carbon trade summit, alongside Dr. Hansen, will be
Father Paul Mayer, cofounder of the Climate Crisis
Coalition<>, and an outspoken
leader of the religious community who also strongly opposes carbon
trade on the grounds that it won't work and is unjust.

The issue of justice is central to the opposition to carbon markets.
Protestors on the streets in Copenhagen called for "climate justice
now" and "system change not climate change". With the gross
inequities that leave billions starving in dire poverty, while a
small portion of humanity gobbles resources and spews greenhouse
gases, it seems unlikely that marketing carbon will resolve the
problems. The power structures that have created those inequities,
and made such a mess of our planet must be challenged if we are to
have a chance at a liveable future. We will have to address the
roots of the problem.

This commodification of the commons lies at the heart of opposition
to carbon trade. If we allow our forests, farms, livelihoods, and
the Earth's rich biodiversity to be sucked into a "carbon market"
we turn over our most precious wealth - that which literally sustains
life - to polluters, financiers, and speculators. Marketing carbon
will only make inequities worse, and perpetuate the damage already
done by a system that values consumption over sanity and greed over

A Positive Failure | Next Step

The failure of "world leaders" in Copenhagen last month had one
unexpected, yet grand, consequence. It made clear, with stark
revelation, that those so-called leaders who gathered in the halls
were not yet ready to admit what has become so strikingly clear to
those brave climate activists who came together outside: We cannot
spend, or consume, or manipulate our way out of this mess; We must
take account of our behavior and make the radical shifts that the
problem demands. As you will see exhibited again this week in New
York, there is increasingly more wisdom, knowledge, and maturity
outside on the cold streets than exhibited in the warm conference
rooms of the world.

Agreement or no agreement, climate bill or no climate bill, nothing
will change for the better until we move beyond market fundamentalism.
We must accept that we will have to consume much less, pay our
ecological debt, respect the developing world, redefine our power
structures, our relationships to nature and with one another. Let's
get over this carbon trade nonsense and get on with it!

To learn more about these issues you can visit the Climate Crisis
Coalition<>, Climate
SOS<>, or the Carbon Tax

You can learn more about protests and actions at the Carbon Summit
in New York, here<>.

Rachel Smolker is codirector of
Biofuelwatch<>, and an organizer
with Climate SOS<>. She has a Ph.D. in
behavioral ecology from the University of Michigan and worked as a
field biologist before turning to activism. She is the daughter of
Environmental Defense Fund cofounder, Robert Smolker, and she engaged
in direct action at EDF offices to oppose their advocacy for carbon
trade. She has written on the topic of bioenergy, carbon trade and
climate justice. She was arrested protesting outside the Chicago
Climate Exchange in November as part of the Mobilization for Climate
Justice day<> of actions, which
she wrote<> about for

Gary Houser is a public interest writer and an activist with Climate
SOS<>. Smolker and Houser both took part
in a nonviolent blockade of the Chicago Climate Exchange on Nov.30,
viewable here<>.


Chile Apologizes over Treatment of Indigenous People


Chile's president said the government had been guilty of neglect

Chile's president has apologised to the descendants of a group of
indigenous people who were shipped to Europe in the late 19th Century
and exhibited.

The remains of five Kawesqar Indians, from the country's southernmost
region, were honoured in a ceremony after being flown back to the

Taken in 1881, they were displayed as curiosities in European cities.

President Michelle Bachelet said the government had been guilty of
"neglect in the face of such abuses".

"As we near the bicentennial of our independence, we have to confront
both the brightest points and the darkest moments of our history,"
she said in Santiago.

She said the mistreatment of the indigenous people was due to racist
attitudes towards "our indigenous forefathers, whose human dignity
was trampled upon".

The bones were discovered in the Swiss city of Zurich where they
had been kept for more than a century.

The five, who died there - some of tuberculosis - were among a group
of 11 tribespeople captured by German explorers in 1881.

Six were allowed eventually to return to Chile and one died during
the voyage home.

From Santiago, the remains of the five who died in Europe were flown
to Punta Arenas, in the far south of Chile.

They will be buried in a traditional indigenous ceremony at a remote
island close to Tierra del Fuego.


Posted: Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:11 PM Filed Under: Bangkok,
Thailand<> Lonely
battle against Thailandbs rising tides By NBC News' Warangkana

SAMUT SAKORN, Thailand b Some people envied Voraphol Duanglomchan
for living so close to nature.

His house stood on a muddy shore, overlooking the seemingly infinite
sea of the Gulf of Thailand. At night he was lulled to sleep by
rolling waves. It was all nice and romantic until one day the lullaby
stopped, and he woke up to his worst nightmare.

The initially benign-seeming waves led to a series of storms that
torn his house apart plank by plank. At first Voraphol tried to
repair the damage after each storm. But after four years, he finally
gave up and abandoned the house before it crumbled.

Today, solitary poles are the only thing left where his house once
stood. During the two decades since Vorapholbs house was destroyed,
he has seen almost 800 yards of land in his village erode. And he
has watched as dozens of households in neighboring seaside communities
have been forced to relocate further inland every three to five

VIDEO: Battling rising tides with

"I began to question how often we would have to move," he said.

Voraphol, 49, decided to fight back. With a background in fine art,
Voraphol had little expertise in physics or engineering, so he
learned what he could by observing how other communities battled
the tides.

He found that breakwaters b structures that reduce wave intensity
and allow trapped sediments to build up b were widely adopted in
Thailand. Most of the time, the breakwaters were made from cement
poles, crushed rocks or sandbags. But with limited money, Voraphol
experimented with cheaper, unconventional materials until he found
the right one: old bamboos ready to be thrown away by farmers.

He tied bamboo poles together like screens and erected them in the
seabed. While the round contour of the bamboo softens the force of
the waves, the space between each pole allows sediments to permeate
and pile up behind the bamboo screens. The use of bamboo offered
an innovative local solution to tackle a growing national problem.

Rising tides

Thailand's 23 coastal provinces are facing severe erosion; already
one-fifth of the country's coastline has been eroded over the last
30 years, according to Dr. Thanawat Jarupongsakul, a geography
professor at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, who has been
researching on coastal erosion since the 1990s.

Samut Sakorn, Voraphol's province, is located 20 miles south of
Bangkok on the Chao Phraya River Delta and ranks in the top five
of the countrybs worst-hit provinces. Thanawat says that both nature
and humankind have contributed to coastal erosion.

Warangkana Chomchuen/ NBC News / Warangkana Chomchuen/ NBC News A
series of Voraphol's bamboo screens seen in the seabed.

Fiercer monsoon seasons, twice annually, have driven waves to rise
as high as 13 feet, while human actions, like upstream damming,
have decreased sediment supply, he said. Also, Bangkok and other
metropolitan areas have been sinking due to underground water
pumping. And the destruction of mangrove forests in order to pave
the way for shrimp and salt farms has hastened erosion.

As a result, Thailandbs sea level has been rising at a rate of 30
millimeters a year, more than 10 times higher than the world average,
according to Thanawat.

"Currently we are losing 30 yards of coastal area every year, a big
jump from five yards 40 years ago," said Thanawat. "If we donbt
have any measures in place, itbs possible that by 2030 Thailand
will lose twice as much."

bPopular wisdom that worksb

Vorapholbs use of bamboo to fight the rising water raised eyebrows
initially, but not funding. Government agencies were reluctant to
support his idea, saying they had no concrete evidence that it would

"I felt dejected. People thought I was crazy," Voraphol said. "For
years itbs been like that, despair and hope. But I carried on.
Someone has to do it."

His best shot arrived at a national conference on coastal erosion
a few years ago. After reviewing the data he had collected, academics
at the conference thought his idea seemed sound. It wasnbt long
before a government agency, the Department of Marine and Coastal
Resources, decided to grant Voraphol financial and technical support,
enabling him to expand the bamboo barrier to three rows stretching
more than a mile along the shore.

"We can see that in the past two years trapped sediments behind the
bamboo rows have reached 3-feet high and added up 100 yards of
land," said Nitat Poovatanakul, the departmentbs deputy chief.

"Itbs a popular wisdom that works. It was initiated and accepted
by the locals, which is essentially a good start for sustainable
development," added Nitat.

Hundreds of mangrove saplings were planted behind each bamboo row,
with the hope that in the next four to five years the new mangrove
forests will act as buffer zone.

Now, people stop by to talk to Voraphol, learn about his project
and debate whether or not the bamboo barrier will work for their
own community. At the very least, they get encouragement from

"I believe if we have the power to destroy nature, we should be
able to rebuild it too," said Voraphol. "We donbt necessarily need
a complex method. We just need to understand the nature itself."


NOTE: It's likely now that the first nation with a majority of its
citizens hip to 9/11 Truth will be a non-Occidental one. Asahi is
a huge mainstream publication. -- kl, pp

From: C Loverain <<>>
Date: January 13, 2010 10:44:42 AM GMT-05:00 To: 911Truth Australia
Subject: Weekly Asahi printed Richard Gage's take on the towers
collapse Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Weekly Asahi printed Richard
Gage's take on the towers
This is the ads they put on trains,

Left in white letters with black in the back says:

"Now revealed 9/11 NY Terror Mystery" in big font.

Then in yellow letters say,

"The cause of the WTC buildings collapse was not the shock of the
plane crash!"

American architects group analysis leads to a shocking conclusion...

And its cover, Weekly Asahi January 22, 2010 issue (They start
selling earlier than the date of the issue)

On the top, it says:

9/11 Mystery The cause of the collapse of the buildings "WAS NOT

And the article itself - FOUR PAGES LONG!!



It explains what Richard has been saying very fairly, though it
comments on the claim of the Architectural Institute of Japan which
basically supports the official line as well as Associate Prof.
Isobe of Tsukuba University<>
who did research and once
concluded<> the spring
back phenomenon, weak junction area (compared with Japanese buildings)
and the plane crash shock caused the collapse.

Richard actually met Prof. Isobe while on his visit in Japan. I
heard Prof. Isobe said that there are many things he didn't know,
and he also said to Richard,

"I don't disagree with you."

So, I'm actually hoping he will reach the same conclusion as Richard
has in the near future. ;o)


Thank you those real and courageous journalists and the Editor in
Chief who allowed this to happen!!

Posted by Aus911Truth


NOTE: This is just the conclusion of a long important piece at
<>. ---
kl, pp


Although this essay has focused on details, often minute, in merely
one aspect of the official account of 9/11, the implications are
enormous. Without the widespread assumption that the 9/11 attacks
had been planned and carried out by al-Qaeda, the wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq would not have been possible. With regard to the war in
Afghanistan in particular, Michel Chossudovsky has recently emphasized
the fact that NATObs decision to support this US-led war was based
on a briefing by Frank Taylor of the US State Department, in which
he provided what was called conclusive evidence of al-Qaedabs
responsibility for the attacks.121 Although the contents of Taylorbs
briefing have never been made public, the main evidence provided
to the general public has consisted of the hijack-describing phone
calls reportedly received from passengers and flight attendants
aboard the airliners. But when subjected to a detailed analysis,
these alleged phone calls, far from supporting the war-justifying
story, lead to a very different conclusion: that these alleged calls
were faked. This analysis thereby suggests that the entire 9/11
story used to justify the US-led wars is a lie.

If asked which part of the official story can be most definitively
shown to be false, I would speak not of the alleged phone calls but
of the destruction of the World Trade Center, the official account
of which says that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 came down without the
aid of pre-set explosives. Given the fact that this theory involves
massive violations of basic laws of physics, the evidence against
it is so strong as to be properly called proof b as I have recently
emphasized in a book-length critique of the official report on WTC
7 in particular.122

Nevertheless, the importance of the evidence against the official
account provided by analyzing the alleged phone calls should not
be minimized. If the official story is false, then we should expect
every major dimension of it to be false b which, as I have emphasized
in another recent book, can be seen to be the case.123 It is this
cumulative argument that provides the strongest disproof of the
official, war-justifying account of 9/11. The evidence that the
alleged phone calls from the airliners were faked is an important
part of this cumulative argument.124

David Ray Griffin is professor emeritus at Claremont School of
Theology and Claremont Graduate University. He is the author of The
New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration
and 9/11
, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions -- A
Critique of the Kean-Zelikow
as well as Osama Bin Laden: Dead or


NOTE: The initiative cited below to take 9/11 Truth to those blamed
for 9/11 so they have the real story is quite encouraging. Hats
off to Kee Dewdney and Kevin Barrett. -- kl, pp

From: C Loverain <<>>
Date: January 13, 2010 6:51:37 AM GMT-05:00 To: 911Truth Australia
Subject: Tuesday on F&B: Math and Science Polymath & 9/11 Truth
Researcher A.K. Dewdney


________________________________ Subject: Tuesday on F&B: Math and
Science Polymath & 9/11 Truth Researcher A.K. Dewdney Date: Mon,
11 Jan 2010 19:11:24 -0600

Tomorrow, Tuesday 1/12/10 on Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett,
9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon - 1 pm Eastern),
, to be archived a few hours later at :

Math and Science Polymath & 9/11 Truth Researcher A.K. Dewdney

[cid:EF7CBAA0-D2DC-4926-8CAA-13062ACDC05F@local] Professor A.K.
Dewdney is one of the world's scientific notables. He took over
Martin Gardner's column in Scientific American when Gardner retired,
and has done important work in several fields. Dewdney founded
SPINE<>, the first scholarly 9/11 truth
research group. His Project Achilles experiments proved that the
alleged cell phone calls from hijacked passengers on 9/11 were
bogus. Currently I am working with A.K. Dewdney, who is also a
Muslim, in a project to urgently warn the world's Muslims that it
is time to stand up for 9/11 truth and expose the "war on terror"
as a hoax. The co-founders of Muslims for 9/11 Truth, Dr. Dewdney and I are distributing
thousands of copies of our letter "Warning of a Global War on
Islam<>" to mosques and Islamic organizations

Ila-l fath da'iman! (Arabic for "hasta la victoria siempre!") Kevin
Barrett Author, Questioning the War on
Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters:


From: Stephen Leiper <<>>
Date: January 11, 2010 5:28:36 PM GMT-05:00 Subject: BBC slide show
of "contrails" turning into clouds -- note the spiral


NOTE: This is perhaps the largest selection of cogent videos
available. -- kl, pp

From: rodney robinson <<>>
Date: January 9, 2010 3:53:41 AM GMT-05:00 Subject: check this out


From: Rick Davis <<>> Date:
January 10, 2010 8:00:03 PM GMT-05:00 Subject: News links, January
11, 2009

Today's highlights: China and West jockey for position in Gulf of
Aden region; looming industrial unrest; rockets fired on India-Pakistan
border; oil supply agreement still eludes Russia and Belarus;
foreclosures start in Dubai

Obama's Yemeni odyssey targets
China<> (a
good read) "Most important for US global strategies will be the
massive gain of control of the port of Aden in Yemen."

INTERVIEW-UK navy chief says navies won't eradicate
"Asked if China would overtake Britain's navy, Stanhope said: 'China
in scale is almost inevitability going to get bigger than we are
if you count ship for ship, submarine for submarine.'"

Defiant Yemen tells US soldiers to keep
Yemen offers to strike a deal with al-Qaeda

Oil talks fail between Russia, Belarus: news

Rockets fired in India-Pakistan border

Elite Iran forcebs rise may limit U.S.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard gains
Israeli general Brigadier-General Uzi Eilam denies Iran is nuclear

Industrial unrest looms over

Study: Batteries b and EVs b Wonbt Get Cheaper Anytime

bAfghan Insurgency Can Sustain Itself Indefinitelyb: Top U.S. Intel
Rockets hit US consulate site in west
Warlord calls the shots over Afghanistan military
transport<> "An Afghan
warlord has told Radio Netherlands that he is receiving money to
protect convoys of army vehicles."

For Shippers, China Still Calls the
China overtakes Germany as biggest
Chinabs December Exports Surge 17.7%, State TV
China Starts Building Strategic Oil Reserve
China 2009 canola imports seen at record 3.2 mln
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in
Cold snap triggers power shortage in China's coal

Is Osama Bin Laden dead or
alive?<> (Only
the Shadow knows)

Flying has become a nightmare thanks to the CIA, not

Blackwater Aiming for Afghan Police Training

Japan: JAL lenders to cave in to bankruptcy
plan-sources<> Japan
Airlines may collapse within

Dubaibs First Foreclosure May Open Floodgates in Worst

Thailand: Battling rising

India: The spectre of farmers'

Singapore hit by container

Venezuela Civil Servants to Work 5-Hour Days Due to Energy
Chavez Devalues Bolivar 50%, First Time Since
Venezuela Says Its Jets Intercepted U.S.

Nigeria may plunge into

UK: McDonald's bid to cut bovine
More snow due as grit stocks
fall<> Will we run
out of gas?<>

Israelis reject George Mitchell loan guarantee

US: California Requests Billions From
Illinois Seeks Foreign Buyers for Pension Debt as Deficit
Zazi associate charged in New York bomb
plot<> UBS
whistleblower Birkenfeld begins prison
Can AIG Be
(former chairman has a few things to say) In Foreclosureville, USA,
so much
Hundreds of thousands of acres of corn still
Heat crunch may put lives at
Question for high court: In terror war, to hell with int'l
The Lie of Law: Courts Bow to State's Raw
(Chris Floyd) Signs of the times: Lithium, rare earths, and airport
scanners are good
As old-timers depart, Congress breaks down under new
dynamics<> bon
appC)tit from USDA: Window cleaning chemical injected into fast
food hamburger
Cybersecurity: Herebs What Really Worries the
Protecting Uncle
(security industry) Forbes interview with Ron
(End the Fed)


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