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HELP WANTED: First call for Jihad against Humanism

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david petry

Apr 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/11/96

The Humanism problem is the most outstanding problem facing America
today. If we have a revolution, but fail to solve the Humanism
problem, the revolution will have been for naught.

Humanism is a disease which has corrupted the soul of our society. We
simply must be willing to do anything and everything necessary to wipe
Humanism off the face of the earth. If it means killing Humanists, so
be it. If it means building gas chambers, so be it. If it leads to the
death of two or three innocent people for every Humanist killed, well,
that's not too high a price to pay for freedom.

On the other hand, if the battle against Humanism were to lead to a
complete breakdown of our society to be followed by the rise of a
brutally oppressive government, then we would be forced to admit that
in retrospect, we should never have started the battle. So we do need
to think carefully about what we're doing.

The issue here is the freedom of religion. Humanism, sometimes known
as "the gay religion", has become the _de facto_ state religion of the
United States. Humanism is the religion which thrives within the
humanities departments and education departments (and to a lesser
extent, the social science departments) of our elite universities. It
has trickled down into all levels of our public school system. It
infests our government. It has corrupted our news media. Those who
dare to question the Humanist doctrine are highly discriminated
against in our schools and in the job market, and they are trashed by
the media.

Humanism is built upon the belief that humans can create their own
morality (i.e. theories of good and evil) and can thereby become their
own gods. Humanism truly is a disease. It corrupts those who embrace
it, and it thrives within the corrupt environment it creates. In the
schools, the Humanists force students to participate in the proFrom: petry)
Newsgroups: misc.activism.militia
Subject: HELP WANTED: First call for Jihad against Humanism

The Humanism problem is the most outstanding problem facing America
today. If we have a revolution, but fail to solve the Humanism
problem, the revolution will have been for naught.

Humanism is a disease which has corrupted the soul of our society. We
simply must be willing to do anything and everything necessary to wipe
Humanism off the face of the earth. If it means killing Humanists, so
be it. If it means building gas chambers, so be it. If it leads to the
death of two or three innocent people for every Humanist killed, well,
that's not too high a price to pay for freedom.

On the other hand, if the battle against Humanism were to lead to a
complete breakdown of our society to be followed by the rise of a
brutally oppressive government, then we would be forced to admit that
in retrospect, we should never have started the battle. So we do need
to think carefully about what we're doing.

The issue here is the freedom of religion. Humanism, sometimes known
as "the gay religion", has become the _de facto_ state religion of the
United States. Humanism is the religion which thrives within the
humanities departments and education departments (and to a lesser
extent, the social science departments) of our elite universities. It
has trickled down into all levels of our public school system. It
infests our government. It has corrupted our news media. Those who
dare to question the Humanist doctrine are highly discriminated
against in our schools and in the job market, and they are trashed by
the media.

Humanism is built upon the belief that humans can create their own
morality (i.e. theories of good and evil) and can thereby become their
own gods. Humanism truly is a disease. It corrupts those who embrace
it, and it thrives within the corrupt environment it creates. In the
schools, the Humanists force students to participate in the process
of becoming gods under the guise of "critical thinking". The Humanist
dogma is that this "critical thinking" is as unimpeachable as science.
But that's bunk; "critical thinking" is built upon lies and paradox.

The Humanists hate freedom. They dogmatically assert that social
problems must be solved through the political process. The special
knowledge that the Humanists have is the knowledge of how to use the
political process to their own advantage. The Humanist dogma teaches
that anyone who wants more freedom than what the Humanist doctrine
allows, is really after the freedom to hate. They arrogantly assert
that their powerful "critical thinking" proves that we should give up
our freedom for the benefit of all mankind, and that anyone who
refuses to compromise his desire for freedom is stubborn and ignorant
and bigoted.

The Humanists sell a utopian dream in exchange for political power.
The Humanists' power lies in the knowledge that they can seduce people
with the temptation that there is something to be gained through
taking away the freedom of others. The Humanists stir up hatred in
the masses, and then offer those masses rationalizations for using the
power of governmental coercion to resolve their grievances. The price
is that everyone loses freedom, and the Humanists gain power.

The roots of Humanism can be traced back at least as far as Plato,
with his idea that having philosopher kings (such as himself) rule
society would lead to utopia. In modern times, the Humanist belief
system has led to communism, socialism, liberalism, and fascism.
Humanism is leading American down a very destructive path.

The Humanists have already destroyed our public schools to the point
where the schools teach nothing well, except perhaps for the Humanist
doctrine. The students who question the Humanist doctrine are verbally
abused and often totally destroyed, and the students who don't resist
are very highly brainwashed indeed.

We've all seen pathetic examples of the Humanist brainwashing. The
college boys come along and dogmatically assert that everyone should
conform to the Humanist/liberal way of thinking which is most
certainly built upon reason. Then they profess their contempt for
Christianity, and they tell us that they independently arrived at
their beliefs through deep, original, critical thinking - just like
they learned in college. And then they use what I mockingly call the
"critical thinker's adjectives" to describe anyone who questions their
wisdom. Those who question the wisdom of a critical thinker are
stupid, lying, hypocritical, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic,
bigoted, simple minded, closed minded, shallow, arrogant,
superficial, irrational, inconsistent, anti-thinking,
anti-intellectual, hate-filled right-wing nuts. The college boys seem
to think than being able to use the critical thinker's adjectives
raises their I.Q.'s by 30 points.

If society would simply recognize that Humanism is a religion, then we
could solve the Humanism problem simply by applying the laws which
keep religion separate from the government and out of the schools.
But the Humanists have succeeded in convincing a majority of the
population that Humanism is not a religion on the grounds that the
Humanist doctrine is not built around the word "god". So let's take a
closer look at what religion is.

In essence, a religion is a prescriptive theory of Human behavior. It
attempts to answer the questions of how people should behave, what
things they should value, and how they should cope with the stresses
in life. And those are exactly the questions the Humanists address.

To be more complete, a religion consists of a social dominance
hierarchy, a collection of rules for determining one's place in the
hierarchy, a collection of myths which justify the dominance
hierarchy, a collection of rituals which foster camaraderie among the
members of the religion and reinforce the dominance hierarchy, rules
of behavior for attaining and maintaining status in the dominance
hierarchy, prescriptive rules to help one determine how one should
behave socially, coping mechanisms to help people deal with the stress
induced from adhering to the prescriptive rules, special knowledge and
jargon which helps members identify each other and reinforces the
belief that outsiders are somehow inferior, and a "world view" which
includes both a way of thinking about the world in which the other
aspects of the religion fit together and "make sense", and the rules
of logic which one should use to determine whether something "makes

I think the reader can ascertain for himself that Humanism has every
feature of religion that I have mentioned. And I would argue that my
list of features is quite complete. The concept of "god" is a red
herring when defining the word "religion". Let me explain why.

What is the talk of gods, angels, spirits, devils, heaven, hell, love
and hate all about? From an objective point of view, it is a
conceptual aid (i.e. a formal system, or a collection of
abstractions) which helps one reason about human behavior and the
human condition. It's a language in which beliefs about how humans
should behave can be encoded and transmitted (in particular,
transmitted from generation to generation).

The Humanists claim that since they don't share the language of what
are termed "conventional" religions, their belief system should not be
classified as a religion, and hence they should be given special
legal privileges. They claim that the constitution does not provide us
with protections from forced Humanist indoctrination, simply because
the Humanists' language does not include the word "god".

In other words, although that language of "god" is a characteristic
feature of many of the world's religions, it must not be taken as a
defining feature. To do so would trivialize religion and mock the
freedom of religion.

And note that the question of whether the abstractions in religious
language actually "exist" (whatever that might mean) is merely
confused philosophical gibber. That question is not part of religion
in general, and making the assertion that the abstractions do not
exist does not prove that one does not have a religion - it merely
suggests that one is hostile to "conventional" religion.

So we have seen that the Humanists pervert language as a way to
achieve their political objectives. And that is a characteristic
feature of Humanism.

Humanism is perverse. The Humanists argue like shady lawyers. The
Humanists use a distorted, paradoxical, manipulative logic -
doublethink! Deception and confusion and complexity are their weapons.
They play upon people's emotions and fears and insecurities. They
claim that all communication is political in nature. They believe in
a convenient morality. The truth really isn't very important to them;
it's what the jury believes that counts. The Humanist love their
clever theories and smooth rhetoric which hide the ugly truth - the
Humanists have nothing but contempt for the uncouth common man.

In the language of conventional religion, Humanism is Satan's
religion. It's built upon lies and distortions. It's a religion in
which governmental coercion is worshipped as the source of good things
in life - governmental coercion is the Humanist's god! Humanism is
slick and seductive. It puts on a facade of rationality. But it's the
religion of Big Brother. It will deprive us of every freedom and
destroy every hope and dream we might have, and in exchange it will
force upon us the nightmare of a Humanist utopia and it will tell us
that Humanism has given us true freedom.

We have seen many examples in this century of the horrible
consequences of government action based upon Humanist principles. The
Humanist led governments in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, and
Nazi Germany slaughtered tens of millions of people and enslaved
hundreds of millions in an attempt build Humanist utopias. The
Humanists are leading America down that same path. Yes, Hitler was a

So we need to do something about the Humanism problem; the question
is, "what?"

My idea is that if we can raise one whole generation of students free
from Humanist indoctrination, then when those students rise into
positions of power, they will see clearly how to solve the more
general problem of getting rid of the Humanist influences in the laws
and institutions of our society. But how do we get Humanism out of
the schools for one whole generation?

My experience suggests that we will not be able to solved this problem
through rational discourse with the Humanists. The Humanists are not
very rational to begin with, and they refuse to admit there's even a
problem. They like their power and privilege and prestige, and they're
not going to see the point to any argument which suggests they should
give those things up.

The sad fact is that the Humanists have built powerful defense
mechanisms to protect themselves from any ideas or any people that
might threaten their power. They protect themselves with the
"ignorance is strength" doublethink. If we try to explain something to
them, they just repeat "that doesn't make sense to me". And if we show
any signs of frustration in our attempts to communicate with them,
they, jump on our cases and tell us that the frustration we feel is
actually hatred, and then they lay claim to the moral high ground,
destroying any possibility of useful communication. They chase us
(those of us who question Humanist doctrine) out of their schools,
throwing those critical thinker's adjectives at us. Then they look
down their noses at us and tell us we're uneducated.

We also cannot expect any help from the government. Our government has
been corrupted by Humanism. Simply by being in control over who gets
through the school system, the Humanists have enormous control over
who is able to rise to the positions of power in the government. Also,
the Humanist philosophy is a very powerful corrupting influence on
political leaders. It flatters them, raising them in status to super
important human beings, giving them the task of solving all the
world's deep problems, and offers them a rationale for corruption
(i.e. "the ends justify the means"). While it's true that most people
grow up and rise above (at least, to some extent) the indoctrination
they received in school, many of our leaders do not. A great many of
our political leaders are devout Humanists. Note that the Supreme
Court has already ruled that Humanism is not to be considered a
religion for legal purposes.

So we need to get the people behind us; we need to educate the people
about the evils of Humanism. But there's the catch. The Humanists are
in control of virtually all of the mainstream propaganda in our
society. The schools preach Humanism. The news media reek of Humanism.
Hollywood presents a Humanist message. Intellectually, the Humanists
are holding the American public hostage, and through a quirk of human
nature, the hostages come to sympathize with their captors. We
certainly are facing a formidable foe.

If we restrict ourselves to solutions within the law, the Humanists
have won. But the freedom of religion is too important to give up so
lightly. Since the law supports the Humanists, the law itself must be
considered criminal. We need to resist. This is precisely the issue
over which revolution is warranted.

A lot of people get upset by the idea of fighting for freedom, on the
grounds that fighting means killing, and killing is wrong. So let's
take a moment to look at the logic behind fighting for freedom.

Humanism is incompatible with freedom. The Humanists are not content
to live their lives according to their own beliefs and leave others
alone. The Humanist doctrine compels its adherents to seek control and
beat non-believers into submission. The Humanists endeavor to build a
society in which they are worshipped as enlightened thinkers, and they
are more than willing to destroy anyone who doesn't bow down. The
Humanists want to indoctrinate our children. They want to rule a
society built on Humanist values, and freedom is not one of the
Humanist values.

Those of us who reject Humanist doctrine typically believe in such
precepts as "give me liberty or give me death" and "do unto others
what you would have others do unto you". So think about the logic to
that. If we give Humanists liberty, they will take away our liberty.
So assuming we want liberty, we can't give them liberty. We must give
them death.

The Humanists and their lackeys will go into a tizzy and call us
fascists and Nazi's and haters, but it'll be just one more Humanist
big lie. We're freedom fighters. The freedom of religion is worth
fighting for.

There's one further question that needs to be addressed very carefully
before we actually start the revolution. The question is "who,
exactly, are the Humanists? How do we identify them?" First of all,
the Humanists will identify themselves by using the critical thinker's
adjectives to describe us. But beyond that, I'm not going to point a
finger too closely here because it would be perceived by the Humanists
as a death threat; we need to discuss this question in private. I do
want to point out that the people who openly call themselves Humanists
are not necessarily the main problem.

Humanism puts on a beautiful facade. The Humanists talk about open
mindedness and deep thinking and broader issues. A great many people
are attracted to that facade, and actually try to live up the Humanist
ideals. The consequence is that the rotten core of Humanism is
surrounded by a great many people who are almost innocent - they're
clueless about the rot at the core of the religious dominance
hierarchy they prostrate themselves before. To solve the Humanism
problem, we need to eradicate the small rotten core.

If we don't solve the Humanism problem, we will be condemning our
children to a life in hell.


Copyright 1996 by David Petry

This article may be freely distributed without modification.

Jim Murray

Apr 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/11/96

Well, while I still encourage the Armed Marchers to move to a rual western
state and work peacefully for what they want, I think Mr Perry should
participate in the march, if it does take place.

Jim Murray


Apr 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/11/96

In article <829250284$>, (david petry)

<<The Humanism problem is the most outstanding problem facing America
today. If we have a revolution, but fail to solve the Humanism
problem, the revolution will have been for naught.

Humanism is a disease which has corrupted the soul of our society. We
simply must be willing to do anything and everything necessary to wipe
Humanism off the face of the earth. If it means killing Humanists, so
be it. If it means building gas chambers, so be it. If it leads to the
death of two or three innocent people for every Humanist killed, well,
that's not too high a price to pay for freedom.>>

You can not be real. But if you are, and as a watcher-watcher I have to
ask, what gov't agency did you say you were with?

>This article may be freely distributed without modification.

why? who would want to? maybe as a joke?

This one is too bizarre for me .... I leave it to you militia folks ....
but with stuff like this I fully understand your desire to be armed ...
this guy scares me too, after all, my family could end up being part of
that 2-3 innocent types he wants to kill.

Catch you all later .... I have to head out to Wal-Mart and buy some

aka Mr. Wizard



Apr 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/12/96

Relay-Version: ANU News - V6.1B10 04/18/95 OpenVMS AXP; site
Newsgroups: misc.activism.militia
Subject: Re: HELP WANTED: First call for Jihad against Humanism
Message-ID: <>
From: (Mike S. Medintz)
Date: 11 Apr 96 20:56:17 CDT
References: <829250284$>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 142

david petry ( wrote:

: Humanism is a disease which has corrupted the soul of our society. We

: simply must be willing to do anything and everything necessary to wipe
: Humanism off the face of the earth. If it means killing Humanists, so
: be it. If it means building gas chambers, so be it. If it leads to the
: death of two or three innocent people for every Humanist killed, well,
: that's not too high a price to pay for freedom.

Ahh, yes. You were saying something about forcing your view of morality
upon others through threats of violence?

Killing the innocent to punish those who are guilty of violating a set of
moral beliefs that relatively few share, well, that makes no freedom.

: Humanism is built upon the belief that humans can create their own

: morality (i.e. theories of good and evil) and can thereby become their
: own gods. Humanism truly is a disease. It corrupts those who embrace
: it, and it thrives within the corrupt environment it creates. In the
: schools, the Humanists force students to participate in the process
: of becoming gods under the guise of "critical thinking". The Humanist
: dogma is that this "critical thinking" is as unimpeachable as science.
: But that's bunk; "critical thinking" is built upon lies and paradox.

Do you know what "critical thinking" is? I didn't think so.

(For the record, my _PUBLIC_ high school classes that dealt with "critical
thinking" were primarily sciences classes-it was one of my biology
teacher's favorite terms. Those classes defined critical thinking as
examining evidence, looking for flaws, and weighing the merits of a
theory or concept before formulating an opinion.)

: The Humanists sell a utopian dream in exchange for political power.

: The Humanists' power lies in the knowledge that they can seduce people
: with the temptation that there is something to be gained through
: taking away the freedom of others. The Humanists stir up hatred in
: the masses, and then offer those masses rationalizations for using the
: power of governmental coercion to resolve their grievances. The price
: is that everyone loses freedom, and the Humanists gain power.

As opposed to the "anti-humanists," who want to commit mass murder to
assert their philosophy, independently of government. Even more scary
a concept, as it's not as easy to know who to fight back against.

: We've all seen pathetic examples of the Humanist brainwashing. The

: college boys come along and dogmatically assert that everyone should
: conform to the Humanist/liberal way of thinking which is most
: certainly built upon reason. Then they profess their contempt for
: Christianity, and they tell us that they independently arrived at
: their beliefs through deep, original, critical thinking - just like
: they learned in college. And then they use what I mockingly call the
: "critical thinker's adjectives" to describe anyone who questions their
: wisdom. Those who question the wisdom of a critical thinker are
: stupid, lying, hypocritical, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic,
: bigoted, simple minded, closed minded, shallow, arrogant,
: superficial, irrational, inconsistent, anti-thinking,
: anti-intellectual, hate-filled right-wing nuts. The college boys seem
: to think than being able to use the critical thinker's adjectives
: raises their I.Q.'s by 30 points.

Wrong. Those who question my wisdom are people who are not convinced of
the quality of my answers. Therefore, two actions are taken. I offer them
more evidence to support my claims, and I re-evaluate my position and look
for errors. I do believe that my approach is pretty common-people are one
hell of a lot smarter than you give them credit for.

: What is the talk of gods, angels, spirits, devils, heaven, hell, love

: and hate all about? From an objective point of view, it is a
: conceptual aid (i.e. a formal system, or a collection of
: abstractions) which helps one reason about human behavior and the
: human condition. It's a language in which beliefs about how humans
: should behave can be encoded and transmitted (in particular,
: transmitted from generation to generation).

No, it's a way to attempt to describe things that happen in the real
world, and find explanations for these occurrences. The whole concept of
"scientific study" derives from these original questions.

: The Humanists claim that since they don't share the language of what

: are termed "conventional" religions, their belief system should not be
: classified as a religion, and hence they should be given special
: legal privileges. They claim that the constitution does not provide us
: with protections from forced Humanist indoctrination, simply because
: the Humanists' language does not include the word "god".

Special legal privileges? You mean the Humanists are asking for tax-free
status? I thought that was a privilege reserved for religions.

: And note that the question of whether the abstractions in religious

: language actually "exist" (whatever that might mean) is merely
: confused philosophical gibber. That question is not part of religion
: in general, and making the assertion that the abstractions do not
: exist does not prove that one does not have a religion - it merely
: suggests that one is hostile to "conventional" religion.

No, it means that one who asks these questions is asking whether these
"abstractions" exist, and on what level? Conceptual or concrete?

: So we need to get the people behind us; we need to educate the people

: about the evils of Humanism. But there's the catch. The Humanists are
: in control of virtually all of the mainstream propaganda in our
: society. The schools preach Humanism. The news media reek of Humanism.
: Hollywood presents a Humanist message. Intellectually, the Humanists
: are holding the American public hostage, and through a quirk of human
: nature, the hostages come to sympathize with their captors. We
: certainly are facing a formidable foe.

Ahh, yes. There's a conspiracy. Why are there no signs of this conspiracy?
Because they're hidden. How are these signs hidden? Well, that's how
sneaky this conspiracy is.

In other words, the whole original post is self-sealing.

: Humanism is incompatible with freedom. The Humanists are not content

: to live their lives according to their own beliefs and leave others
: alone. The Humanist doctrine compels its adherents to seek control and
: beat non-believers into submission. The Humanists endeavor to build a
: society in which they are worshipped as enlightened thinkers, and they
: are more than willing to destroy anyone who doesn't bow down. The
: Humanists want to indoctrinate our children. They want to rule a
: society built on Humanist values, and freedom is not one of the
: Humanist values.

As opposed to the freedom inherent in killing every humanist, and "two or
three innocent people for each humanist killed."

: The Humanists and their lackeys will go into a tizzy and call us

: fascists and Nazi's and haters, but it'll be just one more Humanist
: big lie. We're freedom fighters. The freedom of religion is worth
: fighting for.

But only if it's freedom of _YOUR_ religion.

: This article may be freely distributed without modification.

So sue me.

Mike S. Medintz | Say what you will about my government,
"Wise Use" isn't. | but don't insult my country.
"If you don't vote, don't bitch."

Tim Hill

Apr 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/12/96

In article <829250284$>, (david petry) wrote:

Another Good Christian Patriot shares his view of the future.

>Humanism is a disease which has corrupted the soul of our society. We
>simply must be willing to do anything and everything necessary to wipe
>Humanism off the face of the earth. If it means killing Humanists, so
>be it. If it means building gas chambers, so be it. If it leads to the
>death of two or three innocent people for every Humanist killed, well,
>that's not too high a price to pay for freedom.

I suppose your own philosophy--as illustrated above--is more morally
correct than humanism.

>The issue here is the freedom of religion. Humanism, sometimes known
>as "the gay religion", has become the _de facto_ state religion of the
>United States.

Yes, lets tie it to homosexuality, that might stir up a few more bigots
to join your cause. The facts are that more straight humanist than Gay
humanists (just like the rest of society).

>Humanism is the religion which thrives within the
>humanities departments and education departments (and to a lesser
>extent, the social science departments) of our elite universities.

It isn't a religion.

>Humanism is built upon the belief that humans can create their own
>morality (i.e. theories of good and evil)

I think we are all capable of reason, don't you.

>and can thereby become their
>own gods.


So let it be written. So let it be done.

Chairperson Tim
Lord Supreme Being and Ruling Monarch of AFA-B

david petry

Apr 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/12/96

In <829274584$>

>: So we need to get the people behind us; we need to educate the people

>: about the evils of Humanism. [...]

>Ahh, yes. There's a conspiracy. Why are there no signs of this conspiracy?
>Because they're hidden. How are these signs hidden? Well, that's how
>sneaky this conspiracy is.

Let me guess. You're one of those people who will claim that the
Humanists opened their mind. The Humanists have helped you become
a deep, critical thinker. They have helped you see just how ignorant
the conservatives are . They have help you to see just how morally
bankrupt the Christians are.

But absolutely no way is there any evidence that the Humanists
have ever indoctrinated anyone, right?

I can see no reason to argue with fanatics.

Mark T Pitcavage

Apr 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/12/96

In article <829336184$>,

>>: So we need to get the people behind us; we need to educate the people

>>: about the evils of Humanism. [...]

>>Ahh, yes. There's a conspiracy. Why are there no signs of this conspiracy?
>>Because they're hidden. How are these signs hidden? Well, that's how
>>sneaky this conspiracy is.

>Let me guess. You're one of those people who will claim that the
>Humanists opened their mind. The Humanists have helped you become
>a deep, critical thinker. They have helped you see just how ignorant
>the conservatives are . They have help you to see just how morally
>bankrupt the Christians are.
>But absolutely no way is there any evidence that the Humanists
>have ever indoctrinated anyone, right?
>I can see no reason to argue with fanatics.


DATE: 4/12/96


Ach, Fritz, would you believe it? Those Krazy Kristians have penetrated our
plan to isolate and indoctrinate the entire human population of North America
in our insidious ideology of Humanism. Our nefarious goals needed utter
secrecy regarding our evil and destructive aims, but now the individual quoted
above seems to have seen through our clever disguises (despite the expensive
moustaches and wigs we bought).

I fear he has dealt a death-blow to Humanism, and the Humanistic Jihad may have
faltered because of his actions. Curses!





Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96

Relay-Version: ANU News - V6.1B10 04/18/95 OpenVMS AXP; site
Newsgroups: misc.activism.militia
Subject: Re: HELP WANTED: First call for Jihad against Humanism
Message-ID: <>

From: (Mike S. Medintz)
Date: 13 Apr 96 03:21:52 CDT
References: <829274584$> <829336184$>

X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 37

david petry ( wrote:
: In <829274584$>
: ""@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU writes:

: >: So we need to get the people behind us; we need to educate the people
: >: about the evils of Humanism. [...]

: >Ahh, yes. There's a conspiracy. Why are there no signs of this conspiracy?
: >Because they're hidden. How are these signs hidden? Well, that's how
: >sneaky this conspiracy is.

: Let me guess. You're one of those people who will claim that the
: Humanists opened their mind. The Humanists have helped you become
: a deep, critical thinker. They have helped you see just how ignorant
: the conservatives are . They have help you to see just how morally
: bankrupt the Christians are.

What the hell are you talking about? I was saying that you apparently
haven't a clue what critical thinking really is. Where did I mention
Christianity conservatism?>

: But absolutely no way is there any evidence that the Humanists

: have ever indoctrinated anyone, right?

When you give a few examples of who the hell these "humanists" are and
what this brainwashing consists of, then we can discuss this point.

: I can see no reason to argue with fanatics.

I thought the same thing reading your original post. Then I thought
"why not?" and hit the followup key.

Mike S. Medintz | Another redneck for Wilderness
"Wise Use" isn't. |"If you don't vote, don't bitch."

Mike Chapman

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96

If you aren't trolling, you need to learn to properly isolate,
identify and label those positions with which you disagree and NOT
talk about killing people because you don't like their systems of

Citizen Chapman, Esq. ========%%%%%%-/\
Member, American Liberation Front ========%%%%%% ||
Sic semper tyrannis! ========%%%%%% ||
Have a hempy day ============== ||
Founder, misc.activism.militia ==============-||
Government ends where my family begins || ~~{}~~ | {}

Allen Pete

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96


You putz.

Historical perspective. Humanism arose in the cities of northern Italy in
Florence, Venice, Pisa, Milan, Rome, and others just as they were becoming
potent economic forces. As they gained economic strength, they wanted to
govern themselves and to be free from control by the religious and
governmental authorities that had developed during the Middle Ages.
Traditional institutions were seen as obstacles to economic progress and
to the emergence and testing of new ideas. The production of goods created
new wealth, and the wealth brought power to the individuals who possessed
it. This new abundance allowed the cities and their citizens to express
themselves more freely than they had ever done, and in time they exalted
the idea of freedom itself.
Neither religion nor God was rejected by the humanists. Their goal was
to remove religion as a prime dominating and obstructive force in their
lives and to establish it as one of several institutions in society.
Religion was seen to have a valid civil function: it no longer pointed
only toward heaven as mankind's ultimate goal; it opened the possibility
of happiness and prosperity on Earth by exalting work, creativity, and
political participation.
This attitude toward religion helped breed tolerance among humanists.
Because they believed in the unity of all truth, they regarded diverse
religious points of view as expressions of that one truth. This spirit of
tolerance was not highly regarded by the churches, however. It took
several centuries of conflict and effort, culminating in the
Enlightenment, before general religious tolerance became widely accepted.
(See also Church and State.)

Excerpted from Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia
Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Compton's NewMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96

In article <829339384$>,
(Mark T Pitcavage) writes:

>Ach, Fritz, would you believe it? Those Krazy Kristians have penetrated
>plan to isolate and indoctrinate the entire human population of North
>in our insidious ideology of Humanism. Our nefarious goals needed utter
>secrecy regarding our evil and destructive aims, but now the individual
>above seems to have seen through our clever disguises (despite the
>moustaches and wigs we bought).
>I fear he has dealt a death-blow to Humanism, and the Humanistic Jihad
>faltered because of his actions. Curses!

Ok, Doc, Can't argue with this one :-) .

Though I do wonder how, given the way most xtian fundamentalists almost
psychotically avoid denying God (something about Peter, roosters, and the
sunrise), the original poster walked so close to doing so. Uh, unless the
article was a "forgery"?

Mr. Wizard.

Matthew Hoel (EE)

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96

David Petry,
I am not going to let your post go by unchallenged. Murdering
humanists only results in creating totalitarianism and genocide for the
purpose of preventing totalitarianism and genocide. Humanism must be
faught with the weapons of ideas on the battlefield of public opinion.
The Founding Fathers gave us three boxes for preserving the Constitution
and the Common Law: the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. The
ammo box is a last resort and should only be used when there is no redress
through the electoral process and the courts. We are not authorized by
the Constitution to conduct a violent overthrow of the federal government;
we are, however, authorized to use force of arms to restore the
Constitution as the supreme law of the land. I will concede that humanist
philosophy gives rise to totalitarianism. We must not fight people who
want to violate our rights by violating their rights. They have the right
to advocate totalitarianism, however, they simply do not have the right to
carry it out. You are not a patriot or a real American; you obviously do
not understand the pricicples upon which this nation was founded.
Matthew D. Hoel

Long live the Weimar Republic!

Scott MacEachern

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96
to (david petry) wrote:

>stupid, lying, hypocritical, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic,
>bigoted, simple minded, closed minded, shallow, arrogant,
>superficial, irrational, inconsistent, anti-thinking,
>anti-intellectual, hate-filled

Yes, I think that this just about covers it.


Scott MacEachern
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME 04011

david petry

Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96

In <829580600$> "Matthew Hoel (EE)" <> writes:

>I am not going to let your post go by unchallenged.

Fair enough.

> Humanism must be
>faught with the weapons of ideas on the battlefield of public opinion.

Who made up that rule? The Humanists have already won that battle.

> You are not a patriot or a real American;

Ooooo, that hurts.

Jason and Heather

Apr 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/19/96

david petry <> wrote:
> We simply must be willing to do anything and everything necessary
> to wipe Humanism off the face of the earth. If it means killing
> Humanists, so be it. If it means building gas chambers, so be it.
> If it leads to the death of two or three innocent people for every
> Humanist killed, well, that's not too high a price to pay for
> freedom.

Nice troll.



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