Large and accurate map of North America.

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Dec 20, 2012, 1:52:45 PM12/20/12

This is a map i have developed using a grayscale height map NASA made.

Development took around 7 months.

Would anyone like to use this?


I am also making a map with Early European Colonial Cities. like Williamsburg, St. Augustine and New Orleans. as well as a few native American settlements. Coming soon.

Williamsburg VA.

St. Augustine FL.

Elisabeth Bellamy

Dec 20, 2012, 2:05:30 PM12/20/12
You must be wtfblake, I've been checking some of your stuff out on PlanetMinecraft. :) Your North America project is actually my introduction to WorldPainter and what caused me to attempt building a Mexico map myself. 

Your maps are awesome, and certainly worth using for my class. Unfortunately, not something I would use this year as my courses have changed.
Great job! And thanks for offering them.
Message has been deleted

Dec 20, 2012, 2:55:28 PM12/20/12

Thank you for the kind words. If you need any help with your Mexico map let me know id be more then happy to assist.

Michael Harvey

Dec 21, 2012, 1:58:18 PM12/21/12
Blake, this awesome! I have no idea how you even accomplished this.  My students are going to be starting a Google Earth Unit soon and my gears are turning about how to incorporate what you've done. MC Coordinates vs. latitude longitude lines...  Scales in general (what scale did you use by the way?)
It would also be cool, for advanced users, to play with world edit commands like copy/pasting famous US buildings where they go on the map.
Any chance you'd be willing to upload it?

Dec 21, 2012, 3:06:46 PM12/21/12

The process was not simple haha. I did write a crude blog about the process on Planet Minecraft but it  turned out to be more of a rant then a how to haha. you can find that here. I never did the math on the scale of the map. I expanded the NASA Image 206% and the map ended up being approximately 15000 blocks coast to coast and 6000 blocks Canada to mexico so the scale is quite large. The map is free for all to download here The America Map. I am in the long process of creating Colonial Cities and at this point i have about 6 out of a planned 25 done. however i wont be able to continue work after February 26th because i am shipping off to the Navy in an advanced computer field.

I am so happy that this Hobby of mine might actually be used for something good haha. when i was in grade school the only game we were allowed to play was Oregon trail. and i always died of dysentery ....

Joel Levin

Dec 21, 2012, 3:20:04 PM12/21/12
This is brilliant!  It's always been my dream that talented builders from the Minecraft community at large would want to donate their creations to be used by teachers. 

I can't wait to play with the map, myself!


On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:06 PM, <> wrote:

The process was not simple haha. I did write a crude blog about the process on Planet Minecraft but it  turned out to be more of a rant then a how to haha. you can find that here. I never did the math on the scale of the map. I expanded the NASA Image 206% and the map ended up being approximately 15000 blocks coast to coast and 6000 blocks Canada to mexico so the scale is quite large. The map is free for all to download here The America Map. I am in the long process of creating Colonial Cities and at this point i have about 6 out of a planned 25 done. however i wont be able to continue work after February 26th because i am shipping off to the Navy in an advanced computer field.

I am so happy that this Hobby of mine might actually be used for something good haha. when i was in grade school the only game we were allowed to play was Oregon trail. and i always died of dysentery ....



Dec 26, 2012, 5:59:33 PM12/26/12
Thanks so much for sharing!  I'm already thinking about how I might employ this.

On Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:52:45 PM UTC-5, wrote:


Dec 26, 2012, 6:07:26 PM12/26/12
Crap!  I tried downloading the map, but it says "Submission Not Available". 

Owen Long

Dec 28, 2012, 12:09:00 PM12/28/12
I'm trying to download the Map of America, but it tells me the URL is incorrect. Does anyone have a working URL for the download?

Owen Long
Network Manager (And Middle School Minecraft club advisor)
The Spence School

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 3:07 PM
To: Owen Long;
Subject: {Minecraft Teachers} Re: Large and accurate map of North America.
Importance: Low

The process was not simple haha. I did write a crude blog about the process on Planet Minecraft but it turned out to be more of a rant then a how to haha. you can find that[ ] here. I never did the math on the scale of the map. I expanded the NASA Image 206% and the map ended up being approximately 15000 blocks coast to coast and
6000 blocks Canada to mexico so the scale is quite large. The map is free for all to download here [ ]The America Map. I am in the long process of creating Colonial Cities and at this point i have about 6 out of a planned 25 done. however i wont be able to continue work after February 26th because i am shipping off to the Navy in an advanced computer field.

Dec 30, 2012, 4:20:27 AM12/30/12

Planet minecraft has banned my post for being unoriginal...

the say that my work with a grey-scale height-map is no longer allowed on their site. 

my appeal was as follows:

you removed my submission. i can understand that bumping my project may have been wrong and i should have better understood the rules behind update logs. my bad. but as for the unoriginality of the map. i have to say that is not true. 

I spent 7 months of my life putting in the details on that map from the rivers lakes valleys biomes and natural land marks...
everything from ocean depths to sand on the beaches were hand made and not imported at all In contains resources and everything to make it a very legit map. your welcome to try it.  i think you  may have grossly oversimplified my work. and i must appeal your decision to remove my map from the site. 300 diamonds and it was never once on the popular reel.  I put a ton of time and effort into the project and i must ask you to reconsider its removal. 

I made a popular blog detailing the amount of work i put into this map you can find it here

the response was as follows:

Look man im sorry. But importing height maps is not allowed. Next we will have people importing 3D files and posting them. etc. 

the url has been removed 

Im asking anyone who would like to use this map to ask a PMC moderator to unblock the map url. 

the rule was created on the 25th for reasons unknown and i haven't been able to muster enough support for them to overturn it. 

Im sorry to have to ask this..

Joel Levin

Dec 30, 2012, 9:41:39 AM12/30/12
Jeez, what a mess.  I'm very sorry PMC is taking this stance and not bothering to actually investigate.  For what it's worth, I'll send an email, too.  Do you have a specific email address to use?

In the meantime, lets get your map hosted again!  The MCEdu team IS working (slowly) on getting our own map library up and running.  And in the meantime, Michael Harvey has been hosting other Edu world on this site:

But I realize that either of these would be much smaller platforms than PMC..



Michael Harvey

Dec 30, 2012, 9:58:20 AM12/30/12
Hi guys,
I'd be happy to host it there.  The file is 616MB, so I may have to be creative to get it hosted.  Could you give me a list of links that covers the description and background to it?  I'll let you know when it's up.

Michael Harvey

Dec 30, 2012, 10:23:43 AM12/30/12
Ok, the article is up.  It would be great if I could get the map's full description and any images or links for it.  I'm working on uploading it (10% now), and once it's ready I'll probably ask one of you to test the link. :)

Michael Harvey

Dec 30, 2012, 11:45:24 AM12/30/12

Dec 31, 2012, 2:07:34 AM12/31/12
well thanks for the support guys. iv abandon hope of pmc letting me back on there site. i see you guys already have posted a replacement link. bravo :) i can include pictures and ill let you guys wright your own review.  im thinking of releasing a an updated version with some bug fixes let me know if you still want them. the catch is that that version of the map also includes a few colonial cities 

here are some screenshots iv taken of the map 

John Calvert

Dec 31, 2012, 5:05:13 PM12/31/12
Blake, thank you so much for all of your hard work. It ROCKS.  This map will provide for so many possibilities.  I am also very interested in the colonial America version - can't wait for it. 

Michael Harvey

Jan 7, 2013, 2:37:28 PM1/7/13
Has anyone given this map a try?
It's so big that I'm actually having a hard time getting anywhere.  Has anyone figured where in the US the spawn point is or a good way to get where you're going?  If I fly into the sky, the ground fogs out before I can tell where I am.

On Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:52:45 PM UTC-5, wrote:

Michael Harvey

Jan 7, 2013, 3:03:19 PM1/7/13
I'm beginning to answer my own question.  For anyone interested the tip of Cape Cod Mass. is at X: 6056, z:-1119

Justin Eames

Jan 8, 2013, 7:37:11 AM1/8/13
I think you start someone around Lousianna.  I headed due East and found Florida before too long.  It would be great to release a version with a bunch of teleport stations set up, but I can't think of a way for us to collaborate on a single map like that, other than someone running an online server.  

On Monday, January 7, 2013 2:37:28 PM UTC-5, Michael Harvey wrote:

Michael Harvey

Jan 8, 2013, 7:41:48 AM1/8/13
I agree.  I would definitely participate if someone knows how to get it up and running.

Jan 8, 2013, 4:43:33 PM1/8/13

yes. the spawn is along the Mississippi in Louisiana. I figured that was a good central point to begin from. as far as fast travel goes the server method is the easiest. an online server can support fluid travel via Coordinates, warp points or portals. My personal favorite however is included in the Custom  NPC mod. with this mod you can create an NPC make them look how you want, give them Scripts, and you can even use them as fast travel hubs. the original idea behind the colony map was to include cities and towns inhabited by fully scripted npcs who could give backstory and allow for some immersion into life in that era.

Jan 11, 2013, 5:10:57 PM1/11/13

here is a treat for anyone interested in the current state of development for the colony map of north america
copy and paste the following into your web browser:
this will open an assortment of maps. select america
you can zoom in or out and even change to view options to view the map in 3D

Michael Harvey

Jan 11, 2013, 5:26:46 PM1/11/13
That's awesome!  The colonies look great too.  I like the spiderwebs coming out of the chimneys. :)
I'd love to know how you made this work.  It would be a great lesson to show students how a three dimensional world can translate to a two dimensional map.  Treasure hunt, anyone?

Jan 25, 2013, 7:34:43 PM1/25/13

On Friday, January 11, 2013 2:26:46 PM UTC-8, Michael Harvey wrote:
That's awesome!  The colonies look great too.  I like the spiderwebs coming out of the chimneys. :)
I'd love to know how you made this work.  It would be a great lesson to show students how a three dimensional world can translate to a two dimensional map.  Treasure hunt, anyone?
 here are a list of programs that can turn your world into a 2d or 3d map


Feb 23, 2013, 5:32:32 PM2/23/13
How can i download this i would love to build on the east coast, is there a download link that you can reply to me???

Rick M

Feb 24, 2013, 7:03:07 PM2/24/13
I downloaded the map from

I'm completely once spawning, but that's kind of fun. I know I'm in the Louisiana area from another post about this map, maybe even up-thread here, but the complete lack of landmarks means I'm pretty lost. 

I'm following a river north, or what I think is north. At some point I'll try to mess around with cartography tools (not sure what would work with MinecraftEdu at this point) and maybe map out key features. Adding in Teleport Stations for the MCEdu version would be helpful for future teachers, I think.

There's so much potential for a scavenger hunt/mapping exercise/geography lesson here. It'd be a lot of fun as a student to try and identify key features, maybe based off clues in Information Blocks. 

Rick M

Feb 24, 2013, 7:08:01 PM2/24/13
And yes, I should have read up a little in this thread. From Justin Eames:

"I think you start someone around Lousianna.  I headed due East and found Florida before too long.  It would be great to release a version with a bunch of teleport stations set up, but I can't think of a way for us to collaborate on a single map like that, other than someone running an online server."

I'm working on a permanent server option for the Minecraft Teacher community, should have an answer very soon, hopefully in the next day or two. It would be a lot of fun to have this map up and running for any teacher who wants to experiment with MinecraftEdu (or Minecraft, period). There are so many different types of projects possible here, and and endless amount of build projects.

Rick M

Feb 24, 2013, 7:52:30 PM2/24/13
Here's a question: If you download a map (this map, Eric Walker's Humanities map) and go beyond the area developed by the original author, will the Minecraft engine just create more map beyond the original map I downloaded?

I ask because I'm flying above rivers in the America map, dropping teleport blocks where rivers converge, trying to get a sense of how far apart major US landmarks might be. As I got further north and west (following the Missouri River, maybe?) and eventually getting into snowy areas where the river was iced over, I started to fear I was generating new chunks not part of the original map.

I believe Eric created borders for the developed area of his map - there are single block lines in the ocean beyond some of the developed areas. I have no idea if I can find a boundary in the America map, though.


Feb 26, 2013, 11:20:23 PM2/26/13
Yes, if you go past, it will continue to generate random land. That is the main reason I have the borders in my map - so students can't end up in empty land, and make the map on the server huge (maybe even gigabytes) if they were to keep going off outside the borders.

Giving access to the Nether introduces this problem as well, since you don't have to travel very far in the Nether before teleporting back to the overworld would put you outside map boundaries.


Feb 26, 2013, 11:56:15 PM2/26/13
Thanks for the clarification. It's a good thing to keep in mind with geographically-accurate maps, or maps that require some sort of end point. I don't know how the America map, or the project to map all the continents, would limit that sort of map expansion. 

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