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What Happens When Whites Are No Longer the Majority?

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Mar 11, 2003, 5:32:38 AM3/11/03
"Thalamus" <> wrote in message news:<Bx6ba.36062$>...
> Diversity = Death
> Brian
> Fra: "T Wheeler" <whe...@home.usa>
> Emne: What Happens When Whites Are No Longer the Majority?
> Dato: 10. mars 2003 18:52
> What Happens When Whites Are No Longer the Majority?
> by Dave Gibson
> The United States today has 100 million people of non-European
> ancestry. It is no secret that millions of Latinos cross our border
> every year and the ones already here breed like rabbits. Both
> political parties have failed to defend our borders to stop illegal
> immigration. Our largest state, California, already has a majority
> non-White population. It will be only twenty years before America has
> a non-White majority --perhaps only ten years if race-mixing and non-
> White immigration grow worse.
> When America is eventually dominated by Blacks and Hispanics, this
> country - as we know it - will cease to exist. Crime and drug use will
> cripple this nation. There will be no tax base to pay police, maintain
> the roads or even keep the lights on. Every item sold in this country
> will be imported from Europe and Asia.
> South Africa has demonstrated the chaos that a Black majority brings.
> Since the end of Apartheid and the election of Nelson Mandela as
> president, that nation has been coming apart at the seams. Black taxi
> drivers have "shot it out" over customers. AIDS is an epidemic among
> Blacks and many resort to superstitions to try to cure it. One African
> superstition is that having sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. As a
> result AIDS-infected Blacks have been raping children and even babies
> in an attempt to cure themselves. It has become shockingly commonplace
> for gangs of Black youths, roaming the countryside at night to attack
> and kill White farmers throughout South Africa. (You won't hear that
> from Dan Rather!) Crime has become so rampant in that country, that
> the government now refuses to issue crime statistics.
> The Clinton regime had an open door policy with our neighbors to the
> south, and now President Bush is continuing the fiesta. The flood of
> illegals gets worse every year. This unlawful invasion has placed a
> terrible strain on public schools, which quickly become filled with
> little brown mestizos often depriving the White taxpayers of being
> able to admit their own children (as if any White parents would want
> to send their children to a school two-thirds Mexican). County
> hospitals in California have literally gone bankrupt providing
> emergency service for Latinos. The federal government dictates that
> American hospitals must treat all illegal immigrants for everything
> from gunshot wounds to millions of pregnancies, but the federal
> government does not provide one penny to help with this mandate, nor
> do they stop the stampede of illegals across our southern border. The
> beleaguered residents of southwestern states already feel as though
> they are living in a war zone. It is also a war that they are losing.
> Every major U.S. city is plagued with non-White problems. The short
> term solution has been for Whites to flee to the suburbs to escape the
> mayoral incompetence of the likes of Tom Bradley, David Dinkins and
> Marion Barry (the only known crackhead mayor). Under the direction of
> non-White mayors and police chiefs most big cities have become filthy,
> frightening places with an increasingly Third World population. Many
> major American cities are on the brink of bankruptcy --spared only by
> the profits from a few major corporations and their professional White
> work force that commutes in from the suburbs. Most Whites have no
> desire to leave the suburbs, where the police come when you call them,
> the snow is plowed in the winter and the garbage is actually picked up
> on time.
> Much of the blame for the current state of affairs can be placed
> squarely upon the shoulders of an evil scheming liberal demagogue,
> Lyndon Johnson, who was regrettably president from 1963 through 1969.
> This criminal is responsible for inviting an invasion of illegal
> aliens, creating the welfare state to transfer money from producers to
> parasites and creating the Civil Rights Act, which gave the federal
> government the authority to harass every business in America if it
> didn't hire "enough" non-Whites. The Civil Rights Act put America on
> the road to quotas and over thirty years of reverse discrimination.
> Welfare programs have helped to destroy the Black family increasing
> the Black illegitimate birth rate from less than ten percent to 70
> percent. Most of the bleeding heart liberals, who demanded the
> integration of our once functional public school system, were
> hypocritically sending their children to lily-White private schools.
> Our school system was once a model for the world. Now it is a model
> for the Third World. We have seen our major corporations sabotaged by
> political correctness and quotas. European and Japanese corporations
> have increasingly beaten their American competitors in recent years.
> Airbus has quickly gained on Boeing, which once dominated commercial
> jet production. Today Boeing goes out of its way to hire minorities
> and has full medical benefits for "Gay spouses." A few decades ago,
> Boeing used to focus on hiring good engineers and building the best
> airplanes. American corporations are terrified of lawsuits whenever
> they want to fire a minority employee, who is hopelessly incompetent.
> This country is obsessed with hiring and promoting minorities simply
> because of the color of their skin. (Isn't that racism?) We are
> constantly bombarded by the liberal news media's claim that "diversity
> is our strength" even though America became a superpower when it was
> 90 percent White, and any honest historian would admit America has
> been in a steady decline as the non-White percentage has risen. Jesse
> Jackson tries to shame White Americans for the actions of a few White
> people in previous generations.
> As the non-White percentage rises, America will turn more and more
> into a Third World nation. California recently had power black outs
> because the incompetent liberal state government (elected by the non-
> White majority of that state) could not plan ahead. California today
> has a 35 billion dollar deficit in their latest budget thanks to the
> crushing burden of millions of Mexicans and the big-spending habits of
> liberal politicians. While a few businesses profit from cheap Mexican
> labor, White taxpayers get buried with the crushing tax burden. A
> Mexican family with eight children will cost the local county hospital
> $120,000 for eight normal pregnancies, and the public schools will
> need $864,000 to put all eight children through twelve years of
> education. Does anyone seriously believe that a minimum wage Mexican
> is going to contribute enough in taxes to pay for that colossal
> burden? It is far better to have White teenagers handle the minimum
> wage jobs as they did before millions of Mexicans arrived. At least
> young Whites have the ability to get an education and eventually
> contribute enough in taxes to pull their own weight.
> The disastrous situation in California will quickly spread across
> America. White people, who once escaped the non-White problem by
> running away to the suburbs, will find no refuge in the future. State
> income taxes and property taxes will rise exponentially as liberal
> politicians try to maintain free medical care and free education for
> millions of poor non-White immigrants. The current trend toward a non-
> White America can only be stopped if people like you finally decide to
> be politically active and to fight the corrupt political system
> destroying America.
> __________________________________
> What Happens When Whites Are No Longer the Majority?
> The short answer: look at Zimbabwe

I am preparing a list of all the benefits latino immigrants bring to
our communities. Your suggestions would be appreciated.


Mar 11, 2003, 1:21:29 PM3/11/03
> What Happens When Whites Are No Longer the Majority?
> The short answer: look at Zimbabwe

> I am preparing a list of all the benefits latino immigrants bring to
> our communities. Your suggestions would be appreciated.
> Burt

I think that all social support (that's read, financial) will stop!

As a minority, where's line for free stuff for whitie?

Joe Black

Mar 12, 2003, 11:01:38 AM3/12/03

Maybe they wouldn't be here if you idiots weren't so lazy.


Mar 13, 2003, 7:51:07 AM3/13/03
Joe Black <> wrote in message news:<>...

Agreed. Deporting these aliens would have an invigorating effect.


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