[Mifos-developer] JUnit Test Suite Failures

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Gary Weberg

Sep 21, 2007, 2:49:03 AM9/21/07
to Developer



I was able to get my new Mifos dev server running, however I am getting 19 JUnit Test Suite failures attempting to build my Mifos test server.  I did a fresh Mifos checkout night (Thursday) prior to the build.  Attached is the test xml file and the Mifos log in case it helps.  There are several exceptions in the latter.  Does someone know what would be causing these failures?  As far as I can tell both my dev and test servers are set up the same, both with Mifos checkouts done tonight.


Thanks, Gary


Van Mittal-Henkle

Sep 24, 2007, 8:26:54 PM9/24/07
to Developer
Hi Gary,

I don't have a Linux box at my disposal right now to try exploring the
build errors you are getting. I have not see these before on a Windows
box. It looks like it is somehow path related.

Here are a couple of the errors:

name="testApplyPaymentLoad" time="0.855">
<failure message="was expecting
&apos;/pages/application/account/jsp/applypayment.jsp&apos; but received
was expecting
&apos;/pages/application/account/jsp/applypayment.jsp&apos; but received
at servletunit.struts.Common.verifyForwardPath(Common.java:339)

name="testSuccessfullLoad" time="4.538">
<failure message="was expecting
&apos;/pages/application/savings/jsp/closesavingsaccount.jsp&apos; but
received &apos;/savingsClosureAction.do?method=validate&apos;"
was expecting
&apos;/pages/application/savings/jsp/closesavingsaccount.jsp&apos; but
received &apos;/savingsClosureAction.do?method=validate&apos;
at servletunit.struts.Common.verifyForwardPath(Common.java:339)

A number of the other errors are duplicate object errors, which just
mean that a previous test didn't clean up properly.

Let me put the question out there to the rest of the community: Has
anyone else who has built on Linux seen any similar errors before?


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Gary Weberg

Sep 26, 2007, 5:23:04 PM9/26/07
to Developer

I am still having the JUnit test problems. My test and dev servers are now
having the same problems. I first stated last Thursday that both servers
were at the same Mifos version, but one had the errors and the other did
not. Well since I have updated both now, they are both getting the same
errors. Thinking back perhaps the server that was working, my dev server,
could very well have had maybe a day older, or so, older version of Mifos.
So is there a change that last Wednesday or Thursday something could have
been committed which could be causing my problems. Is there a Mifos version
that I could checkout that would be as of, lets say last, last Wednesday?

Also I have now built the same Mifos version on my XP laptop with out any
errors. It seems to be Linux that is the key difference, as all three
systems, my laptop and my 2 linux servers, have the same version of Java
(1.6.0_02) and of Apache Ant (1.7.0). I am running Fedora Core 6 servers.

Looking at the errors below I can see why you say it could be a path
problem. However, the large majority of the test case ran fine and looking
the "expected" differences, it seems as there could be more to it.

was expecting &apos;/pages/application/account/jsp/applypayment.jsp&apos;
but received &apos;/applyPaymentAction.do?method=validate&apos;"

There is more different than just a path difference, see above.

Is there any more help that you or some else could provide?

Has Mifos been deployed to a Linux system? And if so, what flavor and
version, e.g. Fedora Core 6?

Thanks, Gary

Lisa Retief

Sep 27, 2007, 2:15:46 AM9/27/07
to Developer
Hi Gary,

On 9/26/07, Gary Weberg <GWe...@opportunity.net> wrote:
> Is there any more help that you or some else could provide?
> Has Mifos been deployed to a Linux system? And if so, what flavor and
> version, e.g. Fedora Core 6?

I have deployed Mifos to Ubuntu Feisty and Breezy. I also work on Mac
OS X (my primary development environment) which is unix-based.

I have noticed a few consistent test failures on the Linux
environment, but since it did not affect any functionality I was using
and I could use the Mac OS X environment to test, I have not yet made
the time to dig deeper. It has been bothering me and is on my todo
list - I would like Mifos to be platform independent.

The errors looks like a combination of path and encoding issues,
possibly all resolvable by looking at the tests in question and
changing them to be a bit more OS-independent. I will be going through
this exercise in the next week or so and hopefully we will have an
error-free test-suite on Linux as well.

Will keep you (and everyone) updated.


Nigel Lazarus

Sep 27, 2007, 2:51:40 AM9/27/07
to Developer

What about Solaris 10 have you tried to deploy MFIOS on Solaris.
Any info


Lisa Retief <lisa....@sadalbari.com> wrote:
Hi Gary,

Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.

Lisa Retief

Sep 27, 2007, 2:55:06 AM9/27/07
to Developer
Hi Nigel,

On 9/27/07, Nigel Lazarus <nigell...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> What about Solaris 10 have you tried to deploy MFIOS on Solaris.
> Any info

No, sorry, I have not. But I suspect that once we have it going on Mac
OS X, Ubuntu and Fedora, it may be trivial to overcome any issues on
Solaris. In time perhaps I will give it a run on Open Solaris :)

Gary Weberg

Sep 28, 2007, 1:32:52 AM9/28/07
to Developer
Hi, Lisa,

Thanks for the response. If you would then, please let me know when you
feel I should update and try again. For now we will run as is.

Thanks again, Gary

-----Original Message-----
From: mifos-devel...@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:mifos-devel...@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Lisa
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 12:16 AM
To: Developer
Subject: Re: [Mifos-developer] JUnit Test Suite Failures

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