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No RDP connection possible to win2k3 server in Remote Administration Mode

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Feb 20, 2009, 10:16:52 AM2/20/09
Ok, here in englisch:
The error message when trying to connect to the server:

The client could not connect to the remote computer. Remote
connections might not be enabled or the computer might be too busy to
accept new connections. It is also possible that network problems are
preventing your connection.
Please try connecting again later. If the problem continues to occur,
contact your administrator."

I am the admin, of course.
Ich have a little farm with Win2k3 Servers.
7 server run in Remote Administration Mode. Recently I installed SP2
und Hoffixes.
After installing SP2 on one machine, I could not reach it anymore
through RDP.
All others were OK. At first the port 3389 was still being listened
(netstat –aon), yet I could not get on the machine with Rdp.
The server was kind of busy so I dismounted some Oracle instances. Ram
was freed, but to no avail.

Terminalservices is oviously managed by a svchost that does not do
anything else. Since the service Terminalservices cannot be manually
stopped I killed the corresponding svchost in taskmanager (found out
with wmic...). Then I started again Terminal services. To no avail.
There was a message in eventlog after I killed the svchost and after I
restarted the service there were two messages confirming that it was
started OK.

Ping to the server was OK, I could connect the hidden Admin-Share (c
telnet Servername 3389 ==> did not work:
Coult not open connection: Connect failed

With the other servers it did work (blinking Telnet window).

I switched the machine from RemoteAdministration Mode to Terminal
server mode and restarted the machine. To no avail.

I set the machine back to Remote Administration Mode (hoping that
would fix, installed all current Hotfixes and restarted. No
Now the port 3389 was not being listened to any more.

I deleted in tscc.msc the RDP-Tcp, rebooted the server, then created
RDP-Tcp again, rebooted the Server, no change.

I verified, that in %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers the files Termdd.sys
und Rdpwd.sys were present.
I verified, that in %SystemRoot%\System32 the files Rdpdd.dll and
Rdpwsx.dll were present.
These files were of same size and date as on the other servers. Just
to make sure I finally copied these files on to this server again.
In HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermDD the
value for Start was set to 1 – the same as with the other servers, so
it must be correct for Remote Administration mode. I de-activated the
Windows Firewall. No change.

So, what is wrong here?
Port 3389 is not being listened to anymore by the server (netstat –
At what point is the server being told to listen to port 3389 for
Why doesn't it work and why is there no error message or event log
The server works otherwise OK, just no RDP connections anymore.

Thank you for fresh ideas that get it working again.



Feb 20, 2009, 11:38:18 AM2/20/09

Now the message has changed somewhat to:
This computer can't connect to the remote computer.
Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact theowner of
the remote computer or your network administrator.


Vera Noest [MVP]

Feb 20, 2009, 4:08:57 PM2/20/09
Not sure if it helps, but check this:

My Terminal Server does not respond after a reboot. How do I solve
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___

amzd <> wrote on 20 feb 2009 in


Feb 20, 2009, 6:39:01 PM2/20/09
Are you getting the following error in your system log?

1014 TermServices
Cannot load illegal module: "C:\windows\system32\drivers\rdpwd.sys"

I suddendly lost RDP connectivity to a Windows 2003 Server SP2 & XP Pro SP3
Box. I noticed that error in the event log. I copied rdpwd.sys from another
server that RDP was working properly, I replaced it, then rebooted the
server. This fixed it for me and I could RDP into the systems again.

Hope this helps.


Feb 23, 2009, 5:46:51 AM2/23/09
On 21 Feb., 00:39, Samhain_Knight <> wrote:
> Are you getting the following error in your system log?
> 1014 TermServices
>  Cannot load illegal module: "C:\windows\system32\drivers\rdpwd.sys"
> I suddendly lost RDP connectivity to a Windows 2003 Server SP2 & XP Pro SP3
> Box. I noticed that error in the event log. I copied rdpwd.sys from another
> server that RDP was working properly, I replaced it, then rebooted the
> server. This fixed it for me and I could RDP into the systems again.
> Hope this helps.
> "Vera Noest [MVP]" wrote:
> > Not sure if it helps, but check this:
> > My Terminal Server does not respond after a reboot. How do I solve
> > this?
> >
> > oot
> > _________________________________________________________
> > Vera Noest
> > MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
> > TS troubleshooting:
> > ___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___
> > amzd <> wrote on 20 feb 2009 in
> > > Andreas- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

I stood next to the server during reboot.
There are no error messages in the log.
When I let the server do its reboot there is no entry in eventlog that
TerminalServices have been started.
This obviously only occurs when I kill the service and then restart
the entries are now:
Still no RDP-Session possible.
Can't be because the server does not listen to 3389.
When and where is it being told to listen to the RDP port?
Why is there no error message when TermServices start but the port is
not being listened to? goes wrong but is not recognized...
So what can I do?
Please don't tell me "re-install the server..."
All seems fine, just RDP isn't.


Vera Noest [MVP]

Feb 23, 2009, 8:23:16 AM2/23/09

I'm not sure, but I think that initially, after installing SP2,
your server suffered from the problem described here:

948496 - An update to turn off default SNP features is available
for Windows Server 2003-based and Small Business Server 2003-based

since that fits your description: After installing SP2 ... I could
not reach it through RDP.... At first the port 3389 was still being
listened on.... The server was kind of busy.

Obviously, the situation has deteriorated after that, because now
it doesn't even listen anymore. To be honest, I've no idea what you
could do that you haven't already tried. Maybe apply SP2 once more,
and then the hotfix from 948496?
If that doesn't solve it, I think you will either have to call
Microsoft Support or re-install.

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:

*----------- Please reply in newsgroup -------------*


Feb 24, 2009, 10:44:18 AM2/24/09
On 23 Feb., 14:23, "Vera Noest [MVP]" <Vera.No...@remove-> wrote:
> computers

> since that fits your description: After installing SP2 ... I could
> not reach it through RDP.... At first the port 3389 was still being
> listened on.... The server was kind of busy.
> Obviously, the situation has deteriorated after that, because now
> it doesn't even listen anymore. To be honest, I've no idea what you
> could do that you haven't already tried. Maybe apply SP2 once more,
> and then the hotfix from 948496?
> If that doesn't solve it, I think you will either have to call
> Microsoft Support or re-install.
> _________________________________________________________
> Vera Noest
> MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
> TS troubleshooting:
> *----------- Please reply in newsgroup -------------*- Zitierten Text ausblenden -

> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

re-installation of SP2, reboot, re-installation of kb948496, reboot
did not help.

I checked the services file.
On this server there are many entries that are not on the other

ms-v-worlds 2525/tcp #Microsoft V-
sms-rcinfo 2701/tcp #SMS RCINFO
sms-xfer 2702/tcp #SMS XFER
sms-chat 2703/tcp #SMS CHAT
sms-remctrl 2704/tcp #SMS REMCTRL
msolap-ptp2 2725/tcp #MSOLAP PTP2
icslap 2869/tcp
cifs 3020/tcp
xbox 3074/tcp #Microsoft Xbox
game port
xbox 3074/udp #Microsoft Xbox
game port
ms-rule-engine 3132/tcp #Microsoft
Business Rule Engine Update Service
msft-gc 3268/tcp #Microsoft Global
msft-gc-ssl 3269/tcp #Microsoft Global
Catalog with LDAP/SSL
ms-cluster-net 3343/tcp #Microsoft Cluster
ms-cluster-net 3343/udp #Microsoft Cluster
ms-wbt-server 3389/tcp #MS WBT Server
ms-la 3535/tcp #Microsoft Class
pnrp-port 3540/tcp #PNRP User Port
teredo 3544/tcp #Teredo Port
p2pgroup 3587/tcp #Peer to Peer
upnp-discovery 3702/tcp #UPNP v2 Discovery
dvcprov-port 3776/tcp #Device
Provisioning Port
dvcprov-port 3776/udp #Device
Provisioning Port
msfw-control 3847/tcp #Microsoft
Firewall Control

These entries and also the ms-wbt-server entry is NOT contained in the
services file of the other servers.
Supposedly there should be a service with such a name. Neither on this
nor on the other servers is such a service name.
As I understand this should be the normal RDP-Service with its port.
Where do all the entries come from on this server?
Why does it work on the other servers without this entry?
It does not make a difference when I take this enty out on this server
or whether I add an entry for the udp port.

Does this give a clue for

Thank you.

Vera Noest [MVP]

Feb 24, 2009, 1:12:52 PM2/24/09
amzd <> wrote on 24 feb 2009 in

> On 23 Feb., 14:23, "Vera Noest [MVP]" <Vera.No...@remove-

>> wrote:
>> amzd <> wrote on 23 feb 2009:
>> > On 21 Feb., 00:39, Samhain_Knight <>
>> > wrote:
>> >> Are you getting the following error in your system log?
>> >> 1014 TermServices
>> >>  Cannot load illegal module:
>> >> "C:\windows\system32\drivers\rdpwd.sys"
>> >> I suddendly lost RDP connectivity to a Windows 2003 Server
>> >> SP2 & XP Pro S
>> > P3
>> >> Box. I noticed that error in the event log. I copied
>> >> rdpwd.sys from anoth
>> > er
>> >> server that RDP was working properly, I replaced it, then
>> >> rebooted the server. This fixed it for me and I could RDP
>> >> into the systems again.
>> >> Hope this helps.
>> >> "Vera Noest [MVP]" wrote:
>> >> > Not sure if it helps, but check this:
>> >> > My Terminal Server does not respond after a reboot. How do
>> >> > I solve this?
>> >> >

>> >> >ter _reb

>> >> > >> mDD the value for Start was set to 1 – the same as with

>> > rvi    ce

I would reinstall the server from scratch. Even if you would be
able to get rdp working (and I don't have a clue how), then you
would never be able to trust the server, because you've no idea
what has caused the problem and what more might be going on there.
And some of these services look really suspicious. An xbox game
port on a TS? Best to cut your losses and wipe it clean.


Feb 25, 2009, 10:46:29 AM2/25/09
On 24 Feb., 19:12, "Vera Noest [MVP]" <> wrote:
> amzd <> wrote on 24 feb 2009 in
> ...
> Erfahren Sie mehr »- Zitierten Text ausblenden -

> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

Hi Vera,

finally I solved it.
I cleaned the services file (which to me looks like being standardized
by an automatic procedure).
There was always a virus scanner running and I scanned the server
without finding anything.
Before reinstalling the server (and some intricate software on it) if
figured to re-install modules.
So I threw out RDP-Tcp (again) then the HP Nework Configuration
Utility with its Teaming device (it is a HP Proliant server), then the
network adapters with the whole tcp-ip protocol.
After rebooting I re-installed and configured things one by one.
Finally I enabled Remote Desktop in System, Remote, Remote Desktop
(since installing and deleting Terminalservices disables RDP by
In the end RDP worked.

Vera Noest [MVP]

Feb 25, 2009, 3:48:29 PM2/25/09
amzd <> wrote on 25 feb 2009 in

> Hi Vera,
> finally I solved it.
> I cleaned the services file (which to me looks like being
> standardized by an automatic procedure).
> There was always a virus scanner running and I scanned the
> server without finding anything.
> Before reinstalling the server (and some intricate software on
> it) if figured to re-install modules.
> So I threw out RDP-Tcp (again) then the HP Nework Configuration
> Utility with its Teaming device (it is a HP Proliant server),
> then the network adapters with the whole tcp-ip protocol.
> After rebooting I re-installed and configured things one by one.
> Finally I enabled Remote Desktop in System, Remote, Remote
> Desktop (since installing and deleting Terminalservices disables
> RDP by default).
> In the end RDP worked.
> Sincerely
> Andreas

OK, I'm glad that it works again, and let's hope that the server is
stable now. Thanks for posting your results here!

Sep 11, 2012, 4:25:36 PM9/11/12
On Friday, February 20, 2009 3:39:01 PM UTC-8, Samhain_Knight wrote:
> Are you getting the following error in your system log?
> 1014 TermServices
> Cannot load illegal module: "C:\windows\system32\drivers\rdpwd.sys"
> I suddendly lost RDP connectivity to a Windows 2003 Server SP2 & XP Pro SP3
> Box. I noticed that error in the event log. I copied rdpwd.sys from another
> server that RDP was working properly, I replaced it, then rebooted the
> server. This fixed it for me and I could RDP into the systems again.
> Hope this helps.
Samhain_Knight you were right about this one. I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what happened to RDP on one of my XP workstations that i need to access remotely. Turns out this exactly happened, and this was the fix. Not sure what killed rdpwd.sys but its fixed now.

Feb 18, 2015, 6:15:53 AM2/18/15
> > >> listened (netstat -aon), yet I could not get on the machine
> > >> value for Start was set to 1 - the same as with the other
> > >> servers, so it must be correct for Remote Administration mode.
> > >> I de-activated the Windows Firewall. No change.
> > >>
> > >> So, what is wrong here?
> > >> Port 3389 is not being listened to anymore by the server
> > >> (netstat - aon).
> > >> At what point is the server being told to listen to port 3389
> > >> for RDP?
> > >> Why doesn't it work and why is there no error message or event
> > >> log message?
> > >> The server works otherwise OK, just no RDP connections anymore.
> > >>
> > >> Thank you for fresh ideas that get it working again.
> > >>
> > >> Andreas
> > >
> > > Now the message has changed somewhat to:
> > > This computer can't connect to the remote computer.
> > > Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact theowner
> > > of the remote computer or your network administrator.
> > >
> > > Sincerely
> > > Andreas
> >

This worked for me.

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