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Error 0x80040201 When registering WSHOM.OCX

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Shaun Neubert

Apr 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/11/00
On one Windows NT workstation, we are getting the above error (0x80040201)
when it tries to register WSHOM.OCX during scripting install. Any ideas?

Shaun Neubert

Michael Harris

Apr 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/11/00
The install must be done from an account with Administrative privileges. The 1st logon after the
reboot must also be an admin account...

Michael Harris
MVP Scripting

"Shaun Neubert" <> wrote in message news:uDMNNI8o$GA.1916@cppssbbsa06...

Shaun Neubert

Apr 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/11/00
This is not the problem. The account has admin priveleges. Also have tried
it under local administrator account.

Here is what has been tried:

Ran regclean.
Re-installed IE5.
Re-installed SP6a.

File will unregister fine (through regsvr32 /u)
File registers fine on other machines.

Shaun Neubert

Michael Harris wrote in message <#RL9QU9o$GA.191@cppssbbsa05>...

Michael Harris

Apr 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/11/00
0x80040201 can also be caused by a comcat.dll versioning problem. If you search the MS KB, you'll
find several hits that recommend replacing comcat.dll version 5.0 with 4.71 (copied from another

Michael Harris
MVP Scripting

"Shaun Neubert" <> wrote in message news:#qoiTZ#o$GA.192@cppssbbsa05...

George S. Ellis

Apr 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/12/00
Are you doing all of the other registrations just before this too? For some
reason, I find that putting a long pause (or installing something else -
which may fix the DLL issue that Michael mentions...) before finishing with
the WSHOM.OCX registration works. My latest installation installs SP6
between registering all of the other components and WSHOM.OCX. The
comcat.dll is 4.71 in SP6a, so that may not be why it works (the articles
Michael found recommend v5.0 or better).

So, if you can just find something else to do for a little, before
finishing, it seems to work. I also have an installation that does the
install of STE51EN.INF, registers all of the DLLs, launches a VBE (that
installs SP6a), and THEN registers the WSHOM.OCX (an upgrader for old
standard builds.)

Shaun Neubert

Apr 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/12/00
That was it, thanks :)

Michael Harris wrote in message ...

>0x80040201 can also be caused by a comcat.dll versioning problem. If you
search the MS KB, you'll
>find several hits that recommend replacing comcat.dll version 5.0 with 4.71
(copied from another

erda rahman rahman

Feb 15, 2018, 5:27:26 AM2/15/18
Pada Selasa, 11 April 2000 16.00.00 UTC+9, Shaun Neubert menulis:
> On one Windows NT workstation, we are getting the above error (0x80040201)
> when it tries to register WSHOM.OCX during scripting install. Any ideas?
> Shaun Neubert

erda rahman
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