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Difference beteen .msg, Unicode (*.msg), htm, html, etc

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Oct 12, 2009, 8:51:01 AM10/12/09
Waht is the difference between each of these?

Whe I save to my computer folder, I have these options.

Whis one will be the best for future use? (And should I default when I save
to it? If so, how to do that?)

I have Outlook 2007 for e-mails and Vista Ultimate.

Thanks in advance.

Roady [MVP]

Oct 12, 2009, 9:29:43 AM10/12/09
The Unicode format is the current standard for Outlook and holds support for
international characters. The non-Unicode one saves msg-files in the ANSI
format. The ANSI format is the only format that Outlook 2002 and previous
can read. Outlook 2003 and later can read ANSI formatted and Unicode
formatted msg-files. Dragging and dropping messages out of Outlook into an
Explorer folder will by default save it in the Unicode format. To change
this see;

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more
Real World Questions, Real World Answers


"Octavio" <> wrote in message


Oct 12, 2009, 9:58:02 AM10/12/09
Thankd for your repply.
Two questions:
1. I gather that then I shall the important e-mails that I get and that I
want to save in my computer in my C drive as Unicode.msg. I notice that my
Options dialog has that checked already, but why weh I click the F2 or SAve
As i go to the folder but then the default type there is .htm or .html
waiting? Is this the computer default? How can I change that, and it is OK
and advisable to change it?

2. You and the referenced article mention that I would automatically save to
an Explorer Folder when I drag. Where is my "Explorer Folder" in my
Outlook? I don't see it, unless it might have another name.

Tahnks again

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Oct 12, 2009, 2:09:39 PM10/12/09
"Octavio" <> wrote in message

> Two questions:
> 1. I gather that then I shall the important e-mails that I get and that I
> want to save in my computer in my C drive as Unicode.msg. I notice that my
> Options dialog has that checked already, but why weh I click the F2 or SAve
> As i go to the folder but then the default type there is .htm or .html
> waiting? Is this the computer default? How can I change that, and it is OK
> and advisable to change it?

When you use File>Save As for an HTML-formatted message, the default will
always be HTML (.htm, .html). Drag the message to a Windows folder for direct
conversion to .msg.. This begs the question: why do you want to save these
messages outside of Outlook?

> 2. You and the referenced article mention that I would automatically save to
> an Explorer Folder when I drag. Where is my "Explorer Folder" in my
> Outlook? I don't see it, unless it might have another name.

Open the Windows folder in Windows Explorer first. Then drag the message to
the folder.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]


Oct 12, 2009, 2:48:01 PM10/12/09
Thanks Brian and Roady for your help. Things are beginnign to make more
sense now, althought I still have to do the draggings.
Let me also ask Briuan, you ask why to save outside of OUtlook: If I want
to save the e-mails for future use, it is not safer to save it in a folder in
the eplorer? Or it will be enought to save it in one of the Outlook folders
under "Personal Folders"? (You see, I am still learning about these....)

Also: I ahve a buch of ".email" saved from my old "" in my explorer.
Is there a way to convert these to the new formats so I could then read them
with Outlook when I finally get rid of MSN? (Will do that soon. I was told
to read them as hotmail, that will be a future issue for me how to do that,
but for now I want to see if the conversion from msn to msg or one of these
forms is possible)

Thanks again.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Oct 12, 2009, 2:59:28 PM10/12/09
"Octavio" <> wrote in message

> Thanks Brian and Roady for your help. Things are beginnign to make more
> sense now, althought I still have to do the draggings.
> Let me also ask Briuan, you ask why to save outside of OUtlook: If I want
> to save the e-mails for future use, it is not safer to save it in a folder
> in
> the eplorer? Or it will be enought to save it in one of the Outlook
> folders
> under "Personal Folders"? (You see, I am still learning about these....)

In my opinion, it is better to leave it in Outlook and make sure you back up
the Outlook data frequently.

> Also: I ahve a buch of ".email" saved from my old "" in my explorer.
> Is there a way to convert these to the new formats so I could then read them
> with Outlook when I finally get rid of MSN? (Will do that soon. I was told
> to read them as hotmail, that will be a future issue for me how to do that,
> but for now I want to see if the conversion from msn to msg or one of these
> forms is possible)

What's their file types?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]


Oct 12, 2009, 3:16:13 PM10/12/09
"What's their file types?"

Saved from MSN and their ending is ".email"

I have these saved in a folder in the C drive.

Now that I am using Outlook and will get rid of MSN, I think that unless I
do not do something or change their ending I would not be able to read them
again after I cancel my MSN subscription.

"Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Oct 12, 2009, 3:25:06 PM10/12/09
"Octavio" <> wrote in message

> "What's their file types?"
> Saved from MSN and their ending is ".email"
> I have these saved in a folder in the C drive.
> Now that I am using Outlook and will get rid of MSN, I think that unless I
> do not do something or change their ending I would not be able to read them
> again after I cancel my MSN subscription.

Do you have an MSN client or are you using a web browser to view your mail?
How did you export (generate) those .email files?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]


Oct 12, 2009, 3:46:04 PM10/12/09
I use now Outlook 2007 for my e-mail and use Internet Explorer 8 for my
browser. Until e few days ago, I used MSN for both, but now I am planning
to stop my subscription soon with MSN.

"Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Oct 13, 2009, 9:46:04 AM10/13/09
"Octavio" <> wrote in message

>I use now Outlook 2007 for my e-mail and use Internet Explorer 8 for my
> browser. Until e few days ago, I used MSN for both, but now I am planning
> to stop my subscription soon with MSN.

Again, how did you create the .email files?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]


Oct 13, 2009, 10:41:09 AM10/13/09
I used "Save As" each e-mail and then put is on my folder. I have been doing
that for a while way back while I had MSN. Some of these savings are
important and I want to know how to access them in the future when I no
longer have MSN.

"Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Oct 13, 2009, 2:01:29 PM10/13/09
"Octavio" <> wrote in message

>I used "Save As" each e-mail and then put is on my folder. I have been doing
> that for a while way back while I had MSN. Some of these savings are
> important and I want to know how to access them in the future when I no
> longer have MSN.

You should be able to export them from the MSN client in a format other than
the e-mail; one that Outlook can import. Have you looked at what formats MSN
can export?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

Roady [MVP]

Oct 15, 2009, 4:12:40 AM10/15/09
You mean the browser MSN Explorer?
You should be able to upload those messages back into the Hotmail/MSN
account then.

To get them into Outlook, you can make a connection to your Hotmail/MSN
account via the Outlook Connector.
You can download that here;

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more
Real World Questions, Real World Answers


"Octavio" <> wrote in message

0 new messages