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When did "pick up text styles" spot working in PowerPoint...or did it?

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Oct 15, 2009, 8:47:50 AM10/15/09
Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I used to use the Pick up styles feature (eyedropper icon) in PowerPoint (on both Mac & Windows) ALL THE TIME; for replicating styles as I created presentations or to make quick corrections to existing ones. It was a LIFE SAVER!!!

Suddenly its not working any more & I can't find any information on whether its changed or how to use it.

Any insights, help or alternative suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks- Jagger

Oct 15, 2009, 10:53:31 AM10/15/09
Perhaps you mean the Format Painter tool?

You should see the Format tool (with the brush icon) at the top of your screen, if you have the Standard toolbar selected. If you don't see it displayed, try clicking on the lozenge-shaped button at the top right-hand corner (you are on a Mac, right?) to show the toolbar, or right-click/Control+click on any toolbar to display the Standard toolbar.

When you click the Format Painter icon, it will "pick up" the style of the currently selected item, and apply that style to the following item that you select.


Oct 15, 2009, 12:24:00 PM10/15/09

I've also had this problem in PowerPoint 2008. I've customized my "Drawing Toolbar" with the "Pick Up Object Style" eyedropper-style tool command, along with the "Apply to Defaults." The pick-up eye-dropper darkens when clicking on an object, indicating that styles (font, color, spacing, etc.) have been "picked up." However, the "Apply" tool will not darken, will only stay "grayed out." It's very frustrating because this was a fantastic feature that really enhanced productivity. If I'm on a heavy deadline, I'll just handle production in 2004, and finish off the project in 2008.


Oct 15, 2009, 12:52:33 PM10/15/09
Not sure when it disappeared, but it's been gone for a long time. You might
use the Format Painter instead. See PPT Help on the topic:

Copy formatting between objects

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/15/09 8:47 AM, in article 59b7e...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

Oct 15, 2009, 7:39:13 PM10/15/09

Wow - I hadn't done much digging around in the "hidden" toolbar commands available, so I wasn't aware that this feature existed. I did notice the same behavior on this tool as Michael experienced, though - the eyedropper will pick up, but not apply.

Still, I wonder how the functionality of this is different from Format Painter. Format Painter does seem to apply formatting to entire shapes or text boxes, but was the Pick Up Object Styles eyedropper different?


Jim Gordon MVP

Oct 15, 2009, 11:25:27 PM10/15/09
to wrote:
> Jeff:
> I've also had this problem in PowerPoint 2008. I've customized my "Drawing Toolbar" with the "Pick Up Object Style" eyedropper-style tool command, along with the "Apply to Defaults." The pick-up eye-dropper darkens when clicking on an object, indicating that styles (font, color, spacing, etc.) have been "picked up." However, the "Apply" tool will not darken, will only stay "grayed out." It's very frustrating because this was a fantastic feature that really enhanced productivity. If I'm on a heavy deadline, I'll just handle production in 2004, and finish off the project in 2008.


I was able to get both "Pickup" and "Apply" buttons to work in
PowerPoint 2004, but not in PowerPoint 2008. You seem to have
identified a genuine bug. You can report this problem to Microsoft using
either version of PowerPoint and using the Help menu's feedback option.

On the other hand, I think the Format Painter button on the standard
toolbar is actually a better feature to accomplish this. Double-click on
the format painter and you can apply the same formatting to each object
you click in succession.


Jim Gordon
Co-author of Office 2008 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies

Oct 16, 2009, 2:10:34 AM10/16/09
Thanks, Jeff and Jim...

I tried using the Format Painter button, but it didn't work for me. When I clicked (or double-clicked) on the box to copy the style(s), subsequently clicking on the target boxes didn't seem to accomplish anything. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong in this process.


Oct 16, 2009, 12:21:39 PM10/16/09
The Format Painter works when you already have something selected. It picks up the style of whatever is currently selected, and the applies it to the NEXT object you select.

Also, if you double-click on the Format Painter icon, it will act like a format "stamp" and you can apply a style to multiple objects with subsequent clicks, until you hit the Esc key.

I got a chance to boot up PowerPoint 2004 today to see how the Pick Up Styles feature works. Format Painter actually pretty much works in the same way, but the strange thing is that the cursor remains as a crosshair cursor, even when you're selecting text... so that could be misleading.


Oct 26, 2009, 8:26:03 AM10/26/09
I've just tried both the Format Painter (the brush) and the Pick-up/Apply (eye-dropper) tool and they both fail to work fully in either Office 2007 (PC) or Office 2008 (Mac) when trying to use them on multi-leveled text boxes - both functions seem to only apply the first level of formatting.

I've even tried it on different machines to ensure it wasn't something problematic that I've installed on any of mine.

Both tools seem to provide full functionality in Office 2000/Office X and Office 2003/2004, so it's obviously another MS 'upgrade' downgrade.

I'd post screenshots of what I mean, but I don't think this forum has that facility.

Jim Gordon MVP

Oct 26, 2009, 8:28:19 PM10/26/09

Hi Tony,

It would be a good thing to use the Help menu in PowerPoint and choose
the feedback option. I wonder if Microsoft knows about this problem, and
it would be good to give them the steps it takes to reproduce it. Also
include the information that it does work OK in previous versions.

Doing so will get the problem added to their bug database, or add a
confirmation that someone else can reproduce the problem.


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