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OWA - an error occurred processing your junk email lists.

瀏覽次數:22 次


2004年8月2日 晚上10:13:292004/8/2
Hello all,

First off I would like to thank anyone who responds to this post.

I've deployed a W2k3 E2k3 Sp1 Enterprise server and began migrating all my
W2k sp4 E2k Sp3 mailboxes to this server. All is working well except when
users try to add email to there junk email filter via OWA. They recieve the
following error "an error occurred processing your junk email lists. You are
over the size limit allowed on the server. Contact your server
administrator." The user can then use Outlook 11 and add the email to the
junk email list successfully. I've done several searches and have come back
with something to do with mailbox limits. I have checked mailbox limits and
they are not an issue as the issue seems to only be happening to users who
do not fall under the global mailbox limit. I do beleive that the Junk email
lists being used by these users is quite large, around the range of 1000+

Any ideas?


2004年8月3日 凌晨12:21:262004/8/3
I figured it out. By default Exchange 2k3 only allows for 1024 blocked junk
email senders. You can raise this to 65536. I don't know the registry key to
use but if you download the OWA admin kit from MS and click on Junk email
you can raise if very easily.


"J" <> wrote in message

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