Google Chart API - QR Code

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Buffelsdrift Mountain Bike Park

Feb 1, 2017, 1:18:04 PM2/1/17
to mementodatabase
Note I am not a programmer but a MountainBiker trying to build my own App.

Two questions:
1. What would the Memento field/solution be to house the code below to display a QR Code INLINE in the record in View or Edit Mode?
~ Javascript field
~ Hyperlink field
~ Trigger populating an Image field
~ Trigger populating a RTF field

A Hyperlink field renders the QRCode in a browser window - like the Rel 4.2.0 does by popping up in a seperate window. However I want it to display in the record (like an image) so that I can send it to my Customer.

One can generate a QR code by sending input parameters to this Google Chart API url
There are three mandatory Parameters that needs to be send as an input.
Cht – It is used to determine the type of Google Chart API. We need to set this as ‘qr’ to generate QR codes.
Chs – Output QR Image Size in Pixels <width>x<height> ( i.e., 150×150)
Chl – This should be the data to be encoded.
Sample Data:×150&chl= http%3A//

function generateQRCode(){ ='none';
Var myQRValue = entry().field('myFieldtoUse');
+myQRValue; ='inline';

2. If the answer is a Trigger that populates a Image or RTF field or Javascript field, then what is the correct Javascript code above?

Bill Crews

Feb 1, 2017, 1:43:07 PM2/1/17
to mementodatabase
This is way beyond me. Don't anyone wait for me to answer it. Maybe Eugene? Anyone else?

Eugene Kartoyev

Feb 1, 2017, 8:47:14 PM2/1/17
to mementodatabase
Hey, Bill! I'm all into my app, now.... but I'll give the holy javascripture a try ;) 

<h1> Some text </h1> - makes a heading.
<br> - breaks line
<img src="http..." width="XX%" /> - make an image from source src

So, we need to construct the rtf field content.

For that, we need to set up a data field and a rich text format (rtf) field.

Then write a trigger (at opening, before display):

// function to replace some characters in a string

function replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
  return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); 

// get data to transmit

var a=entry().field("data");

// replace all "non-url" symbols, e.g. space=%20

a=replaceAll(a," ","%20");  // do the same thing for other non-url symbols you will use

// form the rtf field contents. Use html

var toSet= "<h1>QR Code</h1>  <img width=\"70%\" src=\""+a+"\" />";


// set the field content


You should be careful with the data field, because many non-letter symbols have to be written in %XX format. For example, space is %20, + is %3B etc.

I guess, you could use the string function to replace such symbols if they are planned to use. 

Please, test if it provides correct QR.

Buffelsdrift Mountain Bike Park

Feb 1, 2017, 11:57:33 PM2/1/17
to mementodatabase
Hi Eugene.

Thank you for taking the time to try and come up with a solution. Appreciate all the effort guys like you and Bill put into assisting non developers like me.

If this works then I will add you to my Memento Coding Hero list - Sorry Bill is the first one in the list - LOL

I will try and let you guys know

BTW my name is Henry

Bill Crews

Feb 2, 2017, 12:56:51 AM2/2/17
to mementodatabase
Careful, Henry! It's best not to play favorites around here. We each have our unique superpowers. 8-D

Buffelsdrift Mountain Bike Park

Feb 8, 2017, 3:46:01 AM2/8/17
to mementodatabase
Eugene, Bill it is working like a charm.
Exactly what I was looking for!
I now have an "Inline" QRCode in the customer record and not a popup as natively built by Vasya the developer, which by the way is cool in itself to have that natively in a system by a click of a button

Atma Tanjung

Oct 1, 2018, 4:15:36 AM10/1/18
to mementodatabase

My data is contains text and simbol (#), but why the QR code can't be scanned, what's the problem, please help me.

Thank you
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