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no leída,
8 may 2018, 4:52:198/5/18
a MathJax Users

Is there any equivalent in MathJax to the mathabx \widecheck command ?
That's to say a command allowing to write some angles (wider than 180°) with a strechy inverted widehat over a group of three letters ?

Thanks for your answer,

Ani Malaj

no leída,
8 may 2018, 9:21:448/5/18
a MathJax Users
I don't know but can you help me to "install" this 

Davide Cervone

no leída,
9 may 2018, 9:45:569/5/18
a mathja...@googlegroups.com
The MathJax TeX fonts don't include the necessary glyphs to make this possible.  But the STIX fonts do, so if you are willing to use those fonts, you could manage it.  Since the STIX fonts are only available in the HTML-CSS and SVG output, you could not use the CommonHTML output renderer for this.

Here is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Implement \widecheck macro</title>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
  "HTML-CSS": {fonts: ["STIX"]},
  SVG: {font: "STIX-Web"}
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Ready", function () {
  var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX;
  TEX.Definitions.macros.widecheck = ['Accent', "02C7",1];



Perhaps that does what you need.


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no leída,
10 may 2018, 1:08:4610/5/18
a MathJax Users

Thanks a lot for your quick and very precise answer.

Even if I'm not able to understand it precisly (I must admit), your solution works indeed like a charm. I keep it preciously.

Unfortunately I'll not be able to use your solution though, but for pure local reasons: I'm working as a teacher in the LMS Moodle and even if I incude the two <script> sections in html mode of the ATTO editor, the
$$\widecheck{xyz}$$ is still not interpreted in this precise context.

Thanks anyway for your time, and brillant solution,
Best regards,

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