Fwd: [CEC] Call for photos for photography show!

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Joshua Rose

Jan 25, 2016, 11:29:37 AM1/25/16
to neodes, MassLep
Anyone who’d like to share their insect photos for an educational entomology program, see below for details…  JSR

Begin forwarded message:

From: Shayla Salzman <sa1z...@gmail.com>
Subject: [CEC] Call for photos for photography show!
Date: January 23, 2016 at 9:52:48 AM EST

Call for entries for Cambridge Entomological Club photo show
at Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary in Belmont
March 1 - March 31

If you take photographs of insects, please consider submitting a few of 
your favorites to this show.

Since the show is for the general public, please include 
details (2-5 sentences) that give people some insight into the insects 
portrayed. Any information about the insects shown (where found, 
behavior, natural history) is appreciated.

Photos can be taken anywhere.


The show runs from March 1 until March 31.

Submit as many images as you like, we'll include a selection of 
submitted photos.

Deadline extended to Feb. 14th. The club will pay for printing and presenting your photographs. Photos will be mounted in a variety of sizes. It will be an informal show, no frames. Minimum file size about 1000px, file size will determine size of printed image Larger files are better. Upload images as jpeg, tiff, or psd's to https://www.hightail.com/u/entclub Multiple files can be uploaded together.

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