Problems making DBMS table mappable.

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Thomas Rodger

May 12, 2008, 5:23:14 AM5/12/08
Hi All...
Hopefully someone can spot what I'm missing on this problem:
I have a table in Oracle, and I want to work with this table live in MapInfo. It originates from a standard table, and I have added a spatial column (based on the easting and northing columns), a MI_PRINX column (number(38)) and populated this with a unique number. I have also added a MI_STYLE column.
I have populated the USER_SDO_METADATA table accordingly.
When I come to "Make DBMS table mappable" in MapInfo, I fill in the dialog box accordingly, and for Set Table Bounds, if I select Use Data Bounds, I then get the following error boxes:
"Unable to download only the OBJECT from an DBMS table. Select an additional attribute column."
followed by:
"The table you have chosen cannot be made mappable. To be made mappable, a table must contain a spatial column, or at least two numeric columns."
I have done this before with other tables, and it has worked so I'm not sure where I've gone wrong.
If I select the Use Coordsys Bounds for the Set Table Bounds, then it works and the table is made mappable. I then can't open the table for Live Access, I get the following message:
Cannot Open Table for Lice Access. A single numeric key column is required on the table. etc.
I can, however, open the table in Linked Table format (Download data).
Anyone got any ideas?
Many thanks!
Thomas Rodger
GIS Technical Manager
ICT, Finance & Resources
London Borough of Hackney
tel: 020 8356 2885

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Dec 4, 2013, 4:49:28 AM12/4/13
Hi Thomas,
I am too facing this issue from quiet a long time.
Did you got any solution for this problem ?

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