History of the Names of The God of Abraham

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Malkut Yehudah

Mar 8, 2012, 5:33:09 PM3/8/12
to malkut-...@googlegroups.com

History of the Names of The God of Abraham;

By Abraham Ivry


In the beginning, God created speech, and God was the first to speak (orally communicate). That from creation until Noah, there was a “Superior Universal Language and script,” Gen 11:1.


God’s language was/ is so superior; the earth, waters, plants, fish, animals and men, all understood Him and communicated back to Him in the Superior Universal Language. From creation until the Tower of Babble, God walked with man and directly spoke men. Furthermore, men conversed with the animals, and the animals spoke back to men.


In the beginning, God also created a “Superior Universal Pictographics” (a symbolic or graphic pictures that represents objects, words, ideals or places). And God was the first to use pictographics. As Jacobs stairway to heaven, Gen 28:12 and Ezekiel 1:11.


Jacob’s ladder and Ezekiel visions are the original/ earliest from of written communications


The Abraham Ivry’s “Origins of the book of Genesis”;

We believe in the Superior Universal Language and Pictographic systems, because of the large amounts of information, the many exact quotes from God, and the many direct quotes from the characters within Genesis. Furthermore, the exact details, as the names and locations of the all pre flood inhabitances, then all the pre-flood genealogies.


Which is too much information and details to of been orally passed on from one generation to another, over too long of a span of time, from the death of Adam until Moses, well over 1000 years. So, the accounts of Genesis must have been written down, in a precise manner.


So we believe Noah carried with him in the ark, Adam‘s diary, which is the first 5 chapters of Genesis. Which included the accounts from creation until Noah. Furthermore, we also believe Noah kept a diary, Genesis chapters 6 thru 11 (1656AM/ 2262BCE).



Post Babel era inferior communications;

Genesis 11, includes the account of the tower of Babel (Babylon/ Iraq), where God confused the languages of the people of the earth and scattered them.


The post Babel inferior scripts were different forms of Proto Logographics (picture words), Pictograms (picture sounds), and scripts as Sumarian, Hieroglyphs (Egyptian),  Phoenician (Canaanite), and Proto/ Early Semitic languages, as Semitic Hebrew. (Note; In other parts of the world, there were other Post flood; Proto Logographics and Pictograms systems of the Chinese, Incas Indians, and the Mayan Indians of Central America etc…)

(Note; Evolutionist use the Sumarian dates and theory to disprove the Torah. We are Creationists, God literally created the heavens and earth in six literal days. Anyone who uses the Sumarian dates and theories are attempting to destroy God and the Torah.) Furthermore, the Sumarian script is too complex to be a proto/ early script.


Also included in Genesis 11, is the post flood account of Abraham who was a descendant of Shem, from Ur of the Chaldeans (Babylon/ Iraq). “Semitic” is taken from Noah’s son Shem’s name. Shem = Semitic peoples and languages. From the land of Shem (Babylon, Iraq), God sends Abraham to the land of the Canaanites.


Then from Genesis 12 to 25:18 begins the Post Babel era and the Proto/ Early Semitic diary of Abraham (2000AM/ 2000BCE).


Then from Genesis 25:19 begins the diary of Isaac; “This is the story of Isaac.”


After God delivered Israel from Egypt, Moses compiled and translated the diaries of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph into the book of Genesis, into the Semitic Hebrew. (after 2448AM/ 1476BCE).


Then Moses continued to record all his accounts, which is known to us as the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in the Semitic Hebrew. (until 2487AM/ 1437 Moses dies)


The book of Adam/ or one of his descendants and Moses, was then retranslated into the local common script of that particular era;


From the original Proto/ Early Semitic script, Hebrew written in the Archaic Biblical Hebrew/ Paleo Hebrew (10th to 6th century BCE), then written in the Standard Biblical Hebrew ( 8th to 6th century BCE), then written in the Late Biblical Hebrew (5th to 3rd century BCE, by Ezra and Nehemiah), to Dead Sea Scroll Hebrew (3rd century BCE to 1st century CE)., Some of the cannon of the Septuagint is written in Greek.


Today’s inferior modern Masoretic Hebrew scripts of letters and vowels are opposite of God’s original Superior Universal Language and Pictographic systems. The human eyes and mind, visually remembers pictures very well. The problem with all the post Babel era modern scripts is; using letters and vowels to vocalize the sound of pictures, objects, ideals or places is very difficult to remember, over a span of time. That, the further away we are removed from God’s Superior Universal Language and Pictographics, the least we are able to remember.



God continues to use Superior Universal Pictographics;

God describes Himself in Ezekiel 1, is an example how God continues to use the original Superior Universal Pictographics with pictograms of the four creatures with the faces of Lions, Eagles, man and Oxen.


The first symbol of the post flood Proto Logographic systems was symbolized by an Ari (lion), then the first symbol of Hieroglyphs (Egyptian) system was an; Eagle (Raven). And the first symbol of the Phoenician (Canaanite) system was an; Ox.


Meaning; God is The Ruler of the four corners of the earth/ or God rules over man, the land, air and waters.



Abraham Ivry


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