Meeting & Open Hours tonight 3/15/2016 7pm

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Sam Harmon

Mar 15, 2016, 3:32:29 PM3/15/16
to Group
It’s Tuesday again, so time for a meeting & open hours!

-discuss getting a vinyl cutter? 28” or gigantic size? Do we have space for a gigantic-sized one?
-Arduino Day: if there’s a plan to do something, get me the details soon so it can be posted...

Open Hours -
As always, bring something to work on or show off
Shapeoko progress:
-I have it running Debian now, just need to get it updated, java-fied, and install UGS on it.
-Waiting on some 8-pin 2.54mm screw terminals to come in so we can get end stops & spindle control working (as a short term measure, we can probably stack on the Screwshield and use those until they arrive
-cut and routed out the sheet of (weird plastic-y wood-like material) to use as the base. I think it’ll need another sheet of something underneath to allow screwing in the T-Track pieces.

Also, does anyone have a wireless bridge we can borrow until our Ethernet drop gets fixed? Worst case I can cobble something together with a Pi & wireless adapter, but if someone has something readymade that would save some time :-)

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