5th Gen over-extrusion

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2014年8月6日 12:58:362014/8/6
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

My Makerbot 5th Gen appears to be slightly over-extruding. Under normal use it's not enough to make much of a difference, but it becomes noticeable when I attempt to print a part with 100% infill. I assume that I can adjust the "feedstockmultiplier" value in the custom settings to account for this. Does anyone have any experience with modifying this value or other methods for dealing with over-extrusion?

Ryan Carlyle

2014年8月6日 13:04:382014/8/6
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
"feedstockMultiplier" is the correct parameter to adjust. Raise it to reduce extrusion volume. Usually stepping in 0.05 increments and then dialing in to +/- 0.02 is sufficient. 

Are you measuring your filament with calipers and inputting the actual diameter into the slicer? You should do that before you fiddle with feedstockMultiplier.


2014年8月6日 14:09:102014/8/6
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Ryan,

Yes, the filament is being measured and that value is being input to the slicer profile. Once the feedstockMultiplier is calibrated will it remain consistent if the filament diameter changes? or will it need to be calibrated again?


2014年8月6日 14:47:542014/8/6
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
That's the ENTIRE point of the setting.
It's the adjustment factor that makes it so when you measure filament and enter the value, it then works as expected.
Important: that value is different for different types of filament. Your 5th gen is generally designed to use PLA. However, if you try other plastics- because the material is different and the teeth of the drive gear grip it differently- then that value changes.
So for ABS it's one value, for PLA it's another, and Flexible filament might be a third value.

Ryan Carlyle

2014年8月6日 17:18:542014/8/6
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
Yep, each material has one feedstockMultiplier setting that will stay approximately constant unless you change the extruder spring or drive gear.


2014年8月6日 19:26:432014/8/6
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
is this what you mean by over extrusion

Ryan Carlyle

2014年8月7日 14:01:442014/8/7
收件人 make...@googlegroups.com
No, that's what we call "printing unattended" :-)
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