Belfast Bay census of Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2016

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Ronald Harrell

Jan 18, 2017, 8:07:18 AM1/18/17
to Maine Birders Listserv
Gary Gulezian and I did the census.   The morning was pleasant (calm, 20's to 30's, partly cloudy), which made the birding relatively easy.  Highlights included two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, six Bald Eagles, and a hybrid Mallard x American Black Duck.  Although we found 19 species plus the hybrid, no grebes were seen.  For the first time Mallards (495) outnumbered Herring Gulls (426).  Altogether 1189 birds were counted.  The full report is on ebird at

Ron Harrell

David Lewis

Jan 26, 2017, 12:21:57 PM1/26/17
to Maine birds

New to this site, fairly new to birding other than casual sightings. Great feeder action here since I put it up around Christmas.

When you are checking out Belfast Harbor/footbridge areas, what tidal conditions seem best e.g. low-high, coming-going? What other good shorebird locations do you know in the area that are fairly easy to access (for an old guy).

Thanks, D.
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