Re: Dane County Beekeeping Ordinance

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jeanne hansen

Jan 21, 2017, 9:14:28 AM1/21/17
to BETSY TRUE, Madbees Madbees

Does this mean the County beekeeping ordinance is turning out to be a good one?  What are the best features so far?
Jeanne Hansen
824 Jacobson Ave
Madison, WI 53714

To: "Standing, Brian" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: Dane County Beekeeping Ordinance

Brian: I want to thank you for including us in this process of drafting beekeeping regulations that will satisfy backyard beekeepers. The Dane County Beekeeping Association is a mix of many different levels of investment in beekeeping and by having the members we had yesterday, we will have accounted for the diverse interests and needs of urban/suburban and rural members. I wish it speedy approval.

On Jan 19, 2017, at 11:42 AM, Standing, Brian <> wrote:

Hello all, 
Based on my review of my notes from the previous meeting, I have taken a stab at revising the ordinance language to address the concerns we heard from the public.  I’ve attached a revised draft, based largely on the beekeeping standards in the City of Madison Zoning Ordinance, for your review.
Looking forward to meeting with you again tomorrow afternoon.  Thanks again for your valuable input.
Brian Standing 
Senior Planner 
Dane County Professional Employees Local 1871 
Dane County Planning & Development 
Room 116, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703 
(608) 267-4115
From: Standing, Brian 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:49 AM
To: ''
Cc: 'Danny Aerts'; 'Paul Oliphant'; 'BETSY TRUE'; 'matthew.hennek'; 'Drew'; 'Dale Marsden'; 'Mary R. Williams'; 'jeanne hansen'
Subject: RE: Beekeeping Ordinance
Hi, folks.
This is just to confirm our meeting Friday, January 20th  at 2:30 p.m. in the Planning and Development Conference Room, Room 116, City County Building, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Madison.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Brian Standing 
Senior Planner 
Dane County Professional Employees Local 1871 
Dane County Planning & Development 
Room 116, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703 
(608) 267-4115
From: Standing, Brian 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 10:48 AM
To: ''
Cc: Danny Aerts; Paul Oliphant; BETSY TRUE; matthew.hennek; Drew; Dale Marsden; Mary R. Williams; jeanne hansen
Subject: RE: Beekeeping Ordinance
Hi, Paul and others.
Let’s say Friday, January 20th at 2:30 p.m.   Most likely in our Planning and Development conference room in Room 116 of the City-County Building.  I’ll confirm the room location shortly.
Thanks for your assistance and input.  I look forward to working with all of you on this issue.
Brian Standing 
Senior Planner 
Dane County Professional Employees Local 1871 
Dane County Planning & Development 
Room 116, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703 
(608) 267-4115
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 9:59 AM
To: Standing, Brian
Cc: Danny Aerts; Paul Oliphant; BETSY TRUE; matthew.hennek; Drew; Dale Marsden; Mary R. Williams; jeanne hansen
Subject: RE: Beekeeping Ordinance
Hello again, Brian.
Sorry for the slow response. I’ve been trying to coordinate with the others interested in meeting with you as well. It looks like next Fri afternoon (after 2pm) would work for everyone, if that works for you. If it does, just let us know a specific time and location and we’ll be there.
Paul Zelenski
From: Standing, Brian
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 12:35 PM
To: 'Paul Zelenski'
Subject: RE: Beekeeping Ordinance
Hi, Paul.
Are you and your colleagues available to meet this week or next?  I would be free Wednesday or Thursday of this week, or Tuesday 1/17, Thursday 1/19 or Friday 1/20.
Do any of those times work for you?
Brian Standing 
Senior Planner 
Dane County Professional Employees Local 1871 
Dane County Planning & Development 
Room 116, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703 
-----Original Message-----
From: Standing, Brian 
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 1:10 PM
To: 'Paul Zelenski'
Subject: RE: Beekeeping Ordinance
Hi, Paul
Right now, I'm wide open any time the week of January 9th.  I imagine you'll want to bring other people from your association to that meeting, so I'll let you pick the date and time that works best for you.  Let me know when works for you folks, and I can reserve a room here.
Happy holidays.
Brian Standing
Senior Planner
Dane County Professional Employees Local 1871 Dane County Planning & Development Room 116, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Zelenski []
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Standing, Brian
Cc: Johnson, Sarah
Subject: Re: Beekeeping Ordinance
Thanks for putting me on the list. I'll pass along the info to others.
Unfortunately, I am not available today or tomorrow, but have quite a bit of free time after you returned. So, I'm sure we can fine a good time. Is there a particular time that's works best for you?
Paul Zelenski 
> On Dec 20, 2016, at 2:02 PM, Standing, Brian <> wrote:
> Hi, Paul
> It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday.  Thank you and your colleagues in the Dane County Beekeeper Association for such informative and articulate testimony.  I've added your e-mail address to our distribution list for this project, so you should be getting regular updates from us.  If anyone else in your organization is interested in getting on our distribution list, please have them contact Sarah Johnson (cc'd above) and she'll take care of it right away.
> In the meantime, please let me know when you and others from the Dane County Beekeeper Association would like to sit down and go over the proposed ordinance standards in detail.   I would have some time tomorrow or Thursday afternoon, if that works.  Otherwise, I'll be out of the office from the 23rd through January 2nd.  Perhaps we could meet the week of January 9th?  Let me know what works best for you and your colleagues.
> Best wishes.
> Brian Standing
> Senior Planner
> Dane County Professional Employees Local 1871 Dane County Planning &
> Development Room 116, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
> Madison, WI 53703
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Zelenski []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 12:49 PM
> To: Standing, Brian
> Subject: Beekeeping Ordinance
> Hello,
> This is Paul Zelenski, the president of the Dane County Beekeeper Assoc. We met yesterday at the zoning commission hearing. I just wanted to thank you for being open to input and provide you with my contact information.
> Thanks again,
> Paul Zelenski
<Summary of proposed ordinance for beekeeping.pdf>

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