Trip with at-risk youth from the Cabbage Patch

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Matt Spalding

Nov 26, 2016, 8:58:22 PM11/26/16
to LVL1 - Louisville's Hackerspace
I'd like to schedule a group tour to show kids from the cabbage patch what your space is like. If possible, I'd like to schedule a tour for Dec. 6, because I'd also like them to see the Python demonstration that was rescheduled to that night.

The kids will be between the ages of 9-16, and some of them attend a SketchUp course that i teach in our computer lab. I exist to have a group of 8-11 kids.

If anyone is interested in showing these kids the space so they can dream big dreams for their futures, please contact me at

Thanks in advance!

Kevin Price

Nov 26, 2016, 10:23:33 PM11/26/16
to LVL1 - Louisville's Hackerspace
Matt, we aren't very well equipped for field trips for school age children. We are oriented around adult use and education, and we have no dedicated staff. Youth under the age of 18 have to be escorted by parent or guardian. Their parents or legal guardians would also have to come by in person to sign our waiver of liability for minors, and minors must be directly and actively supervised in the space.

Our motto is that we are probably safe, and as such we have to be sticklers so our insurance stays affordable. Because of the liability involved with having large groups of children in lvl1 we try to discourage field trips and tours. If their parents would like to bring them to the space individually, they would of course be welcome. Keep in mind that we are a creative collective of adults - at any given time projects or activities may be underway that are not family friendly or under 18 appropriate.

I know of four youth oriented making ventures in Louisville: The girl scouts have a maker outreach, the boy scouts have STEM scouts, there is LEAD guild, as well as The Maker Mobile which is operated by Maker13 in southern Indiana. 

I'd also recommending contacting Danielle Blank, our current president - She is very active in the maker education community.

David Ortiz-Grob

Nov 28, 2016, 9:50:44 AM11/28/16
What time during the day?


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