The Long (Quiet) Dark

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Ryan Heck

Jan 31, 2012, 2:31:23 PM1/31/12
Hey all,

Just checking in. I've not forsaken this game. I'm in a bit of financial pinch this season, thus my purchase of the recent expansion and such as been delayed, understandably. I've also been rather busy on Saturdays, so I haven't made it out to Crossroads. As such, I hope you all are still finding interest in the game. What's everyone's feelings on the recent sets, more specifically Khazad-dum and the end of the Mirkwood block?


Jeremy York

Mar 15, 2012, 12:59:00 PM3/15/12
to LOTR LCG Puget Fellowship
I've been too busy with other stuff to digest the last few expansions
(including Return To Mirkwood). I'm actually a bit intimidated by the
difficulty level of some of the scenarios I'm seeing (Return to
Mirkwood, Redhorn Gate).

Since I'm playing a bit more casually, it has me worried that my deck
designs aren't going to be up to the challenge.

Anyway, I'd be up for a game or two next month.

Although I haven't been playing, I'm still doing my subscription
service for the packs, if you're not interested in keeping track of
release dates and then bugging a store to make sure they've got a copy
for you. I send out an invoice when I get them (usually day-of
release), and then ship them out upon payment, $12.50 plus tax per
pack, shipping included.

Ryan Heck

Mar 21, 2012, 3:42:26 PM3/21/12
Hi Jeremy,

Good to hear from you.

I've still not picked up Return to Mirkwood or any of the new Dwarrowdelf line, but Ben P and I did run through his copy of Return to Mirkwood. Gollum is so annoying! I believe I've now attempted played the whole Mirkwood block. I did pick up Khazad-dum this past week, since my budget that week only warranted one purchase, and of course the bigger box was more enticing. It's pretty, and there's LOTS of dwarves. I take it from the new block that a lot of the heroes will be elves.

As for the intimidation, don't sweat it. With it being a co-op game, that stress to have the perfect deck is way less. Just experiment and have fun with it. 

I've yet to get my taxes done, so once I'm in the clear on those, I'll start playing at Uncles' Games again like in December and hopefully I'll get caught up on the new chapter packs.

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