How can I filter REST calls results based on Roles and current user context

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Emmanuel P.

May 29, 2016, 2:00:28 PM5/29/16
to LoopbackJS
Given the following:

There are 3 models:

  1. Company
  2. Employee (derived from User)
  3. Position

Company is linked to Employee through Position (has many, has many)

There are 2 Roles:

  1. admin
  2. user
I would like to configure my REST api as follow:

When an admin is logged, can access all REST functions.

  "accessType": "*",
  "principalType": "ROLE",
  "principalId": "admin",
  "permission": "ALLOW"

When a user is logged:

  • GET /companies : Only return the companies in which the current user has a position.
  • GET /companies/#id: Only allow if the current user has a position in this company.

Emmanuel P.

May 31, 2016, 2:13:42 PM5/31/16
to LoopbackJS
I've wrote the following solution, which is working find, but I'd like to know if there are other solutions


The procedure follows those steps:

1: Access current user userID through the loopback current context.

*If there is no authenticated user, exit the function.*

2: Load Role of the current user, using the RoleMapping table

*If the current user Role is not "user", exit the function.*

3: Load Positions of our current user and create an array of the companies Id he's working in.

4: rewrite the current query

 - for /companies calls, inject a where condition for id
 - for /companies/#id, test if requested id is matching one of the allowed ids, if not, return an error 401


    Company.observe('access', function (ctx, next) {
/* Observe the access to companies
         *  If the role of the logged user is 'user', will restrict access to only custom set of data
         *  Otherwise, will access all data */

// Access loopback current Context to get userID through accessToken
var loopbackCtx = loopback.getCurrentContext();
var accessToken = loopbackCtx && loopbackCtx.get('accessToken');
var userId = accessToken && accessToken.userId;
if (!userId) {
// without connected user. proceed without hook
return next();
// Will perform a query in the RoleMapping Model to findout the current role of connected user
var RoleMapping = app.models.RoleMapping;
var roleQuery = {
where: {
"principalId": userId,
"roleId": 2 // role 2: user
RoleMapping.findOne(roleQuery, function (err, result) {
if (!result) {
//no matching role, proceed without hook
return next();
// found one match in the RoleMapping table. must now restrict results in accordance with positions of the current employee
// Looking for positions for the current employee
var position = app.models.position;
var positionQuery = {
where: {
"employeeId": userId
.find(positionQuery, function (err, results) {
// from the position list, create a list of companies
var allowedCompanies = [];
.forEach(function (result) {
//use the list of allowed companies to restrict results
if (!ctx.query.where) {
// typically call from a find() without arguments (findall)
// will inject a new condition
.query = {
where: {
"id": { inq: allowedCompanies}
else {
if ( && Number.isInteger( {
// typically call from a find({ id: .. )}
// will authorize or not access to the company data
if ( allowedCompanies.indexOf( == -1 ) {
// the id is not in the permited scope, will return a 401 error
var error = new Error();
.name = "Error";
.status = 401;
.statusCode = 401;
.message = 'Authorization Required';
return next(error);
// other calls (with inq) are not yet implemented
return next();


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